

Monday, June 20, 2022

Another thing to say

What is the world saying to you right now? Where is it all flowing? Not almost, or perhaps, or if, or that's appealing, or I want that. Where is it flowing right now? Where is it moving? What action does this call for? What is the dharma asking of us? Why is it asking this of us? Where is it leading us? Standing with this, we can have strength and dignity to do whatever we need to do. How much do we need what we have? How important is it to obtain what we desire? What is most important, truly important for us to do right now with our lives? What is the truth of our present circumstances and our attitude towards them. So much can distract us if we let it. We can let doubt, desire, people, beliefs and attitudes get in our way. Letting things get in the way of doing what is right. What is right is not violent. It is doing good to all humankind. It is caring for all life. This is such a simple thing. It does not depend on beliefs or attitudes, it is the core of who we are. It is our truest feeling. I think everyone knows what is right to do and how to treat others, but I think it can be very difficult to live up to this. Even though it may be incredibly difficult, it is not impossible. It is also the right thing to do. Not just for others, but for ourselves. Doing good to others and in the world is fully facing who we are as an individual. It is honoring our self and having the greatest integrity. So much can distract us in this world. What is really deserving of our time? How do we get there? How do we live by that? I think each of us can live by it now, regardless of who we are or what we do or believe, having this integrity is the best we can do. It is bearing the cross that is the burden of our own lives. Consciously facing the reality of who we are and taking action in response to the circumstances of this moment to uphold the integrity of the balance of life in this moment. With this feeling in mind, what is most important for us to be doing right now? How do we discover this? Why are we here in this life? What is it that we are here to be doing? How should we shape ourselves, and how should we shape the world? We do the best for the world, when we are fully being ourselves, when we are being true to who we are as individuals. What is it that we were put here to do? How are we going to do that? What is life asking of us? Where is it leading us? How do we make that happen? How is it already happening? 

I think maybe that this is it, and we are already doing that. That there is no way that we can not being doing our best and living in harmony with the balance of life in the universe. I think we truly feel like we are not perfectly in line with this, but I think this is just our feeling, and not the full extent of what is happening. I think life is chaotic and there is nothing we can do to change this. I think good things can lead us to bad things, while at the end of the day this good and bad are relative terms apart of the same whole. Even so, I think as individuals we can turn towards the light, towards truth and goodness, and I think it is good to do so. I think the deepest wisdom we can learn is to let go of our attachment to circumstances so that we may be fully present in this moment. To a reality that already is here and now. I think this is where we find a life unfurled in God, freedom from ourselves, and freedom to fully be who we are. I think this reality is already here and now, while also being something that we turn to. I think it really is it and I think things always are this way. 

So how do we turn to this? Well, we already are turned to it. It already is the reality of this reality. I really believe this and I have lived by it and seen it dramatically shift my life, in ways I was could never have expected. I really think everything is already here now and the truth is that we don't lack anything at all in this moment. I don't think lack truly exists. I think there is infinity everywhere and in everything. I think when we believe in lack we create it, when we have faith in the infinite nature of things, we are freed from the dream that anything else could be. We don't depend on anything in this world. Nothing here can save us or truly support us. The reality of God is our salvation from the circumstances of this chaotic world. It is an ever-present reality which has no limitations. It extends to our ordinary senses and to this physical world we live in. All of this is apart of it. Everything we feel, as we feel it, is a part of it. Nothing outside of it. It is truth, it is all-inclusive. We won't find it hidden or in some distant corner of the universe, it is right here, right where we are, because we and all of this are it. It doesn't need anything from us in anyway. It doesn't not depend on any qualities we may or may not have. This is why striving serves no purpose, It is already manifest in and as our own lives. It is who we are now, what we are now, how we are now, however we may happen to be, however we may happen to change. It never leaves us, we never leave it. The whole world and everything in it is apart of this. Always apart of it, in each and every moment. The world is infinite love. Everywhere and everything. The world is infinite love because everything is infinite love. Love is the way. This is it. There is nothing else but this. This is our heart and soul. This world, this place. This is it man. Always here, always now. So beautiful. No way brother. Love. Love is the way. Love is surrendering to the now. Love is the way. We are surrounded by Love in each and every moment. The most radical selfless love. The most free, totally free. We can't win by seizing, we are holding back, we are love and we must let go to love to be free. Nothing less will satisfy our hearts. We are birds waiting to fly, waiting to soar in paradise. Each one of us. Beautiful birds. Love and Light baby. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Something in the way she moves

 No she, no way, no thing, no movement. Not nothing, not anything. No things stands for itself. No thing stands at all. No thing stands anywhere. Mountains walking. Throughout space and time. Mountains rising and falling. What is a mountain? Where is a mountain? A mountain of water. A mountain of light. A mountain of sky. Of space, of time. A small mountain, a large mountain. One mountain to another mountain. High mountain to low mountain. Green mountain to blue mountain. What difference is there between any mountain? What difference is there between one thing and another? Two things looking at eachother, each the other. No difference between high and low. Like nor dislike. There is no real difference between anything. A name is just a name, it has nothing to do with reality. Living in a sea of names has nothing to do with being awake. Family, no family, poor, rich, these colors, where? No clothing, no flesh, no muscle, no bone, no soul. There is no real difference between anything. No place where these illusions stand. They aren't anywhere at all. They are not even spoken. There is no illusion. Only perfection. There is no half life. There is no ego. Not anywhere. The birds are always singing.  The sky is always blue. The ocean deep and love true. Everything is made of the same substance, of the same blood. One vein singing throughout space and time. There is no difference between anything. Everything is Light. This does not mean we should abandon reason. It means we should understand that everything is One. Everything is One. This does not mean that we should necessarily abandon anything. Nor does it necessarily mean anything about anything. I do believe there is no real difference between anything. I think we can eventually learn to see everything as the same thing. I think seeing that there is no real difference between things allows us to deeply shed our attachment to appearances. This attachment is what prevents us from realizing Truth. It is what confines us to suffering. It is what is misleading. As long as we are attached to the apparent differences between things, we will remain immersed in the matrix of conditioned consciousness. A matrix that truly does not exist. It is important to note that there is no difference even between this prison and enlightenment. Enlightenment is no some special state, it is simply reality. There is no real difference between not seeing it and seeing it. Both are the same. It appears to me that the reality is that all there is is enlightenment. That nothing else can truly exist. We live in the thought that the universe is lacking enlightenment. Everything about this thought and what is seen in this thought is the same as definitively seeing the absolute in the here and now. There is no real difference. This does not necessarily mean that we have no lives to lead. I think more so it informs us how to live. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Whole Lotta Love

 I want to write a book again. I want it to be good. I want it to rock and roll. I don't know what I will write about. Some lethal shet. Some stuff to tear the mind apart. To tear it all up. We gotta tear this shit down. Tear down the world. Every day of our goddamn lives. Tear down the world. This is the only way forward. Tear it, burn it, tear it all down. I just want people to read it. I want to rock the world. Be like, "Whoah.." Rock..and roll. People need to get fucked up in the right way. I think this is what I want to do. People need to get worked. So, I'm gonna work em. Shake it up. Wake up. Work up. Wake up. Front door slammin. Walk right into that door. We gonna walk right into that door. Slam the head into the door. "Bam!!" Out cold muther-fucker. Time to get rocked. Rock and roll. Wake up baby, time to roll. Gotta rock the world.

Open to travel to, the many places within me. Open to move about freely. I'm an open book, come and see. Heart of Merlin on your doorstep. 

People walking around, doing what they are doing? What are you doing? People, here? What are you doing with your lives? How are you spending your time? What have you lost? And, what have you gained? Running about to what end? Family, work, friends, what are you doing with your time? What are you doing with your lives? Who is it for, all of this? All this living? Who is it for? What do you make with your time? What is it all for? Standing, waiting, sitting. Where do you go during your days? What do you do all of this for? Talking, speaking, what for?                                                                        I see the ends of your eyes. I see a hollow shell. I don't see anyone inside. Lot's of noise, no people. Where are you standing when you are looking down? Going, going, going round. To what end? The world turns, the world tumbles, you stay arranged in your sleep. Biting on nothing, nestled in the dark. What is the point of life if there is no one living it? What is the point of this world if no one is awake to enjoy it. Dead world regardless of how it is standing. Sleeping people in there little homes going nowhere. Dull eyes and empty streets. Sleep sleep, dreamy sleep. When will you awaken? When will you claim what is yours? How long will you endure this sweet nothing, this waking dream. Ignoring your destiny. Ignoring your soul. Ignoring your own life that you say you live. What life, where? How much do you follow your feelings? They only go one place. They have one destination. Where have you stopped along the way? What noise do you make in the dark? Is it better than any other noise that does not see. Darkness is darkness. The way is plain. It requires no adornments. Nothing you have will do you any good where you are going. No point to hold onto it. To cling to it. It does not depend on anything, nor should you. 

The way is Light. A Light unaffected by anything in this world. Our selfishness has no power over it. It has no true power to change anything. It is power lent to us so we can see a better way. There is one power in the universe. It is empty and formless. Empty of the forms we call our heart and soul. It is light and easy. When what we have is a stranglehold of struggling tightness. If you step back from you ways, you see that all your efforts are to manipulate the natural order of things. You strive against an existing power, for your own sake. For this, you gain eternal agony. Masked how you will. This is the plight of humanity. We imagine liberation in some far off success when we fight with it every moment of our lives. We push it back, we fight it away. Because we cling to what we know and what we have. This makes us mean things, all of us. We have the capacity for grace. It always has it limits though, bound by doctrine. A free mind has no need for ideologies. It does not depend on attitudes, outcomes, realities, or any particular thing that may be identified. To depend on things is to collapse into the ignorance of darkness. Liberation is independence. Not an independence that is a continual war against one's environment. An independence that transcends opposition entirely. This liberation comes from realization of the emptiness of form, which means the lack of self substance. It is the emptiness of the universe that we inhabit. The emptiness of all things. We cling to things because we belief them to possess a self-substance which is valuable. If all forms are empty of this self-substance then nothing in this universe is worth clinging to. To see this very clearly is to see that a universe empty of self-substance is no universe at all. For there is no difference between the self-substance of a form and the form itself, so this whole universe we perceive is in fact self-substance, which being empty of self-substance as a whole does not exist. Plainly put, our egoic perception is entirely illusory. What we call reality, has no reality. For until we awaken, we are entirely immersed in egoic perception. No matter how we may feel or believe or see that we are making process, until we awaken we are immersed in a darkness. Awakening is to step outside of egoic perception completely. We can experience a wide variety of states that feel like we have departed from our ego, when we are still neatly walking in step with it. To awaken is to drop it completely. To drop mind completely. For the mind we have is a conditioned egoic matrix of consciousness. It is not Mind which is Light. Only the dharma can show you the way to this. All else is foolishness. When we can see clearly enough, we can recognize what is true and what is false. We can recognize the proper way to proceed, and many false paths as well. When we see clearly enough, we can commit ourself wholly to the dharma. We can step completely away from foolishness and be committed wholly to wisdom. We must see clearly to do this. We must be properly prepared to receive the dharma. We can only prepare ourselves properly with the dharma. It is best to be properly prepared. The body and the mind must be prepared to receive the volume of the dharma as it is received and digested by our consicousness and then established in it. If our body and mind are not prepared we can not receive, digest, or establish it well within ourselves. Thus it is important and best to prepare the body and the mind to receive the dharma. Only the dharma can show us the way. However it is accomplished, there should be healthy flow of the vital energies and proper alignment of the bodily components. We must also purify our heart so that we can be committed to receiving the dharma. The dharma is goodness and wisdom. If we pursue selfishness we inherently turn away from wisdom. When the body and the heart are properly aligned we have sufficient steadiness to begin purifying the mind. We can be committed and steadfast in our presence to this process. It is through the mind that the dharma comes to us. Thus it is the mind that must be opened carefully to receive it. The Dharma is the realization of Truth, which is the reality of  the absolute Spirit and Light. It involves the heart and all other components of the body, yet is transmitted through the mind. This Truth may also be Mind or Heart. A Heart or Mind that is the absolute unity of mind and body.  God can show us how to properly align the body, properly cleanse our hearts, and properly direct our concentration. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Everything, everywhere, all at once.

The universe is already completely fulfilled. It's entirety is the emptiness which makes up this moment. This is who we are. This is what we are. There is nothing we can truly gain to make us whole that we do not already possess. We wake up to what we already are. To what has always been. The attempt to make gains in efforts against the universe is futile. We are struggling against what is and who we are. This we cannot change. There is no vessel that needs filling. There is no change that must happen. Everything is already complete everywhere all at once right now. There is no difference between you and anything else. Between the most enlightened and the least. The most enlightened is the least because there is truly no difference between the two. The two have no real individual identity that they own for themselves. What there individual identity is is truly the empty whole of the universe present here now it its emptiness. This identity is indistinguishable from the identity of anything anywhere anywhen. There truly are no separate individual objects or things. When we see this separation we are deluded. When we are our own we, we have this deluded perception. This is the great emptiness. It is not without the appearance of illusion. It is full of it even though none of it even exists. No thing here holds water. Water appears to be held, when it is not held anywhere at all. This place does not belong to anything or any way. It has no attitude or notions. It is not anyway at all. It is an everything that is the same as nothing in which things are not things. Because things do not exist. This is what no-thing is. It does not exist as we know things to exist. We see things, we see delusions, thing there! Deluded mind. Thing over there! Deluded mind. None of these things really exist. Not as we know them to. When we can see beyond the delusion of ordinary existence we can say yes these things exist. Until then, when we say this, we commit err. Until then we see nothing. We do not see anything at all. We cannot see at this point even though we believe we plainly see with our own eyes. The only seeing is the reality of the infinite being that is this moment. It may see itself and point to its own existence. A part from this, nothing exists. This is everything that exists. Everything is this infinite being. It is everything, everywhere, all at once, all the time. It is this. This here now. People, dogs, feelings. It is everything. This simply is. There is nothing else to it. No way to pin it down. It simply is. This, here, now. We can't pin it down as one thing. We try and try and try and refine and refine and refine our judgement. This will not do. The tool we use is irrecoverably flawed. Despite our efforts, any effort, however talented or clever or great. We try to gain..We live in gain. We compete, we do not see. We do not need to end efforts, obviously still an effort. The only way is by deeply recognizing the shortcomings of our designs. We have to have a certain wisdom to accomplish this. We have to have a certain sight. This is to be guided and inspired by the dharma. It acts in manifold ways, we must learn to recognize how it speaks to us. We live a shared life with it. A communion in which we lose our freedom of total control over the destiny of our lives. We allow ourselves to be guided by it, we can only flow with it if we wish to follow the path of self-realization. We become a thing of clockwork inner cycles and flows. We become one with the nature of things, with the natural flow. To see this flow and its many patterns is to recognize the dharma. Our individual desire and will is not enough if we compete against the greater powers of the universe. The best we can do is to recognize the natural flow and order of things and find our place in it. To join this greatest order amongst and including all things. Some of us recognize the deep way of things and see the path to Supreme awakening. Even so, we may not complete this path in this life. Yet, we can more consciously walk the path and prepare ourselves for it with greater surety. For others, we see the way and it is within our power, within the natural way of things to realize it in this lifetime. What an extraordinary thing. We can use our wisdom to make the way easier for others. To make it easier for the whole world. To bring everything close together. For all, with clear sight, there is so much for us to do to in the way of preparing ourselves and eachother for full realization. A great work set on the world's stage. We are all in this together. Our lives bound to eachother and to all natural life of the world we inhabit. There is so much work to be done. It is in our power to do it. The fate of the world depends on the consciousness of each one of us. The consciousness and the effort. I wish to commit myself fully to the liberation of humanity on this planet. To dedicate every fiber of my being to realizing this goal as soon as possible. We can have peace. We can co-exist. We can conserve and sustain the natural biodiversity here. It will take a great effort to make it known what is true and good and to organize ourselves by these principles. We must surmount all adversity with wisdom and carefulness. With intelligence and creativity. We must organize ourselves with wisdom and love. I believe the only way to do this is with God-wisdom and God-realization. God-wisdom is the only mind capable of organizing the complexity of this universe in a sustainable manner. I do not think such a society can endure without it. I believe the closer we come to achieve this end, the more pronounced this truth will become. We will be united under and by the Spirit of God, for the sake of the Spirit of God and all of the life on the planet and in the universe. It will bring us together and reveal the way to us. It is doing so now. In this mind is the only true resting place for mankind. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

White Lightning

 White lightening streaking the sky. Cutting into the Earth leaving a smoking smoldering patch of land. A bright flash illuminating a mind that no longer exists. The Earth disappears in a moment. A heart full of lightning with no face remains. A skull once made of bone, once engulfed in flesh remains. A skull at the bottom of the world. A skull beyond the bone. A skull made of bone made of pure light. Light without a name. Light without a home. A light that cuts through the sky. This light ends the sky. It ends the night and it ends the sky. It ends all things. A man buried head first with only his feet exposed above grounds finds himself right-side up in a vast space with his feet rooted in the Earth. Once a place full of things, it is now a place full of darkness. Seeking light among lights, discovering darkness is light and lights are darkness. The prison is the castle. The titan is the Lord. Iron bars are doorways to paradise.  There is no ground that isn't sacred. There is no prison. There is no slave. There is no wrong that we can commit. We live in pure righteousness. Righteousness all around. Everything is pure light. Pure goodness. Holiness. Evil is imaginary. The world of warring intermersed parts does not exist. All that exists is pure light. In the shelter of evil is the haven of Paradise. Beneath the black tattered cloak and the aura of violence and madness is the perfect purity of this moment. Concealed and cradled lies this treasure, a slowly turning galaxy of pure light. Concealed in the mask of evil. Behind horror. Yet it is not concealed. This concealment is a thought, equally of pure light, a single shining star among an infinite array in an infinite universe. Although it is a thought, there is nothing hidden. It lies in plain sight. All of it. Nothing else exists but this blinding light. We cannot turn away from it. We are surrounded by goodness, immersed in goodness, full of goodness, made of goodness, every moment of every day of our lives. The whole universe is composed of such since the dawn of time and throughout all of time. Ours is the unparceled glory of Heaven. Pure light. Pure power. Pure and clean being. There is nothing but Goodness. Nothing but the Glory of Heaven. This is where we exist. This is where we dwell. In this moment and for all moments eternal. We are surrounded by Light, we just don't see it. There is no darkness. There is no evil. There is just blinding eternal Love. Love is the end, the means, and the content. Pure Love. There is no other. Just a sea of love. A free love. A love that demands nothing and holds everything open for anyone, for everyone. This is what we are. This is what everything is. Free abiding love. Everything. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Never ending nothing

 No boundaries, no objects. Nothing here. Nothing here at all. This is not a thing. There is no thing. This is what it is. There is no life to have. Or not to have. It is not about things. Not about anything. What it is is nothing. Where it is is nowhere. Not anyone not anywhere, this is where it is. This is what it is. This is what this is. We don't see it because we are attached to being something. The something we are attached to being is something that we never are. We cannot be it because we never allow ourselves to fully be. For to fully be means letting go of this something and embracing what we call nothing. Which is not really nothing. For there is no nothing and no something. There is just no-thing. Which is this. There is no-thing everywhere. When we try and make it something, we lose sight of it and feel lost and confused. There is nothing we can turn it into. Because there is no real power we have to make anything different than it. We see ourselves as some something apart from this, this too is an illusion. There is no power or consciousness apart from it. The battle is an illusion. All the battles are illusions. There are no battles. There are no battles. Nothing is different than no-thing. Everything is no-thing. There is not fight. There is no opposition. There is nothing against anything else. Nothing wrong with anything. No difference between anything. No wrong or right. Just No-thing. No way to fuck up. No way to succeed. No way to change anything. No power or difference to change. The self is a dream. The self is totally a dream. We think we wake up to human consciousness, when we wake up to something totally different. Our inability to comprehend this and our fixation on what we believe it is push us in the wrong direction, if we could go in a wrong direction. Humanity is simply not the bottom line. No-thing No-where is the bottom. We imagine we are human in our core. I don't think we are. I don't think there is anything in particular in this imaginary universe that we are in our core. I don't think we have a core, because we don't really have a body that could possess a core. Nothing in this universe is material. No self has eternal substance, unless this substance is something other than self. Which we mistakenly comprehend as some other special kind of self. We don't see outside self though we often think we do. To see outside self is to see that self is not real. It is to see that there is no matrix. There are no selves. No beings, no forms. No distinctions between anything. No things that may be distinguished from one another. Absolutely nothing here is real. The substance of the universe is no-substance which is the same as saying there is no ultimate substance. All of this is no-thing. Because no-thing is everything. We can't gain or lose it, just no-thing. There is no way about no-thing. No way is no-thing. And no-way is no-where. And this is what is here. Here is no-where. Here is no-one. Here is no-thing.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Turning the fist into the dharma

The dharma comes at us. Striking high and low. Do we hesitate, do we seek to overwhelm it with force? If it is an opponent, if it is an enemy, how must we react? 

If the dharma strikes high and low, we must strike high and low. If it comes near, we must meet it halfway. As it retreats, we are retreating. This is how we overcome our opponent, by nullifying each of it's movements with equal and opposite force. 

A divided self creates an enemy who will relentlessly strike at our heart. By mirroring it's advances we reduce it to what it is, a part of our own dancing rhythm. Each aggressor against us is a lost part of our soul. Is a forgotten part of our beating heart, our breath. Is apart of the living wholeness that we are now. With skill, we can embrace aggression so that we may truly embody peace. Not to overwhelm, not to subdue, but to end conflict through self-realization. 

Through the art of combat we can strike with such surety that all opposition is forever ceased. As a mortal being, we spend each waking moment in the arena of combat. If there are no enemies in our physical landscapes, their is the eternal enemy present in our own mind. The calculating, competing, mind that sees all the world as a dangerous opposing entity. Whatever we may gain in this world is nothing compared to what we may gain by tackling this giant that dwells within us. Nothing in this world will end the war we have against everything else in the universe. This war is constant trouble, turbulence, anxiety, and uneasiness. Nothing in the world can end this war, if we do not deal with the issue at the root, it will forever spring forward to plague our existence. 

It is not enough to postpone our suffering through temporary gains and gratification. Through avoidance and distraction. The terror of our lives is born from our own minds, not from any way the world is. To gain worldly riches may provide temporary relief and distraction, but it will not root out the origin of our suffering. Our luck will run out and we will find ourselves destitute and stricken once again, powerless to stave off the forces set against us. Wisdom is recognizing this root of suffering and distinguishing that which truly eliminates it from the countless other so called voices of reason that fill this world. Distinguishing this path from what is seen as common sense. 

This sense is born from reaction to recognition of mortality,  and our attempts to survive here in a hostile environment as best as we can, as well as from the madness resulting from our half-baked consciousness. What is known as common sense can do a lot to provide for us in this life, but it falls short of dealing with the heart and whole of the predicament we find ourselves in as sentient beings. It cannot because it is born from rejection of directly facing the monstrosity of consciousness that we awaken to as sentient creatures. One of its primary components is to avoid at all costs facing the naked reality of our existence. We turn to dreamy cultural traditions, beliefs, and archetypes and secure our bodies as best we can on this rock. But some day this rock will rock our boat and the party will be all over. Then what? 

We must go beyond conventional wisdom if we wish to get to the bottom of the trouble we are in. We must pull back the curtain and see the terror that dwells in each human mind and heart. How we attempt to prettily cover it with culture, and fail every time. We must see the limit of this behavior and thinking, and recognize how deeply flawed and shallow it is. We must be willing to go beyond it. If we truly wish to be free. We must go all the way beyond it. Into the unknown of the Abyss. 

My fist does not make a ripple in the water, it has no technique. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

Pure Emptiness

From behind a moon of a thousand suns. More than a thousand, yet all the same. More than a million yet all the same. None at all, all the same. One sun. One light. One pinnacle. One tower, towering over. Towering over the rest of all forms. Consuming them. One blazing fire. That has no name. All are reduced to nothing but the light that shines within them. Fire remains. Fire and light blazing. A fire and a light blazing here. Blazing in all things so bright that there are no things. There is no-thing. This is no-thing. This is no-one. No-where. With a multitude of facets shining brilliantly from the deep. All things are nowhere at all and nowhere not being anywhere at all is this. Nothing is everything. There truly is no nothing. What is nothing is everything and everything isn't anywhere at all. That is where this is. Everything here is empty of self substance. It's self substance is no-substance. The form of form is emptiness, formlessness. Form is formless. What is formlessness? Formlessness is formlessness. This is formlessness. Form is formlessness. Form is not form, it is formlessness. Formlessness is formlessness. There is no form, there is only formlessness. There is no form. All of this is formless. No matter what you do, what you say, think, or believe, this is formless. You cannot touch it because you do not exist. What you are is formless. Formless formlessness. There is no you. There is no I. There is no self, no conditioned reality or existence. There is no other power, no other powers. No competition, nothing here unless you understand what nothing is. Simply the surface of the sun. In emptiness everything dwells within the intensity of the sun. Everything is this sun, this furnace.