Your soul is perfectly connected to life. Perfectly connected to everyone and everything. The word perfect comes from heaven and it describes the radiance of the light of a soul. The soul is directly connected to the source of life. This source is God, the supreme intelligence of the universe. Your soul is connected to this supreme intelligence. The ignorance of this soul connection is why you are in a compromised position and why you are suffering in life. Remembering this soul connection and your soul faculties is the way to realign yourself with the source and live in love and joy. How do you remember this soul connection? How do you use your soul faculties? You are still connected to the source, you are just ignoring/ignorant to a certain degree your soul faculties, your feelings.
In this day and age we are so disconnected from our feelings and our bodies that we go insane and murder people in mass numbers. This is one of the loudest cries for help I can imagine. Think of how much pain those people feel who commit such atrocities? How much sadness they feel? How upset they are? How insane and confused they are about the nature of life? We create these people when our society loses touch with itself, with life, with our hearts. Our hearts and feelings tell us when something is ok and when it is not ok. The problem is, the more we don't listen to our feelings, the more they get distorted and we misinterpret and don't understand them. We see race and religion and feel justified in murder and hate. We don't see the overwhelming love within all of that hate that goes out from us to all human beings. We don't see how much we actually love that person who we hate. How much we love all human beings and all of life. How deep within us is an infinite sea of love and joy extending throughout the universe pervading all beings and all forms. It is magnificent... Yet, most of us are so far away from this. This is the center of our heart. This is the center of our feelings. This is what is distorted by our Earth drama. These feelings are the threads of truth that we can follow to the core of our beings, the core of our soul and reclaim our life, our love and our joy.
These feelings lead us to God, to peace, to truth and to wisdom. Amazing! What wonderful knowledge! How do we navigate them? How do we begin decompressing the distortion we've accumulated since birth? You start by facing your feelings and assessing the truth of your experience. By bringing awareness to your feelings and to your life, you automatically cleanse your perception and develop understanding of how you feel and how things work in life. You'll gain a little more insight, move a little closer to God and understand a little more about how you feel and how life works. This is a positive feedback loop. This is the energy cycle behind all of the different ways of introspection that you may utilize. Whether it's meditation, journaling, contemplation, heart conversation, reading, or yoga, the positive energy behind these activities builds and deepens awareness and understanding. The key to returning to the light, is having the heart to do so.
You must persevere through whatever you uncover in your self-healing. You must be able to follow the half-truths and distorted vision through the darkness. You must stand up when you are knocked down. You must find the goodness when you are shocked, reviled, and deeply disturbed by the world and yourself. You must pass through many layers of delusion, imagination, and many ways of being. While your feelings and perception are distorted, you will be led astray. But the longer you persist, the wiser you will become and the more control you will have over your life.
See the deeper current of your soul. As you develop your feelings, you will come across deeper life currents in your vision. Your feelings will tap into the extrasensory path your soul is on in this life. I have had feelings that I know are what people call destiny. I don't know if life is entirely predetermined, but I know what it feels like when all of your being collapses in a wave function to one point and you know with total certainty where your soul is headed. This is accompanied by a feeling of perfect righteousness, a knowing that this is where you are supposed to go and what you are supposed to do. Maybe your path could have gone in several directions and you felt divided about which one to take. When you feel "destiny" and see the perfect path, its only perfect because your will has unified towards that end and you feel the confidence and reassurance of a unified self. Whether or not its set in stone or is created organically in the moment, this deeper current or destiny of the soul carries with it a greater and more useful intelligence than reason alone and is a vital process in the return to God, love and joy.
Knowing what your deeper currents are is basically knowing what your life purpose is. This is a pretty advanced level of intuition generally speaking. It's being so in-tune with your feelings and yourself that you've cut through most of the uncertainty surrounding why you are here on this planet. For some it's easy, for others it never comes. It's essentially a depth of intuitive vision and a pretty profound truth. Most of us walk around committed to relationships partially and with reservations. Imagine knowing that their is no other possible way for you to be, that you couldn't be anywhere else even if you wanted. That you were set where you were by a great and perfect intelligence far far beyond your comprehension. But you knew and felt that this is it, this is where I am supposed to be. You see the writing on the wall. Subtle cues and coincidences, gut feelings and deja vu or familiarity and ease with people you have never met. Literally being pulled by inexplicable inner forces to people, to events and to perform actions spontaneous and seemingly impractical or impulsive. A dive away from the norm, unless it is already the norm to you. Knowing your purpose is useful because it clears the field of unnecessary obstacles. You got a hand full of cards, you like some and don't like others. Knowing your purpose is taking another look at your hand and realizing you were mistaken all along. Instead of 5 cards, you only have 1. Of course you only have 1. Knowing your purpose, or your destiny allows you to focus yourself completely, which is the only way to truly be happy.
Another way of describing knowing your purpose or destiny is knowing exactly what you are capable of right now. You know you want to be a writer, but you know perfectly that you don't have the focus to complete a book now. You know that instead of seizing on the idea to write a book and force it down your own throat with a whip at your back, your gonna relax, go with the flow and let life take care of itself. If it's really something you want to do, eventually, by listening to yourself and doing your best in the moment, you'll get to a point where your healthy enough and put together enough to complete something worth reading. Besides you know that you don't want to live in compulsion, fear of not accomplishing, self inflicted terror and tyranny. You would be happier doing anything else where you were open to life and open to the opportunity to be gentle and kind to yourself. You know that where you are now, your purpose is to relax the grip of compulsion and fear, and to cultivate your desires in openness, ease and lovejoy while tolerating and embracing as best as possible the chaos, pain and suffering lashing out inside of you. You know you can do no better than this. And when you look deeper, you see that this is exactly where you are supposed to be and it is beautiful, wonderful, perfect and you are overwhelmed by the love and graciousness surrounding it. You see yourself where you are on Earth, joy or pain, and see astral space around and within you, light opening up within you connecting you to a multitude of heavenly beings, embracing you with a riot of celebrating lovejoy and splendor. You slowly relax your fearful grip on life as your heart opens up to the infinite and you learn your place on this Earth.
Your destiny may not be fixed in the way you imagine it. You may or may not have one single task to complete. I think often people have one or several main purposes in life, but destiny isn't necessarily set that way. It's more like an astral or heavenly field that you walk in. It emanates from your soul and you can be consciously aware of it by listening to your feelings and cultivating your intuition. You literally see it if you open your third eye. Its a astral or heavenly shimmer that overlays the world you perceive inside and outside you. Objects take on an astral aura and become transparent to a certain degree. The ground seems less firm. It's a sensation that although you are walking on Earth, you are also in space. Heaven or astral space. And the objects come in and out of your life not only because of Earthly explanations, but also because of deeper or higher spiritual reasons. Understanding your purpose is as much knowing what your are meant to do and doing it as it is walking in this field and awareness. This awareness possesses the unity, seamlessness, and perfect beauty of heaven. This perfect unity is the same as the sense of destiny. Often you may feel disconnected from life or from yourself, living in stress, fear, urgency, and darkness. You may go for a time or times without paying much attention to what's going on. Your mind is separate and fallen to a point of unconsciousness, a lack of presence. When your sense of self is split and fallen like this, heaven is split, divided and not possible in your awareness. The more your mind is split, the more uncertain you are about your purpose and the less you perceive the divine. The more you unify your self, the more certainty you feel in your action(to the point of knowing your soul-purpose) and the more you perceive the divine and literally walk in the heavenly aura on Earth fulfilling Jesus's words. Your purpose may be to perform one occupation or duty, but its not necessarily. What it is necessarily is life lived in the unity of heavenly awareness and inspiration.
Destiny is life purpose at the soul level. This is why destiny is inspired by heaven. The soul resides in heaven, in astral space. Knowing your destiny is significant because the soul-destiny is the highest calling a person can have on Earth. It is the most fulfilling because it is the action you can take in which your being is the most unified. The more unified your being, the more you connect with heaven, with God, with love and joy. The more you harmonize with your soul, the more you harmonize with the universe and the more good comes to you. We are always perfectly connected to heaven and one with our souls, but often not conscious of it. We always have love and goodness coming to us, but we often are closed to receiving them. We turn off to goodness in fear, ignorance, hate and in negative belief and behavior. We are always walking the path, but often don't see and feel that we are. We grow through suffering, negativity, and ignorance to awareness, goodness, and love. Its in fact necessary to pass through darkness to come to the light. We constantly hope and expect that the understanding we gain from our current dilemma will completely free us from negativity and suffering. We won't have to return to the darkness, suffering and negativity. But, as long as there is fear in our hearts and ignorance in our minds, we will fall again. While we are ignorant and in our own positive power, we don't see our shortcomings. We feel on top of the world. Then we are blindsided by something we actually co-created and are shocked to fall back into turmoil and suffering. We didn't see that we were ignoring that person's feelings because we were so full of our own aggressive energy that is masked by our own pleasure and enjoyment. We were bulling over them and it pissed them off, then they let us have it and we were surprised and hurt and angry because we didn't see how we hurt them and don't see how we asked for what they sent back. Fulfilling your life's purpose or destiny is the culmination of understanding and utilizing your feelings. Understanding how your feelings operate, how this return to love and joy unfolds, helps immensely in the process.
The heart calls into creation the content within it. The feelings are the content of the heart. This in an extraordinary process, linking humans to the supernatural and supreme creative intelligence of the universe. Humans are divine beings. We have the God power to create and shape the universe as we imagine it. Literally as we imagine it. The whole intelligent-energetic system of the body-being functions in unity in this creative process. I'm just going to focus on how the mind and the heart work in this process, specifically how thoughts (mind) and feelings (heart) manifest the universe through the portal of the third eye (psychic-intuition). Feelings are the meeting point of object (world/creation), subject (heart) and mind (awareness, thoughts). What we feel is us desiring a specific relationship to some object and us having a specific relationship with some object. The key to creation/manifestation is to hold the feeling in the mind either in direct awareness of the feeling or in thought, in a positive way (psychic-intuition). The positive focus is the opening of the third eye to the creative super-intelligence of the universe. The boundless unified universal being. God. The positive focus sends the desire-relationship (creation) to the infinite intelligence which can create it instantly within or outside of the parameters that this creation is conventionally/traditionally brought into being. Convention is the known way of creation. Manifestation and God are not limited to conventions/traditions. This is why they say, "God will find a way", and "God works in strange and mysterious ways". The degree to which the subject (heart) is unified in its positive awareness, is the degree to which the desire-relationship or creation is created in the here and now. Manifestation is the way everything is created. This is the subtle way it works. The heart, mind, and psychic-intuition do not belong and are not confined to humans or organic intelligence. Humans do not create everything. Its more like all life is endowed with creative will. All live is universal consciousness. All life is alive. All life has mind heart and connection to the source.
The key to manifestation (creation) is to unify, harmonize, and clarify your desires/feelings. Contrary desires resist and negate each other, blocking the vital will from reaching the third eye. Vague and unclear desire creates vague and unclear life circumstances. Precise and singular thought and intentions produces clear direction and quick results.
Unifying and clarifying your feelings/desires speeds up manifestation and unifies your self, but it doesn't necessarily manifest good things. The things you may strongly desire, may not be good for you or others. They may not be good for life in general. They may be destructive and foolish. This is why getting what you want isn't always good for you. And why I said earlier that on the return journey to God, love and joy, one must have the heart to continue when they are knocked down and when they uncover something, disturbing and/or terrible. Wisdom is what you gain from the meandering journey to the Light. Wisdom is what helps you manifest not only what you desire, but what is Good for life. Its key for being Good, and for saving your own bacon from yourself when you see something that you want, but know isn't worth it now. Wisdom is judgment of proper action and restraint. It is gained as the individual develops knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the world and themselves. When you find the Good, the Light, and wisdom, you'll know it. To get there, study the nature of reality, the integral structures of life which includes the structures of your heart and mind, your psyche. You must face the shadows within you, strengthen the weak points of your character and body, and perceive and understand the subtleties of the metaphysical universe. We are very complicated beings that exist on a delicate balance. It takes a lot of consciousness to ride the wave in the seat of the divine Lord. But, everyday it's getting easier for humans to do it.
When you listen to your feelings they lead you to fulfilling your hearts desire and centeredness in life. Consciousness of your feelings reorients your energetic-feelings to a position more inclined to manifest and encounter the fulfillment of those feelings. Consciousness pulls the threads of the feelings out of the heart and weaves them into your being and your being weaves them into the world. The more acute your consciousness of them, the more readily the feelings manifest in the world. If you don't listen to them, they will undermine the feelings you do listen to. They will rise in shadowy forms as ghosts and demons tormenting and sabotaging your plans. A healthy habit of listening and articulating your feelings keeps the life force flowing which keeps you centered. What you ignore now or are ignorant of strengthens in time, building in restrictive pools in your energetic system, in your body, and in your life situations. Being conscious of your feelings also leads to wisdom.
Upon the fulfillment of of feeling-desire, you are aware of the extent of which the obtaining of the fruit satisfied your expectations. You see how your expectations match reality and where they don't. You see the truth and falsehood of your beliefs, perceptions, judgments. You automatically reassess what you perceive/believe/think you want and what is good to purse as new feelings arise in your heart. We are always fulfilling our hearts desire in some way, reassessing our judgment and perception and feeling new feelings/desires. Its a living, constant process in the here and now. The degree to which we are or aren't mindful of this process is the degree to which we do or don't become wiser. The more precise our understanding of our heart, how it works and how what we want plays out in real life, the more we can orient ourselves to optimize the fulfillment of our desires, the good for ourselves, and maybe even the Good for life. We know what to avoid, what to be patient with, what to give attention to, what will free up restrictive energy and give us more power to manifest and receive our desires. Consciousness of your heart is a positive feed back loop to intensifying , fulfilling, and deepening your desires and your life, which is the deepening of life itself.
Opposing desires keep us divided in the heart and in the mind. We have opposing desires because we are ignorant of truth. We are ignorant of life as it is and believe it to be otherwise. When a belief with a corresponding heart feeling-desire doesn't match up with reality, life tries to force itself in ways that it cannot go. Inaccurate beliefs are partially true. The truth in them flows naturally out and is manifested. The falseness of them leaves some feelings unheard and unheard they cause problems. For the flow of feelings is the flow of life energy which must flow for life to thrive. We believe our beliefs are true. We think they satisfy real need and wants. We think they make life work. Partially true beliefs don't necessarily satisfy real needs and wants. We translate our vital needs and heart desires into beliefs. When our beliefs our wrong, we have mistranslated our vital needs and our heart desires. We believe in our beliefs, so real needs and desires go unheard, unexpressed, unfulfilled and the being suffers in real ways. Beliefs also set our energies against themselves. When we believe that apart of our being is wrong, we seek to suppress it. We use prescribed social conduct to limit and suppress sexuality, sexual energy. These prescriptions lay encoded in our beings in thought and belief. We use our mental focus to bottle up our sexuality, our sexual energy. Meanwhile our desire to procreate, our will to procreate pushes back against the mind. This urge surfaces consciously, where it is forbidden, hidden in deceiving and manipulating behavior which undermines our own well being and the well being of others. The self is thus at war because of opposing desires. To get along, and to procreate. This happens in countless ways.
We often put aside impulses, desires, feelings, for the sake of other ones. Or our judgment is conflicted and we are angry or uncertain. Our lives are this complex bargaining system where we manipulate our energies to get the best deal, postponing or abusing parts of our self for the sake of what we feel to be more important. Denying this system and denying the divided thinking believing mind doesn't solve your problems and unite your self and your heart. You've got to play the game, learn, and play it better and better. Getting better means you understand yourself and life better through trial and error, through listening to your feelings and paying attention to what happens as you obtain what your looking for. It means you learn what you want and need to survive, thrive and become competent in providing for yourself. You're strong enough to face the hard feelings you have, some of your fears, and begin to unravel the parts of your personality and character that are self-deceiving to ascertain what that deception is driving at. You integrate what you discover into your consciousness and it no longer lies on the fringe and in opposition to your will. Ambition, needs, and desires naturally fit together better and mutually support the continual fulfillment of each other. You get smarter and your beliefs change. You learn how life really works and your ideas become more grounded in what's going on rather than what you believe is going on. You learn to see for yourself.
Your developing your awareness of life. Your judgment moves from more imaginary(beliefs) to direct awareness of the forms and nature of life. As you develop your perception, you begin to see an underlying interconnectedness in the different parts of your heart and of your life. You see a single force animating and driving all of these parts, towards some common mysterious destination. The same force holds all of the different parts of your self together, a fact that drives you even more to uncover and integrate these parts into one working system. This force, this somehow transcends the physical and thinking realities in order of intelligence. You see this force in all things. In your body, your physical energies, your thoughts, your feelings, in ideas and in the world. You feel like somehow all of these things aren't as separate as you thought, they're somehow interconnected moving together. Your feelings open up to this interconnected dimension. This interconnectedness potentially explains the mysterious spiritual dimension of life. Maybe there's some truth to psychic forces, to a supreme intelligence if you can now sense a real interconnection between forms. This is the beginning of the consciousness of the metaphysical, heavenly dimension of life.
When you become aware of this interconnectedness, your being opens to the interconnectedness. The force that drives these interconnected parts is a greater intelligence than what you posses in the moment and you instinctually begin to assimilate it into your operating system to improve your performance and your life. Consciousness of this interconnectedness is openness to and influence by it. Your seeing yourself as apart of an interconnected system with the same force(intelligence) driving the whole system, including driving you. If you like it, you consciously seek/desire to use it/become more integrated into it and have it more integrated into yourself. You allow yourself to be moved by forces beyond yourself that your beginning to trust/test. Your also probably second guessing your atheistic/agnostic beliefs if you have them and becoming curious/more interested in transpersonal potentials. Even if your not religious or spiritually knowledgeable, their's a very high probability that your psyche is full of spiritual ideas, ideas which posses some true information about the spiritual universe and its dimensions. When your open to this transpersonal interconnectedness (intelligence that transcends and includes the individual) and open to the possibilities of a spiritual universe with unknown scope and depth, you consciously, unconsciously, and semi-consciously open up to this data in your brain. You begin processing it and sifting though it(discovering what is and isn't true). You posses semi-divine awareness of the interconnected intelligence of the universe and this is the power that awakens these divine forms in your life.
This force that drives interconnectedness is transrational. It is a dimension that transcends the limitations of the thinking mind. As you awaken to this interconnectedness, the force and its intelligence begin to supersede your rational-emotional judgment. You perceive this force driving you as you listen to it and feel that you can do better listening to it than following your reason and your thinking alone. You may see your reasoning and thinking as being dogmatic and conditioned as this force you sense and feel to be the way to move past dogma and conditioned being to direct perception of reality. This force is felt and sensed. It is tuning into and perceiving to the subtle energetic currents of life of directly. This is why it is transrational and transthinking. Because life is subtle energetic fields that can be perceived and felt directly. They don't need to be expressed in thought to be experienced or known. Often, the thinking mind gets in the way. At least at first. This new mode of operation is called psychic-intuition. It is an aggregation of the five-senses plus metaphysical dimensions in one point of feeling/sensing. When someone says trust your feelings, this is what they are talking about. This isn't just emotional feelings, its emotional feelings, plus Earthly senses, plus awareness of metaphysical realities. You can still run into trouble with this level of operation. You can still misunderstand what they mean, or be guided by them to problems or danger. The change is that your beginning to perceive reality directly and that you are operating consciously on a metaphysical level. You are closer to your soul.
Your soul is your body that exists on the heavenly or astral plane. It is a ball of radiant light, or a astral copy of your human form. It is your personal identity in the heavenly or astral planes. Your soul reincarnates on Earth and is much older than your current age. It has accumulated memories, skills, and understanding from previous lives. When you awaken to the metaphysical, you begin drawing on it more deeply. It is who you are now and have always been. You just may not perceive its effects on your life. For example, your natural talents. When you become conscious of it intuitively, you begin to see yourself on a much deeper and broader level. Your soul is your heart and it is perceived intuitively through the third eye. When you awaken/unify your heart enough, you begin to receive soulful feelings. Desires and affinities that are much deeper and older than ones you have had before. If your conscious enough you can tell which feelings are at this depth and which ones aren't. They feel older, familiar, and heavenly. It takes bringing your life into harmony with these feelings to reach perfect Love and Joy and to be totally yourself.
Listening to these feelings is like reading the divine writing on the wall. They are much truer and powerful than what you are conditioned to believe in and pursue. When you develop your truth sense enough, you can know exactly what is true and exactly what you should do in the moment or in life in general. Knowing these truths and living them is acting in perfect accordance with you soul and with God. The feelings that come from this action are true centeredness, Love and Joy. A sense of knowing that their is nothing else for you to do now. The risk is that following these feelings/intuitions may seem or actually be impractical and risky compared to the safe known ways. They may even be dangerous. We don't need to forever abandon tradition or reason, but it may be wise to temporarily put tradition/reason aside to learn to communicate with your soul. It may be unwise to, it may be dangerous to. It all depends on the balance of energy you have when you open up to these higher energies, just like when you encounter anything else. One thing can cause bliss and at the same time it can cause severe trauma depending on how you receive it. It's up to you to know when to trust these feelings.
They can be very powerful and overwhelming. They can temporarily overwhelm senses that may or may not keep you safe, or keep important things running in your life. They can also make life much easier and joyful, cutting out the need to plan and worry, bringing you effortlessly to fortune. It's best to introduce these feelings into your life in a way that doesn't overwhelm your senses or your reasoning. In ways that don't cause confusion, delusion, or harm to yourself or others. It's pretty complicated stuff, and definitely could use an instructor to guide you. Their are a lot of pitfalls on the spiritual path, and they get more complicated, and beguiling as you open to deeper energies. You can seriously go down into so weird, nasty, dangerous stuff even if you are careful. So be careful, be thoughtful, be considerate, and be mindful of pride, foolishness, recklessness, weaknesses and hidden negative feelings that may be released and thwart you when your vulnerable and open to higher energies. Also, be wary of the energies of others, especially those who you spend most of your time with and feel most influenced by. Learn to know truth from fiction and goodness from deception and manipulation. It's best to be grounded in great health, a good community support system with individuals who understand and have gone through/or are going through what you are going through, a sound moral compass, sound judgment, a unified heart, a thorough understanding of what you may be getting into and tools to help you on the way. I think most people are somewhat unprepared for these energies and they cause more grief, confusion and delusion than they need to. The problem is that our society is generally unprepared to deal with such awakenings. I hope that with the growing number of individuals interested in awakening to this energy in trans-dogmatic ways, we will form support systems for each other and for future generations. We really need to to keep it safe, good, and fun.
Like anything new and unknown, developing the intuition may come with problems. This shouldn't take away from it's real qualities. It is direct awareness of the life's subtle nature. It is awareness of heavenly dimensions. Why is this important? Because without direct perception of life and groundedness in it, we remain ignorant and unwise in deluded beliefs. We see the universe as we believe it to be, not as it is. The more we are grounded in direct awareness of life, the wiser we are, the more joy we can have, and the more suffering we can avoid. The universe has heavenly or metaphysical dimensions. We need psychic intuition to perceive these. They are fundamental to who we are, how we survive and how we thrive. To thrive as human beings, we need to utilize our psychic perception to navigate the metaphysical terrain we inhabit. Otherwise we walk blindly and dangerously. It' the tool we use to navigate to Love and Joy once we awaken to this terrain.
When we have opened up our hearts enough that we have reached heaven, and listen to our soul enough that we live in harmony with it and with God, we find true love and joy. By listening to our feelings and continually manifesting our desires we make this discovery and are able to live in faith with life, not against it. Not against, but in single movement with our entire heart. Each of us have different callings. The heavenly soul always calls for unity of humankind and service to Life. It calls for compassion, understanding, wisdom, kindness and harmony on Earth. We have an incredible opportunity to unite in universal love right now on this planet. Their is an incredible amount of Love and Joy being sent here for us to use to liberate each other. When we awaken our hearts we learn this truth. We recognize it as the core of who we are and the reason why we are here.
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