

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

More answers, more questions

 I do believe it is true that God is at the heart of the astral Universe. I believe that the center of the astral universe is also in a way, the end of the astral universe, because from here, we journey into God and I believe God eventually turns into Christ. I am not sure which God this is. I think it is one of the Trinity. I believe it to be the God of the Old Testament, which makes sense because this God is the law bearer, and from my feelings, it is He that introduces Logic to the Jewish people, and as they make covenants with Him, they begin their journey across the astral sea to Him that lays in it's heart. It would seem that God the Father is the appropriate name for this aspect of God. I am no so certain though. For up to this point I believed God the Father to be the Highest form of God, God as absolute, as pure formless spirit, that is completely transcendent of Creation which appears to me now to be different from the God that rests at the heart of the astral universe which is God yet to be Christ. It seems to my knowledge that the God within the astral sea is the Father of our Souls, being composed of subtle light. Jesus also refers to those that believe in Him as is brothers and sisters, but now to which God he refers to I am uncertain. I believed it to be God as absolute, but now I do not know. His claim seems to be applicable to both. I am thoroughly perplexed by these thoughts...though I am happy to have a better understanding of the part of the Universe that extends from the astral to the absolute. My understanding of the trinity, and of the relationship between God and His souls in the astral sea, and their journey is taking shape. Understanding this feels vitally important to me. It is true that God is the same God in each aspect of the trinity, for they are all One. God is singular. I ask then, oh Lord, which of you is the Father of the Holy Trinity? And who Father is the God of the Jews that lay at the heart of the Astral sea? Lord, it seems to me that as Jesus is your son, that He would descend from Thee and you would be Higher than Him. That You would be He from whom all comes. Lord, may I know who is this God who speaks to us from within the Astral Heavens, who calls us to journey across it to Him? I ask thee Lord, is this God your hand which art the Holy Ghost? Is the same Father of the Jews, He that your son, Jesus Christ, refers to my Father who art in Heaven? Lord, I know from Yogananda that the Hand of God is before the Christ, he saith that the Holy Ghost surrounds creation and creates it from the Holy Aum, where God does this lie? Lord, when he refers to Creation, does he refer to the Universe that lies within the Astral Sea, that is the Astral Sea descending into matter? Lord, I am confused, Yogananda also speaks of the Causal realm, I know not if this is the realm of Christs, or does the Holy Ghost lay outside it's borders as well?  Father, I sense your inspiration coming from within my mind, from the astral sea. I sense the Holy Ghost speaking to me. Must he not speak from within the astral sea to mine ears? Must I not hear it from within my mind, from within the Astral currents. God, from where doth He speak to me? How can I here Him thus. Does He not speak from within the Astral Heaven? Does He not lay within it's heart as it's source? Is it not Him that calls me to make the journey to Him? To leave the Earth and it's ways behind forever? Is it not His hand that reaches out across the Universe to touch my heart and my mind. To share with me the secrets of Creation and of you Yourself oh lord high in Heaven. How did the Jews know you oh Lord? To whom did they speak? Did they know of Christ? Of you that lay beyond Him, Highest in Heaven? Lord it seems if they knew of Christ that they would have been more familiar with Him when He came? Did they only know of you as you speak out through the subtle sea as I know you now? It seems that the Jews were on a journey and that Christ is the end of that journey and many of them knew him not before He came. It seems to me that their tale in the Old Testament is a tale of this Journey and that Christ may mark the end of it. Lord it seems to me that they paved a way for Him, that we can learn from them of the God they knew in such a way that we may know and be prepared for He that came after. Lord it seems essential to me, to know you as they knew you, so that I may fully receive the Christ that Jesus brang to the Earth. Lord I know that you have spoken to many different people throughout time, and that you have many prophets and Christs and Sages, yet I feel that I may learn much from this story in particular. I feel apart of it's story unfolding throughout space and time. I feel it is important to know of thee as our Father who art in Heaven, and that we ought to learn Logic from thee through Faith, to make our progress through the Astral Heaven so that we may dock in it's heart and merge with Thee there so that we may come to Christ and fully know Him. Lord, I believe my soul calls me to do this and that I am on my way to you. I wish to know of thee and thy Way so that I may come to thee. Lord, it seems to me that as the Holy Ghost is the Word, that the word may be Logic itself, Logic fully embodied and fully present. It seems to me that Logic is the glue that holds everything together. It is the sinews of the world. It seems that through Logic we are conscious of the multitude of form, and that the Universe that we know is an image that most of us have not fully rendered. It is through the cultivation of Logic that we process this Universal Image. I believe the scope of this image is limited. It is an image that is all that lies within the mental dimension of the universe, so the mental and the physical. It seems to me that all of the images that we call forms are truly each the same image that may be this Logic. I think it is our spiritual ignorance that makes us believe they are different. I think cultivating Logic is how we learn to see this complete image and how we overcome this delusion and fully render the Image. 

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