I wonder if Christ lays on the periphery of the astral universe. One of the biggest obstacles in my thinking is my inability to piece Christ consciousness together with the rational-orange-order stage of interior development. Yogananda says that as the physical universe dwells within the astral universe, the astral dwells within the causal universe, a place in which souls are so advanced that they create whole universes on a whim. A place of Gods it seems. If logic-blue conformist is the stage that is alligned with the nature of the astral universe, I have wondered if the rational-orange-order stage aligns with the causal realm. Both have similar characteristics, orange rational-order can create it's codes to live by, it can create the order by which the astral or conformist follows. It rules the astral and is transcendent of it's law abiding ways. It creates and establishes the laws, the conformist just follows the laws, it participates in the existing order. It gains depth by participation, whereas the conformist has already mastered participation and now has the ability to set the laws to suit itself. I have yet be able to explain the gap between orange rational and Christ that has to fit somewhere into the universal structure. We still have green-sensitive-communitarian, integral, soul, and some type of God before Christ. If orange rational is the quality and nature of the Causal then how do we fit all of these other stages in before we get to Spirit as Spirit, the Transcendent Father? According to Wilber there is a worldview stage of Christ that exists after Soul. There are like 4 or 5 left to go. I feel like there is a lot here that is missing in my thinking. What do all of these stages correspond with? Ego-impulse, blue-logic, orange-reason, green-?life systems? Equality? Impulse governs creature, logic governs? Lower mental structure? What does reason govern? Still mind? I think so. All of these are agencies and structures within living beings. Is integral the highest stage of mental agency? Then soul is subtle or astral? Is subtle, mind? Ha, there is a lot I do not understand. I think I can be a lot more careful with how I define things. Am I confusing a lower mind structure with an initial post mind structure? I think it would be helpful to define the fundamental structures or dimensions of the universe. Yogananda says, I believe, that the astral universe is full of prana. Which is life energy, which I believe is created at the manipura. And what is the deal with trying to traverse across the astral or subtle plane to God the Father, and Logic-Conformist? Is logic-conformist the fist step away from the personal into the transpersonal? If tribal membership is pre-personal and ego is dead center personal, is logic-conformist a first step towards the transpersonal? Or is it a stage of personal development that is characteristically accompanied by God the Father religion? It seems like my ego wants answers to this, and it is getting in the way. Dear Lord, thank you for all that you have already shown me, Amen.
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