

Sunday, April 26, 2020

"We Are" Consciousness

     We are one

     We are one people. We are one race. We are one race of human beings. No-thing divides us. No-thing can. We are one. We are one people. We are one voice. We have one purpose. One design. One measure. One body. One shared being. We are one.
     We have always been one, and we will always be one. In war, hate, strife, disease. We remain undivided. We remain united. This is the truth which we don not see. It is the way before us and behind us. It is the way now. We walk on this path together. We always have and we always will. We are one. What we may or may not think does not change this. This is stronger than what any human can build. It is intrinsic to us, apart of every part and every dimension of who we are. It lives within our cells and cannot be avoided in anything we say. This is the truth. We are one.
     Now, as we always have been and always will be, we are called to unite in humanhood across all divides. We are called by every ounce of our being to realize the unity of humankind. We are called to see through the cobwebs and the dust in our house and realize our shared inhabitance, our single body of human spirit and human wisdom. We have always shared this and we always will. We have been connected across the world since the dawn of time. Our hearts are undivided. Our feelings are the same. Our love is our love. We have one human feeling. One beating heart.
     We struggle to be ourselves, we struggle to realize our kinship, our unity, to fulfill our soul on this Earth. This is our destiny. This is our purpose. It is written in our hearts by the voice of God. We can't turn away from it, no matter how much we wish it. It is the aching in our chests from which wishes spring. It is the heart of our hearts. We are one. We are one.
     The awareness of this and the embodiment of this is the salvation of the human species and of life on Earth. We are tied to this Earth as we are tied to each other. Through realizing this we gain the power and the wisdom to restore the balance of life on this planet. We learn how to live in harmony with each other and with the Earth.
     We do not need to change who we are. For we already are perfectly one. Perfectly unified. Perfectly whole. If we see this in great numbers across the world, we will gain the power to be free.
     This is the undoing of all that we believe divides us. This is clarity and awakening. This is clarity and awakening. This is liberation. This is the pursuit of freedom, justice, and equality in their fullest sense; all of these emanating from the Divine Heart which burns in a passionate flame for the fulfillment and liberation of humankind. This is the heart of Christ. All Christs. All true Christians. It is the sacred heart that lies in the bosom of all true faiths and of all people who are awake to the unity of humankind. "We are One" or "We Are" is the consciousness that does and will unite all religions. It is the Universal Religion of Love, Joy and the worshiping of life: which is God. Worshiping creation, which is this moment and this life, as it is, right now. Worshiping all life and all people.
     "We are one" and "We are" consciousness is the revelation that creation is happening right now. This Earth is the body of God. It is the body of God being born anew every moment. "We are" apart of this creation, not only in body, but in ability. "We are" one with the Lord. We have the power to create as we will. We have the power to shape the world as we will. "We Are" and "I am" is the realization that we are not only one with the Lord, but that we are the Lord. We are Gods creating the Earth. We are a multitude of God beings sharing One God consciousness. This is the essence of "We Are" consciousness. Hence referred to as "We Are One". Our consciousness is undivided and single. It is one body, one being, one field. This is the meaning of "We Are One". All humans moving and being one succinct heart and mind. This is our highest and single aim. This is reality as we do not know or experience it, but as we are. In this way, it is what we know and experience.
     "We Are" and "I am" is the fulfillment of humankind in every way. It is the integration of all aspects of human thought and development into one body and one expanding intelligence. It is the integration and unity of the arts, the sciences, culture, religion, government and business into one body: into one thought. The thought of the wholesome expansion and integrity of humankind and life on Earth. This is why "We Are" consciousness promotes the sustainable and wholesome use of the Earth's resources. A sustainable consumption of the Earth's resources is a sustainable human civilization. This is not progressive Green politics, this is common sense. The are finite and the Earth's ecosystems which support our consumption are fragile and may collapse if we don not properly care for them. This is not politics, this is survival. This is prosperity versus chaos.
     "We are" consciousness is the simultaneous development and integration of all aspects of life. It is the development of science, technology, and manufacturing, as well as the cultivation and integration of business. It is the full embrace of the individual and the full integration of all individuals into one society with one consciousness. Like it or not, this is the way. It is the way of things now, it is just hard for many to see it as evolves through time. We are each little cogs in the machine that is generating Unity Consciousness. For a while, we will only see ourselves as little cogs among other little cogs, rather than as all of us being the Whole machine. This integration of human endeavors does not necessarily force us to change. It may be soft and slowly applied over such a time that we barely recognize this change happen. In other ways it is and will be sudden and swift. As much as this effort is human beings making human decisions, it is nature itself unfolding and evolving, consciousness itself uncontrollably evolving within humanity like spilled water spreading across a glass table, eventually making the whole table wet, without any effort save the force of gravity acting upon the inherent qualities of water. As much as it may be a human movement for the fulfillment and emancipation of human beings, it is simply the natural evolution of life and consciousness.
     This is why I know it to be something good. It is not forced ideology. It is the embrace of all ideologies, all walk of life. It is their embrace and dissection in a logical and intuitive way. It is in the spirit of distilling truth from our beliefs. This is not something novel, it is a perpetual process in all of our minds and hearts. We constantly refine our perceptions to distill deeper and deeper truths about ourselves and the world. The full embodiment of "we are" consciousness is merely the application of this distilling to all beliefs we may hold. In a way it is the complete distillation of our beliefs into divine direct perception. From believing into knowing from absolute clarity of sense perception. All humans already engage in this process of distilling, many of us just believe firmly that some beliefs are absolutely right and should not be subject to reason. We believe in believing. We don't yet see the limitations of belief based on blind faith. By distilling our beliefs into direct sense, we can see what is real and we can interact with life in a way that best suits us. This is one reason why it is good.
     Not only is it t eh cultivation of liberated perception, it is the full embrace of everyone and everything. It is Universal Love and the practice of Universal Love. it is a Love that doesn't stop with sexual orientation, race, belief, religion, nation, politics, or social standing. It is a love that is divine and is free from the bondage of dogma. It is a Love from an awakened heart and an awakened mind. I'm not sure if the heart can be fully open if the mind is not fully awake; for the mind and the heart are one. The bodies in our minds are the same as the bodies in our hearts. We cannot give ourselves fully to the world if we are deeply immersed in dogma. I think as dogma is innately a closure of the mind, it is also a closure of the heart. I think a transcendent Universal Love is the highest love and I think it is only accessible through some form of "We Are" consciousness. "We are" consciousness fully embodies is both perfection of the mind and perfection of the heart. It is perfection and fulfillment of our human destinies. This is why it is good.
     "We are" consciousness is enlightenment. It is the perfection and the full realization of a human being. It is a "Universal Religion". It is the liberation of human beings in mind, heart, body, and spirit. The darkness of delusion envelops human potential in every way. Full realization does not end with awakened mind and hear. It is a transformation of the body as well. It is a transformation of the whole of our being. This is what awakened mind and awakened heart truly mean. The reorientation of our cells from aggressiveness and agitation to the highest harmony of cellular function. Perhaps even to perfect cellular function. I believe that it can lead to the conquering of disease, old age, and even death. It is and leads to the complete transcendence of the darkness of delusion and all the consequences of delusion in our world. Ridding ourselves of delusion frees our minds, hearts, and bodies. When darkness is removed from our souls and is replaced by Light, our bodies have been cleansed and endowed with greater intelligence. This intelligence is not merely greater harmony within the body, but the awakening and developing of unused faculties within us. The removal of delusion releases one from what we believe are permanent limitations on our abilities. Not only are we released from the limitations on our inner sight, which make us feel separate from God, we are released from any physical or mental limitation into the field of infinite potential and infinite creativity.
     We begin to see the body and all external forms merely as objects in mind which can be manipulated, as one will, through the correct focus of one's imagination. The Earth seems less solid and our bodies less fixed. The Earth seems not just to be floating in outer space, but within a boundless field of mind. Part of this perception is the feeling that anything in this mind field can be manipulated. It is if is the powers of our imagination, which can creating anything in an instant, applies also to anything one can perceive. The universe appears holographic and the awakened mind possesses the intelligence to alter these projections of light however it sees fit. "We are" consciousness is the root of this awakened intelligence.
     "We are" consciousness is Christ consciousness. It is the Christ self that dwells within all form, and is all form. Christ consciousness is the heart of wisdom. It is awareness of the Whole that allows us to guage the universe accurately. Christ consciousness is our conscience. This is why it is important and useful to listen to our conscience. One's conscience is the intelligence within themselves that is aware of the whole of reality. Because it is aware of the whole, you can trust that it won't lead you astray. Christ consciousness creates wholesome order on Earth and in the Universe.
     "We are" consciousness is Christ consciousness from an interpersonal perspective. From the dimension of "We" or "Us" compared to the dimensions of "I" or "It". "We are" Christ together. "We are" wisdom, truth, the Light. "We are One" means that we are the One Christ that lives within all forms. We are the single intelligence, the single being that lives within all things. We are not separate beings, we are one being. "We are one" points to this spiritual truth. This consciousness call on us to overcome our differences in the Light and truth of our Unity as a people. It calls on us to come together in celebration of this truth. To unleash our infinite creativity and infinite intelligence, and direct both towards the liberation of the human species. To right the wrongs on Earth and restore the balance of life. It is a call for each of us to step up and get involved. To tune into the Divine truth speaking to us from within. To overcome our personal struggles and direct our full attention to the liberation of the human species and the protection of life on this planet. To realize that, "I Am" this. This universe, I am the Lord, and so are You. We, (you, I and all of us together) are one, and our bond is the glory and Light of Life. it is our purpose and our deepest desire to live from this awareness and to create peace on Earth through the awakening and liberation of the human species.
     To integrate the arts, the sciences, technology, business and religion in the wisdom of Christ consciousness for the purpose of the fulfillment of humankind. To transcend fear, dogma, and to use our integrated intelligences to unlock all dimensions of human potential. To create infinite energy technology accessible by all people; to solve the mysteries of life concerning sickness, death, and old age; to unlock our psychic powers becoming telepathic, possessing telekinesis, to levitate, to teleport, and transform our entire bodies into pure energy and travel through all dimensions of our universe; to create anti-gravity technology, warp drives, devices that can construct any object from energy. These are but grains of sand of the desert which approaches. This is the future and the destiny of the present. The time is NOW  to activate and to unite. To awaken and to imagine and to create. We have the power now to liberate ourselves and each other through the pursuit of Love, Joy, and the science and alchemy of the transmutation of the self. Awaken! Awaken NOW!. We are the power and we are one. Rise now! We are one NOW!. We are one!


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