

Monday, June 20, 2022

Another thing to say

What is the world saying to you right now? Where is it all flowing? Not almost, or perhaps, or if, or that's appealing, or I want that. Where is it flowing right now? Where is it moving? What action does this call for? What is the dharma asking of us? Why is it asking this of us? Where is it leading us? Standing with this, we can have strength and dignity to do whatever we need to do. How much do we need what we have? How important is it to obtain what we desire? What is most important, truly important for us to do right now with our lives? What is the truth of our present circumstances and our attitude towards them. So much can distract us if we let it. We can let doubt, desire, people, beliefs and attitudes get in our way. Letting things get in the way of doing what is right. What is right is not violent. It is doing good to all humankind. It is caring for all life. This is such a simple thing. It does not depend on beliefs or attitudes, it is the core of who we are. It is our truest feeling. I think everyone knows what is right to do and how to treat others, but I think it can be very difficult to live up to this. Even though it may be incredibly difficult, it is not impossible. It is also the right thing to do. Not just for others, but for ourselves. Doing good to others and in the world is fully facing who we are as an individual. It is honoring our self and having the greatest integrity. So much can distract us in this world. What is really deserving of our time? How do we get there? How do we live by that? I think each of us can live by it now, regardless of who we are or what we do or believe, having this integrity is the best we can do. It is bearing the cross that is the burden of our own lives. Consciously facing the reality of who we are and taking action in response to the circumstances of this moment to uphold the integrity of the balance of life in this moment. With this feeling in mind, what is most important for us to be doing right now? How do we discover this? Why are we here in this life? What is it that we are here to be doing? How should we shape ourselves, and how should we shape the world? We do the best for the world, when we are fully being ourselves, when we are being true to who we are as individuals. What is it that we were put here to do? How are we going to do that? What is life asking of us? Where is it leading us? How do we make that happen? How is it already happening? 

I think maybe that this is it, and we are already doing that. That there is no way that we can not being doing our best and living in harmony with the balance of life in the universe. I think we truly feel like we are not perfectly in line with this, but I think this is just our feeling, and not the full extent of what is happening. I think life is chaotic and there is nothing we can do to change this. I think good things can lead us to bad things, while at the end of the day this good and bad are relative terms apart of the same whole. Even so, I think as individuals we can turn towards the light, towards truth and goodness, and I think it is good to do so. I think the deepest wisdom we can learn is to let go of our attachment to circumstances so that we may be fully present in this moment. To a reality that already is here and now. I think this is where we find a life unfurled in God, freedom from ourselves, and freedom to fully be who we are. I think this reality is already here and now, while also being something that we turn to. I think it really is it and I think things always are this way. 

So how do we turn to this? Well, we already are turned to it. It already is the reality of this reality. I really believe this and I have lived by it and seen it dramatically shift my life, in ways I was could never have expected. I really think everything is already here now and the truth is that we don't lack anything at all in this moment. I don't think lack truly exists. I think there is infinity everywhere and in everything. I think when we believe in lack we create it, when we have faith in the infinite nature of things, we are freed from the dream that anything else could be. We don't depend on anything in this world. Nothing here can save us or truly support us. The reality of God is our salvation from the circumstances of this chaotic world. It is an ever-present reality which has no limitations. It extends to our ordinary senses and to this physical world we live in. All of this is apart of it. Everything we feel, as we feel it, is a part of it. Nothing outside of it. It is truth, it is all-inclusive. We won't find it hidden or in some distant corner of the universe, it is right here, right where we are, because we and all of this are it. It doesn't need anything from us in anyway. It doesn't not depend on any qualities we may or may not have. This is why striving serves no purpose, It is already manifest in and as our own lives. It is who we are now, what we are now, how we are now, however we may happen to be, however we may happen to change. It never leaves us, we never leave it. The whole world and everything in it is apart of this. Always apart of it, in each and every moment. The world is infinite love. Everywhere and everything. The world is infinite love because everything is infinite love. Love is the way. This is it. There is nothing else but this. This is our heart and soul. This world, this place. This is it man. Always here, always now. So beautiful. No way brother. Love. Love is the way. Love is surrendering to the now. Love is the way. We are surrounded by Love in each and every moment. The most radical selfless love. The most free, totally free. We can't win by seizing, we are holding back, we are love and we must let go to love to be free. Nothing less will satisfy our hearts. We are birds waiting to fly, waiting to soar in paradise. Each one of us. Beautiful birds. Love and Light baby. 

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