

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Healthy energy flow in the body

    Restriction of the energy flow in the body leads to disease. We have restrictions in the energy flow because of our egoic consciousness. Our egoic consciousness inherently creates restrictions in the body in its innate effort to force the world to be other than it is. It rejects the natural flowing of energies in the body and wars against them in pursuit of own idea of what is right. To have healthy energy flow in the body, the individual must release their egoic grip on their body. The mind must harmonize with the body and the abrasive restricting relationship must change.
     We do not trust that our bodies can fend for themselves. We believe we must force ourselves in regimen to attain success, health, and security. It is true that it is important to control our passions in pursuit of the betterment of ourselves, but eventually we must release the grip of our minds over our bodies and rejoin our "baser" natures. The latter is what I am writing about here.
     When we have cultivated a certain awareness of the mind-body connection, we feel compelled to spontaneously let our bodies be involved in the way we act. We are curious if not intensely curious in what will happen if we let ourselves be guided by our spontaneous feelings and instincts. We question the absolute authority of the reasoning mind in its ability to provide for the self and turn our confidence to our spontaneous instincts and intuitions (feelings). The process of tuning out of the rational thinking mind and the tuning into the subconscious/ higher conscious modes is the letting go of the conscious mind and the ego in a small way. The more you tune into your body, the more this small way becomes a great wide avenue. I stress again that this process is not immature hedonism, giving in to the darkness of our passions, but a conscious more mature re-integration of our passions, bodies, instincts into a newer broader mode of operation.
     Without the divisions imposed by egoic perception on the body and it's energies, they are free to move about more freely. It is by this spontaneous rediscovery and integration of the body into our conscious activity, that we discover the various energy centers of the self and cultivate a natural harmony with ourself and life itself. Within the body lie not only the vital energies, but many more that connect us to eachother and the world in ways we can hardly imagine. Health is the harmonious flow of these energies. The more the ego is transcended, the more these energies seem to be one flowing or radiating wave of energy. This is the warm golden light of the heart. The vital, robust, energy of goodwill.
     When we see a healthy person, we see this energy or light not only coming out of their smile, but out of their whole body. Perhaps radiating from their very cells. We perceive a seemlessness and wholeness of their energy and being, as well as a singleness of their body and mind. This singleness of their nature allows for their energy and life force to flow in an unrestricted way. This may be apparent when looking upon animals or children and in familiar characters such as Robin Hood or Peter Pan.
     This unified energy flow can also be called single-pointed concentration. It is a way of concentrating and meditating that enables healthy energy flow in the bodymind being. You can call it yoga too, meaning yoga in the broadest sense of simply that which unites. When we are developing our spontaneous intuitive-instinctive action as I described above, we are developing the beginnings of single-pointed concentration, yoga, and meditation. Their are specific established practices that people deem as single-pointed concentration, yoga, and meditation. Some may say and think that these structured practices are the only ways to be single-minded, or practice yoga, or meditate. I think it's healthy to view these terms in a broader sense in which we see them as gradual  transformations of consciousness and our bodies that can happen and do happen in any situation we find ourselves in. We can practice single-mindedness, we can meditate, we can practice yoga at all times in any activity if we open our minds to the possibility of having these experiences in any and every ordinary experience.
    This single-pointed concentration, the same as meditation and yoga, is the creation and establishing of healthy energy flow in the body. It is the shedding and transformation of the egoic thinking mind to body awareness and body flow. The awareness it cultivates allows us to sense through direct perception how our actions inhibit or enable the healthy flow of energy. It's the transformation from  living by beliefs and principles, customs and typical social practices to life organized by the spontaneous, intuitive, direct awareness of the flow of energy in the body. Our sense of that which brings the best harmony of body energy (body flow) becomes our guiding principle as we gradually lose interest in beliefs and upholding regimented social practices.
     This works because social beliefs (social prescriptions) are inherently limited in their wisdom: their awareness of life as it is. Social beliefs are half alive and half dead truths. The living part enables body flow. The dead part creates restrictions in body flow and dis-ease. Spontaneous intuitive direct awareness cultivates awareness of the structure of life as it is, not through the filter of an idea that says some things are good and some things are bad. Like the idea that premarital sex is absolutely wrong. It is good in the sense that it serves as a social strengthening device by strengthening the family structure and putting a harness on what often can be destructive libidos, but is premarital sex really a sin? What if two people fully consciously choose to have sex without marriage in a way that is mindful of how it effects themselves, their families and their society. They have sex out of true love for eachother and for life itself. But they're not married? Is this bad? Must we hold ourselves to such social and traditional beliefs if we are acting from a place of Good? Must society exist with these beliefs to function well? What if we were more awake and acted not based on binding belief but on unbinding liberating direct awareness of how what we do upholds or disrupts the balance and integrity of life as it is now?
     Social beliefs (beliefs in general) will always keep us from cultivating direct awareness. Ironically within them are the seeds that inspire us to cultivate direct awareness by taking them seriously and eventually going beyond them. Though as much of a purpose they serve, they are stepping stones to cross a river, not the entire way we travel. The harsh, "No!", always creates tension in the body, which leads to meanness and blindness and dis-ease in the individual. When we compromise the integrity of the body with the dis-ease of tension, we compromise our sensing abilities. When our sensing abilities are compromised we do not act appropriately because we cannot see clearly what it is that needs to be done. We become mean and ignorant, when we could be aware, understanding and kind.
     We gradually transition from beliefs to direct awareness. This usually doesn't happen overnight. It seems for all, or for nearly all of us, that we don't fully transcend beliefs. It is apparent that most if not all human beings have tension and dis-ease in the body, as well as thoughts and beliefs. Their is no imperative need to make this transition. No need to cross the river. Though, we naturally take steps across it, and it may help to know how to cross without getting too wet.
     Health as a thing to be attained is an idea. Their is greater and lesser health of an organism relative to other organisms. Greater ease, greater and lesser tension in the body, greater and lesser harmony of energies, organs, tissues, cells. We may have many ideas tied to it that are not real. We recognize health as a quality in a living thing. It is the quality of "proper and vigorous functioning" usually tied to the functioning of what we perceive to be the separate physical body of a creature. I say we have many ideas tied to our notion of "health' that are not real because in order for our bodies to be healthy, our minds must be healthy. Health is not limited to the body, because nothing is limited to the body, everything is interdependent. So our best description of health must also be health in regard to our whole being. We may even say their are multiple kinds of health. But, health in itself is healthy flow wherever it may be.
     Healthy flow, harmonious, unified and one-direction flow is inspired by direct awareness of the Whole of being. This seamless one-direction flow is what we call health. Or at least what we used too. It seems to me that, generally speaking of course,  society as it is now is so separated in mind and thought that our perception of true health is vague and diminished from what it was say 50 or 60 years ago. Not that we were wiser as a whole in the past, I just think that we had a better sense of health then: at least in our ability to recognize it. The perception has diminished because our health has diminished. I mean this in the sense that our wholeness of mind and body has diminished. The singleness of mind and body cannot change, but the awareness of it can: a change of awareness that incurs both psychological and physical disease. This is what I speak of, the dimming of the red-amber-gold vital presence within humankind: especially in our physical bodies. In today's world, I can imagine a doctor looking at a patient with a better understanding of their physical ailments than a doctor of the past, proclaiming that the patient is healthy, when the patient is suffering from severe depression and is definitely not in the sense of their overall health and the health of their energy flow. Their energy flow is definitely weak and dis-eased.
     The gold-rich hearted seamless one-direction flow of energy comes from direct awareness of the Whole. This awareness culminates from the transcending of the egoic mind that I described in detail earlier in this essay. The dropping away of the ego due to the advantageousness of direct spontaneous and intuitive awareness expands body and environment awareness to the full extent of perception and the underlying truth of "reality" as we know it. To the Whole. This is the perception of the non-duality and oneness of life and being. A single body encompassing the entire universe. We can call it God, Oneness, Cosmic Consciousness. The single unified flow of energy of the human being is inspired and created through direct and immediate awareness of this Whole. It is single and of one-direction because the underlying movement of the kosmos is single and of one-direction. It think this flow is health in the truest sense of the word. Egoic consciousness makes us feel separate from the world, thus our energy moves in many discordant directions resulting in the tangled masses of tension most of us have throughout our physiology. Whole-minded consciousness loosens, straightens and unites these discordant energies through immediate sense of the entire construct of reality. It automatically optimizes energy flow and energy unity. It wishes everything to be placed perfectly in order.
     Healthy flow means that energy is flowing. Restricted, caught up, and stagnant energy is not healthy. Healthy flow is also positive healthy flow. It is uplifting of the spirits, rewarding and engendering of successful and amiable experience. Healthy energy flow is free and open and playful; all the while being composed and natural and strong. The ego says, "This!, not that!" It grips and clings forcefully, fighting against the current of life, and in doing so fights against the internal flow of energy in the body. By letting go of the ego and the limited power of our thinking, we let go of our indelicate and restrictive will. We gain wisdom of the Whole and can tap into the full potential our bodies have to offer. Healthy flow comes from an inner embrace, or Yes, to life in it's entirety. From within the center of our hearts it is the choice to press play.
     Life doesn't have to been so challenging. It can be easy and affordable. We may find ourselves having so much trouble in the world because in a way we our going against our natures. We grow up conditioned to be a certain way that may be more restricting than enabling to our personal natures. We may wish to be more, or less. The key to healthy flow is getting the energy of the body to flow. Getting it to flow in a positive way, and learning how to feel our way forward through the expression of our self (our energy) in the choices we make. By mastering this feeling, we ride the wave of our energy through the corridors of life. We learn to bob and weave and float as life continues to evolve. Through this intuition, we discover the underlying  Unity of life and the infinite eternal balance of the present moment.
     We don't have to try so hard, we have to try hard enough. Find the sweet spot that makes the flowers grow. No single method is superior. It's not the method itself, its finding what works for you in the here and now. This is unique to our unique personal situation and is discovered through ourselves, not through imitation or worldly knowledge. We must be careful of depending too much on what we think will work and we must learn to discover what works in the here and now. The bottom line in positive energy movement and positive growth. This isn't necessarily tied to a specific philosophy, religion or practice. These are all medicines not the Way itself. The more awake you become the more you will realize that whatever makes you move in a positive way is good, its not anything in particular, it's whatever moves you here and now. This realization is apart of the transition from the thinking believing mind to the spontaneous instinct-intuitive mind. While we are seekers, we get lost in idea after idea of what truth is and how to reach truth. The key is to be aware of what we can do to keep the ball moving forward. Use ideas and practices as way points, but don't hold onto them too tightly. Recognize the limitations of our ideas and be ready to let them go when we sense something truer arriving in our lives. Consciousness is always deepening, the key is not to find one way that works, but to allow ourselves, our way, to evolve in the present moment.
     Truly health comes from discovering our own flow and flowing with it. This is the path of cleanliness. This is what leads to deeper awareness. It is freedom from mind. Freedom from thought and worry.
     This healthy flow may come in the form of great effort, but it is of inner weightless application of will. It is from the vigorous energies and focus summoned by a detached personal outlook. Engaged through embrace and allowance, not through clinging. Directed towards objects without seizing passions and blinding desire. Uplifting, not depressing. Natural and spontaneous and inclusive.
     We don't have to be so anxious about succeeding in life, we can allow life to happen to us, and many good things will come of this. We can go with the flow and awaken to our deeper natures. We can let go of the world and find ourselves deep in love. We can let go of our health and become holy. Let go of control and find ourselves skilled beyond our means. This is the great strength of the soul. This is the great strength of the holy flow.

Thunder and Lightening crash upon thee

 You are on Earth as you are in Heaven.



  1. Soooooooo great! Thoroughly enjoyed and felt uplifted by your mindset put on paper! I was a bit lost in the beginning of the essay, the flow was a bit hectic for me to understand as I read, even so as I continued I became aware of the point you were getting across. It forms a question in my mind. How did you come to these conclusions? Do you think humans as a whole can come to such conclusions without an predestined happening to bring them to ponder upon such ideas? Have we possibly been so far removed from our origins socially that we can no longer recognize such patterns naturally without being shook to our core to radically change our views of life’s purposes?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
