

Friday, December 1, 2023

Moving forward: The Light and Christ, Servant and Lord

 A lot of changes recently. A lot of relief. It feels like my life is finally opening up. The way things change is so interesting. The way God works. It's like clockwork. But a heavenly clockwork, organized and set in motion by Divine Love and Wisdom. It's like God knows what's going on in our minds and is prepared to move forward when we are. That God has prepared many things for us in advance. That there is a hidden orchestration of the universe that flows uninterrupted. This seems to be the Play of Spirit. This play is the image that is the Universe we live in. It is the Light. It includes all the drama of our lives. All of the changes in our consciousness. I think ultimately, everything that happens here is Light, being projected somehow from God as God. It seems that God wants us to realize this so that we may step out of the world and be free from suffering. He orchestrates the play to free souls and to express His own being. He listens to us with compassion and liberates us through grace. He sets a way before us that we can follow so that we may find Him and once we know Him he sets a path before us that will eventually free us from suffering: the imprisonment in ignorance. This is why tuning into God is essential to free ourselves from bondage. The heart of all bondage and oppression is our ignorance of God and His way. I think he answers us when our hearts cry out loud enough to Him to save us from our misery. When our anguish is deep enough that it touches His mind, He cannot help but to reach out to us. I think it is our desire to be born in Him that stirs Him the most. When we have turned sufficiently to Him, He will take measures to free us from ignorance. He will reveal enough of Himself to us that we realize the futility of our ways, of our selfishness, and equally realize the Wisdom that is self-sacrifice through the abandonment of desire or thirst. It is this Wisdom that establishes us firmly and completely in God and that eliminates the ego or separate self. When we are ready to walk this path, we walk with God in silent communion I believe to learn of the mystery of the Light, which is I believe the image of God, or the image that is the Universe. I think when we have walked sufficiently with Him, in this case I believe as the Holy Ghost or Aum, we fully realize the Light, the Image, and become it. I think here we discover that Christ is the Light and that the Light is One. In communion with the Holy Ghost we become and are a Servant of Light. As one who fully realizes the Light I believe we remain a Servant yet become a Lord of Light, a Christ, which really is The Christ, because Christ is singular, One. It is awesome to realize that God can bestow this grace upon a human being, upon oneself. He would only do so if He felt one was ready for the responsibility. God is always mindful of the content of our hearts, he is always sensitive to our feelings, and acting in our best interest, I think especially in these moments, when when He knows the profundity of what He asks of us. It is a sacred pact that is made when He bestows this upon us. It is an immeasurable privilege, and one of the highest Holy Gifts that we may receive. It is not made lightly. Given so, we have the duty of upholding God's honor and these sacred responsibility. Whatever our doubts, we can carry on with the assurance that comes from knowing this is blessed by God and will equally be upheld by Him, the sole agency we may trust wholeheartedly. Seeing these ways clearly, one realizes the supreme blessing that comes from this path, and is deeply moved to have the privilege and honor of walking it.  

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