Spirit has power to overcome any obstacle in the mind. Any trouble, any doubt, any fear. It can do this because all of these are illusions with no real power over the infinite incomparable power of Spirit. It is the greatest power in the universe by an infinite magnitude. Our hearts are truly anchored in it, as are our dreams. We need only to rest in it for all our wishes to be fully realized. Recognizing Spirit as supreme and allowing it it's true place in our hearts and our minds. Our ego is belief in limited power of our illusory perceptions which conjure the notion of a separate self embattled with the world. This doesn't mean that we give up self responsibility. It means we allow for a world to exist where we are directives of a higher power beyond our ordinary intelligence. Allowing this will and this intelligence to reign and recognizing ourselves as expressions and manifestations of it, those wholly dependent on it. We in truth can do nothing without the will of the Divine. Nothing done is not His or It's will. We find harmony in our lives by recognizing this reality of Divine Will. Thy Will Be Done. This is the real hidden nature of our lives and our Universe. Everything is His will, all of us are His subjects whose every move is His. This universe is really a play of His hand. Recognizing this is deliverance from the turmoil of existence among the multitude. For if God is good and Light. Then everything is God and good and Light. God's will is really infinitely wise and infinitely Good. Infinitely uplifting and wholly liberating. Moment to moment, in each and every moment. God's will is liberation from the perception that we are separate in a separated universe. It reveals what is here and now, things as they are. It ends the terror of separate-self experience by revealing the One behind and bearing all. The nature of existence is not limited, but infinite. The great lie is the reality of limited forms, not the reality of infinite being. The great truth is not that we are powerless, but that we are infinitely powerful. Infinitely capable. The Lord is thy Shepard through the illusion of a separate self-existence in a universe of limited and competing forms, and into the Kingdom of Heaven, the reality of Infinity as the undeniable sole reality of the universe. Within the chaos of samsara, the only true Guide is Christ, who carries the wisdom of the Father who art in Heaven beyond creation, the apparent universe of limited forms. God the Father is Cosmic Consciousness, the true nature of reality: Infinity. The only power here is this power. It is apparent when the veil of illusory limited perception has passed. It is all that remains.
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