It seems ridiculous that the answer to all of our problems could be so simple. It arises effortlessly in this moment. It fills my awareness with light and creates peace in my heart. It is soft and easy. It reminds me who I am. I am also something so simple. There is such disturbance in my mind that I am somewhat alarmed at this presence. I fear what it will do to me. I sense that all it can do is provide peace. It is so kind and gentle. It honestly feels like the hand of God reaching out to me to pull me up. I sense so much love. Such a depth of intelligence, and feeling. It is remarkable to me that such a thing could exist, when we live in a world full of so much pain. It seems unimaginable that their could be something so good. I feel like so much of how I see the world is from an incredibly limited perspective. One darkened by an odyssey of fatigue and tribulation. The brightness that is here in this moment is so intense it is deafening. The war that we have within us will end when we recognize the futility of our position, the inevitability of complete annihilation. The ego wishes to postpone death for one more moment, yet it can never escape it. It can only continue to throw itself into new delusions that tear apart the sanity of our souls. The trouble we have is believing our egos, and giving into fear, believing we can have more than what we are given and that we are better than others. No one is any better than anyone else, no one deserves anymore than anyone else. Everyone deserves unconditional love and respect. We deserve honesty and integrity from each other. When we don't give this to other people, we don't give it to ourselves. When we think we are higher than others, we actually put ourselves beneath them. We sacrifice the indispensability of our soul-awareness for immediate gratification or relief, we give in to the powers of Satan or darkness, we succumb to temptation and fear, only to reject our true nature which is the only thing here worth anything. We can do nothing of value without the light. It is the bread of man. From it comes all life. When society cleanses itself of evil, it will be much easier for us to see the reason of being a true Christian, whose dogma is that of love. A Christian is a Christian because of the condition of their heart, not what they believe. The way they act rather than what they profess. A true Christian lives from Christ in Christ as Christ. This is the true awakened heart. This is proven faith.
We may see so many differences between us and others, yet when you see through Christ's eyes, their is nothing but an unbroken sea of common humanity. A life that is shared and bound in the single experience of the suffering that is the nature of our existence. To suffer is simply to be alive as a sentient being in the field of karma, cause and effect, among countless other suffering beings. Life is suffering, it is painful, yet we do not need to be ruled by this suffering. We can blossom in it and awaken in transcendental awareness. Suffering gives birth to the Light, which is Christ awareness, the Holy Dharma. The Dharma is a Golden Eagle born from the lotus flowering in the field of suffering. The field of suffering eternally gives birth to enlightened awareness. It is through the experience of shared suffering that a being awakens and realizes both the common condition of all beings and the reality of liberation which is the non-substance of this condition. In Christ, drinking the Dharma, we do not avoid suffering. We accept it and allow it to flower as it may where-ever it is. Through non-assertion of ourselves conditioned consciousness has no place to perpetuate itself and the Dharma can be allowed to fully fill our being. Christ is release from suffering, from suffering into flowering being. Through acceptance and embrace of the reality of suffering, one is freed from it.
Christ is Reason, the Highest Reason. To reject the nature of Christ, is to reject the core of our being. Christ lives in this moment. It is the life of this moment. No fortune can be found outside of Christ. True wealth is illumination born of Christ Consciousness. Anything that is conditioned that we depend upon, keeps us weak and blind. It keeps us severed from the source. Christ is restoration of our connection to the infinite plenitude within. Conditioned consciousness creates the perception that it is needed to protect the self, when truly the very thought of the self is that which is the problem. It creates the illusion of a warring divided world of limited resources. It corrupts awareness of the infinite nature of an undivided reality. We are not these separate selves. Not in any capacity. There is no separate self. The rules of this perception rule that perception. Reality is something different. If we wish to live in reality, we have to reject the whole of conditioned consciousness, lest Satan find a crack to crawl back through. We choose God, or we choose the darkness that most call home. It is this black and white. Yet it requires exceptional discernment to see this clearly enough to follow it through to the end.
When we have suffered enough, we may begin to question our way of life. As we become dissatisfied with this world, we may begin to search for an alternative, a way out. Their is a way out, but more than an escape, it is a departure from one way of living to another. It is a maturation of our being, not a continuation of the same habits. It is a dramatic transformation of consciousness. It is a rejection of evil, of sin. It truly is. Yet not through submission and domination, but through the gentleness and ease that springs from inward realization. The more we drink from Christ, the less we desire the tempest that is worldliness.
Where do we find Christ? Right here. Christ lives in this moment, not down a long alleyway of the mind. Christ leads to immediate action, to a sense of purpose and direction. And Christ is always reaching out to us, so perfectly, so lovingly. Here, right now. We don't think we are good enough for Him, but we are. The imperfections of our being are dirt covering the priceless wealth that is our inherent good nature. We don't see it because we are so preoccupied with our suffering. We have everything we need to take His hand. He is here for us, always. He speaks to us always. He is with us always.
It is amazing that the power of Christ is so real, more tangible than anything else. When you see it and feel it, the world dissolves around you. If you call His name, He will answer. Hare Krisna! Who knows that a world of Christ-life lives in this moment? His is a world of Unity, of Oneness. We do not belong to dividedness, our soul rejoices in the Oneness of the Lord. Their is a simply unity of all things. A delightful oneness.
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