

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Obtaining wealth...and...

 Wealth is a relative notion that stems from an aspect of the transcendent infinite which is now. We individually think of wealth in a variety of ways, but it all stems from the abundance that is and flows from the infinite. To obtain wealth we have to tune into the infinite. If we enlarge our perspective of wealth this becomes much easier, because we begin to see that abundance is already all around us, and therefore we have much more to draw from to use to pursue our goals. The obsessive fixation on material wealth or money is seeing wealth in a very limited way, a very restrictive way. Seeing wealth as the spiritual state of things allows everything to flow much more naturally. We can obtain a great deal of material wealth through selfish pursuits, but this will not bring us deep peace which comes from an inner wealth that effortlessly spills out onto the material plane in our lives. We will remain unsatisfied and truly upset underneath the temporary pleasures we may be free to indulge in. Selfishly pursuing wealth will not free us from suffering, which is born from attachment. By restraining our selfish tendencies and fixing our eye on God, we can pursue wealth in a wholesome way. We can then use many different techniques to improve the conditions of our lives, which is another way of saying acquiring wealth. When we recognize that wealth is truly energetic and additionally that individual wealth depends upon the inner fountain of selfless transcendent being we can set ourselves up to truly succeed in life. But if we ignore God, and our deeper higher calling, and exploit this knowledge for selfish gain, we will not succeed. We will cast ourselves into darkness. We must obtain wealth to use it for good pursuits. We must employ it effectively and not hoard or abuse it. 

We do have the power to create anything we wish. And there are many techniques to employ to do so. We have unique abilities and a unique position, and unique appreciations that  make different techniques or pathways suitable to us on an individual basis. God helps us see our unique and designated way to move forward along the path to deeper liberation. God will help us stay on that path and use our skills and talents to the fullest of our abilities. When we have the courage to bear the torch of Light and the wisdom to follow the wisdom of God, we can unlock vast depths of uncharted treasures. Following God is not a limitation or a retraction of our being, it is an expansion. It is putting out a wooden torch and having the stone walls of a dark cave dissolve into a sea of blinding light. God will not lead us astray, it is us who lead ourselves astray. We can tune into a world where we live in constant fear of what lies outside of us, where it is an enemy, or we can tune into a world in which we are lifted up by a perfect loving intelligence that we can trust. In the later, it is our distrust and our subsequent selfishness that keeps us in a world of fear and suffering. A world in which turning to God liberates us from this nightmare to a real world of peace and prosperity. 

Abundance truly is the inner kingdom of heaven that abides within and is the Reality behind this illusory world of limitations. It is recognition of this inner kingdom that brings about its realization in the physical on Earth. By tuning into the infinite and maturing so that we can follow God, we can move through the constructs of our confinement in the experience of limited being, gaining elevation and release into more satisfying dimensions of our being. We can draw on an infinite reservoir of power to liberate ourselves. We cannot bypass God along the way. Being religious in a sense is a fundamental level of maturity that transcends selfish and sensory pleasure driven behavior. It does not have to be any religion, but a religion inwardly that is a real development of our relationship with God the Creator. Which outwardly takes on forms of temperance, civility and civil society, much of traditional family structures/marriage. The particulars of these forms do not need to be fixed, yet the essence of them is what is necessary for maturity. The essence is developing a relationship with God through faith, and participating in society in a civil way that is informed by existing traditions and practices, which may be as simple as how being nice is generally expressed in the community or communities are apart of. Friendship, commitment in relationships, really just general participation in society. I don't think people realize that God is at the center of organized society. Society and civilization are basically the evolution of social trust, which is the belief that together we are stronger than we are alone. The belief in the legitimacy of this basic bond is essentially is faith in a social pact, or social order. Faith of any kind is religious, and God is the center of religion. Whether or not you can see God at the heart of it, God is there, the epitome of faith and a word that literally directly points to faith in it's meaning. This is what God is. Faith, logic, order. The creator father God at least of the Old Testament. Faith is real, it is a real aspect of the universe we live in. It is a power that transcends the physical universe. It is that which connects and orders things. In our limited human experience, faith and God are as real as the stones we may walk on. They just don't exist in the same way, hence faith. It is faith in a higher order of things. An order that transcends the nature of the organic universe we rose up from. It is mental and visible within our minds, not visible as a concrete physical object. We just have a hard time in acknowledging the reality of much that is trans-physical. It obviously is there or else we would'n't have minds. We wouldn't be able to think. The thinking of minds is of a higher order than animal impulse. This is why the logic of faith and the order of civil society temper the selfish impulse of the human organism. Sadly this temperance has been greatly brushed aside by many notions of things which are not as noble as we claim or wish them to be, and society has adopted these new principles as more highly evolved expressions of order, when they are really immature degenerations. This confusion is confusing and creates much of the skewed world that we live in. Traditional forms are often limited in scope, while they possess an integrity that surpasses much that has come to replace it. The structures of traditional society are often very oppressive, especially to minority groups, or outside elements, while the heart is more good that much of the self serving narcissism and hedonism that has become our idol. I find it difficult to distinguish between what is traditional that is civil society and what is traditional that is extremely narrow thinking. I think as a society, we have deepened the depths which we can reach, while we often have fallen in the way we individually and socially are mature. We have access to greater depths, but we have destroyed much of the step stool we were using to reach them. The step stool is civil society, logic, order, and faith. It is willing participation in society for the sake of society. 

It seems to me that all of this new information and the ways it has been released have jeopardized the fundamental structures of our society and our faith in them. I think this is a very complicated phenomena with many different driving forces. With the increase of depth in consciousness, comes the need to balance the new drives with the old. The new territory, unexplored demands a great deal of attention so that it can be integrated appropriately into human consciousness. New drives have different directions and different value systems. New drives also expose new ways of doing things that can be exploited by lesser drives hence the terror of corporations.....