

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Logic # 9 The Eventuality of the Kosmos

 Through God, I think that each soul will be perfected. I think it is the nature of the soul to expand until it fully realizes the infinite. I think when we reach a certain point in our development, it isn't as much about developing our own will and our own power as much as it is about working with God to bring our soul closer to him. I think here doing things on our own may be a hindrance because here it is important to cultivate faith and belief. Not independence and might. Here I think we are asked to participate in the universal pantheon at play before us in a spirit of good faith which brings about the eventuality of the fulfillment of our soul. I think here the struggle is to deny our selfish impulses which provide in the short term and in doing so that we may establish a longer term strategy that also considers a wider field of play. By denying our selfish impulses, seeking self gain in the immediate moment, we allow our vision to expand to this wider field of view. We allow ourselves to recognize their is a wiser way to go about things, because things aren't as simple as we thought. I don't this transformation is the end game, but one step of many along the way. I think it is a necessary step, as is and was the process of cultivating a genuine ego that proceeds it. This transformation is a maturation of self and an expansion of the ego to a broader and more inclusive self. At this stage I find comfort in the realization that I can trust in the process in a way that I couldn't at the selfish ego stage before. Prior to now I felt that I had to resist the universe to gain power and to establish myself. It is a relief that I can trust in it now to eventually push me in the right direction. It is a relaxation of my self boundary, which provides a general relaxation that I haven't felt in a long time. I don't think I have had this faith in things since I was a child. It's like trusting the universe to hit the ping pong ball back to you and to play a game with you so you can figure better figure out what is going on. If you genuinely are here, it will work, not that it won't be messy, but it will work, and God willing, it will get better. It is really what you have to do at this point. To trust and to move forward, into a new terrain, which is the expanded field in front of you that is what I believe to be some kind of lower mental astral plane, Bluuuuuueeee........This is why this stage feels the way it does, like you are soaring, like you are brightly shining. Because you are, because you sense of self has expanded into a pure mental plane to probably what is your astral body which is floaty/flyee/shiny energy. It is nice to know that the universe can be your friend. 

It probably isn't true that success here will solve all your and the worlds problems, but it will solve some. I thought I had it in the bag when I was mastering the last stage and I was definitely wrong...I think this stage can solve a lot of problems because it is the stage that will for sure put the ego in it's place. I am guessing that to get through this, and I mean move your whole being through it, not just wake up to it, you really have to rise above your bad habbits, which are bad because they are both selfish and driven by really wound up impulsive tendencies that are rooted in sense desires. As I see it now, this stage is the purifying of the persona, or of the individual. I could be wrong. I think it is the angelification of the self because in putting your sense driven desires and impulses behind you, you put other people in front of you. Also, if you are genuinely doing this, you are also doing it in the name of god and opening yourself up to a heavenly pantheon of which God is the center. From my vantage point, you can't come out the other side an asshole. I don't fully understand what the other side will look like, a dimension driven by Order and Reason, but I imagine it is something like what King Arthur is like to his Knights, in a perfect version of this myth. If this is the case, then yes in fact it may solve all your problems...we'll see though. If it does perfect one's moral center and one's belief in oneself, and one's faith, then you may be pretty much done with suffering. I am not sure though. It seems like there is still a hell of a lot more development to happen after...It is difficult to say when I have yet to pass through it. It seems like it may bring one into perfect communion with God, which is dependent on an unshakeable faith in Him. If one does not doubt, then how could they fall? If one's impulses are put in check, how could they act selfishly? It really does seem to me like putting down the sword for good. I don't see any going back. I feel like you can't proceed until you purify the self. Perhaps the next stage is merely the expansion of one's ability to generate an already perfected goodness. When I reached the pinnacle of red ego I did have all the power in the universe. I still do, I just choose not to use it (most of the time) selfishly. I cultivated the strength to wield it, it is just that at this point one's dominating will that they turn against the universe, automatically is turned back against themselves, so regardless of your power, you cannot outcompete the universe. What you fail to realize is that you're competing against yourself in endless strife. The ego wants to be all powerful, even if it is, it won't succeed. It becomes illogical to continue. It becomes logical to learn how to work with the universe instead of against it. I allowed myself to play through the ego dilemma so I could authentically realize it's limitations and sincerely move past it. I didn't know at the time what would happen when I did, I really wanted to rule the universe, but I did know that I had to let it happen so I could move forward. I also didn't know where I would end up: Logic. But here I am.  Genuine intelligence, smarts, this is what logic is. It really is a relief from what becomes unsettling egoic tension. What I am afraid of, is that I will only overcome certain things, and that the inherent blind spots of this position dominated by Logic will also prove to come short in the end. I think I am also afraid of what I will see when I grow into Reason/Order...

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