

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 God, will you please teach me more about yourself, so that I may know thee? Father, please show me what it is that makes all of this? Lord, please show me what this really is. Lord, please show me who I really am and what this world really is. Please help me see who you are so that I may know what is real, so that I may turn from what is false and accept the truth. I sense that you are here abiding behind the play of this world. This world is not what it appears to be. Please show me the true nature of your existence. Please reveal to me who you really are. Please stay with me as I continue to walk down the path of knowledge of who Thou art. Father, I sense thee are great. Greater than I am capable of seeing. Father, much of your way is hidden to me. Lord, please disclose more to me so that I may remain with you. I wish to be with thee. I wish to take Thee with me as I go about my way. You are my father, I thy son, please hear me, please listen, please be at my beck and call, take me under thy wing and lift me up to high places. Always protect me and assure that I am blessed by thy grace. Protect me with your wisdom and guide me to safety. Please show me what is real, please let me stand by thy side. Please let me stand with you and be guided by you as I make my way through this world. I believe I make my way here to learn of you and to learn of what Thy ask of me. Regardless of what I see in this world, it is You that are a voice of wisdom and truth. It is you who I must seek if I wish to know my true purpose, if I wish to know the truth about this universe. You are the truth and the answer. Why is so much hidden? Why do we live in such a deep darkness? Why must it be so difficult to find what is real? Thee reside in such a high place? Why are thee so from from where we are? Lord, why must it take so much to find thee? You are strange, and speak to me in such a strange way. Why is it so difficult to hear thee? I wish to offer much to thee, but I am so broken I find it very difficult to do so. I wish to make an offering to thee, because thee are the greatest, and I owe everything to Thee, because I think thy are great and this is enough to worship thee, to desire to give thee gifts. You are most holy, most wonderful, yet most silent. I find this very difficult to bear, because I desire so much from Thee. I need so much from Thee my Lord. I ask so much of Thee. I ask for Thee to fulfill all the wishes in my heart. I ask Thee to give me everything I ask for if Thee may make what I ask for whole and good. You are my master. You are my strength. Everything comes from you. 

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