

Friday, October 20, 2023

Logic # 16

 I believe Christ is the true self of an individual, whereas the Father is Self and is transcendent of form. The nature of Christ truly is that of the Transcendent Father. Christ is empty of form and is not Christ but Spirit, Yet as a human being, I think Christ may be our true self, or what we commonly refer to as our true self. You could perhaps additionally say that Christ is our true self, whereas Spirit is our truest self. Not totally sure about this. Yogananda says that Christ is the single true reflection of Spirit in creation (form). This is what I seek to understand. It may make sense that within the universe of form Christ is our true self, almost as if Christ is an ambassador of Spirit, transcendent and abroad. To me it seems like Christ is the dimension immediately following pure Spirit, that is the first expression of Spirit into form. From Christ stems the rest of the Universe and all it's multiplicity. If our awareness is limited to all that encompasses form, then Christ is the fullest truest expression of our being. Yet, if we extend past Christ into the nameless Father, then this ceases to be the case, because even Christ dissolves here into pure Spirit (formlessness) where formlessness is all that remains. Within formlessness, there is no individuality, there is no self, there is simply incommunicable Spirit, Being. I think it may be correct to call this a Nothing that is. It would seem that according to the reality of this ultimate nature, it is not wholly accurate to say that our true self is Spirit, because Spirit is not a self, it is not a form, that has a definite structure, that is comprehensible to the human mind. I don't think we can pin down exactly what Spirit is, so we probably equally cannot say that their undeniably is no self. It seems that these are just two different ways to point to the same incommunicable reality. If it is not something that may be clearly defined, then the description does not need to do such, what the description needs to do is to point in the right direction. If truth is ultimately transconception, then at an ultimate level, we do not need to concern ourself with fitting it in a conceptual box. We should concern ourselves with defining what is useful to define, what may be defined. What I think would be useful to understand is the relationship between Spirit and Christ, and Christ and the world, and how all of these operate in my own life and affect how I and others are throughout the day. I would like to clearly understand these things so I can better navigate my own life, and create a body of knowledge that I may disseminate to others in helpful ways. 

From within creation as human beings, we may open up our minds and our beings to dimensions that transcend the physical world we inhabit, we may open up to soul, to God, to Christ, and to Spirit. All of this may transpire wherever we happen to be at the moment while also happening on whatever dimension we have opened up to. I wonder if the fullest extent of this sensory (including mind) universe we live in is Christ and where Christ ends, Spirit begins. So if we make our home in Spirit, then we descend into Christ as the Universe. Or we descend into Christ as our self within the Universe as the Multitude. I do believe that Christ is One with all form, he is the greatest singular body of form that is Oneness. I believe Christ is the Master, the Lord, because it is the ruler of this Universe as the body that possesses all of the Universe and all of it's intelligence. It is wise to all of the movements of the Universe, and is the instigator of them as the most superior body within the universe. It is the highest fountain on the hill from which all the water falls. I think it makes sense when Yogananda says that Christ is present within every particle of Creation, because all of Creation exists within Christ. I also really believe that every particle within creation really is Christ, that He is one with it. The background and body of this universe is Emptiness. The dream of form and Christ as the Universe lies within the timeless and formless expanse of emptiness. There is form there, but a form that is entirely composed of Emptiness. Lol. To think of the form within emptiness as something other than emptiness is inaccurate. It is form within Emptiness that is none other that Emptiness. Emptiness is the womb of the Universe and the Universe is an aspect of Emptiness. 

I guess what I don't understand is how can there be Christ when Christ is really Emptiness. This is looking at my questions from the other side. If Christ is really emptiness then there is no Universe and no self, no form, there is truly simply Emptiness...I think this is definitely true. I don't think we can accurately talk about form until we fully understand Emptiness because the essence of form is no-form. Our lingering beliefs of the essence of form being form corrupt our understanding, because the essence of reality is no-form, or Emptiness. I find it difficult to try and understand form when much of me believes that form has no reality. I think if I fully understand the notion that there is no form. I will be able to understand what exactly form is and how it relates to Emptiness. Until then my understanding will be imperfect and confusing. How then do I fully realize the notion that there is no form? I must fully realize that reality is Emptiness. It must eliminate my ignorance and my false views at least in part of my mind that I can abide in an allow the realization to spread. I think perhaps this is getting nearer to the sources of much of my mental confusion. How do I reconcile self and no-self, form and no-form, my being has shifted or disappeared into Emptiness and no-mind and this shift has changed the core structure by which I understand the universe. I have been attempting to reconcile this new core with the previous body and structure of operation. It is truly egoless, selfless. totally transcendent of what you could call my unique individuality, what makes me me. I see that there is no me. This is the fantasy. There is no concrete self and there is no concrete universe. Can you reconcile the world with this Emptiness. I think my answer is, there is no universe, there is no world, there is no self. There is no reality. I can't intellectualize this and I can't understand it. There is no self. 

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