

Friday, January 5, 2024



What difference is there between high and low? What difference is there between here and there? Wherever you look, what do you see? Amid the confused sprawling form of Earth and the intricate layers of Heaven, what stands out? What lies within all form, within all places? What is even and broad? What stands before you, wherever you may be? If you cannot find a difference between anything that you experience, then you will find yourself standing wherever you are. You will find that the substance of this standing is all that there is in this world. How can there be such radiance in standing?..

 You will find that by honoring this standing, it honors you, that it's radiance, is yours. It is brilliant. It fills the universe with brilliant light. The substance of all things stands still here and now. 

There is simply Standing. All things in whatever posture they may take, are standing as they are, standing upright and firm. This is the single quality of all things. Far from broken, the universe is upright, very stable. What is the true quality of life? What is the true nature of form? Who lives within each thing? What life is this? Which life among all the life that is seen is real? Which body? Which form? Among everything that is seen, one thing arises, and with it, the rest of the universe fades away. There is a single life here among all the various perceptions of mind. This life alone is real. This life cannot be grasped, it cannot be touched. Nor may it be deluded, or compromised. It is pure and complete. Alone in the universe, it has no opposition. It grows with vitality in all directions. Therefore it is an abundance of strength, from which we may draw on at all times. It is One strength with One life and One purpose. Within our soul, this life feeds us as many streams feed a river, and as a room is filled by the light that passes through a window. For this, each life is a miracle bestowed on us by this unseen God. Each form we encounter, a lamp that lights our way, a holy encounter with one blessed by the hand of our creator. The world is not full of horrors, but many dancing lights, that reveal the dharma: the true nature of the universe, which is liberation from suffering. Scars, wounds, pain, heartbreak: all the healing touch of a Divine Hand that may wound our body or mind, but only to bring our Soul back the the One Light that is hidden within all things. To face this divine hand is restoration, redemption, liberation. Such is the naked power of the Dharma, and the beloved heart that dwells within. Such love is the heart of the Universe, never could it be hate or fear or evil. Such love is the blessing that cannot be erased by bitter journeys through painful karmic winds. It is the staunch light that remains in place, even as great storms pass through the night. 

Woes of the world cannot defeat me. Regardless of appearance, I remain unbroken. Regardless of status, I will emerge victorious. Victory. Untrammeled and unmatched, Victory is my name.  

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