

Friday, November 13, 2020

7th Heaven of Presents sent us

 Alright I think this is day 3 of posting er day. I'm on a roll baby! 

Ok, what's cooking in the kitchen? Hmm, alright. Know where I am gonna start. Stoked today with court news in battleground states, and with Trump's white house conference where he seemed to take several steps back from his all out fraud position. (He said that he was not going to enforce shutdowns due to covid, but he didn't know what the next administration would do) I felt really relieved, happy, and motivated to keep the ball rolling (I have been politically active for this election). I want to go to local town hall meetings to learn about local politics and local issues. I want to meet more with my friends to discuss life in general and to make more concerted efforts to bring peace to the world. 
     I am so thankful that we have a democracy in the United States. It's obviously imperfect, but man it beats an authoritarian regime. I am super excited to get more people engaged in what I see as our civic duties. We can do so much more if we educate ourselves, get involved, get organized and make a stand for what we believe in. We can raise money, start programs, get elected, make laws that work better for everyone. I am super passionate about regular and high participation public discourse. We are not enemies, we are Americans. We have wonderful liberties and using them only makes us stronger. Listening to eachother is the way for healthy compromise and to sift through the b.s. This will make us more like neighbors. We will feel safer knowing that people are engaged in this kind of healthy debate and we will be more likely to listen to eachother when things get tense. We will raise awareness of legitimate issues on all levels of government and we will become more effective at dealing with them. We will become less afraid of speaking our minds by creating a space to hear eachother out. We will be less afraid of offending people which often leads to us not speaking which doesn't heal divides. This will strengthen our character making us better people in general. We won't be as quick to judge, to be hostile and we will be more considerate, more kind, and more ready to slow down and think things through. We can do this. Isn't this a wonderful possibility? Isn't this a wonderful opportunity? Dude, we live in America baby!
      I also want to organize more to discuss our feelings and the nature of reality. I want to spread Christ consciousness throughout the world. I want to spread liberating truth to all people and I want to get together with others to celebrate life. I want to have huge gatherings, with music, dance, discussion, sermons, etc. I want to build this kind of community throughout the United States. I want people to trust eachother, to be giving and loving. To be intelligent in the way we relate to eachother and the way we organize ourselves. We don't need all of these laws if we live in love. We don't need all of these boundaries if we are enlightened. This being said, I am not an advocate for anarchy. I am an advocate for nurturing the tree of democracy, of ever-enlightening government until love is the law of the land. I see us getting more involved in government from the ground up, taking care of our communities, our land, our skies, our water, our homes, our gathering places, our poor, our wounded and sick, our lost and confused. Isn't this the message of Jesus? Reaching out, sharing the abundance that comes from living in the spirit of love and joy. Enlightening our minds so we are capable of balancing the complexities of our world systems and increasing their integrity. Expanding science and technology from a place of care and thorough examination of the ramifications of what we intend to create. We can do this. This is a way we can choose to live if enough of us open ourselves to it. It's not a distant ideal, it can be our reality now. If you can feel this, you may be like..holy shit..I don't have to go on living the way I am. I can change, We can change.
     The door is here right now. We just have to learn how to walk through. Everyday people are making choices that make it easier for us to be free. It seems like we can also choose to close the door. We can choose fear and complacency. What do you want to create? You can create anything...Let me say this again. You can create anything. This world belongs to you.  The power is in your mind if you can figure out how to use it. You can be the master of your universe. You can choose love. You can choose light. You can choose to be free. You can choose anything. I believe in you and I believe in your choice. 

What if the resistance in your mind wasn't as strong as you thought? 

What if instead of having walls surround you, you were actually floating in a infinite creative space?

What the fuck if you were free right now?

What would you fucking do? 

You can fucking do anything. You can suffer or you can wake up. The choice is yours. 

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