

Sunday, January 10, 2021


     The dancing wyrd that is karma. The unraveling knots of our lives. The unraveling destinies of form. The ever-shifting state of the kosmos. The mechanics of the universe. Wyrd. The ungraspable everflowing river that creates the world. That reveals through stillness. That makes known in time what is hidden in the present. That snakes and steals and feeds. That gives and takes. That is our heart and is the heart of the world. Wyrd. The dancing lace that cuts shapes into life. That defines and redefines. That gives tasks and ends lives. The creates new beginnings bringing the dawn into our lives again and again. Enlightening and extinguishing. Wyrd. Cold and rich. Dark and deep. Black as night, crisp as Fall leaves. Clear as cold creek currents through stone. Muddled, stagnant, sharp, twisted. Plain, visceral. Bloody, contained. Compelling perhaps above all else perhaps as the current of a river is. 

    At the heart of Wyrd is mastery and knowledge. Wyrd is dao..with a different flavor from the Northwest. Refreshing to me, as it seems to flow in my blood and my racial thought perhaps being familiar in a way that spirituality from the East does not provide. It stirs my blood and strikes my mind like the liquid lightening flowing from northwestern European rivers and landscapes which I feel are similar to the Northwest of the North American continent in many ways. Verdant forests, hills, mountains, cold waters of lake, river and sea. Rough landscapes. Similar animal and plant life. 

    Now it fills my life with a cold and Earthy delight and comfort that I did not foresee I would experience so intimately. It seems to have claimed my wyrd in giving me the name Merlin. My fascination with Celtic symbols is intoxicating in a controlled, soothing, and invigorating way. I have been drinking the Celtic spirit often as a river falls into a seemingly bottomless chasm in the Earth. It is curved, spiraled, rich, soft, yet wildly cold, harsh, and sharp. I surprisingly hunger for it's burn, for the way it lights my soul will with it's unique passionate wildfire. It seems to whip part of myself into shape, to match it's sacred designs with my will and vision. It is a heart that I did not expect to have. It feels right in a way that I have not experienced before. For I am drawn to many mystical traditions, yet I have not felt any call me as strongly as the Celtic spirit has. The spirit of those who carried the deep magic in that region of the world. 

    I am singularly drawn now to the way of the sorcerer, the dweommer. I have always felt this as one of the many more intimate paths within my soul and I am incredibly pleased that its root will completely dominate this phase of my life. It completes me in such a way that their is no room for doubt or another seed to grow. I am Merlin. I am a sorcerer of light, dark, and mystery. This is my wyrd.

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