We awaken to goodness out of selfishness. We develop an even temperament out of shortsightedness. We awaken to Light out of darkness. Waheguru. It seems to me that much of the world is losing sight of true Goodness as the Light and warmth within life. I feel it is important that we remain conscious of it and strive to orient ourselves and our communities with it. I feel it is also very important that we be mindful of the powerful and often unchecked, and even accepted, forces of thoughtlessness (essentially darkness of the mind or lack of presence) that are ravaging our world and our ways of life; and meditate on our own actions and behaviors to discern if what we are doing is truly worth doing or what we really want to be doing with our lives. I think if were to stop what we were doing and could look into ourselves with a clear conscience , we would be stricken by the degree to which we are not doing what we truly believe in and by the passion we have for doing good and being good in this world. We would feel terribly ashamed and sick. And incredibly motivated to change our behaviors to serve the establishment of goodness on Earth. And we would do it.
We can't see how we truly feel because we are consumed by the darkness of the world. We are drowning in it. We forget that we are luminous beings of Light; and become sickly and deprived of our dignity and independence of spirit as we slowly fall asleep in this world. We forget how powerful we are and who and what we are connected to. In our fear of death we lose sight of our conscience and the wisdom it bestows. We try to protect ourselves and give into fear. We say, "Just a little more", and we end up losing a little more of ourselves. We forget the power and reality of the Light as we slide into a world of fear, security, and survival. There are real dangers in life. And one of them is losing sight of truth, wisdom and sense by taking the easy way out and going with the flow. Fodder for the slaughter. Following the herd and the powers at be to get to the other side. What are you giving up by taking the easy and obvious path? Is it really safe? Is it really good?
To me, a lot of mainstream culture/sense seems very gray(colorless, lifeless) and extremely negative and destructive. Its getting to the point of death worship. Tv shows and movies with so much cold blooded murder and psychoticness. No one trusting each other, a constant stressful struggle to survive. I think part of the reason why tv/movies are like this is because this is how people really feel under the surface. It's the taboo that we can't consciously face, so we just butcher people in videogames and watch it for hours during the week. Its really terrible and terrifying. A lot of kids growing up now don't know any better. They're not developing that much connection to anything true, real, or good. Its just chaos, survival, self-indulgence, and insanity. No one in their right mind would want any part of this. Its disgusting.
We are so sick that we seek to destroy life. Its our anxiety, fear, stress transforming into aggression, violence, and then wickedness (intentional wrongdoing). We're so sick that we think the whole world is evil and terrible, worth destroying to end the pain and suffering we feel. If we don't destroy it, it will destroy us. Our vision is so contorted. We also destroy ourselves because we are in so much pain. We cut into ourselves with drugs, relationships, jobs, etc to release the pressure and pain of life. The only or best way we can relieve the pain of our lives is through self-destruction in large and small capacities.
We often don't see our behavior as self-destructive or unnecessarily outwardly destructive. This is because we are ignorant of the wisdom of the Light and the One and because either our destructive tendencies are socially acceptable and/or we believe they are good when they are truly vile and contemptible My generation (millennials) is full of self-destructiveness, deep despair(depression), narcissism, depravity and naivety. We were either given too much or not enough, or too much and not enough. We're too disconnected from hard and fast realities of life on Earth and are idealistic and world-ignorant. It seems like enough of our traditions have dissipated that we weren't properly nurtured into adulthood. We don't want to grow up because the responsibility of being an adult is terrifying. We are weak-willed, inexperienced, isolated and find the world utterly unlike our hopes and fantasies. There also isn't much of a world for us to grow up into. At least not a world that we want to grow up in. I think we want strong communities full of mature, thoughtful, and highly productive/creative individuals, but we find the world bleak and unresponsive. The way we were taught to fit in doesn't bring us joy. We were taught to do things because that's the way your supposed to do them. But, we were also taught to be idealistic and soulful. We often don't truly feel like interacting with each other and society, but feel the pressures of a society ruled by the beliefs/traditions of older generations(partly our beliefs/traditions too) and are left stuck between half-hardheartedly compulsively engaging with the world and wanting to be, and being, reclusive and detached. We can't be the bright selves we want to be because we'd dirty those selves if we stepped into the muck of the world and because we don't know how to take a step for ourselves, with our own feet towards a place we actually want to go. I don't think we move because we can't find good ways to do it. There isn't clear and accessible ways to goodness, the ways of the past are outdated. Our parents can't understand the depth of our predicament. They don't have the tools or the ability. There medicine is too simple and harsh. We are more complicated psychologically. They are more socially governed and driven. We are way more individualistic. We are more thoughtful and contemplative. I think we seek a good, a degree of harmony and inclusion of the pieces of life that is more complicated than our parents and previous generations. Because there are more pieces and it is new terrain, it's more difficult to accomplish. We want to fulfill our deepest dreams, we don't want to settle. No one's done this before. And its even more difficult as the bonds that moved us along in the past are broken and sold. We can't just build on them, we have to rebuild and recreate as well. Most of us have no idea how to do this. It's creating pioneers in the field of personal discovery and fulfillment. Of moving beyond the limited scope of possibility of the past towards an unlimited future. We're losing so much in this new terrain. We're shunning the past entirely when it has so much truth to give or having our roots stripped out from under us leaving us to suffocate in the void. Unfortunately we are jaded due to the pasts limited framework and sickening corruption. Patriarchy, racism, damning and stupefying religious dogma and general social dogma. The selling out of our traditions and culture has made them much less appealing. It's easier to throw out traditional views entirely without examining them for worth if they seem superficial and clearly dogmatic in many ways. I don't think they are perfect at all. I just think that they are apart of us and the ways our societies are structured; and they contain truth and sense that should be known and heeded. They are stepping stones given to us by our ancestors. If we destroy them, we sink. They are sense leading somewhere better. We can discard them when we have outgrown them. In many ways I don't think we have when we give them up or lose them. In the advance of atheism and the religion of material science, we find God and religion to be archaic and illegitimate. Again we throw the baby out with the bathwater. God isn't to blame for the nightmare of religious dogma, humans are. It's good to move away from religion based on blind belief towards reason and the scientific method, but there's no good reason why the scientific method be limited to a spiritless universe. For whatever reasons mainstream science is almost completely outwardly focused in the Western world and anything dealing with the inner world isn't fully considered science. You can directly observe and precisely understand phenomena within the self, it is just a practice that most people don't do well enough for their understanding to be considered scientific. I find that most humans(East and West) are so deluded that the science of self-inquiry is nearly always spottled and rightly so because it is incredibly complicated and elusive. I merely ask that we don't throw out God in anger at religion. Cultivate your reasoning and apply it to the perception and understanding of your mind,your feelings, and what goes on inside you. You'd be surprised what's going on in there. We try and transcend our past to liberate ourselves, but its the past and the world we live in now that holds us up. Our traditions root us to the Earth and to each other. We shed some of ourselves as we move forward, but too much is violent and unnecessary, more destructive than beneficial. You may move well beyond the people, but you need to be with the people to move them forward and to be yourself. The key to fulfillment is accepting the world (and yourself) as it is, not how you want it to be. Goodness is a balance of the known and the unknown, the known moving into the unknown, and the unknown becoming the known. It is rooted in the Earth and open to the heavens. It is being guided by the whole. It is seeing and being the whole. Goodness is our connection to our humanity and to the divine. It is our conscience and the truth. It is what brings us joy and what makes life meaningful. It is spirited and light. It is a tradition cultivated over the ages that keeps us together in consciousness of life. It keeps darkness and chaos at bay. It is the ground of our senses. It leads us towards deeper harmony. It is the most important tradition that we can maintain in our lives. As our societies change so much and so quickly I am afraid of how our actions are being disconnected from it. Disconnecting from goodness means losing consciousness and falling into darkness. As our ways are being upended people are losing sight of the value of strong communities, of being moderate in action, and of being self-restrained. We are buying into consumerism, which is really egotism, masturbation, and thoughtlessness. We are pursuing self indulging pleasures at the cost of the integrity of ourselves, our communities, and the living systems of the planet. Its terrifying to witness. People think they are doing good when they are really slowly becoming sick, insane, violent, and destructive to themselves, their communities, and the world. It's the way to climb the social ladder, but at what cost? There's nothing wrong with being self indulgent, but we are not integrating our personal desires into the maintenance of the systems we depend on to survive. A genuine pursuit of goodness is itself good because the genuine desire to be good creates goodness in the world and opens up doors to deeper and greater goodness in life. This pursuit is the most important aim we can have in life. The most important and the most valuable. I don't believe everyone needs to be saints, I just want people to be aware of the importance of pursuing goodness and the importance of highly valuing goodness as a society. We don't realize the damage we do when we stray from the path. There are so many ills in the world that we are extremely concerned about. We can't solve these problems without the earnest desire to do good and be good people, to seek goodness out. Pursuing goodness is pursuing the betterment of yourself and the betterment of the world through individual growth. It means acknowledging your shortcomings and taking steps to be more wise and compassionate. It means recognizing that you are apart of something greater than yourself and orienting your life in service to that. Goodness is a vast pool of age old sense that we can draw from. Losing sight of goodness and ceasing to pursue it means becoming stupider and suffering more. It means going backwards instead of forwards. It means the collapse of society, the collapse of the order that protects us from recklessness and barbarism. When hate and fear are on the rise; and the ways we live are changing quickly, it is easier to lose sight of the good and compromise our integrity and wherewithal to deal with the issues at hand. We can end up destroying the things we really care about by doing things that we wouldn't do with a level head. If we aren't pursuing the good at all, then we are already lost. The pursuit of goodness, even when we're at a loss for how to solve a problem or handle a situation, is the means to reach solutions and to gain needed abilities. Pursuing goodness keeps the door open to new possibilities. When we fall into the darkness of negative emotion, our senses are compromised and opportunities pass us by. Goodness is literally the light of awareness, more than that it is conscious awareness and conscious use of our divinity. It is the golden Light of the heart, the utility of our Wholeness, in which we are a movement of the Universe. Goodness is essentially optimum performance. So when we pursue it and are learning how to orient ourselves towards it, we are pursuing the mastery of our senses, the perfection of ourselves, and the fulfillment of a human being. This is what enlightenment really means: the full expansion of the self into itself. The full blossoming of of our natures and total unity of our being. The full extension of our senses and the complete integration of all of our senses into one seamless all-perceiving body of being and awareness. This is Eros, the Light in the void. The being and Soul of the Universe. Risen above darkness and one with it extending throughout and being all of creation to infinity and beyond. On the edge of creation lies the void which is also the heart and bosom of creation and being. Goodness and wholeness are truly permeations of the non-duality of form and formlessness. The singleness of what is and what isn't. This is the magical now. When we genuinely pursue goodness we learn through trial and error how to live well and live wisely. Any whatever pace we may go, and it seems like nearly no one perfects themselves if that is even possible. Choosing to orient towards goodness isn't salvation. It's a recognition of a deep truth within us. It's a recognition of wisdom and a sense, however brief, of who we really are, behind the facades and beliefs we carry. When we pursue goodness, it becomes more prevalent in our lives. At least it does in the long term. In the short term, pursuing goodness can cast us into darkness. Doing good may also put us in harms way. This is because we carry darkness and negativity within us, even if we don't see them, which manifest outwardly from us into our lives. It isn't salvation, but it makes salvation possible. Doing good, even if we suffer for it, creates and maintains the sense and order that make civilization possible and life a lot easier. Goodness is born out of darkness and ignorance. It is one with consciousness and awareness. We have to meander from Light to dark, from joy to suffering, in our lives. We really don't have a choice. This is simply the nature of the awakening of human consciousness. All on its own darkness is transmuted into Light and consciousness. When this consciousness is overwhelmed we lose sight of the Light and fall into darkness. We have this fantastic belief that the objects of our desire will fulfill us and keep us permanently from suffering, but this almost always isn't the case. It is simply the nature of being a human to suffer and pass from Light into darkness. At least on the way up. Light and consciousness grow through time and we are slowly steadied and stilled over lifetimes. Although I don't know how much our will can influence this process, I still feel that it is important to advocate for an orientation towards goodness. I am young, but I think that in the recent past more of society was pursuing goodness. Life wasn't better than it is now and I don't think we need to return to the past, but I think we need to remember the importance of having a clear and true sense of goodness. We knew life wasn't perfect, but we had a clearer sense of the right way to go. I believe it is critical that we remember how vital goodness is to the maintenance and furthering of what we love and cherish; that we seriously evaluate the merit of our ways of living; and that we deeply change what we do to uphold a higher sense of morality that is needed to solve the crises of today and avoid immense suffering headed our way.
We often don't see our behavior as self-destructive or unnecessarily outwardly destructive. This is because we are ignorant of the wisdom of the Light and the One and because either our destructive tendencies are socially acceptable and/or we believe they are good when they are truly vile and contemptible My generation (millennials) is full of self-destructiveness, deep despair(depression), narcissism, depravity and naivety. We were either given too much or not enough, or too much and not enough. We're too disconnected from hard and fast realities of life on Earth and are idealistic and world-ignorant. It seems like enough of our traditions have dissipated that we weren't properly nurtured into adulthood. We don't want to grow up because the responsibility of being an adult is terrifying. We are weak-willed, inexperienced, isolated and find the world utterly unlike our hopes and fantasies. There also isn't much of a world for us to grow up into. At least not a world that we want to grow up in. I think we want strong communities full of mature, thoughtful, and highly productive/creative individuals, but we find the world bleak and unresponsive. The way we were taught to fit in doesn't bring us joy. We were taught to do things because that's the way your supposed to do them. But, we were also taught to be idealistic and soulful. We often don't truly feel like interacting with each other and society, but feel the pressures of a society ruled by the beliefs/traditions of older generations(partly our beliefs/traditions too) and are left stuck between half-hardheartedly compulsively engaging with the world and wanting to be, and being, reclusive and detached. We can't be the bright selves we want to be because we'd dirty those selves if we stepped into the muck of the world and because we don't know how to take a step for ourselves, with our own feet towards a place we actually want to go. I don't think we move because we can't find good ways to do it. There isn't clear and accessible ways to goodness, the ways of the past are outdated. Our parents can't understand the depth of our predicament. They don't have the tools or the ability. There medicine is too simple and harsh. We are more complicated psychologically. They are more socially governed and driven. We are way more individualistic. We are more thoughtful and contemplative. I think we seek a good, a degree of harmony and inclusion of the pieces of life that is more complicated than our parents and previous generations. Because there are more pieces and it is new terrain, it's more difficult to accomplish. We want to fulfill our deepest dreams, we don't want to settle. No one's done this before. And its even more difficult as the bonds that moved us along in the past are broken and sold. We can't just build on them, we have to rebuild and recreate as well. Most of us have no idea how to do this. It's creating pioneers in the field of personal discovery and fulfillment. Of moving beyond the limited scope of possibility of the past towards an unlimited future. We're losing so much in this new terrain. We're shunning the past entirely when it has so much truth to give or having our roots stripped out from under us leaving us to suffocate in the void. Unfortunately we are jaded due to the pasts limited framework and sickening corruption. Patriarchy, racism, damning and stupefying religious dogma and general social dogma. The selling out of our traditions and culture has made them much less appealing. It's easier to throw out traditional views entirely without examining them for worth if they seem superficial and clearly dogmatic in many ways. I don't think they are perfect at all. I just think that they are apart of us and the ways our societies are structured; and they contain truth and sense that should be known and heeded. They are stepping stones given to us by our ancestors. If we destroy them, we sink. They are sense leading somewhere better. We can discard them when we have outgrown them. In many ways I don't think we have when we give them up or lose them. In the advance of atheism and the religion of material science, we find God and religion to be archaic and illegitimate. Again we throw the baby out with the bathwater. God isn't to blame for the nightmare of religious dogma, humans are. It's good to move away from religion based on blind belief towards reason and the scientific method, but there's no good reason why the scientific method be limited to a spiritless universe. For whatever reasons mainstream science is almost completely outwardly focused in the Western world and anything dealing with the inner world isn't fully considered science. You can directly observe and precisely understand phenomena within the self, it is just a practice that most people don't do well enough for their understanding to be considered scientific. I find that most humans(East and West) are so deluded that the science of self-inquiry is nearly always spottled and rightly so because it is incredibly complicated and elusive. I merely ask that we don't throw out God in anger at religion. Cultivate your reasoning and apply it to the perception and understanding of your mind,your feelings, and what goes on inside you. You'd be surprised what's going on in there. We try and transcend our past to liberate ourselves, but its the past and the world we live in now that holds us up. Our traditions root us to the Earth and to each other. We shed some of ourselves as we move forward, but too much is violent and unnecessary, more destructive than beneficial. You may move well beyond the people, but you need to be with the people to move them forward and to be yourself. The key to fulfillment is accepting the world (and yourself) as it is, not how you want it to be. Goodness is a balance of the known and the unknown, the known moving into the unknown, and the unknown becoming the known. It is rooted in the Earth and open to the heavens. It is being guided by the whole. It is seeing and being the whole. Goodness is our connection to our humanity and to the divine. It is our conscience and the truth. It is what brings us joy and what makes life meaningful. It is spirited and light. It is a tradition cultivated over the ages that keeps us together in consciousness of life. It keeps darkness and chaos at bay. It is the ground of our senses. It leads us towards deeper harmony. It is the most important tradition that we can maintain in our lives. As our societies change so much and so quickly I am afraid of how our actions are being disconnected from it. Disconnecting from goodness means losing consciousness and falling into darkness. As our ways are being upended people are losing sight of the value of strong communities, of being moderate in action, and of being self-restrained. We are buying into consumerism, which is really egotism, masturbation, and thoughtlessness. We are pursuing self indulging pleasures at the cost of the integrity of ourselves, our communities, and the living systems of the planet. Its terrifying to witness. People think they are doing good when they are really slowly becoming sick, insane, violent, and destructive to themselves, their communities, and the world. It's the way to climb the social ladder, but at what cost? There's nothing wrong with being self indulgent, but we are not integrating our personal desires into the maintenance of the systems we depend on to survive. A genuine pursuit of goodness is itself good because the genuine desire to be good creates goodness in the world and opens up doors to deeper and greater goodness in life. This pursuit is the most important aim we can have in life. The most important and the most valuable. I don't believe everyone needs to be saints, I just want people to be aware of the importance of pursuing goodness and the importance of highly valuing goodness as a society. We don't realize the damage we do when we stray from the path. There are so many ills in the world that we are extremely concerned about. We can't solve these problems without the earnest desire to do good and be good people, to seek goodness out. Pursuing goodness is pursuing the betterment of yourself and the betterment of the world through individual growth. It means acknowledging your shortcomings and taking steps to be more wise and compassionate. It means recognizing that you are apart of something greater than yourself and orienting your life in service to that. Goodness is a vast pool of age old sense that we can draw from. Losing sight of goodness and ceasing to pursue it means becoming stupider and suffering more. It means going backwards instead of forwards. It means the collapse of society, the collapse of the order that protects us from recklessness and barbarism. When hate and fear are on the rise; and the ways we live are changing quickly, it is easier to lose sight of the good and compromise our integrity and wherewithal to deal with the issues at hand. We can end up destroying the things we really care about by doing things that we wouldn't do with a level head. If we aren't pursuing the good at all, then we are already lost. The pursuit of goodness, even when we're at a loss for how to solve a problem or handle a situation, is the means to reach solutions and to gain needed abilities. Pursuing goodness keeps the door open to new possibilities. When we fall into the darkness of negative emotion, our senses are compromised and opportunities pass us by. Goodness is literally the light of awareness, more than that it is conscious awareness and conscious use of our divinity. It is the golden Light of the heart, the utility of our Wholeness, in which we are a movement of the Universe. Goodness is essentially optimum performance. So when we pursue it and are learning how to orient ourselves towards it, we are pursuing the mastery of our senses, the perfection of ourselves, and the fulfillment of a human being. This is what enlightenment really means: the full expansion of the self into itself. The full blossoming of of our natures and total unity of our being. The full extension of our senses and the complete integration of all of our senses into one seamless all-perceiving body of being and awareness. This is Eros, the Light in the void. The being and Soul of the Universe. Risen above darkness and one with it extending throughout and being all of creation to infinity and beyond. On the edge of creation lies the void which is also the heart and bosom of creation and being. Goodness and wholeness are truly permeations of the non-duality of form and formlessness. The singleness of what is and what isn't. This is the magical now. When we genuinely pursue goodness we learn through trial and error how to live well and live wisely. Any whatever pace we may go, and it seems like nearly no one perfects themselves if that is even possible. Choosing to orient towards goodness isn't salvation. It's a recognition of a deep truth within us. It's a recognition of wisdom and a sense, however brief, of who we really are, behind the facades and beliefs we carry. When we pursue goodness, it becomes more prevalent in our lives. At least it does in the long term. In the short term, pursuing goodness can cast us into darkness. Doing good may also put us in harms way. This is because we carry darkness and negativity within us, even if we don't see them, which manifest outwardly from us into our lives. It isn't salvation, but it makes salvation possible. Doing good, even if we suffer for it, creates and maintains the sense and order that make civilization possible and life a lot easier. Goodness is born out of darkness and ignorance. It is one with consciousness and awareness. We have to meander from Light to dark, from joy to suffering, in our lives. We really don't have a choice. This is simply the nature of the awakening of human consciousness. All on its own darkness is transmuted into Light and consciousness. When this consciousness is overwhelmed we lose sight of the Light and fall into darkness. We have this fantastic belief that the objects of our desire will fulfill us and keep us permanently from suffering, but this almost always isn't the case. It is simply the nature of being a human to suffer and pass from Light into darkness. At least on the way up. Light and consciousness grow through time and we are slowly steadied and stilled over lifetimes. Although I don't know how much our will can influence this process, I still feel that it is important to advocate for an orientation towards goodness. I am young, but I think that in the recent past more of society was pursuing goodness. Life wasn't better than it is now and I don't think we need to return to the past, but I think we need to remember the importance of having a clear and true sense of goodness. We knew life wasn't perfect, but we had a clearer sense of the right way to go. I believe it is critical that we remember how vital goodness is to the maintenance and furthering of what we love and cherish; that we seriously evaluate the merit of our ways of living; and that we deeply change what we do to uphold a higher sense of morality that is needed to solve the crises of today and avoid immense suffering headed our way.
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