Fire on the mountainside
Fire in the plains
Fire in the tundra
Fire in the way
Fire over water
Fire over land
Fire through the city streets
Fire in the mind of man
Fire burns for tomorrow
Fire burns for today
Fire burns away the flesh
Fire burns away the life
A mad fire driven by the light of the sun
I have forgotten this blazing heat
Burning at my side
I have forgotten the unrelenting flames
That will not die
They have burned away my name
They have burned away my life
I cannot reach within them
For they are much too strong
I stand here in the furnace
Burning at my flesh
Locked in the furnace
With not but fire to digest
I have done my best to conceal
This from my mind
The fact that I am burning
Burning all the time
Numb to the fire
Numb to the heat
Numb to feeling
To my destiny
My soul is locked in shadow
Hidden by smoke
Where my body is burning
Where my life is spent
Trapped in fire
Trapped in pain
Trapped in torment
Again and again and again
I did not know I would go to the land of burning
But there I find myself
Where light shines strongest and sets the world ablaze
Fueled by fear
And fueled by terror
Fueled by hunger
Of ravaging desire
Driven by lust
For what life holds
I dwell in the flames
Within the soil
Within the life
Within the light
Fire and might
Battle unending
Fight for control
Fight for possession
Fight for occupancy
To escape depression
Bent and beaten
Covered in dirt and rags
Climbing in the pit
Death to all that stand before me
Burning fire glows in my eyes
Surrounded by flame and magma
I will consume the Earth
Leveling it in my power
Tying all to my will
There is so much I want to say, but I don't know where to begin. I can't seem to reach my life. This life trying to live. Trying to be. Struggling in the noose. Struggling with chains around it. Suffocating in the flames in the hollows of the Earth. How do I give life to thee? How do I make peace with thee? How do I bring thee into the world? How do I make thee a place to grow and to live? I am afraid I cannot. I am afraid the task is to great and I am too weak. I am so tired of being weak. So tired of struggling so seemingly against the world. Tired of such weight depressing me and blinding me. Tired of being muted. Of being stilled. Tired of the fire and the flames. Tired of burning like a smoldering log. Tired of this way. Of this path. I am tired of being blind. Tired of flailing so. I want to stand tall and true, present yet free and unobstructed by the way.
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