

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thoughts of the day #2

How do you deal with feelings that are regularly overwhelming? How do you deal with aspects of life that continually make you afraid? Do you have to slowly work your way out of these feelings by changing your environment, or can you change your outlook to solve your problems?

We often experience the same psychosomatic conditions in the same situations on a regular basis. We may feel stuck experience the same traumatic stress and feel like there's no way out. We feel like and believe that we don't have the strength to find a better job or a better whatever. We are fatigued enough and not threatened enough that we settle with the mundane and unfulfilling. How do you actually get out of the rut? I'm starting to wonder about and experiment with the process of radically changing my speech and thought to reflect the experience that I want to be living rather than the experience I am having. I know thoughts are heavily tied to the psychosomatic conditions we experience, so why keep on thinking and speaking out of harmony with what you truly desire.

Feeling and thoughts are interchangeable. They are different aspects of the same thing. Thoughts having a feeling and feelings can be summed up in thoughts. Speech is simply vocalizing feelings and thoughts. They are all the same thing. Aggregated data concerning your experience of life. They are simply relayed in different formats. Feelings are more intuitive, Thoughts concrete, and speech more interpersonal. Most of us aren't telepathic yet.

So your afraid. The thought, "I am afraid" or , "This is scary" may heighten the fear. It may just acknowledge it. Either way your thoughts are maintaining and perpetuating a fear relationship. What if instead when you first recognize the fear, you instead face it and tell yourself, I enjoy this. This is fun. The degree to which you believe yourself is the degree to which your psychosomatic condition changes. I think you could do this and seriously get into trouble if your overstepping your ability to master yourself with the alternative declaration. I don't suggest doing it in a truly dangerous situation in which you are ill equipped and ill trained. Rather experiment in lower key situations. Like when your chilling at your house and you notice you are having a negative reaction to something mundane. See if you can change your psychosomatic response just by changing your thoughts and speech concerning the subject.

I think you can use your intuition, imagination, willpower and vision to redirect any psychosomatic experience or reaction to any other experience or reaction. I think this is a practice and takes time to develop. But I do think it is a legitimate way to change your life. A way that I think may work best in tandem with other methods such as; diet, exercise, changing your environment, learning, therapy, whatever...

I am an Aquarius sun sign with a great deal of inner joy that always seems to be there even in the shittiest of situations. I don't always enjoy it, but I think I can draw from it even when I feel shitty to change my mood. This last week I have been tired and upset and I just spontaneously said, "I feel great". At first it felt like I was lying, but after a while, it pretty much changed my mood after I said it several more times. I got excited about feeling great. I still felt a heavy background of tired and stress, but I wasn't lost in it that much anymore.

I have spent a great deal of time deeply studying emotions, feelings, thoughts, and the nature of reality in general so I have a solid understanding of how things interplay within myself. I also have spent years shifted my center of consciousness to pure intuition and now towards pure being. As well as a solid understanding of how to manifest in the present moment. All this helped me truly feel and actually be great when I said I am great.

The key with reprogramming your thoughts, feeling, and speech is to do it in a positive way. You have to truly believe you are making the changes towards where you want to be. If you don't, you will simply build more resistance to positive flow.

You have to truly change how you feel about yourself. Your feelings are the content of who you are. Your thoughts and speech won't change who you are unless they begin to change the content of your heart.

My telling myself, "I am great" is one step of many I have taken in the process of transmuting my heart towards radiance. I truly believed it in some way when I said it. It tapped into real feelings that were strong enough to put me in a decent mood.

So basically, you can't overdue it. And you have to get to know yourself well enough to know when your bullshitting and when your attempts at self growth are really fear based, compulsive and not what you truly wish to be focusing on. I don't think this kind of change is easy for like 99.999 percent of the human population.

That being said. It can be done. And it's pretty amazing when it starts taking off. You realize you can do anything with your imagination, vision, and will.

This is true magic and alchemy.

Just think, wow, I don't have to be afraid of anything. I don't have to be nervous about anything. What if I start telling myself that I'm fearless, unstoppable, super-inteligent, super-capable. What if you don't have to be afraid? What if, if your not afraid, you will live in a world where it makes sense not to be afraid of anything. And its simply fear that is keeping you in a dangerous world and anxiety that is keeping you in insecurity.

What's it like to live in joy most of the time? Not to worry about money, or relationships, your health, or the future. Sounds fuckin nice!

That's where I'm checking out. Fuck the regular way of looking at things. I'm gonna fly and dance and army crawl through life. I'm gonna make apples out of bananas and treasure out of small spaces.

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