What exactly are impulses, and how do they relate to mental programming?
I believe impulses are born of sense desires. An impulse is a bodily current that activates the body to perform actions. They are conditioned by the interaction of the senses and the environment they inhabit. They appear subconscious to me know. Perhaps even organismal. The mind operates on programs. What is the relationship between these programs and impulses? Does the mind receive feedback through the senses? The programs of the mind are constructed out of data. Data is bits of consciousness or awareness of the Universe. It appears that Data is fragmented. Does Data depend on impulses? Does data convert sense awareness into consciousness? It seems that the stream of awareness from the senses is subconscious at best, it is mind that turns these sensory streams into conscious awareness. It seems that the body-organism operates on instinct, the mind or intellect operates on consciousness or data. It seems that the body-organism is blind to the awareness of the mind or intellect. Whereas the mind or intellect is aware of body instinct and impulse, but not ruled by it. If a man is driven by his ego, he is driven by his impulses, if a man is driven by his mind, then he has subdued his impulses, and rules by his intellect, by his conscious awareness, which at this point is mental images. (FYI I think I am making some fundamental flaws with my assertions, I am ok with this because I am furthering my understanding...) I am not sure if man ruled by impulse and desire is a conscious man. He has a consciousness in a way, one that is less conscious that he who has subdued his desire by his conformist drive which is rooted in mental images, mental data, and the intellect. I am not what region in the human being this drive is tied to, I think it may be the solar plexus. I think this is where consciousness of the universe of the multitude resides. It seems to me that Data contains impulses. Mental programs which govern the willful activity of a man at this level are constructed of data, which contain impulses, which drive the organism to perform action. This man is governed by his intellect, what he knows, rather than what he desires, and is not yet by reason, which is a subset above intellect. Egoic impulsive desire is not enough to establish the fulfillment of the human being. The human organism and human being are participants in a much larger universe. To fully awaken to this universe we have to leave our impulse-desire bound will behind. We must join as participants the grander movement of existence. The degree to which we successfully participate is determined by the degree to which we have processed this vast solar body, which is a mental image. An image that contains organisms which contain impulses and senses. It is through our senses that we gather Data. I am not sure exactly how this works, but the solar plexus constantly and apparently instantaneously converts sense input into data which we experience as a holographic image that we inhabit. The better this mental image reflects Reality, the better we do as participants in this Universe. Which at this point is a mental universe. Here our will operates with programs that are activities that we engage in. It is important that the mental will we have, the mental image we have of the universe, composed of mental programs, accurately reflects the content of our physical organism, or else the organism and individual will develop disease. The new mental will works to distribute the bodily impulses as best as it can into its programming. These impulses include the instincts that keep the organism alive, well, and the individual ego content. These become subsets in this new will, quiet components integrated and diminished in the background. I believe the solar will has a greater capacity to fulfill the individual being. It can use a far greater degree of intelligence to behave. The physical world is a subset of a larger mental universe. It itself is mental. The solar will can interact directly with this larger mental or perhaps astral universe. The impulse-desire-ego cannot. It can only use its will to strangle the greater universe to give it what it wants, it cannot operate consciously or directly beyond its scope which seems first to be the larger mental universe that the physical universe dwells within. The solar will participates in the constructs of the mental universe as to survive, and enhance it's own being. The data it collects are constantly augmenting it's programs or activities, on an arc that is generally enhancing their quality, but specifically makes both good and bad changes. Here the solar will depends upon it's rendering of the Universe, which is improved with the processing of Data. It itself is a processing power or CPU, which is fucking hilarious and awesome. We literally have a CPU within us, and I think it dwells in and as our solar plexus, somewhere down there...lol. The Blue Conformist, is both happy participant and cold robot mental processing. The more we process this data, the more we process the image of the Universe, which I think may be Light. There isn't an unlimited amount of processing we can complete, it is finite, which is very interesting. Here we are working to create an image, that is The Image. The complete image of the Universe. Which is interesting if you have ever heard of the idea of the Image of God that is the whole composition of the universe. I think this image may be the fully awakened solar plexus. The solar plexus really being the Solar Sun, but I am still working on these ideas...When the identity of the individual expands, the reach of his programs expands. He can process data and satisfy impulses from many other beings. When his mind is able to reach out via psychic intuition he can do this from within his own thoughts. His programs have to be real enough to carry this weight. And, his ego subdued enough that this isn't just another pursuit of power. Pretty much talking about myself..
The conformist blue really is creating an image that works well for themselves. Having a self image that they can sustain and that sustains them, mind and body. The image is a collection of programs that compose their sense of self, which has become mental at this point. Apart of this living image is the cold dry robotic processing intellect, another part is the warmth that naturally comes from the solar plexus. The initiate here should focus on tying down their ego so they can focus on building programs that best process Light or consciousness, or mine data. It seems that here, Goodness of the Old Book is the best guide. Here, we are limited by our processing power, and lack of established reason, as well as the knee-capping of our own self-survival instinct. We need something to guide us that we can trust, in comes old religion. Morals and Faith. Here, the universe is Vast and Unknown, pitfalls everywhere, signs difficult to read. What do we do? Trust in the old ways. Common sense and Jesus. And the Commandments. I am joking and definitely not joking. I think what I often lack, where I often fail, is in Faith. I don't Believe. Where belief is truly that which summons the Solar Image. Can't hold onto faith with fear and selfishness though. Got to be a true believer. I think I want to depend on my own skill to much and I keep out life and the universal flow too much. Part of this is due to my love of independence and self-resilience. Yet, I am a self who depends and comes from God. My wisdom is His. So many things tie together to make this image. So many pieces. It seems like it is the strength of our mind that holds them all together. Our ability to integrate them into one whole cohesive model. The holes in our minds and in our thinking that hold us back. The One Light, a remedy for all blocked, clogged, or broken pathways. The link and bridge between all things. The Light is the whole image and all of its content, which is the through and through of all of the world we inhabit. What I want to do, is to sustain a strong enough awareness of this Light, the truth, that I can maintain consciousness well enough to build myself up in it, by dismantling myself in it. When I lose focus, I cannot see, and I am blind. I need to maintain focus, maintain intelligence, maintain capability. Without grasping, without seizing, with a light hold. Create room to discover this space. Utilize programs, I believe, that make this so. I can stay on top of this, I can, this doesn't mean I will, but it is possible. The main question is why do I keep on getting into so much trouble? I think I lose myself too much, and everything gets mixed up and has gotten mixed up. Self-control. Mixed with highly volatile energies. Boom!! It really seems like I have got to clean things up. Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean!!!!! and sharpen my mind so I can see through this mess and work with it. Right now its beating me down. Got to be able to cut through these nasty energies. They are working me down. Cut through them. Be able to hold it all in focus so it doesn't get away from me. Clean up, sharpen up, stand up. I have to permanently move myself into a blue space. Migrate. Which basically keeps things flowing well. Clear the flow. I want to stay connected to this purpose at all times. From sun up to sun down. I do lose sight of it often, like very very often. I just idle or whatever. I want to clean things up so this doesn't happen. It's really hard to stay on top of things. My life is so messy. I don't know what to do about more than just waiting it out and working on it when I can...I don't like losing sight, but it just happens. There are so many variables that seem out of my control. It seems like darkness and chaos are inevitable. How do I ride this out? I don't want to give up as much, but I do. It overwhelms me then I get frightened and the world becomes not what it is. I find it very difficult to focus on what is important, yet I want to focus on it right now. It seems like I have to do other things for this to all work out. I am not sure what they are yet. Things to help me focus. To keep me energized. I am overwhelmed by the thought of what I have to do, yet I still feel like I have to do it. This doesn't feel good enough. I feel like I can meet these challenges. I can rise to the occasion, but my skills seem sorely limited. I guess I just need to shape up. Don't know how much I am gonna be able to do this week. Or the next, wish I had a better plan. It seems like my mode of time may be changing. Which makes sense. Going from moment to moment or day to day of impulsive egoic, to long-term planning of the conformist. I haven't been able to see this far clearly yet. Not what is good anyway. Kind of funny considering my age, but oh well. Some things take time. A good deal of it. I didn't feel like the plans people were making before were good, so I didn't want to make them too. Didn't like where they were going. Felt very dead to me. Very unadventurous. Very dull. But hey, they are not me, nor mine. Not my way, not my path. If anything, I am glad I set out on my own, just because I freed myself in doing that. I did something for myself, which I didn't see a lot of other people doing, not in a big way atleast. Probably projecting some. I felt like if I didn't leave, I never would. I was tired of being stuck in a cage. I still don't think people live for themselves or anyone really, they seem to live for their survival instinct. I don't think people really go for it. Yet I guess you don't have to go for it all at once.. I think most people are afraid to go out on their own. To really be themselves all the way. They hold back. I think people who even are entrepreneurs, don't. They stick to the beaten way. I don't think many people do much that is new. I don't think people get outside of the box. Which is sad, because the whole world is out there. And everything is so bottled up now. People don't know how to live, or what life is. I know this is harsh, and maybe I'm too much of a critic. I think what I am talking about, is the soul. The soul takes risks. The soul is bigger than this world. It has shrunken and withered away. It is what makes life worth living. It doesn't give a damn about how anything is done, it is looking in deep waters.