

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thoughts of the day #3

Thoughts on components of being:

     We often think of the mind as separate of body and the feelings being both different from both body and mind. When we seek knowledge of these and other aspects of being in order for the bettering and fulfillment of ourselves, we must understand how these aspects are truly singular and only through perception of the singular nature of these aspects can we truly treat the maladies of being a human. We cannot perceive the mind or thoughts as separate from the body because they are not in fact separate. In fact everything we perceive is apart of who we are and the way we feel. In seeing our self as a conglomerate of separate parts we lack the sense to properly treat ourselves. We are lacking in insight and deluded in our thinking. When you see that the mind, the flesh, the feelings, and the world are not in fact different from each other, you begin to see how the world really is.
     The mind does not exist without the body, the body does not exist without the mind. Thoughts and flesh are no different from each other, they are the same. It is the cognition that they are different and that there is a difference that is false. We cannot in fact separate anything or delineate anything from anything else. It is only separate in our imagination. We are in fact not separate nor different from anything else we perceive, because everything we perceive is ourselves. 
     We live in a hallucination of separate objects and separate subjects. In fact, nothing is separate. Subject and object are not separate or real in any sense. They attempt to confine truth in a single duality and fail utterly. To see the world as both subject and object is still lacking. It is neither. These are inadequate symbols to describe what is impossible to name or confine to any two words. If you can describe the universe in subject and object, then you can describe the universe in anything. Words merely point to the truth.
     They are only the truth if one who is the truth speaks them truthfully. This is the One that we all are, yet most of us rarely see or know to be ourselves. This is the body that is the mind. This is the heart that is made of flesh and bone. The sight that is the blind and the way that is walked without ever being anything at all. How incredible to be so blind where it seems like everything we think we know is false and undone in the presence of what is real. 
     When we are lost in duality we cannot feed ourselves. We cannot live in harmony and we cannot know God or peace. We live in darkness and cling to shadows of a radiant truth concealed in many veils. 

Journal Entry #2 The Way to Peace

Building integrity: Last night I had several insights, I believe as I lie before sleep. They concerned the material, K'un, from the I'ching reading I read earlier that evening. I saw how inspiration comes from within. I saw how strongly and deeply I wish to live in harmony with the Heavens. Also how acting in tandem with divine inspiration is the key to my happiness. I calm the body and then I calm the mind so that I can release the heart, my soul, to God and truth through the third-eye. Connecting to heaven, God and Spirit I can wholly express myself finding joy in my own being and intuit what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. This is where my heart wishes to be. I suffer when I do not see the Unity of heaven and Earth: when I am not inspired by the Spirit of God. This may be the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the position I desire to act from and the harmony I seek. Living here I can be at peace and know my purpose.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Journal Entry#1- Walking the Path

What to do with what you have.
I might not make it through this. At least the way I wish to. Do I really know if I will succeed?
I am optimistic and often full of hope, but am I really sure that I will succeed?
I know that there is much turbulence and chaos in my being.
Perhaps I am gambling with more than I know and my sense of security is not what it appears to be.
There really is a high degree of insecurity in my life. It is only balanced by my great vision and deep positive inspiration.

I've been rushing so much and it has felt largely uncontrollable. Action pops out of my mind before "healthy" consciousness can discern and reapply the energies in harmony. I do feel disconnected from myself and I have for a very long time. Often when I speak it does not feel like myself who is speaking. I don't know who I am anymore. I have so many questions concerning who I am that I find it hard to know where to begin to be myself. I think I become afraid and then lost in all the questions I have. I become overwhelmed by my feelings, then scared, then numb and silent as I shut off to the world living in darkness. Then I despair when I feel heartache at my unfulfilledness and perceived inability. Which makes me furious and wild and mad.

I think what I want most is to be myself and to be grounded in Earth and open to Heaven. I perceive a great deal of chaotic energy and form within my body and mind, and I sense it's release into greater and greater harmony. I also sense my own sense deepening and unifying, though there is still considerable imbalance. I feel it is important to be as mindful as I can of my feelings and thoughts as to bring myself back to center when possible when I sense these thoughts and feelings are disconnected from truth. Also to be mindful of my energies and awakening being as to fully utilize and integrate my power and self. To be here exactly as I am.

I don't have complete control over myself and I often fall into darkness. The possibility of reaching my goals is exciting, yet I know I must be mindful of my excitment and do my best to not be carried away. I think it is here that I truly want to be. Here where everything makes sense. I feel that the more I can be here, the easier it will be to be here. I cannot be overly afraid of darkness and I cannot be overly excited about truth. I rush to this and I rush to that, though I am learning to slow down. This is the most exciting part. It is what I have been yearning for for perhaps more than a decade. I think there will come a time when I will be able to presently clearly step away from rushing and have it leave my bones. This doesn't feel like it is now. I still have some time to walk in uncertainty, frustration and semi-darkness. I awaken at the back of the tiger on its tail, looking for the orange fire to ground my spirit on Earth.

Maybe I don't need to mystify this. Maybe its simple. I do feel fantasy. Can I be objective? Will it help me?

I try to make this epic journey throughout life and I feel blind. I think I am not seeing a lot that passes right in front of my eyes. It feels good to be aware of this blind spot. I can enjoy what I am missing out on. Maybe its Earthly life. Maybe its things as they are. Again being overly concerned of my fantastical nature will only blind me as it is also deluded. That spaz happy Aquarian will is apart of who I am and I actually really enjoy it. I do want to be mindful of it and not let it carry me to far away. The key is balance and a working integration of the parts of my consciousness. To be mindful of what's going on in and outside of me and do the best I can to be safe and wise. To be present and centered as I pass between the nodes of my being and discover deeper unity of myself.

Slow down. Be mindful of this process. Be mindful of what I am doing. I am centered? Is this a healthy direction. Be mindful of the path as it is being created in front of me by being mindful of what I am creating in this moment. Create a path that is true to me and true to the world.

Do I need to be doing this now? Is this a good plan or idea? Is this safe? Can I slow down more? Do I see the way to go. What is heaven telling me? Be connected to heaven as much as I can. Listen to the plan come down from the Gods.

Learn how to be safe. Learn how to be true. This is all I can do and all I wish to do

Aight. Peace

Saturday, October 26, 2019

When your weary

Catch 22 life for days. What do you do?
No sleep. Tough luck
Can't begin to walk towards where you want to go?

What do you do?

Well. Maybe you can't change your life for the better. Maybe you can.

When I do sleep well I feel like shit and I really don't want to. When I chronically can't make the progress I want towards my goals year after year, I get pissed off. Really pissed off. So pissed off you feel violent, you become violent inside. And your so torn up that you can't let it out. So it just builds up year after year. The energy you can't get out drives you mad and your mind splinters off in uncontrollable ways. You lose a lot of control over yourself. Over your life. You can't express who you are personally, fit in socially, or feel or be steady.

When this happens to me, as it has been happening through the last 6 years you do suffer a lot. There's no avoiding that. Fortunately for me, and probably the main reason this happened to me, I have been undergoing a deep waking up process that has not been totally hindered by the imbalance of my sleeping. So when I can't move forward personally in human society, I continue to open up to my deeper nature and to truth. If you can't succeed personally you can instead continue asking how and why is this happening. If you possess a strong truth sense, you can delve deep into the openness of the self, into the impersonality of what seems to be an all encompassing personal experience. But, I don't think anything is given. I don't think there's a set way to do anything. I think you just get what you get. Maybe you get lucky, maybe you don't.

Today I was thinking. What makes us so sure that we will be saved? What makes us so sure that there's a heaven. Even if we can be saved by subtle energies, today I felt that these energies may simply be additional aspects of uncontrollable and perhaps unknowable raw and wild nature. We wish to be free of suffering, what if we can't? What if we can't change what's happening to us. What if it isn't really bad. It just hurts and this is apart of life as we know it. What if life is terrible and hard.

I think he is wiser who doesn't flee from the hard things that he who tries to rise above them. I think a lot of our attempts to purify ourselves are fantastical. Perhaps we can purify ourselves, but can we do it in this moment? Are we missing out on the full spectrum of life with our airy idealism. You can only get to the white shores if you take yourself there from where you are. Even then I think it nearly always with embroidery of chaos, survival, and Earthly life. I find real fulfillment when I embrace all of my life. My wholeness includes my weaknesses and shortcomings. My joy is built on my frailty and ignorance. Most of us aren't saints or gods. I don't think it's are place to expect that from ourselves now. I think the most satisfying thing we can do is to have a realistic sense of what we can do and what we are capable of now and have the heart to embrace the life we are given as it is right now. To be with what is now.

This even is beyond most of us...Pretty funny.
Welcome to life

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thoughts of the day #2

How do you deal with feelings that are regularly overwhelming? How do you deal with aspects of life that continually make you afraid? Do you have to slowly work your way out of these feelings by changing your environment, or can you change your outlook to solve your problems?

We often experience the same psychosomatic conditions in the same situations on a regular basis. We may feel stuck experience the same traumatic stress and feel like there's no way out. We feel like and believe that we don't have the strength to find a better job or a better whatever. We are fatigued enough and not threatened enough that we settle with the mundane and unfulfilling. How do you actually get out of the rut? I'm starting to wonder about and experiment with the process of radically changing my speech and thought to reflect the experience that I want to be living rather than the experience I am having. I know thoughts are heavily tied to the psychosomatic conditions we experience, so why keep on thinking and speaking out of harmony with what you truly desire.

Feeling and thoughts are interchangeable. They are different aspects of the same thing. Thoughts having a feeling and feelings can be summed up in thoughts. Speech is simply vocalizing feelings and thoughts. They are all the same thing. Aggregated data concerning your experience of life. They are simply relayed in different formats. Feelings are more intuitive, Thoughts concrete, and speech more interpersonal. Most of us aren't telepathic yet.

So your afraid. The thought, "I am afraid" or , "This is scary" may heighten the fear. It may just acknowledge it. Either way your thoughts are maintaining and perpetuating a fear relationship. What if instead when you first recognize the fear, you instead face it and tell yourself, I enjoy this. This is fun. The degree to which you believe yourself is the degree to which your psychosomatic condition changes. I think you could do this and seriously get into trouble if your overstepping your ability to master yourself with the alternative declaration. I don't suggest doing it in a truly dangerous situation in which you are ill equipped and ill trained. Rather experiment in lower key situations. Like when your chilling at your house and you notice you are having a negative reaction to something mundane. See if you can change your psychosomatic response just by changing your thoughts and speech concerning the subject.

I think you can use your intuition, imagination, willpower and vision to redirect any psychosomatic experience or reaction to any other experience or reaction. I think this is a practice and takes time to develop. But I do think it is a legitimate way to change your life. A way that I think may work best in tandem with other methods such as; diet, exercise, changing your environment, learning, therapy, whatever...

I am an Aquarius sun sign with a great deal of inner joy that always seems to be there even in the shittiest of situations. I don't always enjoy it, but I think I can draw from it even when I feel shitty to change my mood. This last week I have been tired and upset and I just spontaneously said, "I feel great". At first it felt like I was lying, but after a while, it pretty much changed my mood after I said it several more times. I got excited about feeling great. I still felt a heavy background of tired and stress, but I wasn't lost in it that much anymore.

I have spent a great deal of time deeply studying emotions, feelings, thoughts, and the nature of reality in general so I have a solid understanding of how things interplay within myself. I also have spent years shifted my center of consciousness to pure intuition and now towards pure being. As well as a solid understanding of how to manifest in the present moment. All this helped me truly feel and actually be great when I said I am great.

The key with reprogramming your thoughts, feeling, and speech is to do it in a positive way. You have to truly believe you are making the changes towards where you want to be. If you don't, you will simply build more resistance to positive flow.

You have to truly change how you feel about yourself. Your feelings are the content of who you are. Your thoughts and speech won't change who you are unless they begin to change the content of your heart.

My telling myself, "I am great" is one step of many I have taken in the process of transmuting my heart towards radiance. I truly believed it in some way when I said it. It tapped into real feelings that were strong enough to put me in a decent mood.

So basically, you can't overdue it. And you have to get to know yourself well enough to know when your bullshitting and when your attempts at self growth are really fear based, compulsive and not what you truly wish to be focusing on. I don't think this kind of change is easy for like 99.999 percent of the human population.

That being said. It can be done. And it's pretty amazing when it starts taking off. You realize you can do anything with your imagination, vision, and will.

This is true magic and alchemy.

Just think, wow, I don't have to be afraid of anything. I don't have to be nervous about anything. What if I start telling myself that I'm fearless, unstoppable, super-inteligent, super-capable. What if you don't have to be afraid? What if, if your not afraid, you will live in a world where it makes sense not to be afraid of anything. And its simply fear that is keeping you in a dangerous world and anxiety that is keeping you in insecurity.

What's it like to live in joy most of the time? Not to worry about money, or relationships, your health, or the future. Sounds fuckin nice!

That's where I'm checking out. Fuck the regular way of looking at things. I'm gonna fly and dance and army crawl through life. I'm gonna make apples out of bananas and treasure out of small spaces.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thought of the day #1

-Reality is an extremely complicated constantly changing image that is manipulated by the mind and can be altered by intention, imagination, and thought in any way-

Basically I was looking in the mirror at the dark depressions under my eyes from not getting enough sleep and I thought that everything in my body is a highly complicated orchestrated image. An image that is no different from any other image in mind or imagination. This body or Earth Universe image is just more dominant in this moment than most other images. When you are manifesting the life you desire (bringing health the flesh under my eyes), your really just altering the content of the hologram we live in via your psychic connection to everything. Lol... Everything may not in fact be solid, it may be perceived, in what I think is a very workable way, as a ever-changing 3-dimensional image that contains infinite depth and complexity. Imagine that you are the intelligent light composing all dimensions of the body. The cells, the energies, the blood, the tissues, the muscles, the skin, the hair and teeth, all are composed of light. You are an intelligence that can alter these forms by basically processing them, understanding them, and having a strong enough intention of what you want them to become. Nothing in your body is fixed. Nothing in your mind is fixed. It's all wavering light strewn together over the millennia in such an incredible way that we know as the body. It still isn't fixed. Its a temporary play of light. A play that we can alter however we wish if we have the proper understanding and direction of thought and intention.

It seems like the more you understand reality, the less boundaries there are to what you are capable of...
To the point where you uncover the secrets to the most unbreakable bonds of human thought....
This bond being the imminence of death...

What holds you back from immortality is the unknown, fate, the next moment and deeper insights that move you beyond your desires for an Earthly life.
The crazy thing is, you may in fact someday have the power to not only keep death at bay, but master the energies of life and live in eternal youth...
I know this is possible...but will it happen?

We only have this moment to find out...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

At the bottom of being a person

     The other day my consciousness moved deeper than I have perceived before. I saw that it didn't really matter what happened to me as and individual, or to anyone or anything, because at the base of who I am I am not anyone or anything at all. This is how I felt, if I can say that I felt it, at the time. Now I wonder if both I am and I am not. At the time it appeared that who I am is something temporarily arising. I saw that the whole sensation of being was temporary and without any eternal form. I saw being as something inside of something else. I felt that all of my drives and ambitions were temporary and that I wasn't myself at all. I wasn't who I thought I was, I wasn't anyone really.
     Who I thought I was was someone or something permanent. I thought I was the center of the universe, or connected to something real. I thought that what I knew was everything. And I realized that being had a limit. Where I was joy was no different than suffering. I was not I. I was a temporary form and it had nothing to do with me because I didn't really exist at all. I wasn't separate from life, I just wasn't anything. All of life seemed like a shell. A shell that I didn't arise out of or transcend, a shell that held me and outside of it there wasn't me.
     It was a true end of personhood and being. An end not seen before. The self is afraid of this because it sees it as death. It cannot be there, it is not there. This place is where there is no self. It is off the edge of a map. The self tries to sustain life and joy because it is afraid of oblivion. As long as it is afraid of oblivion, it will not be fulfilled. Accepting oblivion truly is the end of the self. At least partially. The self occupies its space in the kosmos like a tree occupies its proper space in a field. It has its trunk coming off the ground extending into branches and leaves that fill the sky, along with roots that dig into the earth. But beyond this, it is dirt, grass, air worms and birds. This is the same with being. It is the tree. It has its place, but it is only one of many things that exist outside of it and are clearly not it. These things have completely different natures. nature's we may not be able to describe. I thought this tree was my heart, but when the air was felt and the birds were heard I felt that I was in fact heartless.
   The life of the tree was the heart of my whole universe. Life always exists in this universe. But this was not life and in not being life, life was not everything. And if life is only 1 grain of sand then it is not the heart of the universe, it is merely an aspect of an infinite universe. I saw "my life" and all life as one grain of sand, one moment of change, in a sea of something else. A sea that is not being.
     It is not necessarily void. It makes sense if you think about it. Do you really think that the universe is limited to being? The universe is not limited to anything. Sense moves beyond I and being.
     It makes you wonder if life is what we really think it is. Is being really what we think it is. This outside of being lies within the heart of life. Perhaps being is not at all. Perhaps there is no being. Everything we think we are experiencing personally may be an illusion. I think it is. I think it's the fact that we are personally experiencing it which makes us inherently blind to objective truth. It may be this blindness that is necessary for being to exist at all. Perhaps being is real, but only in the veil of ignorance.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Qi (chi): The Fundamental Particle

     Everything is made of chi and everything is chi. Chi is synonymous with energy, spirit, body, and matter. It is the fundamental building block of the universe and it is the universe. As you build with chi, as chi evolves, forms change, but the essence of the form remains the same. They are still composed of chi; they still are entirely chi. Chi is the mustard seed and the Cosmos. It is the multitude of form and the Oneness of form. It is the difference and uniqueness of forms and the commonality between forms. All form and all life is united and divided by chi.
     It is the force that animates life. It is consciousness and awareness. It is intelligent and it is intelligence. It can be contained and it cannot be contained. It can be known and it cannot be known. It is beyond us, yet it is us. It is the medium through which we sense and understand the workings of the universe. We sense the variations in chi through chi; and learn to understand these variations intellectually and communicate them effectively. We sense and learn about the chi that surrounds us and is us.
     Why is it important to understand chi? We have many notions of how to lead our lives well. Many of these ideas are ungrounded from direct perception and exact understanding. If we can perceive chi directly, we can begin to comprehend the universe exactly as it is, rather than rely on beliefs that are dim flashlights in the dark. The better we understand chi, the better we can manage our own lives and the more effectively we can organize and govern ourselves socially.
     In order to cultivate exact understanding, you must base your understanding off of direct perception of the senses. You must see chi as it is, flowing and changing, opening and closing: letting the unknown be the unknown. You must understand your assumptions as assumptions, beliefs as beliefs. They are not exact understanding or absolute truth. At best they are good approximations. At worst they are totally false. You believe in things you can't totally prove exist. You believe in them because believing them gives you something to stand on and hold onto in life. You have beliefs because your beliefs take you towards truth. They are not necessarily true. And if they are, beliefs still aren't perceiving truth directly. They are you deciding that something is true that you don't 100% know is true. We decide to believe because of what we sense. But, we don't need to have beliefs to sense the truth.
     Reality is an infinitely complicated and frequently, if not always, an indescribable sea of what we call form. Our senses tap into the universe in its raw comings and goings. Our minds filter our senses into coherent and meaningful information. We perceive this information as judgement, thoughts, and subjective experience. Our beliefs often strangle our senses into deluded perception of reality. We attempt to force circles to be squares. We see circles as squares. We see every unique shape as a square. They turn raw sensory data into what we believe or assume the world is like. We perceive the world through the filters of our beliefs, and see a world and live in a world that is largely imaginative.
     To see reality as it is, to see qi as it is, we must refine our beliefs and thought. We must refine them to the point of pure awareness. We must cultivate pure awareness and apply it to all of our thought and mind. We must test ourselves in the field of awareness to measure the validity of our self and thought. Through the examination of our thought in pure awareness we distill direct perception of the senses and direct perception of reality. We must examine our self to distill truth. We must examine our beliefs through the light of reason and conscious reflection to know if what we believe is true. We must cultivate direct perception of the senses to accurately judge the nature of the universe, the nature of qi. Our thoughts become living awareness of form rather than beliefs that distort our perceptions of form.
     Beliefs are not bad or always wholly untrue. They are attempts to understand the world we live in. They are based in sense and tradition that can be very helpful and meaningful. They may be the best tools we have to make sense of the world and keep our lives in order. They have a place in the evolution of our consciousness and should not be rejected wholly because of the intuition that there is a better way to perceive reality. They should be carefully examined and discarded only when a deeper truth is clearly realized.
     When you cultivate exact understanding you begin to see how everything is composed of radiating energy fields and currents. This energy is qi. The world is an incredibly complex matrix of interconnected and layered qi fields. Layers withing layers within layers of interconnected and interacting qi. Every particle of qi radiates itself (energy) in all directions at all times.  Every particle of qi vibrates and emits light. This subtle light is the energy that is radiated. So energy, subtle light, and qi are all the same thing. Qi is also sound. Sound is emitted by the vibrating qi as well. Qi is the subtle energy that permeates through all the phenomena we sense. Its the component that unifies what we sense through our various senses into coherent perception.
     Qi is much like water and air as well. It is fluid. It coalesces into streams and pools, yet because it is light it can travel in all directions. Although it is light, it is often dependent on form and fixed to specific locations. Even when it is fixed it radiates itself. When people see auras, they are seeing the radiating fields of qi emitted from the body. Every particle emits light or qi. The different combinations of particles creates unique atoms and thus unique energy signatures from the emitted light. Atoms compose molecules and molecules compose cells and cells compose tissues, so every layer of our physiological composition radiates unique frequencies of light. This light is not merely a spectacle. It is also intelligent and affecting. The intelligent light and energy (qi) emitted by different layers of our physiological composition informs the system of its degree of health. The system (body and organs and tissues and cells) can read (sense) its components and status because it too is intelligent and governed by intelligent energetic qi fields. Qi fields both emit intelligent light and receive intelligent light.
     The nervous system is the main way in which the body understands its composition. The qi(intelligent energy/light) of cells, tissues, and organs is sensed through the nervous system. The cells, tissues, and organs possess quasi-autonomy and awareness. This autonomy and awareness is essential for the functioning of the living structure. Each layer of physiological composition includes the awareness and intelligence of the structures within it and the structures within those structures. Each structure is semi-independent and self-possessing and relied on by the super-structure it lies within. The awareness/intelligence of each structure is included in the structure subsuming it which is why the body can sense the functioning within its cells and we can sense the condition of our organs. Each structure has a different way of being aware of its composition and condition, but each way is dependent on the awareness of qi. Each way transmits information through subtle energies.
     These subtle energies radiate infinitely outwards and can be perceived from anywhere in the universe. Their influence also reaches the furthest extent of the universe. This is why there is karma.
Because what you do literally affects the whole universe, and the whole universe responds. The qi that radiates from your being uniquely pushes and shapes the universe in a way that in tandem uniquely pushes and shapes you. Your thoughts and feelings(your overall energy signature, psychic sum of your radiation) contain emotional and structural imprints and commands. Your body and being, regardless of your awareness of it,  send out intelligent energy to get what they want and need from the world and universe. The universe is composed of intelligent structures which sense this outreach and respond given their disposition to your energy signature. Deeper cosmic forces sense your output and instantly respond through the web of form.
     Our heavenly form lies within what we call our physical bodies. Really our astral (heavenly) form  is simply a finer energy construct that operates within and surrounding our physical energy systems(cells, nerves, tissues, organs, bones muscles). I call them physical energy systems because the physical body is really not solid. We experience it as solid because of our relative, subjective, dualistic and personal-sensory experience. Our physical body is more like an intricate living system of condensed light. What we see as the material components of our bodies are really just condensed qi. The essence of this organic, material qi is the same essence as the essence of the qi that composes our astral bodies. Our physical bodies depend on our astral forms to exist. We need heavenly qi(energy) and heavenly connection to sustain them.
     Our astral body is Light channeled through an incredible complex system of chakras. Chakras are like consciousness machines that create unique structures of life such as the material universe, the sexual creative universe, the universe of form, the universe of individuality, the universe of communication, the astral universe, and the universe of spirit. All of these universes/structures/dimensions are connected to each other in complex ways through the chakra system and are ultimately one with each other existing in one seamless universe.  When we are sick, our physical body is affected, our subtle energy body is also effected. Our chakras are connected to our organs and body components. They work in synergy with the organs and the body to sustain the life of the body and its components/systems. If the chakras aren't flowing in healthy ways the body suffers and can even die.
     When we are cultivating exact understanding of the world, we are not simply learning accurate knowledge of the world's processes. We are cultivating direct awareness of our senses and the world. We are cultivating the ability to see the qi that composes and travels through our bodies and the bodies of the world. With this awareness, which itself is a field of qi, we can perceive the layers of intelligent energy and learn how they interact by direct observation. We learn to see the qi of the chakras and the subtle ways they interact with the body. With this awareness we can actually manipulate our energy and chakra fields. We can ramp them up or slow them down; channel them through different parts of our body; and integrate them in any kind of expression or art. We do this subconsciously or unconsciously already. The more we become conscious of chi and our subtle energy systems the more we can manipulate them: freeing ourselves from sickness and ignorance; and expanding our abilities and personal expression.
     It feels good to uncover new parts of yourself. It feels good to overcome challenges and have a firm grasp of what you need to do to go where you want to go. It feels good to see the world unmasked from ignorance and delusion. When I see the same energy flowing through and composing all things in such a broad and intricate way I feel great joy and wonder. I am less afraid of sickness and death; and I feel much more confident in becoming who I want to be by mastering myself. I am more confident because I can see directly how my actions generate harmony or illness in my body and being. I can see the small flows of qi within myself and know how to direct them to be in harmony with Life. And its not only harmony with my life, but with all Life. Qi is the micro and the macro. It is the mustard seed that mystics seek, the indivisible particle and essence of all form. It cannot be divided because even in its smallest form it is one with the Universe. To understand qi, you must realize that all forms are indivisible from each other. That all qi lives in a seamless vibrant sea of energy, being, and consciousness. That as each form is itself, it is also the universe. The form cannot be without the universal background. And the universe would not be without form. When you can see the big picture you can begin to put all of the smaller pieces together in a way that really works. You can begin to rearrange qi in ways that are truly good because you see exactly how things fit together. You realize that this good is Good because all is One and One is All. You begin to understand exactly how things work because you can only see the smallest particle when you can see the whole universe at once. The big picture is not only a space, it is a way of being. It is a way of being that is the essence of form. And the essence of form is the fundamental particle that composes all forms: Qi


Friday, August 30, 2019

Right Effort, Right Action and Success

     Right effort means knowing what your capable of. It means applying will to the degree that maximizes results. Not too much, not too little. The Goldilocks zone. It means you have a idea of what you want to accomplish, how you want to accomplish it, and you accomplish it as you planned to. Your able to balance your various desires, impulses, and energies during the day as you execute your ambition. You are composed and the work you do is fulfilling.
     It is an ideal. Yet I believe it is also an exact science. I think you can perform perfect action. You can act in perfect balance with the universe and yourself. Actions can be right in different ways and wrong in different ways. Ultimately right action means being totally yourself, completely unbounded in action and in thought. Yet it also can means simply to do what needs doing during the day, however you go about doing it. Righteousness is subjective, relative, and also absolute and objective. Right action is spirit or the essence of life. Chi or pure energy. It is the totality, the Whole, the One, Unbounded boundless consciousness. Its also basic matter, it is the Earth and humanity. It is life as it is now: raw, messy and untouched.
     It is acting in accordance with principles, ideals, traditions, and conventions. Fulfilling agreements and plans; and maintaining relationships. It means being inspired, having desires, feeling, thinking, and being alive. Right action is ultimately us as we are now. It is life itself, working as it does, free and full, wild and alive. It is seeing, being, moving, loving. It is the here and now. It is beauty and ugliness. It is perfection and terror. It is the incredible system of consciousness that we inhabit, that we are. It is smells, sensations, sounds, tastes and sights. It means being whole as we are, yet also awakening to a deeper sense of who we are. Being right as we are, yet searching and striving for something more. Being right, yet also being wrong, and working to be better. To be more compassionate, able bodied and able minded. It is growing and expanding in form and being.
     In the pursuit of good and greatness, we cannot push too hard or too soft. We must find balance in ourselves: in the expression of who we are; and in the force that wells up in us and out into the world.  We perform right action when we are blind and we perform right action when we can see. The right action of the blind that we call good leads to the Good, the Light. And when we have found the Light, the right action we perform leads to God and the Whole, the One. Or the none. The Light leads to Emptiness, and the emptiness leads to the One: the Sea or the Multitude. Here we find ourselves and forget who we are in who we are. We remember that we are as we are. We stand wherever we may be as we are in the shade of the Sun. Asleep and awake as we walk in the twilight of ourselves. Empty and free, full and nothing. Everything and something. We melt into the stars: into thin air.
     Until we dissolve into ourselves. We have action to perform. We have a sentence, or a duty. An obligation, or a responsibility. I think for most of us, we seek the ideal of balance. Whether or not we can achieve it, we can get closer to it in our lifetimes. Nearly all of us have desire, ambition, drive, things to do, and somewhere to go. In this case, this very human case, right action definitely means the action that we can take to strike a healthy balance in our life. Its not perfect, but it works. The more it works, the more it becomes right action: until we believe it is right action.
     To perform an action is to manipulate the world. Manipulate or create or change. When we assess the meaning of right action in the scope of any single isolated action, it means manipulating the world(in the broadest sense) as we intended to: as we envisioned. The elements are mind(vision/plan/intention), subject, perhaps a tool(s), and that which is changed(world or subject). There must be an intention for their to be action and that intention must be made manifest by the act for it to be right. To perform right action, you must manifest what you intend to.
     To perform right action within the scope of attaining a healthy balance in life, you have to perform many actions well in an integrated and thoughtful manner. You have to manage various interconnected elements of your life successfully to achieve adequate health. These elements are the basic components of a human being and a human life. You have to give proper attention to each of these elements. You have to know how these elements effect each other. You can't give too much attention to one specific element and neglect others. When one or several elements are neglected the integrity of the system is compromised. To achieve optimum performance, optimum growth, and to keep the system from collapsing, you must organize your life, your attention, in such a way that you keep each of these elements flowing in a healthy way. There must be balance and harmony in the system, in your thought, and in you action. Each element has unique and specific properties and requires unique and specific attention. You can't eat food to satisfy your need for personal attention. You need to feel included, appreciated, and loved to be well. Food doesn't solve that problem. An inclusive and caring social circle does.
     We are not born aware of the complexities of life. We must learn what makes us thrive through trial and error. We are often working towards better balance and health. We feel and sense that part of us is compromised. We feel pain and we suffer. If we pay attention to these symptoms, we can discover why. We act from a compromised position. We act from partial ignorance and partial understanding. We must take risks. This is where right effort comes in. Right effort is learned through successes and failures. Through honing our abilities, understanding, sense, and intuition. It is a balance of vision (what we wish to manifest in our lives) and capability (what we actually can manifest in our lives). We may not  pursue what is good for us, but we still wish to make happen what we want most; and refine our understanding and abilities to make it so. We refine our effort to manifest what we desire most, regardless of how it affects us or others, unconsciously or consciously.
     Our ability to act in ways that bring about our heart's desire, our vision, is right action. Our ability to apply force or will in necessary degree, to our action, to bring about our vision, is right effort. Our system or being generates force that molds, changes, or creates the world(including ourselves). The force is generated by the content of our being. Our state of mind reflects the content and sum of our being. Our state of mind is also constantly envisioning and acting. Creating our life through ceaseless interdependent vision and effort. The force welling up within us is intelligent. It is not simple Newtonian force with one direction and one strength. The force is one with who we are. It is generated by the content of our being and it is the content of our being. You could say every aspect of our being is intelligent and creative. Every aspect of our being is endowed with a creative force. This force is directed by our state of mind. Our consciousness radiates our creative will upon the world, upon the universe.
     We learn through trial and error, consciously and unconsciously, how to modify our will, or effort, to achieve our vision. We achieve our vision by balancing the various aspects of ourselves through correct application of will. We must apply force appropriately in complex ways to keep the system in balance and harmony. This is the same as right effort. It is largely intuitive, imaginative, and speculative. You have a general sense of the order and composition of your self. You imagine what you want to achieve and you have an intuition(partially speculative) of the correct application of force or effort to apply in a specific way to realize your vision. You learn and sense based upon the result of your actions how to modify your efforts when you attempt the same actions again. You develop a sense of how to optimally expend your will throughout the day and through your life to achieve your goals. If your frustrated in life, your efforts are not succeeding in realizing your ambitions. You may be lacking in effort, overexerting yourself, or not taking necessary action. Its important to cultivate a realistic sense of  what it will take for you to get from where you are to where you want to go. To do this you have to understand your strengths and your weaknesses as well as the worldly system you are working in.
     You can know the action you need to take and not succeed in realizing your vision because you misapply will or effort. You can also know how to properly apply your will to manifest you vision, but you are ignorant of what you need to do to be well. Both are necessary to be successful. Both are necessary to achieve adequate health of the human being.
     Your consciousness and life are sustained by a pool of qi. This qi is the force that you use to take action in the world. It is depleted through effort. We pursue right effort and right action to bolster this qi within ourselves and to use it as efficiently as possible, both furthering our ability to shape the world to our liking. The first gives us more power and the second makes our power go further. When we take wrong action, uniformed or unwise action, it may compromise the integrity of our system, compromising the elements which sustain our level of qi, power, health, or consciousness. The same is true for misapplying force, will, or effort. You can break down components of your system or ineffectively power them, both which undermine the integrity of the system. Without right effort we cannot perform right action. We cannot perform well unless we properly apply our will, qi or force, to the inter-working components that perform the action. This proper effort is itself a multitude of small actions taken to perform the task in mind. We perceive the effort as singular because the smaller actions are more or less automatic. It feels more like we are simply controlling the amount of power we apply rather than making each piece of the system work in sync to move the entire body in a specific way.
     Right action and right effort are truly one and the same. We perceive them to be different because of the preconceived notions we have about them. We assume that force, effort, is itself unintelligent: unacting. The subject is the actor that applies varying degrees of effort, the power that moves through us in not intelligent, it is simply energy. In truth, any effort we take, any movement of power, is actually the action of intelligent systems: whether they are energetic or biological. Energy is intelligent. Effort perceived as using power is a subjective experience. The power that we apply is really a river or sea of action taking place. Action that doesn't necessarily belong to us or isn't necessarily caused by us. What we call action depends on a subject. What if their isn't really a subject? Or their is just one subject whose body composes everything? There would be no action taking place because A. there is no one to act, or B. there is nothing to act on. If everything is one or none, then their are no boundaries for action to take place, there is just undivided power and being. This is why right action and right effort are seen as no action or no effort.
     Their is no effort or no action needed when you are one with the universe. You are the universe moving effortlessly acting ceaselessly. There's no change in position to require change in action. There's one movement of one body springing forth effortlessly. For nearly everyone we don't consciously exist in oneness permanently, we live in the dual projection of our minds where we are separate from the world. We strive. We take effort and action to better our position. We gather qi and move closer to one-pointedness. Right effort and right action are ideals and intuitions we work towards, not our reality. Thus, it makes sense to understand them in a dualistic sense as well as an absolute sense: so we know how to navigate the terrain we pass through and know what to gravitate towards.
     The innate desire to better ourselves through wiser action and more efficient use of force is the undeterring awakening of being towards God-consciousness and beyond. It is an unstoppable force transcendent of our individuality. The awakening of God-consciousness is the highest achievement an individual can garner because it is the full awakening and expression of individuality, of the self. As we progress towards full awakening or liberation, our goals change; and what constitutes right action and effort changes.
     As we awaken our system or self becomes greater in scope and depth. What constitutes right action and right effort becomes more complicated and more involved. The key to achieving success is to understand the extent of your ambition and desire: the extent of your heart and mind. Once you know what you want, you must understand the variables or components of the system that you are working in. The components you don't understand and don't have power over may or may not get in your way. Even if they don't get in your way, the more you don't understand, the more risk you take. A main component of the system you are working in, is yourself. Your own weaknesses often defeat you. They are in fact always defeating you in small ways. Until you understand that the components in your system are interconnected, you will always be blindsided. Until you fix your attitude you will always run into the dirt. Until you get educated, you won't understand the world your working in and the people you have to deal with. This is why it's necessary to adopt a holistic outlook if you want to succeed.
     You have to have a holistic outlook and a growth outlook if you want to succeed in the long term. You have to be willing to change, and you have to see the world and yourself as a system of many interconnected parts. If you don't understand how each part effects and works with each other part, you won't know how to manipulate the system effectively or maintain your well being. There are countless dimensions/aspects/components of the world we live in. The more you are aware of them and understand them, the easier it is for you to navigate. If you are actively seeking to better yourself and your understanding of the world your chances of success are much greater.
     Life is hard and what we learn from our communities and traditional/state education may often not be enough to set us or keep us in a healthy direction. This is more true for people who don't fit in and people who possess more depth than that of the environment they grow up in and inhabit. If we really want to rise above much of the potential suffering in life and make our dreams come true we have to have an integral understanding of ourselves and the world. We have to be able to take wider perspectives stepping outside of our traditional worldviews. We have to learn to see life objectively and accurately understand how our perspectives are limited. We are blinded by our egos, our biases, and our beliefs. To have an effective integral understanding of the world, we have to cultivate our critical thinking and introspection. We have to have a working understanding of the dimensions we inhabit. The physiological, psychological, interpersonal, cultural, political, environmental, subtle, and spiritual dimensions of life. You have to understand how you exist in each of these dimensions and how they interact to determine your health and wellbeing. The more you awaken, the more intuitive right effort and right action become. They evolve out of our traditional values into highly individualized and direct sensing intuitions. We go from believing in a way, to reasoning our way, to feeling our way, to feeling the way, to being the way, and beyond.
     To optimize our ability to act and take right action, we must take care of our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our spirit, our communities, and the world we live in. We cannot continue in personal success if the world around us falters. We cannot continue to succeed if we let our communities collapse into fear, egotism, narcissism, madness, sickness, and hate. We cannot afford to pursue selfish interests without  framing these interests in a wider perspective. We cannot continue to cower in the face of tyranny and oppression. We cannot continue to sacrifice our freedoms for continued pleasure and ignorance. We are maintaining pseudo-security and losing our willpower and sanity to slavery and madness. Our ways are being uprooted and violated. Our people poisoned and assaulted. We cannot continue to be disturbed and do nothing about it.
     We have to sacrifice for the greater good. For those who can see, we have to be the leaders in a sea of disturbance. We have to lead the people into direct awareness of the senses and the sensed. We have to lead the people through chaos, delusion, and great change. We have to establish community in the Light of awareness and in the truth of Oneness and beyond. We have to integrate our sciences and technologies and arts developing integrated understanding and practices. The pursuit of truth and direct perception uniting us in discovery, evolution and expression. We have to go much further than what we thought possible, much much further than most of those that have come before us. I believe many of us were born ready for this task and are awakening to this spirit now in greater detail and engagement than before. For us, it is right that we come out to the world with what we know with great wisdom and care, and sow the seed of Unity throughout the world. We do this with ease of mind and harmony of self and spirit. We let it flow through us into the world. It is divine effort and divine will. Our success is being Whole and sharing our wisdom with the world in the Light of the Divine.
     To achieve your goals, you have to know what action to take and how to apply your energies. To truly take right action and have right effort, you need to sense the Whole act act from awareness of it.  Right action and right effort begin with our instincts to survive and procreate. They evolve into traditional beliefs, personal ambitions, feelings, divine intuitions, and self expression. They dissolve in singular perception of the universe and become supportive of the Whole and All. If we can truly succeed as an individual, it is by harmonizing our will with the infinite and awakening to our deepest natures: pursuing right action and right effort as they evolve in our lives.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Letting Go into a Psychic Universe

     Letting go of life in a deep sense means letting go of the fearful compulsion to control life. It means letting go of compulsiveness resulting from our conditioned ways of being. It means opening up to something greater and deeper. Something less divided from the world. It means letting life flow through you and flowing with it. It means allowing feelings to guide you through life. Feelings that don't have to make sense. Feelings that you can trust. Feelings that you learn do make sense. It's about awakening to your being and opening up to the heart of life.
    So much of what we do is limited by our conditioning. We are taught from birth how to be and how to not be. So much of this isn't grounded in good sense and ends up constricting our energy flows; hearts and lives; and closing off our minds and senses to the truth. We act compulsively based off of our conditioning. Not because our action is good or right, but because we were taught to be this way. We cannot see truth directly from our conditioned mind. The conditioned mind turns our senses into distorted reflections: hallucinations. In order to awaken our senses and awaken our self, we must let go of this conditioned way of being.
     Most human beings do not go far down this path. We all do in small or bigger ways in parts of our lives, but to truly live from a place of deep letting go and surrender is rare. Not only is it rare, it is difficult.
     To let go deeply is to move opposite of the direction of most of society world wide. Most of society seeks more control and more power. Letting go is to seek less power and to let go of personal control of life. Its counter-intuitive for most people. For others, it is the most intelligent and noble action to take. It is difficult because it may mean temporarily ignoring much of the sense and tradition that you have followed your whole life. It may mean relinquishing this sense to acquire something deeper and truer. To become your true self. It may mean not listing to the best advice of those around you and stepping into the unknown.
     I believe the Gods, spirits, and enlightened beings of our world are asking us, asking humanity, to let go in a deep sense. I believe they are asking us more strongly now because of the great adversity and change we face. I know that many of us, more than at any other point in recorded history, are ready to wake up to our deeper natures. I know many of us are born in this life with the purpose of waking up spiritually and healing the world. We are called to listen to the heavens, our intuitions, and answer the call of our souls and our divine union with life. We are called to go against the grain, to see through the beliefs of our traditions, and to come together as one people in a way transcendent of dogma. We are called to be pioneers in the field of consciousness; subtle energy; intuition; and holistic integration of various sciences and arts. This deep letting go and deep waking up is an energy current or energetic field not new to our planet. It has been springing out of human minds for perhaps tens of thousands of years:perhaps longer. It has been growing on our planet for at least the last three thousand years and has intensified in the last two to three hundred years.
     This deep letting go is one of the ways to reach truth: to wake up. The end of letting go is the same end reached by meditation. In both meditation and letting go, the conditioned mind is relinquished to obtain insight and direct awareness of the senses. Other names for letting go may be renunciation or surrender. Letting go is the process of transitioning from conditioned being to unconditioned being. But it's not a regression into unconscious activity and narcissism: the selfish rejection and shedding of social conventions; its a transcendence of conditioning into the emergence of a deeper consciousness. Your letting go of your life to receive and be your deeper self or true nature. Your awakening or cleansing your senses; and awakening your mind and heart to your true nature and your true self. Unconditioned being is the beginning and end of life as you know it.
     Crucial to this process is awakening your feelings and intuitions. You find God through your feelings: your heart and your soul. People let go deeply because of how they feel and what they intuit. They feel like they cannot go on living they way they are because they intuit something much deeper. They know this intuition is truer and more fulfilling than the life they are living. People's dharma, their life-path or soul trajectory, is learned through their feelings and intuition. Your dharma is your way of life; your way of being; and your way to move to or reach God or truth. You find your path to God or you way in life through your feelings and intuition. It is this unique path that leads you out of conditioning into heaven towards God or truth.
     Your feelings reach a critical point when they break out of what we consider the normal, the realm of the 5-senses, to the psychic transpersonal dimensions. This is when you begin to sense that your feelings aren't just how you feel, they may in fact be how others feel, and how the world is. How the world may be beyond what you can experience with your bodily senses. You also begin to sense that these feelings, this sight, can guide you in life. It can guide you in ways that your thoughts or beliefs cannot. As you begin to trust these feelings, this sight and psychic-intuition, you let them lead you more. When they get strong enough and clear enough, you begin to discover your unique way of being, your dharma or your soul. You learn the unique truth of your life, know it is the path that you will follow, and watch it unfold in your life.
     Part of the development of these feelings, this psychic-intuition, is letting go of what you may see as superficial ways of being. These conditioned ways of being that are not who you are anymore. Letting go gives these deeper feelings/intuitions room to blossom in your life.
     We wish to let go of our conditioning and develop and inhabit our psychic-intuition because we know it is the way we connect to ourselves and perceive truth. We intuit that these deeper feelings provide real security for without them we walk blind. We sense that the universe is much deeper and intricate than we perceive through our conditioned mind. We need a better set of tools to properly work with it. The development of the feelings leads to these tools, the senses of the psychic intuition. You use these tools, this psychic intuition, to judge the truth of what I write. I can't show you what they look like so you know that they are real. But, you can intuit and feel the truth in my words. Its indescribable, but its real. And its apart of every human's life to varying degree.
     We all have these deeper detectors built into to us. I don't know how or why we do, we just do.
It's apart of the mystery of being human. The psychic intuition is an energy center that lies on the forehead, slightly above the eyebrows. It's called the third-eye. This energy center can sense beyond the limits of the five flesh senses as well as into transpersonal dimensions. Transpersonal dimensions are heavenly dimensions that ascend in greater and greater degrees of Unity. They are called transpersonal because they transcend the identity boundaries of separate-feeling individual. The third-eye awakens the sense of oneness or singleness of reality, in contrast to the separateness-feeling experienced by the ego. We are blind or half-blind without the third-eye because the universe is truly one. We cannot operate in Oneness without our senses being attuned to Oneness: without our third-eye being highly developed. Not only is the world One, it is composed of infinite interconnected dimensions. The third-eye is the portal to the heavenly, metaphysical, astral, or transpersonal dimensions.
     These dimensions influence us even if we do not perceive them. We exist on them even if we are ignorant of them. We are psychic-spiritual-intuitive beings or souls. We cycle through Earth and Heaven. We are incarnated and reincarnated many, many, many times. Our soul-bodies are pure psychic substance born from the third-eye center living in the astral universe. Our souls perceive much deeper than our conditioned minds. They are the gateway to Truth, and to living a life in Joy.
We wish to let go to our deeper feelings and intuitions because we wish to awaken our souls and finder deeper meaning in life.
     Just because the psychic-intuition, the third-eye, is the means to finding deeper meaning, success, sense, and healing the world, it doesn't mean that it's necessarily safe to trust. The third-eye is a gateway to a very large universe. Very large, very complicated, and very powerful. Feelings are things to be honed. The intuition is something to be developed and carefully studied. Most of us are full of so much crap its quite easy for us to confuse our feelings or be deluded. The application of great power through a deluded mind can lead to disaster. Deeper energies can amplify delusion and confusion; as well as overwhelm the senses inhibiting bodily functioning. I talk about this more towards the end of my post, "Returning to Love and Joy". Be careful and be prepared as much as possible. This being said, you get what you got and you do the best with what you have. Life can be messy.
    When you let go to heaven and open up to your soul's guidance system, you more deeply join a chorus of heavenly beings and powers. You awaken to a deeper part of yourself. You can feel the deeper rhythm of your life and you can see into the sky and the stars. You let go of fear, of compulsion into what maybe without a limitation: you let yourself fly. You leave the ground and awaken to a glorious universe where what is possible is open to all possibilities. It can be terrifying and it can be wonderful. You wish to stand in line with your heart that lives for life. You wish to be awake and stand in your own light. To move into a space where you are not bound by fear and broken ideas. We are called upon to let go of the lives we know to go do deeper into the truth of ourselves and the world. We are asked to change because the world needs us to change.
     The world needs us to not just be psychically awake, but heart awake. Awake to our human condition, including our heavenly natures, and able to manifest great strength and intelligence to meet the troubles of our times. We are asked to let go into deep love, wisdom, and commitment to humankind. Heaven asks us as we ask it. We too wish to be more and heaven answers us as we answer it. Many of us are ready to go deeper than our parents and ancestors. It is a privilege to do so. It is the consequence of their hard work: of their dreams. They may not understand what we must do, who we are, and who we  become; but by letting go into our deeper natures, we are carrying the Light of humanity forward. We are carrying our people forward. We are stepping into the unknown because we feel that we can discover better ways to be. We can bring more goodness into a world that desperately needs it. We can make more sense out of life and create more intelligently. We can put the world together better than it is now. We can love more, be more. This is not a step in a new direction, its a step down the path human beings have walked through the ages. Into hopes, dreams, and wishes in our memories, instincts, and hearts. However new it may be, it is apart of the world of man and it belongs to the world of man. This is why it is our responsibility to share our knowledge and ability with the world: to bring our psychic-spiritual awakening to others in our lives. We let go not only to free ourselves, but to free each other.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Meditation in Martial Arts

     Meditation is an act that brings one closer to truth. It is an act that awakens the senses of perception and insight into the nature of reality. Meditation in martial arts, is developing martial ability in a way that awakens the senses to truth. From my own experience and awareness, I know that many traditional Asian martial arts contain deep truths in their practices. These truths are learned by properly performing techniques and forms in these arts. It is easier to learn these truths from instructors who are aware of them. In the United States and probably world wide, the deep truths are taught less and known less. In many organizations in the United States these truths are almost glossed over completely. The depth of awareness of our societies has shallowed and is shallowing today. This shallowness makes it harder to maintain and learn the deep truths of these arts. The shallowness of our societies is the reason that the depth of these martial arts has dwindled.
     The purpose of Gung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, Aikido, and probably many other martial arts is to awaken to truth and lead a balanced life. This truth is the Oneness of life, the singleness of subject and object. The truth of these martial arts even extends to living in harmony with the Earth and maintaining balance in society. They teach how to lead, how to grow, and how to take command of yourself. For those with martial spirits, they are joyful gems to carry and study throughout life.
      Meditation in martial arts can be incredibly joyful because of the intensity and vigor they create in practice. Not only do you push your mind further than you ever expected, but you push your body as well. The spirit of martial arts is that their is no limitation on what your body can do and what you can do. You can always push the boundary. Through the exercise of perfecting and pushing the body to extraordinary fitness, you learn the subtle nature of life. You gain control of it and use it in new and exciting ways. Meditation in martial arts is a practice of discovery, liberation, dance, and unleashing and mastering power.
     Meditation in martial arts is about unifying the self through the art of combat. Its taking everything that you are and putting it into your training and your fighting. Its about taking everything that you feel, everything that you think, and all of your body and concentrating them all on one point of striking or movement. This one-pointedness is the intention of any kind of meditation. The difference in martial arts is that instead of sitting on the ground with legs crossed you are leaping, spinning and striking in the air.
     What I like about martial arts and meditation in martial arts is the way in which martial arts confronts some of the realities of life that are often ignored. In martial arts you face the violence in you and channel it directly. I think it's important to become conscious of the violence and aggression within us and to learn to use it in positive ways, to incorporate it into our being. I don't think we need to be afraid of violence or get rid of it completely. Life is violent. We're animals. By consciously engaging with it, studying it, and incorporating it into your life, you learn how violence and aggression fit in our society, how they are apart of our social structure and competition. How they don't have to be bad things. Violence and aggression can be controlled and tamed. Proper practice in martial arts does this in a positive way.
      I think violence and aggression lie at the root of our passions and our vitality. I think that by embracing them with conscious intent to do good and be more whole, we can discover strength and authenticity that we haven't known before. We can discover awareness of who and what we actually are. By understanding violence and aggression and integrating them into our life in a wholesome way, they won't lurk in the back ground suppressed and hindering our health and psychology.
     In sports, you learn about your motivations, and how your emotions influence your performance. You learn the same from traditional Asian martial arts. The same and perhaps even to a deeper degree. I think because of the spiritual element of these traditional martial arts, the inner awareness cultivated by the practices is stronger. This inner awareness includes being and becoming conscious of the emotions and how they effect action and the flow of vitality. The forms in Taekwondo, Karate and Gung Fu direct the attention inward, developing self-consciousness and consciousness. True practice of traditional Asian martial arts is a practice of personal and spiritual growth, the development of consciousness of self and world and the way to balance them.
     This is why many of us practice martial arts. They are a deep discipline of awakening consciousness and creating balance in life. Many of are called to train and participate by destiny and our souls, to further and maintain the arts in our lifetimes. I personally wish to bring the spiritual depth of the traditional Asian martial arts to the mma community, to heighten the level of competition and to bring the sport closer to introspection and serving humanity.
     Traditional Asian martial arts (tamas) awaken the self by awakening the energy centers of the body. The traditional forms cannot be practiced correctly without awakening the energy and sense centers. As you progress through the forms and techniques, you awaken and master deeper and deeper senses and energy centers. It is essential that you have an instructor who can adequately perceive this awakening and can give proper instruction according to your degree of insight and ability or, you posses the intuition and skill to teach yourself. If the organization loses sight of the spiritual depth of the tradition, then practitioner's will be allowed to teach before they are ready to properly teach the art. If the living heart of the tradition is lost, the art will degenerate and it will lose it's ability to awaken human beings. If their is not Light or sight or truth, the leadership cannot navigate through the terrain of life and when they misstep, they won't be able to return to sense, but will continue to fade into darkness and decay. The same is true for all arts, traditions, individuals, and societies.
     Meditation in martial arts opens up doors to great physical ability and different and perhaps new modes of consciousness. When you awaken the energy centers and the senses, you can do extraordinary things and your consciousness changes. The reason tamas are good at getting to the extraordinary is because their practices involve more direct and scientific understanding and manipulation of the vital energies and the body than other athletic disciplines. The knowledge and understanding of tamas are apart of multi-millennium old holistic sciences of the East. Understanding and technique that far surpasses Western science and understanding in many ways. Especially when it comes to the understanding of the subtle energies of the body and the world; and the way these energies effect the human anatomy generating health or disease.
     The knowledge of these arts and ancient sciences comes from millennia of holistic scientific inquiry. This accumulated knowledge is the key within the tamas that generates super physical ability; and consciousness/sensory awakening and expansion. The knowledge is transmitted into the forms and techniques by the highly advanced practitioner upon their creation. It is also passed down, generation to generation via  instructor-student relationships.
     One of the modes of consciousness cultivated in tamas is intuition. Intuitive receiving of information and intuitive spontaneous action. It is through this mode of consciousness that much of the learning is transmitted, especially at higher levels of practice. This faculty of consciousness  also governs holistic scientific inquiry. Through intuitive perception we sense the holistic nature of reality and the bodies in reality. We sense the interconnectedness of nature and develop understanding of its bodies based off of this sense. This intuitive objective science has been kept alive over thousands of years in the East and lives in tamas today.
     Embracing and cultivating this intuitive holistic approach is key to success in tamas. It is the key that drives the meditation of tamas. It is the key that drives meditation in general. Intuitive holistic vision unifies the individual under the force of expanding perspective. The intuition that all of the parts are interconnected is itself apart of the process of a being awakening to direct objective perception of reality. The individual is transitioning from believing that the mind, body, spirit, world and other are separate to seeing all of these phenomena as a single seamless body. Intuitive holistic awareness develops as the individual begins to consciously sense the interconnectedness of the components of their life. The power that arises with this awareness gives the individual what many see as extraordinary physical/mental ability. An individual who can sense the interconnectedness of being can draw and develop power from the interconnectedness of their being. An egoic person is always at war with themselves and the world. What if instead of fighting against parts of life and yourself, you were able to unite those parts and combine their powers for your own use. One who senses the interconnectedness of life seeks to unify themselves in higher orders of integration. The more you can integrate yourself, the more power you can draw and concentrate. If you sense the interconnectedness between yourself and the world, your power is unlimited.
     Intuitive holistic awareness is inherently an awareness that draws power from the singleness or wholeness of life. The inkling that you are interconnected with the world is sense and power drawn from the indescribable wholeness of life. The greater the sense you have of the interconnectedness and wholeness of life, the more you can draw power from the infinite. This tends to heighten your natural abilities and talents so long as the opening to greater power and being is manageable. Too much power can overwhelm the body and the senses, crippling abilities. If you can manage it wisely, you can gain powers that seem super human to general society: going further than what many believe is possible.
     The intuitive, holistic, and objective vision and study of life leads one to more direct perception of the workings of the body. You develop awareness of the interconnected subtle energy system of the body and how to manipulate it. You can more precisely perceive what your strengths and weaknesses are; and more efficiently work to generate health and functioning of the system. Tamas contain knowledge of how to turn on energy centers in the body that are normally dormant: driving ability and health even further.
    The realm of possibility in human endeavor is limited to our understanding of ourselves and of our world. It is limited to what we think is possible and what we know how to do. The Western mind thinks itself to be at the pinnacle of human awareness and ability; and often doesn't consider that many ancient cultures have deeper and greater understanding of the systems we inhabit; and can consequently generate much greater health and ability. Traditional Asian martial arts are apart of the wisdom and understanding of the ancient intuitive, holistic, and scientific thought of the East: a way of thinking and acting potentially older than 10,000 years. A way of thought developed from the interplay of Yogic wisdom; Buddism; Daoism; ideas and systems of Yin, Yang and Qi; and other rich traditions.
     As we become more and more globalized we must be mindful of how our traditions and societies change. We must maintain the integrity of traditions that uphold the integrity of our societies. We must not abandon the wisdom and understanding we have accumulated over the ages in the fires of consumerism, materialism, and thoughtlessness that ravage our ways of life: our connections to our senses. We must adapt in ways that preserve tradition, expand our ability to include others, and protect the sanctity of life. We must use our traditions as stepping stones into the future of high technology, unified science, a unified humanity, and direct perception of truth: the massive awakening of individuals and their occult energy centers to God consciousness.
     Tamas come from a lineage of wisdom traditions. Although they are flawed like any other traditions, their merit deserves close attention: especially as they spread throughout the world; and are threatened by forces that are rapidly destroying tradition and culture. We must preserve the elements of life that bind us together; we must preserve the elements of life that lead us towards deeper and better understanding of the world around us; we must preserve what is meditative and close to our hearts. I think it is important that we study tamas and other martial arts, assessing their validity and worth, because it is important to maintain and further a spirit of uniting human kind in goodness and precise understanding. The spirit of tamas is holistic and intuitive. It is meditative. It is this quality in martial arts that makes them wonderful, enchanting and worth pursuing if your seeking a discipline that will help you bring balance and awareness to your life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


     We live in a world where we attempt to reach out destination through effort. We believe we need to work harder and be more to succeed in ways we cannot succeed now. We need to focus more, to be more engaged, more committed, more disciplined, more intense. These attitudes can and often help us succeed and often are what we need to do, but I feel that often we have these attitudes because we are insecure.
     We are afraid of not succeeding. Of letting people down. We are panicking and we are stressed. We are on the run. We are running away from failure and from falling apart. We are holding on tight to keep control. The problem is, the tighter we hold, the more we actually lose control and the further we get from being happy and leading fulfilling lives. We end up running away from ourselves and our life. We lose touch with ourselves and with reality. We slip into deeper fear, deeper stress, deeper instability and unfortunately deeper insanity. We think by holding on we will remain safe and secure, when actually we are avoiding the senses that would save us. We hold on because we believe we need to. We have these beliefs because from birth we are programmed to be a certain way. We are told what to do, how to be, what is good, and where you will go and what your life will look like when grow up and keep on growing up. A lot of this is groundless. A lot of this is perverted sense by the corporate-consumer world. A lot of this is madness given to you by the insane and unknown. The unknown being people who don't know themselves.
     We consciously or subconsciously compromise our integrity and well being to fit into the world. We do it because we are afraid of being refused by the main current of society. We think we have better chances of survival if we don't listen to ourselves, but adopt other people's belief systems. This is true in a large sense. By compromising our values and integrating into the system, we gain the support of the powers that support it. We do gain safety and security. The problem is the long term trade off. The long term trade off is insanity, depression, dehumanization, and destruction of the planet. It means losing real friendships, losing real happiness, losing vitality of body and spirit. The problem is you've been duped, swindled and enslaved. Enslaved by the system however conscious the intent to enslave is, and enslaved by yourself, by your mind.
     The problem is that a lot of mainstream society is extremely negative and dangerous. A lot of it is not run by good people who care about you, who want to give you products that are good for you. They want to give you things in exchange for something worth more than what they give. They want to cheat you. And they do. Over and over and over again. This is the illusion. Look at all this cool good stuff. Of course its good for you. Of course you need it. It only costs the integrity of the entire planet and the sanity of the species. The reason it works is because it is one of the dominant forces on the planet. And they use their power to get as good as they can at manipulating and hypnotizing us. It works because we are sick enough and detached from our senses enough that we don't hear the alarms going off. Or we do, but we're too weak and too overwhelmed to do much about it.
     We cannot afford to be too weak and too overwhelmed to do much about it. Its now or near-total collapse of the good on Earth. We have to stop taking the red pill and take the blue pill. It's time to listen to our senses. To listen to ourselves. To turn off the tv and get to work. We may not even know where to begin to start. I have know idea what I really want to do with my life. I have no idea what my passions really are. The truth is that their is an incredible amount of good work to do right now. We may not know how to connect to life and society in original ways. That's ok. Figure out what you can do now and do that. Be open to the possibly of getting to know yourself more, of listening to yourself more and understanding your world and life more. If you open up enough, a torrent of wisdom, creativity, and sense will flood into your life. Life is ready for you to step up your game. Life is waiting for you to step up and hit the ball. We need heroes and we need leaders. We need people with big cajones who want to have fun. Our communities are thirsty for positive leadership and inspiration. Their are huge holes to be filled. Holes filled that will make life so much more fulfilling and easy.
     The key is being kind to yourself. Being patient and understanding and loving. This process is meaningless without love and consideration. It is not a ball to be beat, but a child to be nurtured. We need nurturing. Massive out-breaking of love. We need people to open their hearts to life and to each other. We need people to be brave with sharing their feelings and listening to the hard truths of the world. We need to understand that we can't get along by forcing each other around. We have to listen to each other until we find common ground to work from. If we listen to each other enough we will come to love and appreciation of one another. We won't be afraid, frustrated or hateful. We will understand and see beauty where we saw hate and division. We will feel like rejoicing and we will know what we need to do to solve our problems. When we don't listen to how we feel and we don't have people to truly listen to how we feel and what's going on in our lives with an open heart, we become afraid. When we don't listen to our fears, we begin to close off to the world. We don't stay awake. We start to get mad, to go mad. To get confused because we aren't seeing or thinking clearly. We get resentful and start to blame people for how we feel. When we blame them enough for our problems, we begin to hate them. If we think we're to blame we hate ourselves. We become sick and our perception becomes distorted. We get so sick that we want to hurt ourselves and others. We take drugs we don't need to take. We get into abusive relationships. We manipulate each other and do things we know are wrong. We become destructive. Self-destructive and world destructive.
     To heal these wounds, we need wide open tender-loving listening hearts. We need non-judgment and appreciation. We need people who are ok being as they are now. People who are ok with how you are now. People who love you as you are now. Wars don't solve these kinds of problems. Violence doesn't solve these problems. Hate doesn't solve these kinds of problems. Fear doesn't solve these kinds of problems. If we want to unite the world, or even to unite ourselves,our family, or our community,we can't do it without love and kindness. We can't do it without listening to the pains in our hearts and having the strength to do so. Without loving ourselves, our family, and our community more than we hate them and more than we are afraid of them.
     It takes strength to open your heart to the truth. It takes strength to turn to love. It takes fearlessness and self sacrifice to walk the path of Christ. To turn away from darkness and to be vulnerable in the Light. Its not easy being true. But is is harder living in a world without order, without decency and without good will. If you want to pursue the Good and the True, you have to face your feelings. You have to face the pain inside of your heart. You have to resist the temptation of evil in your life. You have to stand up for yourself and for those around you. You have to learn the word of God. The Word of Truth, the Way of Christ. Christ lives in your feelings. Christ lives in your heart. Christ belongs to the world, so you too must belong to the world. You must be prepared to follow the Light into darkness to liberate your Soul and the Soul of the World. You must be prepared to redeem the world. In order to redeem the world, you must first redeem yourself.
     You must grow beyond means of might and compulsion. You must grow beyond the conventions of your people. You must step outside of the box and you must put aside the security that you know. You must continually face the unknown as consciously as you possibly can. You must let the past die and be willing to let your life fall apart. You must give up everything you have and know for the presence of this moment. You will not find your life in your thoughts and ideas. You will find your life in yourself as you are now. You will find your self in yourself as you are now. In your pain, in your confusion, in your misery, delusion, fear, suffering and ignorance. In your goodness, in your love, in your laughter, in your happiness and in everything.
     It all begins with the heart. It all begins with a choice to listen to how you feel rather than to ignore how you feel and who you are. It begins each and every moment. You can rise and you can fall in each and every moment. When you do not or cannot listen to your heart, you fall. When we do not or cannot listen to the hearts of each other our society falls. Its not enough to have policies to govern us. We need wise and willing hearts to sow our lives together with listening and love. We can't know how to solve our problems if we don't listen to our hearts. By listening to our hearts and to the hearts of each other, we can learn why their is hate and why their is suffering. When we turn towards hate with hate we don't listen. When we turn towards people we don't agree with, with judgment and with certainty that we are right and they are wrong, we don't listen. When we don't listen, we don't solve our problems. When we don't listen, we stay angry, we stay afraid, we stay divided. We don't learn. We have to have the heart and the strength of character to face what we don't like for the sake of the integrity of the human species and the integrity of life on Earth. We don't need to win. We need to work together. We need to hear what is being said. We need to listen.
     Love will change this world. Love will change our hearts. Love will bring us together and make the bitter sweet. Love will turn rubble into roses, rust into shine, carelessness into carefulness. Love will end hatred. It will end fear. It will end suffering. It will end division. It will end sorrow. It will bring the Kingdom and the Seat of the Lord to the mountains and the seas of Earth. It will bring the Kingdom of Christ into our hearts and into our lives. It will bring Heaven to Earth. We must not be afraid of what we cannot control. Not be afraid of what we cannot see. We must not be afraid of monsters and demons. Of sickness, death and darkness. We must not be afraid of each other or ourselves. We must not be afraid of what has happened to us, what is happening to us, and what may happen to us. We must know that we are Children of God and that we are not of this world. We must listen to are hearts and answer the call to live the life we must. We must stand together in freedom and Justice. We must stand up to tyrants and dictators. We must cast down unfairness and cast Light onto the world. We must sow evenness into the foundations of our buildings, into the foundations of our hearts and our sight. We must sow evenness in the words we speak and the steps we take. We must listen to the Word of God and see it live in our lives.
      Listening is the way to the truth. It is recognizing the deeper harmony of life and being able to act from it. It may stand out in a world where people are asleep. In a world of violence, force, and abuse. It is dancing with life instead of dominating it or being dominated by it. It is seeing things as they are, seeing through what you are taught to believe. It is being still in crashing waves. It is seeing yourself in the other and it is letting go of hate and bitterness. It is the melting of winter ice and the coming of spring. The flowing of a stream through green fields. It is openness and evenness without form or ground. It is being without thought among thought and form. It is recognizing what you know and what you don't. It is being the seen and the seeing. It is as you are now, walking and waving speaking without saying. Listening is the return to the field. It is seeing your legs and feet in waving green grass. It is seeing where you stand without stepping away from where you are. Where the end of your sight is the beginning of your sight, and the beginning of your sight is the end of your sight. Where the apple falls onto the grass and makes a sound. And the sound on the grass is the grass waving in the wind.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Building in Light

     It is necessary to build life out of Light to be truly happy, to be wise, and to have wholesome communities. The reason why so many of us and so many of our human communities are suffering is because the lack of Light, within us. We try so hard hard, individually, socially and politically to make change through new ideas and new techniques or even by old ones, and so often come up short without making significant change or accomplishing what we set out to do. I feel like their is a huge lack of satisfaction in the planet and I believe it exists because we lack the Light and consciousness which provides the integrity for fulfilling our lives and living wisely. We are ignorant of the essential truth of reality, the ground of being, and because of it, struggle to achieve our goals and lead lives of integrity. We are ignorant of the Light, Oneness of life and full of ungrounded ideas which drive us apart. Without sight of the Light and the One, and without examining our beliefs, we will continue to struggle to survive, thrive, and organize ourselves intelligently.
     The truth is that all life is one and although we vary in talent and ability, no one of us is any better than another. We are all apart of the same Oneness and Light that are the ground of being and of life. We are all Light and Oneness. Our dogmatic ideas of superior sex, superior nationality, superior race, superior religion or belief, or superior self are ungrounded in any real sense. Certain  sexes, countries, races,religions, or individuals may generally have higher capabilities or intelligence in certain dimensions of life, but this does not make them better in an absolute sense. It doesn't make them separate and superior from other human categories and human beings. It makes them different with some potentially higher developments of certain intelligence and abilities. These beliefs hold the same assumption that the group or individual is separate from the other than they rise above. Their identity  that I am this and I am not that is false. We are not separate. We are in fact one with our enemies, the other, our hate and our suffering.
     The Light. The Light carries the Truth of the world. The Light carries the Truth of the Self, the Vision of the Infinite. It carries the Awakened Being and the Universal Self, The Christ Consciousness within all form. This is the Truth of the World. Until we live in Christ, the Universal Soul and Being, we will be blind and lost. Awakening to Christ Consciousness is the full awakening of the individual self into the Self. The Self is the faint background of all that the individual self perceives. The Self, the Universal Self, is the truth that humans struggle to perceive and to live by. It is the balance we attempt to attain and maintain through our aspirations, thoughts, and beliefs. The truth of the Self is that all beings are one, all religions are one and founded on the same truth, and all beliefs and all thoughts are one. No one or no thing is superior in fundamental worth for no one and no thing is separate from the whole. We come to this truth through the unfurling and radiating of the Light within our consciousness.
     As the Light awakens in the mind, it carves out delusion as it transmutes darkness into direct perception of the senses and the sensed. As darkness transmutes into Light by Light, the individual realizes the non-division of the object of sense, the faculty of sense and the subject who senses. The Light carves away the primary delusion of the duality of the individual and the world, revealing the undivided reality of the Eternal Self, the ever-present Universal Self radiating behind the clouds of delusion and ignorance.  The Self that has always been throughout space and time and will always be. It is the foundation and body of Life.
     When we are ignorant of the Whole and live in darkness, we will be unaware when we are unbalanced. We may know of some ways in which we are unbalanced and have intuitions of our position, but we are unaware of the exact state of our ignorance. The resulting overestimation and underestimation from misperceiving our environments leads to unbalanced action and unstable foundations of being. Without understanding the Whole, we cannot fully understand the part and how it fits together best in the Whole. We put the parts together with altogether unclear direction and are forced to live with precariousness and innate weakness in the structures we inhabit.
     When we become aware of the Whole and the Light, we begin to see for the first time how we are ignorant of truth. We sense directly the full extent of our ignorance, at least momentarily. While our minds and Life are awakened by the Light, we can see how we are weak and how we are strong. From these observations we can take action that produces Levity in our lives. Action that reduces our ignorance, increases our awareness, lightens the load and opens up our lives more to receive the Light and the Truth. We can build in ways that truly better the world and ourselves.
     Seeing the Light doesn't necessarily mean your instantly perfected or fully liberated. I think it may be possible to be completely enlightened, but for nearly all of us we live partially in truth and partially in confusion and darkness. Even most those awakened to the truth of Oneness and beyond life half lives in Truth and in Samsara. The Light and the Truth shine clearly in parts of our minds, but not in all of them. The Truth waxes and wanes as we pass from darkness into Light(presence), into darkness and into Light. We may initially recognize this as our failure or ineptness, but as we mature we realize that as much responsibility and control we may have over life, we are equally powerless to change our circumstances. And equally important, we realize that one does need to awake or fully awake to truth. We are the Universe evolving and awakening from nothingness into being and beyond. Our individual identities are drops of water in the ocean. We recognize that even in darkness, ignorance, pain and suffering we are One with the All. We cannot change the essence of who we are, not even when we awaken more to Truth and Light.
      I think that their may be eternal forms such as Light and Oneness, but I am not wholly convinced that they are eternal, or that anything is eternal. I feel what seems to be a perfect truth in the reality of Darkness passing into Light and Unity Consciousness as the eternal body of the universe, but I also wonder and feel truth in the notion that they are passing forms and temporary perspectives. I feel that their may be no eternal state. Maybe their's room for both views to be true.  I do know that however temporary these forms are, the process of awakening to the truth of the Oneness of life through Light and awareness is a real process that many of us pass through. And as temporary or as incomplete of a truth it is, I feel my understanding of it is worth communicating to others. I know that it helps people find ease in their lives and be more compassionate and careful human beings. I feel compelled to write because I feel that it is my personal responsibility to share what wisdom I have. I believe that it is worthy  to pursue truth and vitally important that  more of our species adopt a similar approach towards truth as I have in my own life. A serious, and thorough objective analysis of ourselves and our nature. A unfailing commitment to uphold and pursue truth for the betterment of ourselves and humankind. A moral responsibility to change our own lives as we grow in understanding and insight. Last a duty to share our insights with each other to keep ignorance at bay, to create the best possible society, and to challenge the status quo, protecting what vitality and integrity our species may have. To communicate our thoughts as clearly as we can to ourselves and each other creates room for our insights to deepen, giving us better ability to do what we must do in life.
     I know that Light, Oneness and the Truth resonate with people in extremely positive ways. Ways that regardless of the doubt of eternal nature and absolute veracity of these ideas/realities, will bring goodness and ease to the world. I feel compelled to use these ideas with careful articulation and continual assessment to spread truth and goodness throughout human society. I want us to unite in truth and goodness and build society and culture from these two pillars. I see how so much of what we are doing is unwholesome and dangerous. Mental illness grows when we fail to nurture our community members. Without Light, we cannot see what we need to be well, we cannot raise our our children properly and meet the needs of our community so society degenerates. I feel that their are several reasons why our social structures are falling apart. 1. Materialism and consumerism 2. Rejection of dogma and tradition, outgrowing of dogma and tradition,weakening of dogma and tradition 3. Active suppression and intentional disruption of society 4. Technological growth 5. Globalization 6. Information Age 7.Rise in negative attitude, defeatism, nihilism and general disheartedness 8. Expansion of consciousness  All of these factors contribute integrally to societal degeneration and change. There's a lot of societal degeneration that is negatively impacting us, but their is also a lot of breakdown of old social norms that's positive impacting us. There's actually a huge amount of positive change in societal structure. I focused initially of how our society is degenerating because of the strong feeling of the lessening of social unity and social strength that has been going on for at least the last 70 years and is becoming more and more apparent with each year. I observe the lessening of Light and strength in our communities, generally speaking of course, world wide.
      The Light and strength of our communities was and is still to a lessening degree generated by tradition, usually tradition inseparable from religion. Traditions operate on a social code. Certain behavior is approved of and certain behavior is taboo. Traditions are the same as the social expectations of your society. People commonly assume that upholding the traditions, social expectations, is the best way to act for the benefit of the individual and society. This assumption is not always true. The degree to which a tradition or social expectation is good is the degree to which it provides for the needs and desires of the people. The degree to which a tradition or social expectation is bad is the degree to which it fails to fulfill the needs and desires of the people. Tradition is doing something because that's the way your supposed to do it. Our traditions are weakening because less people are adhering to them, the general fervor surrounding them is diminishing, and the content of the traditions has lost depth and significance. This is happening for many different interconnected reasons.
     The first reason is that people are outgrowing traditional ways of doing things. People don't fit inside the box as much as they used to. People are more individualistic and complicated. They want to do things the way they want to do them. The way they want to be and live doesn't fit in the generic package. They see the holes and the problems with traditions and see a better way of doing things. A way of being truer to themselves and to each other.
     The second is that a lot of traditions and social dogma fails to fulfill the needs and desires of the people. Materialism, consumerism, egoism, superficiality, and thoughtlessness are some of the dominant religions and traditions of today. These creeds are killing the soul of the planet, dooming our future, and consuming what positive culture and tradition we have for the sake of profit, self-interest, and mindless pleasure. They drive us insane as we struggle to find some truth to hold onto and struggle to put/keep our lives together. Part of the reason why some outgrow traditions is because the corruption of tradition and society has forced them to become more conscious to remedy the malnourished condition of themselves and the world. If the traditions and mainstream society worked, they wouldn't need to grow outside of them. We are sold the empty promise of security and fulfillment. We sell our freedom, our individuality, our minds, our health, and our well being. We sell this to each other and to our children. These heartless traditions of today come at the cost of sense we have accumulated through the ages. They weaken the good traditions  as they erode the path we took to get here, marring our memory and vision into oblivion.
     A third factor diminishing our traditions and our society is our relationship with the rapid growth and evolution of technologies. The health of tradition and society depends on the sensibility of the population. When we become removed from our senses, we inaccurately perceive the world, and cannot care for ourselves appropriately. In a large way, the evolution and proliferation of technologies. has dampened elements our sensory awareness. It has been apart of the transformation of consciousness from the visceral to the mental and we have gotten rather disconnected from the visceral and obvious. We have become disconnected from the land, our bodily senses. This has weakened us vitally and made us susceptible to delusion. The more disconnected from the land, the more deluded we have become and the more deluded we become, the more we become disconnected form the land and our senses. We can build all of the advanced technology we want, but if we can't use it wisely, it is more of a burden and a threat than a tool. As we have become disconnected from the land, our bodies and our feelings, we have lost connection to truth and the source. We have lost Light and consciousness and our society and traditions have become underground from reality. The rise of technology comes with the rise of the thinking mind, the ego, a disconnect from the ground that undermines the vitality of the individual, compromises the senses, and weakens society.
     Many of the dominant religious-traditions/societies of the past and present, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism held/hold people together with social doctrine. We reached the Light, the Truth and the heavens through these religious traditions. They worked for most people. They are not perfect and contain a great amount of delusion. In some ways their was greater social unity. At least among members of the same community. As we become more globalized and unified as a species  the older traditions are threatened and weakened. With exposure to other traditions and beliefs, we have additional reference points to judge truth and fiction. It's easier to see where our traditions are weak and underground and where other traditions are stronger and truer. Once mono-tradition communities are now multi-tradition communities. Their's more competition and more mixing. Right now the world is in the middle of this mixing/blending. As we mix and open up to new ideas we are vulnerable. The stable ideas/traditions/ways of the past that have rooted us in relative security and health are in question and new ideas/traditions/ways are open to adoption/integration into our present ways. These traditions/ways are the safeguards of our health and well-being. When we question them, we make the life flow of their power more uncertain. Our judgment is based off of these traditions. So when we question these traditions, we question our judgment. When our judgment is in question, we are uncertain about how to act to ensure health and well-being. Some of our sense and judgment is adequate and some is not, but while we are uncertain and questioning, we haven't figured this out yet. We doubt some sense and judgment that insures our health and well-being, and in doubting let in dangerous practices and ideas into our lives. We ignore some good sense and practice, and are partially blind in our quest for something truer. We don't perceive that we are engaging in dangerous or untrue practices/ideas because we willfully ignore some sense/way that we had or we're naive/ignorant without sense in the first place. Perhaps we lack the sense to follow the senses that we have.
     These traditions that are still followed by the masses, but are weakening in general throughout the world, created Unity through doctrine and belief. The dogma and belief and tradition were and are mixed together with sublime truth in a palatable pill for the masses. This is how we found and how most of us still find God and truth and meaning in our lives. Another key element arose and is arising from the same force that is globalizing and unifying our various world cultures/traditions. The realization that truth and God don't belong to any of the religions or traditions alone. The realization that belief isn't necessary to reach God. That God can be perceived directly without creed or dogma. That truth isn't dependent on the traditional narrative, but is objective and scientific. The transcending of dogma and tradition to a truer more direct perception of reality.
     One of the troubles of the great blending is that the untruths of traditions/society are pointed out, but the truths of them aren't distilled and reformed in deeper understanding and insight. We see the relativity of tradition and religion, the superficiality of social interaction through the medium of dogma, the complete fallacy of much mythology and literal interpretation of religious texts, and throw out the whole notion of God, meaning, and a spiritual universe. We fall into soul-darkness and assume the world is meaningless and pointless. We live in such angst that we can't see the Light within ourselves, the being and the truth that are here now. We become pessimistic, nihilistic and terrible. We ignore many of the strong and true ways of our society because of this attitude when they can still help us.  We have lost our faith in life and in human society. This stepping away from dogma, this expanding of consciousness, is another huge force destabilizing society. Dogma is one of the main forces that binds our society together. As we negotiate the terrain between dogmatic order and and trans-dogmatic being, life is unclear, unstable and the integrity of society is compromised to varying degrees because order and sense and power aren't set as fixedly as they have been in the past.
     The information age and globalization have been essential to the distillation of truth from dogma, culture, and tradition as well as the proliferation of culture/ideas and the increasing opaqueness of truth, meaning and morality. The information age, globalization, expansion of consciousness and culture, and the exponential growth in technology are all co-arising and interdependent phenomena. They are inseparable and key elements of the transformation of our world order.  Technology has sped up our globalization, our sharing of ideas, mixing of cultures, and distillation of truth from dogma and tradition. The rise of telecommunications and information storage on the internet have sped this process up even more. Access to ideas and cultures is a click away with a computer and access to the internet. As culture and ideas spread faster, truth is distilled faster. It's incredible what we are learning about every dimension of human experience through scientific inquiry. This isn't limited to material sciences. But in any way that scientific thought can be applied. We're learning exactly how the systems we inhabit function and interrelate as we shed millennia of malpractice and ignorance. The most exciting part is learning how all of the different fields of study, all of the different systems and dimensions of life, are deeply and irrevocably interconnected. How each dimension of human experience, of life, is directly connected to every other dimension and how to create wellness and health and function for individuals and society, we must understand, view and treat these dimensions holistically, not separately.  This is the most positive consequence of globalization and the information age.
     Telecommunications and the internet have also intensified the spread of misinformation, unwholesome culture, and pseudo-science. The internet is a pool of information. That doesn't mean its true and useful information. Its easier to lie and be deceitful, when you don't have the person right in front of you. When you don't have a strong system to enforce good behavior and you don't have direct social response to your actions. You can engage it in secret in your personal space where it doesn't effect your social circles directly. This makes it easier to spread misinformation and to create unwholesome culture and behavior. This misinformation and negative behavior undermines the positive social structures we have. It also makes it more difficult to know what is true and meaningful. The same is true of texting and social media. They make it easier to be deceitful, spread misinformation, and create and make normal negative destructive behaviors. Children and people communicate less with others directly. They leave their homes less and are less involved with the community. They can sit at home, be "safe" and communicate through their phones and the internet. We are losing interpersonal skills and people's identities and perception are becoming further and further removed from what's actually going on. It makes it easier to inhabit false personas and harder to know what we actually feel and think. We live in this imaginary hallucination of who we think we are and what we think is going on, when we really hardly have a hint of how we think or feel and what we actually see because we have never developed, or have forgotten, the skills needed to interpret and understand the world as it is. Also the programming of many search engines on the internet also shows users more extreme versions of the content that they are viewing, which isolates individuals and forms isolated disconnected communities, beliefs, and cultures. The more we become disconnected from our senses and the world, the easier it is to adopt negative behaviors and untrue ideas. The easier it is to intensify this feedback loop, the easier it is to be manipulated, and the weaker and more dangerous our world and society become.
     The last factor contributing to the weakening of tradition and the destabilization of society at large is maniacal lust for wealth and power and the intentional effort to subvert and control human populations. Their is a massive attempt now to undermine the integrity of society internationally to consolidate wealth and power. Their is well thought out plans to systematically dismantle the trust and sense that holds us together, to rape our humanity and steal our wealth. To isolate us, to make life extremely competitive, and to obscure the truth as much as possible. Even to make us sick mentally, physically and spiritually. To pit us against each other individually, socially, nationally, racially, religiously, and politically. They want us divided. This is happening top down from fully conscious intention to semi-conscious corporate culture to compliance with the corporate/consumer/sell out system that is coming to dominate our world. This goes further than acting simply to maintain corporate profits. Its intentional, thought out, systematic action to rule the world and partially to destroy it. Our food is poisoned, our culture is destroyed, our traditions lost, our air and water contaminated, our land destroyed and polluted, our minds sickened, our souls lost. Much of this is due to intentional direction to undermine the integrity of society, but not all of it. Its happening because of a spectrum of motivation from pure malevolence to egotism to survival. From conscious understanding of action to basic ignorance of the consequences of action. And its inseparable from the forces of globalization, technology, expansion of consciousness, and the information age.
     Humans are subject to err. We are ignorant in many ways of ourselves and the world, and we probably have always been this way. As we globalize, unifying as a species, and undergo incredible change in belief, behavior, environment, and consciousness, fundamental change to the very structure of our lives, we are vulnerable and must be vigilant to meet the demands of these great changes in competent and wise ways. We face climate change and massive resource shortages. Nuclear destruction and systematic subversion of truth, liberty, and justice. Incredible corruption and terrible widespread mental illness. Fear and unwillingness to change and the rise of nationalism, racism and hate. Collapse of ecosystems and severe disconnect from reality. Many of us cannot or will not be able to deal with this change consciously and wisely. We should not expect everyone to. But the demands of the present require drastic change from many if we are to avoid incredible suffering and establish a world united in a deeper harmony and truth than we have known in the last several thousand years. I believe that we must unite to maintain our way of life. If we don't we will collapse into chaos and barbarism. We must carry the Light from our ethnocentric dogmatic traditions to a multicultural an increasingly trans-dogmatic future. I believe this was the intention of Jesus Christ. To seed the truth in the awakening of monotheism and prepare humanity for massive awakenings to trans-dogmatic direct perception of reality.
     We must change. We must live to serve humanity and truth. We must put this before self-interest and the status quo. We must put truth, justice, righteousness and soul before conventional thinking and behaving. We must unite in truth and Light across race, religion, nationality, gender, and socioeconomic background. We must tackle the problems and needs of society head on and fairly. We must be willing to share what we have for the common good and work very closely with each other in the establishment of wisdom and goodness on Earth. We must not worry about the future, but worry about the present. We must care for what we can now with the full commitment to expand our powers as much as possible to the fulfillment of Good on Earth. We must transcend hate in Universal Love and forgiveness, yet hold accountable each other for our actions and treat each other appropriately for what we have done. We must seek wisdom in all matters and know that nature is infinitely complex. We must treat our bodies with respect and learn to understand our feelings. We must answer the call to act in ways we have never acted before and do things we never thought possible. We must rise in truth from the chaos of the world and see clearly what is to be done.
     To build in Light we must come together. We must rise.