The Dharma automatically makes things right. It is established goodness. Awakening to the Dharma is returning to a land where goodness reigns supreme. It is ignorance that leads to the belief that evil and negativity are dominant. The supremacy of the Dharma is already established. Instead of creating such a world, we return to it as we awaken from ignorance. It is awakening to the firmly establish law that is unerring and perfectly upstanding. The universe is perfectly ordered. The Lord is in charge of everything that happens. Everything that happens is the result of His order. From high to low. Our lives are not the result of random chance, but of deep dharmic law. They are ordered by a supremely beneficent mind. One that is omnipotent and even-handed. Our life is One with this Lord, this Supreme Mind or Soul. In life, we simply forget that this is so. The soul's single purpose is to reunite with Him. To awaken through many incarnations to the Source. As we are, we are already One with it. Immersed as we are in form, we do not see this to be so. The very fabric of everything that we we are, and everything that we experience is the Supreme form of the Dharma. Everything is etched in lightning and flame. Their is One supreme form and One Supreme being. This awakened life holds all of the universe all at once, all of space and all of time. This is our true nature, our true self. The One. Hidden in all things, in all places, the roaring furnace of infinity. Clothed in the very fabric of the universe, it's form shines out wherever you look. It stands before you. One Supreme Soul. One Supreme Being. Here it is, Here I Am. One life, One Expression. There is no opposition to this power, because it is Supreme, and all powers are it's powers and it's life. It is perfectly established in itself, a self that is everything. I Am One. Here I AM. I AM. I am awake. I am alive. I am free and fully established, here and now. This is our true nature. Our true self. This is who we are and what everything is in this moment. The One life is the Supreme Soul of the Universe. It is One. The whole universe is composed of this Oneness. What we see is this transcendent Oneness right now. There is no self and no ego, just the transcendent Oneness that is God. Perfect Openness, Perfect Completion. The universe is infinite. It is not limited, nor are we. Our true nature is infinite. Infinity. Our life is infinite. Our self is infinite. We are infinite. We are not bound in any way, there is no limitation in any way to who we are. There is no stopping or blocking us. We don't lack anything. We have everything. Right Now. We have everything right now. How could we want for anything? It is already here. We have everything we could every want, and everything we could ever need. We are infinitely capable and infinitely skilled. The Universe automatically provides us with everything we need. Everything is born of infinite energy, one that is not limited in any way. It is infinitely creative, infinitely resourceful, infinitely wise and intelligence. It depends on nothing, needs nothing, to do or make anything. It can create anything instantaneously, in fact, this is how it does everything. Everything is created instantaneously. Everything is created right now in this moment, in this space. This is why This is It. God is alive right now, in this moment. This Supreme Life is right here, right now. There is nothing we could ever want for, it is already provided for us. Here and Now. This is it. The world we know is an illusion. There is nothing concrete about what we see. The true substance of life is not the solidity of form, or the inherent limitation of it, but the indisputable reality of God, whom is miraculous and wonderful. God is the single law, the single way, the single life and truth of the Universe. God is the answer because God is real. What else is? All there is is God. This is IT. No where else, no time else. Right here and right now, the answer. It is alive, it is living, feeling, thinking, making. The infinite stands before us.
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