

Monday, May 11, 2020

Is their anything going on?

Am I anyone here? Am I here at all? Is anything going on right now? Who am I? What am I?
Do I exist? Does anything exist? What's the point of all of this? Do I have a purpose? Am I supposed to be doing anything? What are these, "feelings" inside this body. Inside this head. What is going on here? I really don't know if I exist right now. Is anyone asking these questions? What is going on? There doesn't seem to be anyone here right now. I don't know how this is possible. I think that I am, but I am not so sure now. Not sure about anything, or anyone. We assume that this person in the mind associated with these, "feelings", is a real person. Is this true? Are we really people? Or is their simply the imagination of people. And people don't exist in any true form, not at least how we imagine ourselves to be. There it is again, this feeling of being someone. Why am I so convinced it is I? That an I even exists? Holy crap. What if I don't actually exist. What if this entire realm of human beings is a complete farce: nothing imagining something thinking it is something, when it is really nothing. How can this be? How can we think we are something, when we are nothing? Who or what is doing the thinking? Is anything thinking? Dude, do I even exist? I might not even exist at all, wow.
"We" are so full of ourselves that "I" think it is very difficult to know if "we" are in fact "someones".
     Who am I? I think I maybe just tired. But I am not wholly convinced that I am somebody, I wonder if we are in fact both someone and nothing at all. Like seriously nothing at all. Do I even see anything right now. Does someone have to be for things to exist? This feeling of I feels transparent. Like it is not what it appears to be. Like it is not what "I" thought it was. It doesn't seem real. This maybe terrifying, but how can I be terrified if I don't exist? What's the point of anything if I don't exist? I don't think there is a point if I don't exist. If I don't exist, then nothing exists. If I have no being, then there is no being. I don't think I exist. Perhaps I don't exist right now. There's just stuff happening around "me". Stuff happening body, mind, objects, sounds, all objects. Is there awareness? What is awareness?Does awareness have to be tied to someone? What if there is no self, there are just forms. One of these forms is awareness. No humans, not real individuals, just compositions of objects with awareness. We think we are, but what if we are not. What if this entire notion of myself, is a complete joke, a farce. Not played on anyone, but a joke because of how ludicrous it is that so many people believe that they are themselves when they are not. It's really not even funny. There would have to be someone here for it to be funny. Maybe i am, at least part of the time. I don't know. I feel so lost in the dream of being someone, that I can't tell if I am someone or not. There's so much flip-flap surrounding it. So much clouding perception here. So much identification with form as "my form". I don't think I've ever stopped and really been able to look at myself. Man I might not even exist. What the heck is the point then? Is all of this a joke? Is all of this made up nonsense? If so then nothing matters, there are no rules and everything is a complete sham. I feel like I have been routinely lolled into the persuasion that I am somebody by the dreams around me and the dreams in this head. Who or what is trying to understand this? Is anybody here trying to understand this? I must exist. But, perhaps I don't.
     Dude, I don't think I exist. I don't think I am anything at all. What is then? What is left without me? Is anything left? I sort of don't care whether or not I exist. If it is, it is how it is, whether or not I am aware of how it is. I don't really want to spend any more time thinking about it. But maybe I will anyway, I am a sucker for thinking.

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