

Monday, January 29, 2024

Holy Presence

 What I see now is the presence that lives within everything. It appears to me that everything is this presence. I see it's life everywhere. The same life looking out from everything. To me, it has so many faces, while it remains faceless. The world spins and it remains still. Like lantern light over a calm pool in the night. I'm this stillness it is wide awake, sensitive to everything, yet remaining still. This awareness is full of life. It is full of all our lives. We are truly One in it. It seems to me that there is really one life happening everywhere. One life, one thought, One being. In each person, there is the same life. We imagine that there is a limit to ourself, that we belong to ourself, when really we apart of a great landscape of Self. When we attempt to possess things, we lose sight of who we really are, our true nature. Our true nature is selfless and does not need to possess anything because everything is an extension of itself. It really has no I or we, it just is. It doesn't need to clutch at anything because it is held up by it's own nature. This is what I am. Who we are. We have no self, we are this. I don't think we can lose it, I just think we lose sight of it. Deep within we remain pure and good. We are this unaffected presence, the life of life that always is standing firm and upright in this moment. 

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