The Point, the aggressive point. The grip balanced with the space and the feel.
I fall into the idle states, I feel under a field of energy. My self feels suppressed to various degrees by the weight of this field. I wish to merge my consciousness with it, but I cannot. It is too large to swallow. Instead, I do my best to hold it up. To eat it piece by piece. I want to rise above these fields. To not be suffocated by them. To use them as ammunition for creation. I want them to be more active. I want to be more active in them.
It doesn't feel good for my body to be so stagnant. It wants to flow. It wants to fire. It wants to make something of all this caught upness. To turn it into a complete form. To flush it out. To make David out of marble. To make the Earth out of stardust. It wants to be activated. It wants to be born. It has a purpose. It is intended to be something. I don't know what to call this transformation. It is the same as making art using tools, materials, skill and creativity. My own thoughts lack the very definition I attempt to communicate. It's like, there are things I want to do. things that are the fulfillment of my life. These things are made of the energies surrounding and pouring into my being. They are inspiring. And I won't find peace until they are made into what they are made to be and I become who I am meant to be.
There are clear, specific molds that we grow into. We fill out these molds. There are very specific molds of being human. We find fulfillment by filling them out. We seek to fill them through action. We suffer when we do not fill the molds that have captivated our hearts. One of these molds is the mold of making progress towards the full-fillment of other molds. We not only fill these molds with the work of our hands, bodies and mouths (changing our physical and social environments), we fill these molds with our thoughts and the focus of our consciousness or self.
Our conscious will is constantly filling these molds with the subtle energy that is our growing intelligence and presence. We pull our desires and dreams into existence through creating them subtly in our minds and hearts. We so perfectly fill the molds in our imagination that we actually create the new form on Earth. We assume there is a separation between our consciousness and our physical environments, but their is not. As we fill the molds psychically we are literally creating the form that the mold encases on Earth. We are subtly manipulating the Earth with our mindhearts.
We assume consciousness is a separate realty from the hard reality of the Earth, when the Earth is as much made of mind as consciousness is. If we consider thoughts subtle energy, then the Earth is also the same subtle energy. It can and is manipulated the same way our thoughts and feelings are manipulated. If our inner world is a play of light and shadow, then our outer world is also a play of light and shadow. Even more radical and equally as true is that our self, our being and the plane of our imagination doesn't simply lie somewhere in here, a pocket of subjective inner space, it also lies out there in the world. The plane of our mind is the plane of the world, the Earth. All its forms and all of us. There is no boundary to any mind. There is varying strengths of creative altering will, but all minds affect all things. All minds are all things.
The molds I wish to fill are based on my unique position in the cosmos. My unique vision of what I believe is important to create. What is meaningful to me. These molds will give me life because they are my life. At least my life anticipated through time. My wellbeing is tied to things I want to become. The flow of my energy is tied to things I am not yet or may never be. I am waiting to use my energy for them. I am devoting my attention to bringing them into being. To such an extent that I suffer in the present. I give so much energy to these molds/visions/dreams that I do not have enough energy to sustain what I imagine to be health and wellbeing right now. So much that my consciousness is submerged by the weight of these dreams. My self is pushed under the surface below a conscious level. My feelings are crushed and the lack of intelligent harmony in my body makes my brain feel like it is being crushed due to the imbalance of chemicals/energies in my brain. (this is a moderate to light pain/feeling and is typical and chronic in daily human experience) The lack of proper flow in my body leads to a dullness/inactivity of the senses and s stagnation which leads to a weakening of the immune system and the health of my entire body.
I feel like I can't dream big enough to get myself out of this. My creative will is sucked into these molds now cosmic in size. The way out is to become smarter. To become smart enough to wield these energies intelligently, skillfully, and morally. I can wield them for chaos, but I wait to wield them for love and order. At least a healthy balance of love, order and chaos. I think I wish most to be conscious of myself (these energies and the world). Simply to be clear headed and composed. Then at least I can consciously know that it is best to wait and meditate. Then I won't leave part of myself in resistance to these colossal forces. Essentially to be more wholly myself, to be more efficient and to suffer much less because of this. This is partly why I write. To gain intellect I vitally need. To compose all of these energies into intelligent awareness would be an awesome feat. One that I am glad to undertake. I am excited to reap the benefits of such an extensive and powerful intelligence. It will simply be joyful to orchestrate such thoughts when I have gained a better foothold on my mind. Such awesome penetration into the nature of reality and it's subtleties. Such liberation from wisdom. Such levity of perspective and being. It is a joy.
I wield the sword within myself and rise in stature through the vigorous exercise of contemplation. To sit and think and write and change the world by reading the book that is my open mind. Open and filled with the fruit of understanding. To look out at the world from within myself becoming more enlightened. Connecting vast seas of though and information into enlivening synthesis. To uncover the dancing forces within the world with the light of my own imagination. To cut through the coils that have entangled my being for so long and find sweet solace on a plateau of illuminating thought which steadily increases security through healthy self-awareness and liberating understanding. Freeing the self from bitter engagements through a regular deepening of wisdom interpersonally, financially and personally/energetically. The sword properly wielded as a tool of liberating intellect. Such a joy :). I love thinking like this.
We have so many looming problems that require a great deal of thought. We have to figure out how to deal with the effects of climate change and globalization. The effects of technology on social and individual wellbeing. Morality and ethics postdogma. How do we most intelligently allocate our resources? How do we most effectively pursue an infrastructure and economic shift to green technology and green energy production? These are the kinds of things we need to focus on to avoid catastrophes. How do we implement solutions politically/socially? So much thought! So exciting. The people that come up with the most effective solutions will change the face of the Earth.
It's also just exciting to be apart of all of the change that is happening and will happen. We can recreate the way we do things. We can do things in any way we want. This is the power we are uncovering in our omni-dimensional exponential growth in intelligence. We have the power to be a liberated people. It may be a power we haven't had in millennia. This power can easily destroy us if don't take the necessary precautions.
I want to start a coalition of intelligent thinkers to formulate an integral plan to deal with the changes of our times: to plan sustainably for the future. It would focus on the personal, local, state, national, and international dimensions of sustainable change and include plans to deal with the interdependent nature of these dimensions. It would focus on all of the things we need to have and to develop to establish harmony on all of these different dimensions simultaneously. It would include plans to deal with the general consciousness that one may encounter at any of these levels and how to appropriately engage to affect the greatest sustainable change. The overarching mission being Peace on Earth through the liberation of all people. Liberation personally, interpersonally, financially, politically, spiritually. The drive of this plan is "We Are" consciousness. I have already mocked up these basics with a few more details in my post called Plan for spreading "We Are" consciousness. There is so much more detail to be added!
This plan is already in existence in the goodwill of humankind. We already know this plan in our hearts. This plan is not suppressive of religion, race, creed, or any way that we are. It simply wishes to nurture love and intelligent design. This plan aims to foster goodwill among all people and across all peoples. It's intuitive as much if not more than it is thought out. The thought out plans are always subject to the sense of the present moment. In its fruition, its not a plan of concrete ideologies. Though these maybe temporarily implemented where they are appropriate. It's a plan, when fully known, that is inspired by a spirit of Universal Love and Wisdom. I'm so excited...
It doesn't feel good for my body to be so stagnant. It wants to flow. It wants to fire. It wants to make something of all this caught upness. To turn it into a complete form. To flush it out. To make David out of marble. To make the Earth out of stardust. It wants to be activated. It wants to be born. It has a purpose. It is intended to be something. I don't know what to call this transformation. It is the same as making art using tools, materials, skill and creativity. My own thoughts lack the very definition I attempt to communicate. It's like, there are things I want to do. things that are the fulfillment of my life. These things are made of the energies surrounding and pouring into my being. They are inspiring. And I won't find peace until they are made into what they are made to be and I become who I am meant to be.
There are clear, specific molds that we grow into. We fill out these molds. There are very specific molds of being human. We find fulfillment by filling them out. We seek to fill them through action. We suffer when we do not fill the molds that have captivated our hearts. One of these molds is the mold of making progress towards the full-fillment of other molds. We not only fill these molds with the work of our hands, bodies and mouths (changing our physical and social environments), we fill these molds with our thoughts and the focus of our consciousness or self.
Our conscious will is constantly filling these molds with the subtle energy that is our growing intelligence and presence. We pull our desires and dreams into existence through creating them subtly in our minds and hearts. We so perfectly fill the molds in our imagination that we actually create the new form on Earth. We assume there is a separation between our consciousness and our physical environments, but their is not. As we fill the molds psychically we are literally creating the form that the mold encases on Earth. We are subtly manipulating the Earth with our mindhearts.
We assume consciousness is a separate realty from the hard reality of the Earth, when the Earth is as much made of mind as consciousness is. If we consider thoughts subtle energy, then the Earth is also the same subtle energy. It can and is manipulated the same way our thoughts and feelings are manipulated. If our inner world is a play of light and shadow, then our outer world is also a play of light and shadow. Even more radical and equally as true is that our self, our being and the plane of our imagination doesn't simply lie somewhere in here, a pocket of subjective inner space, it also lies out there in the world. The plane of our mind is the plane of the world, the Earth. All its forms and all of us. There is no boundary to any mind. There is varying strengths of creative altering will, but all minds affect all things. All minds are all things.
The molds I wish to fill are based on my unique position in the cosmos. My unique vision of what I believe is important to create. What is meaningful to me. These molds will give me life because they are my life. At least my life anticipated through time. My wellbeing is tied to things I want to become. The flow of my energy is tied to things I am not yet or may never be. I am waiting to use my energy for them. I am devoting my attention to bringing them into being. To such an extent that I suffer in the present. I give so much energy to these molds/visions/dreams that I do not have enough energy to sustain what I imagine to be health and wellbeing right now. So much that my consciousness is submerged by the weight of these dreams. My self is pushed under the surface below a conscious level. My feelings are crushed and the lack of intelligent harmony in my body makes my brain feel like it is being crushed due to the imbalance of chemicals/energies in my brain. (this is a moderate to light pain/feeling and is typical and chronic in daily human experience) The lack of proper flow in my body leads to a dullness/inactivity of the senses and s stagnation which leads to a weakening of the immune system and the health of my entire body.
I feel like I can't dream big enough to get myself out of this. My creative will is sucked into these molds now cosmic in size. The way out is to become smarter. To become smart enough to wield these energies intelligently, skillfully, and morally. I can wield them for chaos, but I wait to wield them for love and order. At least a healthy balance of love, order and chaos. I think I wish most to be conscious of myself (these energies and the world). Simply to be clear headed and composed. Then at least I can consciously know that it is best to wait and meditate. Then I won't leave part of myself in resistance to these colossal forces. Essentially to be more wholly myself, to be more efficient and to suffer much less because of this. This is partly why I write. To gain intellect I vitally need. To compose all of these energies into intelligent awareness would be an awesome feat. One that I am glad to undertake. I am excited to reap the benefits of such an extensive and powerful intelligence. It will simply be joyful to orchestrate such thoughts when I have gained a better foothold on my mind. Such awesome penetration into the nature of reality and it's subtleties. Such liberation from wisdom. Such levity of perspective and being. It is a joy.
I wield the sword within myself and rise in stature through the vigorous exercise of contemplation. To sit and think and write and change the world by reading the book that is my open mind. Open and filled with the fruit of understanding. To look out at the world from within myself becoming more enlightened. Connecting vast seas of though and information into enlivening synthesis. To uncover the dancing forces within the world with the light of my own imagination. To cut through the coils that have entangled my being for so long and find sweet solace on a plateau of illuminating thought which steadily increases security through healthy self-awareness and liberating understanding. Freeing the self from bitter engagements through a regular deepening of wisdom interpersonally, financially and personally/energetically. The sword properly wielded as a tool of liberating intellect. Such a joy :). I love thinking like this.
We have so many looming problems that require a great deal of thought. We have to figure out how to deal with the effects of climate change and globalization. The effects of technology on social and individual wellbeing. Morality and ethics postdogma. How do we most intelligently allocate our resources? How do we most effectively pursue an infrastructure and economic shift to green technology and green energy production? These are the kinds of things we need to focus on to avoid catastrophes. How do we implement solutions politically/socially? So much thought! So exciting. The people that come up with the most effective solutions will change the face of the Earth.
It's also just exciting to be apart of all of the change that is happening and will happen. We can recreate the way we do things. We can do things in any way we want. This is the power we are uncovering in our omni-dimensional exponential growth in intelligence. We have the power to be a liberated people. It may be a power we haven't had in millennia. This power can easily destroy us if don't take the necessary precautions.
I want to start a coalition of intelligent thinkers to formulate an integral plan to deal with the changes of our times: to plan sustainably for the future. It would focus on the personal, local, state, national, and international dimensions of sustainable change and include plans to deal with the interdependent nature of these dimensions. It would focus on all of the things we need to have and to develop to establish harmony on all of these different dimensions simultaneously. It would include plans to deal with the general consciousness that one may encounter at any of these levels and how to appropriately engage to affect the greatest sustainable change. The overarching mission being Peace on Earth through the liberation of all people. Liberation personally, interpersonally, financially, politically, spiritually. The drive of this plan is "We Are" consciousness. I have already mocked up these basics with a few more details in my post called Plan for spreading "We Are" consciousness. There is so much more detail to be added!
This plan is already in existence in the goodwill of humankind. We already know this plan in our hearts. This plan is not suppressive of religion, race, creed, or any way that we are. It simply wishes to nurture love and intelligent design. This plan aims to foster goodwill among all people and across all peoples. It's intuitive as much if not more than it is thought out. The thought out plans are always subject to the sense of the present moment. In its fruition, its not a plan of concrete ideologies. Though these maybe temporarily implemented where they are appropriate. It's a plan, when fully known, that is inspired by a spirit of Universal Love and Wisdom. I'm so excited...
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