

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Something in the way she moves

 No she, no way, no thing, no movement. Not nothing, not anything. No things stands for itself. No thing stands at all. No thing stands anywhere. Mountains walking. Throughout space and time. Mountains rising and falling. What is a mountain? Where is a mountain? A mountain of water. A mountain of light. A mountain of sky. Of space, of time. A small mountain, a large mountain. One mountain to another mountain. High mountain to low mountain. Green mountain to blue mountain. What difference is there between any mountain? What difference is there between one thing and another? Two things looking at eachother, each the other. No difference between high and low. Like nor dislike. There is no real difference between anything. A name is just a name, it has nothing to do with reality. Living in a sea of names has nothing to do with being awake. Family, no family, poor, rich, these colors, where? No clothing, no flesh, no muscle, no bone, no soul. There is no real difference between anything. No place where these illusions stand. They aren't anywhere at all. They are not even spoken. There is no illusion. Only perfection. There is no half life. There is no ego. Not anywhere. The birds are always singing.  The sky is always blue. The ocean deep and love true. Everything is made of the same substance, of the same blood. One vein singing throughout space and time. There is no difference between anything. Everything is Light. This does not mean we should abandon reason. It means we should understand that everything is One. Everything is One. This does not mean that we should necessarily abandon anything. Nor does it necessarily mean anything about anything. I do believe there is no real difference between anything. I think we can eventually learn to see everything as the same thing. I think seeing that there is no real difference between things allows us to deeply shed our attachment to appearances. This attachment is what prevents us from realizing Truth. It is what confines us to suffering. It is what is misleading. As long as we are attached to the apparent differences between things, we will remain immersed in the matrix of conditioned consciousness. A matrix that truly does not exist. It is important to note that there is no difference even between this prison and enlightenment. Enlightenment is no some special state, it is simply reality. There is no real difference between not seeing it and seeing it. Both are the same. It appears to me that the reality is that all there is is enlightenment. That nothing else can truly exist. We live in the thought that the universe is lacking enlightenment. Everything about this thought and what is seen in this thought is the same as definitively seeing the absolute in the here and now. There is no real difference. This does not necessarily mean that we have no lives to lead. I think more so it informs us how to live. 

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