

Friday, August 9, 2024

Soul Power 2

 Endless beginnings, endless endings. Endless beginning, endless ending. There is nothing other than this moment. We cannot change how things are now, for this moment is change itself. Any change that is produced here is an illusion. Emptiness remains emptiness. There is nothing we can gain, nor anything we can lose. Regardless of what we do, nothing is achieved. The road remains empty. All form is immaterial. Regardless of personal attitude, thought, or inclination, regardless of experience, there is no self to be found, there is nothing to be affected. We can hold onto nothing. We are nothing. What brings this moment into being? What makes this moment as it is? Is there anything else? This is a self-producing moment. Without shape, it is self-contained. Without moving, movement arises. Form appears out of nothingness. Form is an expression of nothing. Form is nothingness. Nothingness is form. self is selfless. Ego, egoless. Where is there no emptiness? Who is responsible for suffering? Nothing can we build on anything. Attempting nothing, we are freed from the prison of doing, and of being. Wisdom comes from recognizing our inability to make any positive changes. There is nothing to be amended. It is the illusion of self that perpetuates suffering. Recognizing impermanence, recognizing the unattainable. That each moment is unconditioned. This is the truth. A truth that manifests with the dissolution of conditioned consciousness. It is self that brings suffering to humankind. It is realization of impermanence that ends this conditioned self in human minds. Without self their is no suffering. This realization leads to compassion for living beings. It reveals the way to enlightenment and the nature of conditioned suffering. Knowing this allows us to organize ourselves wisely, according to how things are. Without resistance, in accordance with natural law, utilizing natural law for the greatest benefit of sentient beings. Knowing how things are, we may govern ourselves effectively. Buddha! Glory to Buddha and Enlightenment! Amen! Amen! AUM!!!

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