

Monday, February 5, 2024

I am and We are One Consciousness

 This expanding moment. This timeless and formlessness. Without distraction it becomes apparent that nothing else has ever been seen. When we simplify our mind, and we simplify our self, it is much easier to stay in this frame of consciousness. It is not necessary or desirable to remain here, but it feels very good to be free of much of the weight of ignorance. It feels good to be free of many of the snares of suffering. I hope that many others have the liberty of discovering this for themselves, and I hope many more of us can come together to make this easier for as many people as possible. I am happy that this consciousness is alive on our planet, and that it is awakening within many human beings, that it continues to flourish here. We are so blessed to have this wisdom here and I believe fortunate to be alive in this moment in space and time. When we can see clearly enough, we can recognize the incredible wisdom that is here and available to us. It is a body of living consciousness that is born of the efforts of human beings aspiring for truth, dwelling in truth, and willing it so that this truth is shared and spread throughout our planet. The heart of it is so rich and so true, such a positive guiding force. It is full of love, wisdom, and compassion. It is a voice in the air that calls us to awaken, to renounce evil and delusion and turn to the truth. It offers a bounty of wisdom for the life of our separate self. It wants to liberate the planet of evil, to turn it completely good. It asks us to fearlessly face our karma. To courageously step forward regardless of what it may mean for us individually. It is asking us to join together and build communities of brotherhood and sisterhood in quiet communion. To turn all of our attention to the harnessing of our human potential and development of whatever is necessary to liberate humanity. To cultivate ideas, technologies, institutions, to build all the bridges we need to overcome the barriers that obstruct the liberty and unity of human beings. It is asking so much of us in each and every moment, to go further than we ever thought we would go, to do more and as much as possible. It is gaining strength and momentum reaching ever further towards its goal. Despite the turbulence of our human climate, we are awakening and this process is accelerating each day. The planet is buzzing. We are connected much more than we ever have been. We have so much more to do, yet we have already come so far. Don't fixate on failures, focus on applying and reapplying yourself to this current of awakening. It doesn't matter what we achieve, it matters who we are and who we have become, where we are going, and what we are willing to do. Joining in this spirit, gives all of us strength. We are all psychicly connected, we all are apart of a massive network of human minds and hearts that is a co-consciousness. Things are going to continue to change, and continue to do so dramatically. The best thing we can do is to be awake to this and to allow it to affect our lives. It is not always easy, it is often very difficult, very painful, yet I believe with all my heart that it is the right thing to do. It is right to step forward, to put ourselves out there and to be open to radical change. When we trust in this, we are trusting in the truest parts of ourselves, in our souls, and in God. There is no greater security that that which comes from these bonds. We are liberating ourselves from stagnation, from dead and dying traditions, from broken down systems that no longer serve us. A new frontier expands before us, we choose the degree to which we meet it. It is coming regardless of how we feel about it. There is truly only one way forward. Though this way manifests differently in each one of us. We each have unique responsibilities, skills, and potential. We each have a unique part.

 What we are discovering is that although we are unique individuals, we are apart of a Universal Soul, that is shared among all human beings, all living things, and is apart of the fabric of the entire universe. What an incredible transformation of thought? We are discovering this truth as a concept and also as our very sense of self. Human beings are unified in this consciousness. In it, we are apart of One Mind. A collective human consciousness that is rooted in the Earth and that extends to the infinite. This Oversoul calls for stewardship of it's greater body, the biosphere and the planet Earth. It calls for harmony between human society and the living world, as well as the natural law and order of the universe. Despite our differences, human beings share a common life and a common home. It is up to us to figure out how to co-inhabit this planet. It can only be done so through co-operation, through democracy, and through equality. We must overcome systemic oppression of all kinds, must uplift democracy, and must turn to co-operation and communism to deal with the growing burden of our numbers. Never will it be right to force anyone to change. This must be decided through democratic institutions. Communism is becoming a survival impulse. The landscape of our planet and society demand it, yet it is also an eventuality in the expansion of human consciousness. The more we awaken, the more we desire to live communally with each other and with biological systems. Communism is integral to being a organism, a mammal, and a sentient being. Consciously participating in it and creating culture and institutions around it, is merely an expression of our natural state of being. It is not evil and alien. Anything becomes evil and alien when it is forced upon us. We must do our best to include space for all people to express themselves as they wish to, to be inclusive even when we disagree. All outward expressions of human organization are expressions of true inner qualities of human beings. When we respect them all and find a way to integrate them all, we will have the ideal government. This transition is not going to go smoothly. Yet in each moment it is up to us as individuals to do our best to make sure that everyone is heard and that the most wisdom goes into the choices that we make as a society. 

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