

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Merlin's Musings # 1 Origins of human species, why are so many of us asleep? Etc.

     I am continually astounded by the degree to which we humans behave unconsciously throughout the day. The degree to which we are asleep is apparent in the results of our behavior in our so called, "waking state".  The degree of delusion of the mind, the permeating violence, the utter unknowing of self- it seems to me that so many of us are walking in permanent blindness without a clue of the real consequences of our actions. It seems strange to me that we are so asleep. I wonder why more people do not see the truth and why we struggle so much to get by. It seems to me that we are stuck in strong habits, past down through the ages, that we slowly, painstakingly, replace through a growing objectivity in our vision. I wonder how this has occurred, when the true is so obvious. Yet I know that it is not something that many see. I wonder what has made us so insane, so spell-bound in imperfect thought. Have we always been lost in such darkness? Or did we descend into it as slowly as we have been coming out of it. I wonder how old the human species is, and I question agreed upon scientific consensus. I am perplexed by the incredibly complex body we possess that is interwoven with such perfect intelligence through multiple dimensions in what seems only can be described in a divine way. How has it come to pass that human beings possess the internal faculties prerequisite for divine sight? How is it that our bodies possess infinite power and infinite consciousness? Is this something that could have developed in known and accepted timeline for evolution of life on Earth? Did our higher faculties spontaneously arise out of an unavoidable deepening of complexity innate to intelligent life? Was their divine intervention? We're we created by divine beings whom acted on behalf of a divine will? We're we created by an alien species? I feel that the divine and alien must be intermingled due to the unfathomable omnipotent mechanics of our bodies. You can feel God within us, truly god is within all things. Perhaps all life is divine and heavenly and we mistake it to be of a lesser nature. Yet I do not think so...although I do believe that animals and perhaps even insects do possess higher psychic and divine faculties often overlooked. Is the Earth itself a divine being? Where did it's intelligence come from? Did it grow out of an ignorant world, or was it existent upon it's creation? I believe every human being is capable of completely liberated perception. Do we all possess the same organs in our bodies and the same psychic structures in our various divine bodies?
Are we all Gods waiting to be born? If so, then how have we fallen asleep in mass hypnosis?
There is the feeling that our descent into darkness is not merely a descent into egotism. It may feel as if what we lost was an awakened consciousness that was cultivated in our bodies. Perhaps we are not older than believed, but that we reached this awakening before in our history with perhaps in some ways less development of technology(less and different). Perhaps it was only a small portion of human civilization that reached this point. Yet if it were only a small portion that reached this point, then why do all of us have these bodies capable of God-consciousness? (If in fact all of us do). It is interesting that there are fossil records depicting the gradual evolution of life to man. Perhaps a universal divine will sculpted man from the Earth in a way that we partly know as "evolutionary theory". Perhaps there isn't an answer. I do think that what we call psychic and divine faculties may naturally develop in organisms over time. I think they may develop out of and into the already existing and seemingly perfect subtle mind fields like water flowing into channels. The evolution of the organism is pushing into new territory that already has parameters. In a way, there is only one way it can go. It has a little play in the new territory, but it also must develop in one exact way to move into and through that structure. It seems to me that the underlying structures of reality either have always existed, or were created as life evolved into them and through them by life itself. It also seems to be that the evolution of life is what sustains these structures. These mind fields that orient the evolution of life are in fact apart of life itself. They are probably one and the same, we just tend to identify with the organism over the environment, when if fact we are probably just as much our environments(fields, mind structures) as we are the organism evolving in and through them. Basically, the organism creates, shapes and sustains the mind-field and the mind-field creates, shapes and sustains the organism to such an extent that one does not exist without the other and that the life of the organism is totally dependent of the field. We see ourselves as these beings which end with the top layer of our skin and our hair, yet we miss the incredible unending flow of our energies, senses, and being throughout space and probably even time. Perhaps our energies mingle with our outer world to such an extent that in reality we are the outer world as much as we are our bodies. That a clock on the wall is as much apart of me as the organs in my body. Then, such a notion as "my body" is ridiculous as what I am is not centered on my organism, not centered anywhere because I am everywhere. I am not this organism at all unless as I am this organism, I am all organisms and all that is. And what sustains me is not dependent on the functioning of this organism alone, it is dependent of the functioning of the entire universe itself. The universe thus sustains itself somehow. It seems to be amply supplied with surging vitality. Such a thing also seems ridiculous. To imagine that this universe is somehow alive and that it can die seems to be contrived. These are my descriptions of something in a way wholly unknown to me. It may even be contrived to say that such a thing as a universe even exists because all the parameters I have to describe it are based off of my fallacious subjective experience as a "man organism" which as I have above stated is not something that is real.
The whole idea that something is divine and something is not seems ridiculous in a universe that cannot be defined yet alone divided. The desire to know is itself perhaps unnecessary and even meaningless because the idea of knowing and not knowing may not in fact exist at all outside of our subjective, ignorant "human" experience. Questioning anything may not in fact mean anything when you get to the bottom of it, or provide any answers. It may not even be something worth doing, or that has any real value in doing. Real value or real purpose. We assume that there are answers to these things. Yet that road has no end. And it is not the full extent of who we are. We are beyond questions and answering. We are beyond the thinking mind.


  1. This right here. Where I’m at in life and it’s nice to see someone else contemplating life so in-depth. Don’t stop the wonder, at the same accept the notion that as a human you will not know everything in this life time and be comforted that another human life time after is always a possibility.

    1. The wonder. The bliss. The spinning and dancing perspectives which surprise, taking you unawares, yet feeling so familiar and predestined.
      Your probably right that we will not know everything in this life time. I think what I want most, and perhaps what I always and already have, is to realize my "wholeness". I think that when I see this, I remember who I am in some wild wonderful way and can feel complete even without knowing everything there is to know. It's a beautiful thing to learn that where you are may be enough by containing your whole heart always right now in such a special perfect way.

  2. So few in the world around us are THIS knowledgeable and aware of themselves and of their very capacity! In knowing yourself they way you do, it gives you a strength none otherwise have. However knowledge is useless when left without action to follow and to keep knowledge to yourself is to horde power to yourself. I want to be able to “wake up” the people around me bringing them to their senses, back to basics where true power lies in knowing rather than believing in the world around us. The only true way I know to wake people in any kind of way is to bring them knowledge of the power within. This is where my struggle is. The fine line between serving the self and others. For true enlightenment I believe we are to take the time in this life to learn all we are meant to and in doing so bring others up to our level. We can only progress as a whole when those with extra strength give a lift up to those who have little strength for themselves. What are your thoughts?

    1. I do think this kind of awareness is very uncommon. It does give one certain strength untapped by most. Strength and freedom I think in many ways.

      I do not know if I would say it is "useless" without acting on it, I would say knowledge is often not fulfilling by itself, their are other dimensions of being that may ask to be born, and when we do not or cannot bring about this birth, we suffer. In terms of the right thing to do with knowledge I agree that often it is not "known" in a way that is fulfilling. I think especially in the high-paced sensory overloaded world we live in. It is not utilized in a way that is "efficient" and we often have much more than we can handle. I think this leads to our not being able to use the wisdom we have to serve others in ways we feel are necessary and our duty.... I feel passionate about giving more than I am and I feel pain about not giving enough, but I think it's important not to get too caught up in this way of thinking. I find that mere presence is the best think I can do in this moment. When I am present, it doesn't really matter what I am doing, because I am in the light of the self and I am doing good. Doing "good" is enough because it is good. I find in my life I have been very caught up in what I ought to be doing and this has distracted me from being. And being is what makes the world go round. Without it, am I at all? Without it, can we do good in the world and build a world in light and freedom?

      It is a fine line, but we can learn to walk it well. Allow the ego to be and allow the divine to be, what else can we do? Repression gives us walls to establish our identities, thoughts, and beliefs, but at a certain point it gets in the way of becoming something bigger and more complete. At a certain point we have the strength to embrace some of our selfishness in a healthy way and no longer have to try and be so "nice". We have the power to be selfish and egoic, but not be too much of a dick while simultaneously having room to be courteous, compassionate and soulful. Eventually awareness and perspective (and character) expand enough for us to skillfully walk this tight rope. We must feed ourselves and we must feed our family.

      I don't think we need to bring others to our level for true enlightenment. I think for fulfillment in life, our being is very open and radiant with others and the world. For we are one with life.

      The extra strength can come from anywhere. We gain strength by simply being, even if grow weaker in many ways, our being is ever-expanding. With this expansion comes expansion of the heart, of wisdom. The powerful giving to the weak is apart of this, but not the only way for progress.

      Personally, I have let go of many ideas of what I think/thought makes things work right so that I can "be right". I have found that my ideas have been heavily compulsive and conditioned and that it is better for me just to let go of them and to be where I am. To make the world a better place we need genuine strength from genuinely compassionate and wise people. I think this is the difficult part. Many have motivation to do good, but most don't have the insight to act from an enlightened mind. I have been obsessed and single mind in finding this mind and in doing so it doesn't seem as important as I thought it was. Not that I am no longer passionate about live from true goodness, just that it's ok to be normal or bad even. I think the world is ok as it is, even when it sucks. This is just life. I "was trying too hard" to be perfect and that's ok.

  3. Your words continue to challenge my mindset and offer me an opportunity to see the world from a new view. I am somewhat confused and so I will take my time to understand, from what I do understand I agree with what you’re putting out there, it’s very motivational to see someone else pondering life so much facing the same struggles I am in their own way. Many blessings to you on your journey!

    1. Thank you. Thanks for commenting as well.
      I'm glad what I wrote has reached you this way. One thing I want to say is that my writings are works in progress of a perhaps unending development of perception and knowledge. I think we can get to the bottom of things in many ways, but I also think the subtleties(details) can be constantly refined with additional and sharpened examination. I want this blog to be a work space for articulating our thoughts (myself and readers) as best as we can, where we are free to make mistakes as we pioneer into the unknown and define the impossible. Community contemplation, group consciousness expansion think tank.

  4. I appreciate and accept your thoughts put into writing fully and wholeheartedly! In all it’s glory and disarray Lol it’s great as it is, it makes the reader think harder and reread, contemplating aspects of life perhaps not thought of before stumbling upon your blog! I love it, it makes me happy to know such humans exist! It’s exciting haha
