It seems to me that we desire things because of what we believe they are, what we believe they can give us. We believe that specific things have the power to satisfy us, to make us better, to make us more complete. For this reason we establish an agenda to obtain things and use them to suit our own purposes. We think it is appropriate to set out to gain what we can from the world for ourselves. I think this entire prospect is misled because this fundamental perception is untrue. I think heading out in such a manner leads to bondage rather than fulfillment. Each of these things we deem worthy out in the world is only worthy as long as we are attached to it. If we look closely, this attachment is not based off of real need, but of infectious desire, that spreads mindlessly from one thing to another. I think there are things that are appropriate to take care of, but nothing that is worth desiring. I think desire is truly poison. Even when we make an effort to take care of necessary business, there is no need to be attached to succeeding in our aims. I honestly do not think it matters if we succeed or fail. Not that this won't have consequences that affect other people for good or ill, not that it won't be important to us, but that underneath all the layers of this world, none of it is what it appears to be and none of it is real. While we remain in the world, it seems best that we divert all our efforts to eliminating the illusion of differences between things. I am talking about the difference between the true nature of things, they will always appear different, but they never will be. Additionally, even as we go about eliminating this illusion, never do so from a place of attachment. Let this endevour spring from the nothingness that comes from realizing the indivisibility behind the illusory surface of reality. Doing so from a place of attachment, is doing so from a place of desire, even if it a desire for the highest good. I think you will find that you cannot eliminate desire altogether immediately, especially a desire for achieving goodness on Earth. It is not necessary to do so, nothing is, this is the point. The more we realize the emptiness behind creation that is all that is real, the more we naturally do good things. The greatest things we can do is to let go of succeeding in fulfilling goodness from a place of ultimate surrender, not to be confused with a place of surrendering to evil and darkness. Ultimate surrender is truly selfless, a selflessness where there is no self, not a heroic self, where the self melts into the foaming sea of I AM, Emptiness. The more this is established the clearer our direction will be, and as we gather all of ourself and head towards liberation, we will remain motionless and participate in nothing at all. The latter is the primary mode, liberation is not worth being attached to, nothing is. Every thing we can believe in is equally illusory, equally a projection of self, equally ensnaring, equally undesirable. It becomes apparent that desire and self are bound in the same tangled not that is conditioned consciousness. It appears as an object in the mind where self, desire/thirst, attachment, conditioned perception of reality/aka worldliness are all one conditioned body. When it is seen as thus, it becomes apparent that it is not who we really are, not that our self is something else, but that we are not self, conditioned being. Until it is clearly seen what conditioned being is, we will have trouble stepping away from it. The clarity that eventually comes from the awakening or blossoming of Self in consciousness eventually leads to the insight that there is no need to step away from it, because there is no it, there is no self to step away from and no self to do the stepping away, the movement is pointless and impossible. Reality is simply Self which may not be the best word at this moment. The ultimate nature that all profound religion points to is the same underlying Reality. It may take awhile to recognize this, it is not essential that it is recognized. Perception ultimately simplifies to this fundamental nature that is nature in it's entirety, for the multitude is ultimately not real which leaves an already existing sea of Here I AM. There is no dharma we can hold onto, if we close our eyes properly we will find that we are already bathing in a sea of it.
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