When using one's natural goodness becomes second nature, things readily fall into place. It is the obstruction of our ego that gets in the way of life working out. Goodwill is the source of everything, so everything in the world depends on it to come into being. Goodwill is the natural harmonizing force in living beings. It is harmony with the Universe. It is not might, nor ability, but goodwill that makes things happen. Goodwill allows us to be both strong and skillful. Without it we are deformed and weak. It allows us to use our intelligence correctly, putting it in the service of wisdom and compassion. It brings a oneness to our activity that makes life easy. Everything is supposed to spontaneously work together in one fluid motion. It is ignorance and selfishness that gum up the gears. Wisdom is mindless, selfless. When we lack wisdom or goodness, our intelligence is an impediment. We are suffocated and stifled by it. It gets in the way of right action. It is excessive not employed properly. It is a disease of the mind that effects our whole body. We need to learn to trust in the natural state of things. To trust in our basic instincts and our common sense. We need to rely less on knowledge and more on being grounded in the present moment. Being here is like an unstoppable hurricane. Nothing can stand in it's way without being blown over. No obstacle can stand in the way of simple goodness refined in a human being and present in every fiber of their being. The universe does everything it can to support such a person, because this person carries the life of the universe. This person doesn't wish to keep it all to themselves, they let it out to shine for all to see. When we embody natural law, we can trust ourselves, we can depend upon ourselves, we no longer need to look outside of ourselves. The flame is alight, it has been sustained, what more do we need?
When we have this beauty, life becomes an avenue of light. We are gifted, blessed, and grateful to be alive because we have found the truth and by God the truth lives in everything we see. Here all along, the answer to all of our searching. A golden light within. A golden flame. A pillar of light that lights up the whole world. After taking so long to get here, I wonder how life can be so good. How such a perfect miracle can exist. I thought I was doomed forever. God does not want us to suffer, nor is suffering eternal. We suffer so we can wake up. We go through trials so we can come to deeper realization and so that we can eventually fully realize who we are. Such abundant life lives within. There is no question in my mind that human beings cannot live in peace here on Earth. The potential lives within us and in the fabric of the Earth. When we recognize the Dharma, it is enhanced in the living Earth. It is stimulated and it grows. Abundance pours out of the souls of living beings. Our planet is alive. As human beings recognize the Dharma, it will become more abundance, like a spreading wildfire of love. This is why love can conquer all our problems. Love is the most intelligence, most capable, and most creative force. We are afraid of it because it is so powerful. We are afraid it will overwhelm us. When we look at it with Wisdom, through the eyes of the Dharma, we do not need to be afraid. We can unleash it and ride it. We need wisdom so we can see clearly. Once we do this, we can trust who we are and we can use our natural powers for good. If you can recognize the power of love and the wisdom of the dharma, and then you catch a glimpse of how it natural resides in every living thing, that is is apart of the air, and the light, the sky and the clouds, you can see how nothing will stand in it's way once it is unleashed within the hearts and minds of a great number of human beings. You will recognize the easy superiority of goodness over everything else in the universe. Evil is a fly on the wall to goodness. The wall is stone within a stone tower reaching up towards the sky. The fly can do nothing to affect the strength of the wall. It is sturdy, its foundations are strong, and it is pointed heavenward. Goodness is unopposed by evil. Within our minds, their is opposition, but this only is born of our ignorance, not of a deficit of goodness. Goodness is infinite, evil is always limited. The Dharma is infinite and infinitely powerful. It is unaffected by what goes on in the world. It simply requires living beings to channel it so that Earth may live in harmony. The Dharma is Victory over suffering and limitation. It is the establishment of righteousness. We have this within every fiber of our being, what we often lack is awareness of it, that impedes us from using it skillfully. By inquiring after truth and discovering the way, we may arrive on the doorstep of the Dharmakaya. Entering this gate is walking into the plane of pure Dharma and Righteousness, an initial step of enlightenment. Quite miraculously we can live from this plane of existence through waking up the heartseed of the Dharma. It is not as exceptional as it sounds because it is an ordinary power that all human beings possess. Most of us lack the awareness to live from it, we are preoccupied with other things, we don't recognize the power of this simple force within us. The Dharma is restorative, it is natural abundance and wisdom. It is easiness, yet without sloth and overindulgence. Easiness through wisdom and right action. Seeing this now, it seems like such a natural state to live by. It seems we are more lost, than have something new to develop. I think this wisdom is always alive within us, which is why it seems so familiar. It is apart of our fundamental nature. Returning to it is like remembering how to walk if we had somehow forgotten how to do so. It is the embodiment of naturalness and ease. This is why we overlook it in our quest for truth. We look for something exceptional, ideal. Not something as ordinary as the ease with which the wind blows. Or the easiness of simply looking and seeing. The world is born of such easiness! It's traces are everywhere, in everything! Awake, alive, here, now!
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