The universe is already completely fulfilled. It's entirety is the emptiness which makes up this moment. This is who we are. This is what we are. There is nothing we can truly gain to make us whole that we do not already possess. We wake up to what we already are. To what has always been. The attempt to make gains in efforts against the universe is futile. We are struggling against what is and who we are. This we cannot change. There is no vessel that needs filling. There is no change that must happen. Everything is already complete everywhere all at once right now. There is no difference between you and anything else. Between the most enlightened and the least. The most enlightened is the least because there is truly no difference between the two. The two have no real individual identity that they own for themselves. What there individual identity is is truly the empty whole of the universe present here now it its emptiness. This identity is indistinguishable from the identity of anything anywhere anywhen. There truly are no separate individual objects or things. When we see this separation we are deluded. When we are our own we, we have this deluded perception. This is the great emptiness. It is not without the appearance of illusion. It is full of it even though none of it even exists. No thing here holds water. Water appears to be held, when it is not held anywhere at all. This place does not belong to anything or any way. It has no attitude or notions. It is not anyway at all. It is an everything that is the same as nothing in which things are not things. Because things do not exist. This is what no-thing is. It does not exist as we know things to exist. We see things, we see delusions, thing there! Deluded mind. Thing over there! Deluded mind. None of these things really exist. Not as we know them to. When we can see beyond the delusion of ordinary existence we can say yes these things exist. Until then, when we say this, we commit err. Until then we see nothing. We do not see anything at all. We cannot see at this point even though we believe we plainly see with our own eyes. The only seeing is the reality of the infinite being that is this moment. It may see itself and point to its own existence. A part from this, nothing exists. This is everything that exists. Everything is this infinite being. It is everything, everywhere, all at once, all the time. It is this. This here now. People, dogs, feelings. It is everything. This simply is. There is nothing else to it. No way to pin it down. It simply is. This, here, now. We can't pin it down as one thing. We try and try and try and refine and refine and refine our judgement. This will not do. The tool we use is irrecoverably flawed. Despite our efforts, any effort, however talented or clever or great. We try to gain..We live in gain. We compete, we do not see. We do not need to end efforts, obviously still an effort. The only way is by deeply recognizing the shortcomings of our designs. We have to have a certain wisdom to accomplish this. We have to have a certain sight. This is to be guided and inspired by the dharma. It acts in manifold ways, we must learn to recognize how it speaks to us. We live a shared life with it. A communion in which we lose our freedom of total control over the destiny of our lives. We allow ourselves to be guided by it, we can only flow with it if we wish to follow the path of self-realization. We become a thing of clockwork inner cycles and flows. We become one with the nature of things, with the natural flow. To see this flow and its many patterns is to recognize the dharma. Our individual desire and will is not enough if we compete against the greater powers of the universe. The best we can do is to recognize the natural flow and order of things and find our place in it. To join this greatest order amongst and including all things. Some of us recognize the deep way of things and see the path to Supreme awakening. Even so, we may not complete this path in this life. Yet, we can more consciously walk the path and prepare ourselves for it with greater surety. For others, we see the way and it is within our power, within the natural way of things to realize it in this lifetime. What an extraordinary thing. We can use our wisdom to make the way easier for others. To make it easier for the whole world. To bring everything close together. For all, with clear sight, there is so much for us to do to in the way of preparing ourselves and eachother for full realization. A great work set on the world's stage. We are all in this together. Our lives bound to eachother and to all natural life of the world we inhabit. There is so much work to be done. It is in our power to do it. The fate of the world depends on the consciousness of each one of us. The consciousness and the effort. I wish to commit myself fully to the liberation of humanity on this planet. To dedicate every fiber of my being to realizing this goal as soon as possible. We can have peace. We can co-exist. We can conserve and sustain the natural biodiversity here. It will take a great effort to make it known what is true and good and to organize ourselves by these principles. We must surmount all adversity with wisdom and carefulness. With intelligence and creativity. We must organize ourselves with wisdom and love. I believe the only way to do this is with God-wisdom and God-realization. God-wisdom is the only mind capable of organizing the complexity of this universe in a sustainable manner. I do not think such a society can endure without it. I believe the closer we come to achieve this end, the more pronounced this truth will become. We will be united under and by the Spirit of God, for the sake of the Spirit of God and all of the life on the planet and in the universe. It will bring us together and reveal the way to us. It is doing so now. In this mind is the only true resting place for mankind.
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