

Monday, November 20, 2023

The subtle Unity and the way to it

 Each thing that arises in our awareness is in fact the same thing. Each thing we see is a reflection of the infinite. Each and every form a unique expression of the same infinite. Each form, each thing is actually infinity. Which makes each thing actually every other thing as well. The thing that is here is consciousness. We confuse these things to be separate things, when in fact they are each and all consciousness. This is consciousness. There truly is no thing here, nothing but the appearance of things. The mirror that is the reflection of consciousness as the illusory world of forms is also simply consciousness. Within the mirror, consciousness appears as a variety of things. These things are all subtly interwoven to appear as they do, while none of them really exist as we see them. Each thing in existence, every dimension is a diffusion of God's light into the many. When we awaken to the reality of the universe as consciousness these forms unravel before our eyes. The solidity of matter disappears. Our mind begins to process the image that God has created as a whole. Instead of a universe with chaos and order, their is simply the perfect order of God's creation. The image is flawless, nothing is out of place, chaos is an illusion. Everything is perfectly ordered according to a higher Logic. Each thing is perfectly placed. 

Each thing is the Spiritual Sun and the whole Universe. It is our mind that generates the illusion of difference, which is an image that we see, rather than seeing the universe directly. Each form is the same form, which is ultimately Emptiness. I think somehow the astral universe of the subtle mind is a mental overlay that covers the even subtler unity of all that is mind. I see this mental dimension as a mask that the universe wears. I think I see it this way because the coalescence of mind that created the illusion of the separate self has largely been erased, compromised, and displaced in what you may call my individual being. What I intuit now is that each identifiable mental form or thing that we see in our universe (both physical and astral) is actually Christ. I am confident that this Christ will eventually melt into the formless infinite, but for now this is what I see. This appears to me now to be apart of the main mystery of the universe and it feels as though the astral universe is a mask that is slowly slipping off my face. It's remarkable to be in the world and then to momentarily step out of it and see it as an object I could hold in my hand. It is so subtle, yet so simple. We get caught up in the motion of everything and forget what is actually going on. Caught up in the human drama It seems like everything is contrived by the subtle hand of the Holy Ghost, who is like a hidden friend standing behind everything. Pulling the strings. It is like God through Him is a friend hiding within each person and each thing, that we rarely see. In our ignorance we find the world evil. I do not think it is. I think every act comes from a place of Goodness and Wisdom, because all things are done by Him. It is our ignorance that leads us to believe this, not our own intelligence. By turning to Him, we may see what is real, that everything is sculpted by a divine hand. Power doesn't come from how much money we have in the bank, or how intelligent or skilled we are, it comes from God, who in this aspect, is a living force of cause and effect, that is impersonal, yet ruled by unchanging code that mortals cannot interfere with. If you recognize this power that is responsible for every other power, then you can depend on it, and rest in it, and be protected by it. It is unerring judgement, unerring law, that we are very capable of intuiting and perceiving and working with. We are so fixated on what is worldly, so infatuated with what we see that we miss what is hidden yet possesses true power. It is a fundamental relationship you have with God that protects your soul, a simple mathematical formula that you can follow as a prescription, that alleviates all ills. I think this basic formula is overlooked by many, perhaps more in those who believe they are especially gifted, who have a great deal already, and have not tasted bitter defeat and loss.  Who are willing to bet against God, against conscience so that they may have more. You cannot defy Him, for your defiance is built by Him. His law is flawless and supreme. 

The interesting thing is that, in a way, God is listening to us, and in a way, waiting for us to turn to Him. Which is incredible. I believe He wants us to turn to Him, because he wants our souls to be saved, because he loves us. He and a horde of heavenly beings who have turned their hearts to compassion for humanities suffering. God loves us, he watches everything we do, and I believe continually pours out his merciful love for us, to save us as much as he can from danger and suffering. Unfortunate for us, we are so deep in our suffering that we cannot see this and we remain incapable of turning to Him. The more I turn to Him the more I see his love and feel his presence. See him working behind the scenes. More than this is our life, this is a play of God unfolding across the infinite space of eternity. The reality of God's play is far more real than the illusion of our separate selves. 

By listening to God through the Holy Spirit, we may interpret His will and become his servants. We go into servitude to pay for our sins, and to learn how to properly take care of our selves, and I think the universe. I think our soul is always a servant of God, while through this servitude we may become something else, which is I think one who has fully sublimated the Word, Logos, enters into the realm of Christ as Christ. Here, in a way, we are freed of servitude by becoming the Master. We have to pass through the fire of the Holy Ghost to reach He that dwelleth beyond. The Holy Ghost sets fire to our sin which we can only redeem by turning that aspect of our self to God. Where we suffer the most, God is asking the most of us, it is also where we have the most to gain. He is both testing us and tempering our spirit, so that someday we may be greater and capable of hearing what He has to say. We rise to the challenge, by listening, by turning to Him as much as we are capable. Through prayer, and self-sacrifice, through contemplation. I think really it comes down to embracing our destiny, and choosing to life our life regardless of what it may mean for us. The radical and complete acceptance of ourselves and I think the radical and complete acceptance of God who awaits us. I think once we accept ourselves, we can turn to Him and be free of ourselves and find perfect liberty in the seamless Union of our soul with God. He has a plan for us. We can embrace it if we willingly follow Him. We may fear the consequences of servitude to God, but it is nothing compared to being enslaved to sense desires. 

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