

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Whole Lotta Love

 I want to write a book again. I want it to be good. I want it to rock and roll. I don't know what I will write about. Some lethal shet. Some stuff to tear the mind apart. To tear it all up. We gotta tear this shit down. Tear down the world. Every day of our goddamn lives. Tear down the world. This is the only way forward. Tear it, burn it, tear it all down. I just want people to read it. I want to rock the world. Be like, "Whoah.." Rock..and roll. People need to get fucked up in the right way. I think this is what I want to do. People need to get worked. So, I'm gonna work em. Shake it up. Wake up. Work up. Wake up. Front door slammin. Walk right into that door. We gonna walk right into that door. Slam the head into the door. "Bam!!" Out cold muther-fucker. Time to get rocked. Rock and roll. Wake up baby, time to roll. Gotta rock the world.

Open to travel to, the many places within me. Open to move about freely. I'm an open book, come and see. Heart of Merlin on your doorstep. 

People walking around, doing what they are doing? What are you doing? People, here? What are you doing with your lives? How are you spending your time? What have you lost? And, what have you gained? Running about to what end? Family, work, friends, what are you doing with your time? What are you doing with your lives? Who is it for, all of this? All this living? Who is it for? What do you make with your time? What is it all for? Standing, waiting, sitting. Where do you go during your days? What do you do all of this for? Talking, speaking, what for?                                                                        I see the ends of your eyes. I see a hollow shell. I don't see anyone inside. Lot's of noise, no people. Where are you standing when you are looking down? Going, going, going round. To what end? The world turns, the world tumbles, you stay arranged in your sleep. Biting on nothing, nestled in the dark. What is the point of life if there is no one living it? What is the point of this world if no one is awake to enjoy it. Dead world regardless of how it is standing. Sleeping people in there little homes going nowhere. Dull eyes and empty streets. Sleep sleep, dreamy sleep. When will you awaken? When will you claim what is yours? How long will you endure this sweet nothing, this waking dream. Ignoring your destiny. Ignoring your soul. Ignoring your own life that you say you live. What life, where? How much do you follow your feelings? They only go one place. They have one destination. Where have you stopped along the way? What noise do you make in the dark? Is it better than any other noise that does not see. Darkness is darkness. The way is plain. It requires no adornments. Nothing you have will do you any good where you are going. No point to hold onto it. To cling to it. It does not depend on anything, nor should you. 

The way is Light. A Light unaffected by anything in this world. Our selfishness has no power over it. It has no true power to change anything. It is power lent to us so we can see a better way. There is one power in the universe. It is empty and formless. Empty of the forms we call our heart and soul. It is light and easy. When what we have is a stranglehold of struggling tightness. If you step back from you ways, you see that all your efforts are to manipulate the natural order of things. You strive against an existing power, for your own sake. For this, you gain eternal agony. Masked how you will. This is the plight of humanity. We imagine liberation in some far off success when we fight with it every moment of our lives. We push it back, we fight it away. Because we cling to what we know and what we have. This makes us mean things, all of us. We have the capacity for grace. It always has it limits though, bound by doctrine. A free mind has no need for ideologies. It does not depend on attitudes, outcomes, realities, or any particular thing that may be identified. To depend on things is to collapse into the ignorance of darkness. Liberation is independence. Not an independence that is a continual war against one's environment. An independence that transcends opposition entirely. This liberation comes from realization of the emptiness of form, which means the lack of self substance. It is the emptiness of the universe that we inhabit. The emptiness of all things. We cling to things because we belief them to possess a self-substance which is valuable. If all forms are empty of this self-substance then nothing in this universe is worth clinging to. To see this very clearly is to see that a universe empty of self-substance is no universe at all. For there is no difference between the self-substance of a form and the form itself, so this whole universe we perceive is in fact self-substance, which being empty of self-substance as a whole does not exist. Plainly put, our egoic perception is entirely illusory. What we call reality, has no reality. For until we awaken, we are entirely immersed in egoic perception. No matter how we may feel or believe or see that we are making process, until we awaken we are immersed in a darkness. Awakening is to step outside of egoic perception completely. We can experience a wide variety of states that feel like we have departed from our ego, when we are still neatly walking in step with it. To awaken is to drop it completely. To drop mind completely. For the mind we have is a conditioned egoic matrix of consciousness. It is not Mind which is Light. Only the dharma can show you the way to this. All else is foolishness. When we can see clearly enough, we can recognize what is true and what is false. We can recognize the proper way to proceed, and many false paths as well. When we see clearly enough, we can commit ourself wholly to the dharma. We can step completely away from foolishness and be committed wholly to wisdom. We must see clearly to do this. We must be properly prepared to receive the dharma. We can only prepare ourselves properly with the dharma. It is best to be properly prepared. The body and the mind must be prepared to receive the volume of the dharma as it is received and digested by our consicousness and then established in it. If our body and mind are not prepared we can not receive, digest, or establish it well within ourselves. Thus it is important and best to prepare the body and the mind to receive the dharma. Only the dharma can show us the way. However it is accomplished, there should be healthy flow of the vital energies and proper alignment of the bodily components. We must also purify our heart so that we can be committed to receiving the dharma. The dharma is goodness and wisdom. If we pursue selfishness we inherently turn away from wisdom. When the body and the heart are properly aligned we have sufficient steadiness to begin purifying the mind. We can be committed and steadfast in our presence to this process. It is through the mind that the dharma comes to us. Thus it is the mind that must be opened carefully to receive it. The Dharma is the realization of Truth, which is the reality of  the absolute Spirit and Light. It involves the heart and all other components of the body, yet is transmitted through the mind. This Truth may also be Mind or Heart. A Heart or Mind that is the absolute unity of mind and body.  God can show us how to properly align the body, properly cleanse our hearts, and properly direct our concentration. 

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