

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Creative power of now

 We can use the will to create anything we wish, for ill or good. It is a creative power that we direct with our thought and attention. From within us, it is ceaselessly participating in the creation of the universe, creating that which is in accord with our energy signature. Much of what we will, we are not conscious of, the key to controlling and guided what we create is to pay attention to how our inner individual universe is related to the exterior worldy universe. By understanding the subtle relationship between the two, we can alter inner currents to manifest outward changes. The two are ultimately One and eventually it is seen that inner feeling is equal to exterior reality. Still from here, we experience this shaping of reality as an interior feeling/creating, except that here, there is no barrier between creator and created. This I believe is the highest form of creation and of existence. By understanding mind and feeling we can shape the world consciously with our will. We can be fully conscious of what we create and have full control over the outcome of our creations/endeavors. The power to create is always here and it is always infinite. Lack is imaginary, it is one way in which infinity expresses itself. Everything in our mind is an expression of infinity that we experience as human beings in a multitude of ways. We often forget that we are One with the creative process as we fall into the belief of negative thoughts and feelings. We forget that all of this is coming out of us right now. That we have total control if we choose to have it over what is going on. It is all in the mind. I think it is very true that what we experience is a choice, even if we are unaware of it, or feel powerless to change what is happening. I think deep within we choose to see what we want and to ignore what we want. I think when we are very mindful of how the creation of the universe comes from within, we may feel highly motivated to be more conscious of how we lead our lives. Forgetting this is like slipping into a watery dream. We have the power to shape our lives right now, and for many more often than not, we are not living the life that we wish to be living. We feel the choice is out of our control. I think it is most intimately within our control. A kind of intimacy unfortunately very alien to us, even though is is more us than we are now. We shy away from this power because we are comfortable in our relative darkness, but we will never be happy here. We will never be happy postponing living fully in this moment. There is no life but what is happening right now. I think it really is all or nothing. It is really amazing to think that our fullest life is right here, not anywhere else. We don't have to do anything to get it. The funny thing is that it already is here, it is the only things that is. 

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