

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Soul Power 4

 We have many relationships in life. We also have many concerns. We have many desires, and we have many feelings. We prioritize what we do based off what we understand to be most important to us. We can go many lifetimes focused on the experience or attainment of specific things that are important to us. We can spend any number of lifetimes fully immersed in the lives we have on Earth and the unique circumstances we find ourselves in. We are always working towards something, getting something, being something, or someone. What is the point of all this interest and all of this effort? Have we ever stopped to look at what really makes us happy? I don't think many of us can look this deeply because we are wholly immersed in our own lives, so immersed that we cannot step back to truly perceive the wisdom of our ways. If one could they may think twice about getting lost again in their individual life and forgetting about their soul. In our Earth lives, we often are incognizant of the life of our soul and of it's greater journey that continues when we die and continues throughout our many incarnations on this Earth. While alive on Earth in a physical body, we fail to see beneath the surface of our material sense perceptions to the subtle astral reality underpinning every material movement. We fail to see this reality, and the even deeper reality of the soul and God. The soul may enjoy the life we live, but it knows that God is the single answer to it's existence. It knows that worldliness is temporary and that the wisdom of Yoga is singularly supreme. Yoga simply as the science of and path to God-Union. I write to express my passionate urging to all souls to wake up to the deeper reality of their existence so they may set their priorities in order. It is a fact that the world that most of us perceive (the world as worldliness) as the Buddha says, is equivalent to suffering. This only makes sense when one sees that what we experience as sense pleasure is in fact always tied to pain and suffering. Even more so, it always keeps us in a state of suffering, even if we are not very aware of it. Worldliness is suffering because while the world is our God, we will always experience a sense of separateness and the void, the anxiety, the terrible fear, and upset that it brings. To be a separate thing, is to always be in a state of war. The unknown provokes fear, ignorance provokes uncertainty and total inability to possess true wisdom. So full of lust we are for sense fulfillment, the fruit of desire, that my interjections are those to be scorned. We cannot serve two masters, both God and Goodness, and selfish desire. We cannot do so and permanently succeed in our endeavors. Desire and ambition blind our eyes to reason and without reason, without Light, we are prey to whatever may come our way. Selfishness, ambition, and pride cause us to overlook what we should not and believe in ourselves far more than we ought to. 

There is another life we may have if we recognize this wisdom and possess the strength and courage to turn to it. Instead of living in constant anxiety, we can trust God. God can become the pillar of our life. Not sometimes, but always. We may let go of our attempt to serve ourselves through the pursuit of worldly security and worldly wisdoms, and we can serve our soul and become a devotee to God in which we serve everyone and everything. If we wish to do so, we must understand who we are and the way in which we give up the life we have for something greater. We have to understand why this is important. If we don't know who we are that we won't be able to let it go to embrace a higher way. If we don't know what we really want, that we won't be able to let go of what we want to be free to serve God. To pass through, one must open the door all the way, not just a little. One must be keenly interested in the true nature of reality. So interested that they put this pursuit above all else. Our soul and God are always here, one must knock to receive an answer. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

soul power 3

 Energies have shifted back towards Aum heavily today. Had a really nice day. I really would like to be more guided by God. I feel like so much of what I do is unguided and turbulent. I feel like I often don't have the best self control when it comes to how I interact with other people. I feel like I don't behave very wisely often and can blunder about. I would like to be very mindful of God when I speak to other people. I would also like to be more mindful of God when I interact with myself. I can be unkind and impatient. I rush around which causes me to be disoriented and out of touch. I feel that I can be a lot more in touch with God. I think this will bring me the energy I need to be successful in life. I think the energy will come from navigating wisely through inspiration from the Holy Ghost. I do not think our lives need to be as overwhelming as they often are. I think what we often lack is the proper outlook and the consequent proper attitude. When we look to God instead of the world for the solution to our problems and we look to God to guide us and are willing to trust in His wisdom then I think we will profit. Behaving worldly doesn't seem to lead to any good long term results. It seems to set us up for failure. God wants us to overcome selfishness and turn to the Light. He wants us to rise above our circumstances and choose a life of service and spiritual seeking. He wants us to seek Him and serve Him out of our own free will because it is the right thing to do. When we do this, I think he uplifts our spirit and the way becomes clear before us. I think this is what we are really looking for. The right way. How to behave wisely. How interesting such a thing may become so distorted. 

It seems as though half of this spiritual path comes to us through grace and not by our own doing. We cannot force Gods hand, we cannot force ourselves to live spiritually. It seems to come by itself and through Divine intersession. It is a path to follow when we see it, not one we can cling to of our own power. It seems to me that the soul is born of selfishness, that it's light is born of ignorance. The way of the soul is not through individual strength, but through selfless release. I think it comes from letting go of our personal power and gaining strength as a soul in divine communion. The power is not our own, but power given to us by God to do His work. We merely are vessels of His power. God takes care of everything really. It isn't our responsibility to worry over how things are managed. It is our responsibility to make ourselves capable of receiving His will so that it may be carried out on Earth. He wants us to give ourselves to Him, to return to Him. It may sound silly or old-fashioned, but it's real. I think so many of us are so preoccupied with ourselves and this material world that this notion is unapproachable and meaningless. If it is understood, I think it is vaguely so. To really understand this, I think you have to be reborn in the Light in your heart and soul. You have to die to your old self. This is profound. It's not one foot in, one foot out. It's all in. So many beautiful things I have seen in the Universe. All are apart of the same Light. The One Light. All is the Light. Awakening Light. 

This is what we really are. We are not our identities, our bodies nor our minds. We are simply Light. That is here and now. I forgot this is who I am. It has always been who I am, and who I will always be. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Soul Power 2

 Endless beginnings, endless endings. Endless beginning, endless ending. There is nothing other than this moment. We cannot change how things are now, for this moment is change itself. Any change that is produced here is an illusion. Emptiness remains emptiness. There is nothing we can gain, nor anything we can lose. Regardless of what we do, nothing is achieved. The road remains empty. All form is immaterial. Regardless of personal attitude, thought, or inclination, regardless of experience, there is no self to be found, there is nothing to be affected. We can hold onto nothing. We are nothing. What brings this moment into being? What makes this moment as it is? Is there anything else? This is a self-producing moment. Without shape, it is self-contained. Without moving, movement arises. Form appears out of nothingness. Form is an expression of nothing. Form is nothingness. Nothingness is form. self is selfless. Ego, egoless. Where is there no emptiness? Who is responsible for suffering? Nothing can we build on anything. Attempting nothing, we are freed from the prison of doing, and of being. Wisdom comes from recognizing our inability to make any positive changes. There is nothing to be amended. It is the illusion of self that perpetuates suffering. Recognizing impermanence, recognizing the unattainable. That each moment is unconditioned. This is the truth. A truth that manifests with the dissolution of conditioned consciousness. It is self that brings suffering to humankind. It is realization of impermanence that ends this conditioned self in human minds. Without self their is no suffering. This realization leads to compassion for living beings. It reveals the way to enlightenment and the nature of conditioned suffering. Knowing this allows us to organize ourselves wisely, according to how things are. Without resistance, in accordance with natural law, utilizing natural law for the greatest benefit of sentient beings. Knowing how things are, we may govern ourselves effectively. Buddha! Glory to Buddha and Enlightenment! Amen! Amen! AUM!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Soul Power

 Me? Going through changes?? Still!?? Lol. Oh well. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. I am going through what appears to be greater clarity and maturity, albeit in an unforeseen direction. I don't think I moved on in the way I thought I did from ego-impulsive worldliness. I definitely didn't. I was leaning into blue conformist, but it was still worldly. Then orange rational, though still worldly. I was deepening my understanding of Aum and then Christ or Dharma, but not moving into them as much as I thought. I don't think I managed to move my center when I thought I had. I didn't fully understand how I was changing at the time. I still don't understand those movements. I think largely I was looking into how the universe operated. I was studying how we evolve away form a worldly life. I think I do understand a lot of how this works now. To really progress, you have to become a servant of the Light. A true Yogi or Shaman. Whose master is God, I think expressed though communion with the Holy Ghost. This relationship is the essence of a Yogi and of a Shaman. One's purpose is the purpose that this Light reveals to them through their intuitive eye. In this way, purpose becomes spiritualized, uplifted. Life becomes the life of the soul awakening in communion with God as the Light and Vibration of the Holy Ghost within creation. One turns away from the worldly life in their very essence. I didn't understand this transformation. I think I am beginning to. I didn't clearly see the core of who I was. I was and am still moving into this clarity. This God is truly Spirit. The Great Spirit. That rides highest in the sky and is responsible for the play and change of life. I was an aspiring sorcerer of darkness, and I did not fully understand the Light. I tried to be both of the Light and the darkness at the same time. This broke me in two again and again. Spirit let me break my body on the rocks so that I would eventually see the truth. There is only one God and it is not Satan. The heavenly star points upwards. If you really want to ascend, you have to choose in your soul to become a servant of this Light which is only possible through sacrificing the life you have. Then God will truly become your Master, and the way will open before you.

I think God does have a purpose for each one of us. He knows who we are and what we have on our minds. He sends us where we go, to prepare us for what we will encounter in the future. Also to deal with what we have encountered in the past. He gives us the chance to redeem ourselves and choose a higher path. In this way He is the door opener. We relive the same moments, over and over again. We add new layers of experience and depth of feeling, that ultimately awaken our soul feeling, our memory of our origination beyond this world. God wants us to return to the Light and to our deeper purpose. He wants us to remember and re-awaken as we have countless times before. The perfect hand of God lies forever in the background of Creation, the hidden doer. It's chaos may be deeply disturbing and confounding, but only to the untrained eye. This is the illusion he casts that blinds the uninitiated. Behind the veil is the timeless peace and tranquility of a perfectly ordered Universe, a door that remains closed to those consumed with the thirst of worldly desire. The chains of sense desire and sense fulfillment. How few see while living that this is a prison of evil. Which corrupts all that is good. You truly cannot have a little of one and a little of the other. There is no such balance. A little desire will always have the potential to temp one into greater desire and greater darkness. There is no limit to the distance one can fall. The only security lies in total sacrifice of what we cling to. Willingness to let go. When we can let go, we are free to do God's work. This is according to the natural harmony of the universe. It is selfless and for the benefit of all. 

I didn't realize that I have been preparing for this path. I didn't see how. I have been slowly and steadily turning towards the Light, being prepared to carry it. All this pain had a purpose. Now it can be something beautiful. 

God wants us to move forward with our lives. So that our experience may deepen. As souls we are God continually expanding into life on Earth and in Heaven. God wishes to forever awaken to new experience. To reach endlessly outwards and expand itself. As we go up and as we go below, we are the endless experience of creative expression of God becoming the universe, discovering itself. This is what soul is.