

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Presents #2

👼       Let us eat lettuce. And be cannibals. Last night when I wrote Presents I think I actually became aware of the ground of being. And it's kind of stuck with me since, off and on. I think this is sort of how it is. We are like sinuous waves of energy that power on and off through time.  Alternating between being and non-being in the moment that becomes the non-moment. The moment which is just this right here and now. The italics aren't to make it special or mystical, just to bring your attention to whatever your currently experiencing. And it isn't anything in particular, it's whatever is in particular. What it is, what matters, is what is being particulated right now. The way that it is is wayless not that it doesn't have a way, that it doesn't have a permanent root. And the way that it is may be that it isn't at all. 
     Somehow the sun shines. Somehow at times it seems, or I think, that we are. Perhaps sometimes we are not. How much of knowing is not knowing, not being someone to see at all, but being someone that is by not being who they think they are, but who they really are. Who we really are is someone, something, which we cannot understand, but someone that we know and someone who is very very good and very very...perhaps real. Why does real have to be real? What if real is something that isn't real? What if real is not real at all, but just an idea. An idea that's only reality is that it is an idea. What's real is found at the boundary between what we think is real and what we think is non-real. Because what we think is real is not wholly real and what we think isn't real is not wholly non-real. Our mind splits the universe into these inherently flawed dichotomies that we can only escape by unifying what can't be unifed. Black and white, good and evil, right and wrong, etc. They are defined by what they can and can't be. Two things that assume the universe is separate. If the universe isn't separate, these dichotomies wreak hell on our being, our souls. The separate universe is an imaginary universe. An imaginary overlay on what may actually be going on right now. Dichotomies are defined by the assumption that they cannot be what they are opposed to. That they are not the same. We believe in these assumptions and we suffer because we try to fit our being into a space that it cannot fit. For example, we assume that being is not non-being and because of this we are afraid of death. We attempt to perpetuate notions of what being is and we attempt to annihilate what we think non-being is. We don't realize that being and non-being, life and death are just ideas. They aren't real unless the way we relate to them is in how they point to what is right now. We don't need to have cognition of the ideas of life and death to be or to experience this. We think we can think our way to perceiving life as it is because we think our thoughts define reality. If we want to look at God we need to find a way to step outside of our normal thinking patterns in which we are completely lost in binary assumptions. We have to actually look and actually see rather than trying to force perception to come from compulsive and imaginary cognition. 
     The reason why we have so much trouble in looking and seeing is that we are so caught up in disconnected mentation. Our thinking is often much more like dreaming that active being. We have to learn to look with our life. And to be able to discern between what's imaginary and what's actually going on. For whatever reason(s) it seems like most humans are pretty asleep during the day and that we have been like this for millennia. Caught up in the dream of the separate universe, pretty much wholly unaware of this as it is right now. Actually being awake. It's more like we are partially asleep and partially awake to varying degrees. It's pretty crazy. We keep on going round and round in the dream, struggling to surface, struggling to be, caught up in the matrix of dualistic cognition. It doesn't seem like this struggle is a problem or an avoidable detour. It seems to me that fully conscious being is actually born out of maya. Light is born from darkness. It seems like maya is actually the fuel of self-awareness in an incredibly beautiful way. Waking up is such an incredibly beautiful experience. Waking up to a boundless infinite universe and self. Your being extends and includes everything. Wtf...How can this be real? And yet Here I am. Here we are. Pure ecstasy. Constantly being reborn in a constantly deepening constantly expanding constantly novel unpredictable sea of being. Having no idea where you are going. Flying though time and space open and vulnerable, fragile as a taut piece of paper. No top, no bottom, no inside, no outside. One with the universe, one with everyone, everything. Jesus Christ. me..all of I can do anything. I am everything. I have complete control of anything I desire. I just have to figure out how to use the controls. Lol. Everybody else is worrying about typical human stuff, (I am too), but then I am like, wait..I am God?..And I feel so much whimsical spontaneous flippant confidence and carefulness. My mind and feeling is spinning sparkles overlayed and filling the forms in the window of my Earthly sensory perception. There are other forces at work here besides finances and being a square. (no offense) Like overwhelming intuitive feeling being poured on you by angels. The cry of the Earth and the will of Heaven. Justice, adventure, love, free-spiritedness. Soul baby..soul...Soul is what the world really needs. Badass, courageous, heart-wrenching soul. Precedent crushing soul. The truth is that this kind of soul is already here and already in all of us. But I want to light that fire on fire. I want to set ablaze to the dead wood that is materialism and greed and superficiality. I want to to burn away greed and selfishness in the holy fire of Divine Perception and human liberation. I want to set humans free from millennia of imprisonment and corruption. I want the old world to fall away. It already feels so weak and splintered. It will fall away from us, those that awaken. We will leave it behind, perhaps with other human beings still confined and attached to it. We will build crystal cities. We will travel the stars. We will cleanse the Earth. We will liberate this planet. I know it. It is our destiny. Many of us were born to be enlightened spiritual leaders. More now than ever in the last however many thousand years. Will will not just stand alone on the mount, but travel in groups and communities. We will heal the sick and wounded and raise the dead. We will rejoice as we find our brothers and sisters. The stones will speak. We will go further than we ever expected or imagined. We are tasked with great feats and we are given great tools. 

Let go of your precepts, let go of everything...

Feel who you are and relinquish to your true nature

Let go of life, let go of what you think you need to do

Who are you right now? What matters right now?

This is it. This is fucking it.

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