I have been checking out alpha waves and binural beats. Basically the videos on youtube about focusing, sleeping better, love frequency, and so on. I looked up alpha waves and read about an experiment with cats. This scientist was getting cats to produce more mu waves, which I guess are similar to alpha waves. The US air force asked him to study how jet fuel would affect these cats. The jet fuel was known to cause seizures in pilots. The cats trained to produce more mu waves were less prone to seizures than cats without the training.
I am testing out these youtube videos. Some I like. I think most of them are cool, but I feel like a lot of the music is sort of dreamy and is too happy. Like forced happy. Not genuine happy which I am totally ok with. I found that many of these videos make me feel less present and grounded so I looked for an alternative way to listen to these frequencies. I found an online sound frequency generator that isn't tied to the tones of a musical scale. You can select any frequency from 1 to 20,154. The alpha waves are I guess from 8-13 or 14 hz.
I want to see if these tones can heighten and sharpen my intellect when I am writing, and if they have a positive effect in general. I am currently listening to a tone of 90hz and I have been listening to it for about 15min. 90hz is in between G4 and F#4 on the musical scale.
Reflections and Observations
-I think it is highly likely that these tones will effect each individual differently because of varying temperament and physiological structure.
-This tone feels above my resting feeling which makes it appear (or be) exciting. (to my mind and body)
-I feel slightly aggrivated
-I did a start/stop test. Upon start I instantly felt the sound change the vibrations coming from my heart region and brain. It's making both of these regions more physiologically active. I can feel the energy flowing faster. It feels like my body is more energetic and my energy awareness being pulled to a tighter focus
Now I am going to shift my attention to contemplation...
I am focusing on the nature of reality. I am tuning into to seeing things as they are, and writing about them. The funny thing is, my mom is making cookies right next to me and the blender she is using is merging with the frequency coming through my headphones. I guess I need to control the variables better... Ok today I was thinking about developing my intellect to unite the various and often competing drives of my being. The competition of these drives leads to paralysis of the will and stagnation of the flow of vital energies in the body. To unite these various drives I must deepen my understanding of them as they are individually and as they interrelate with each other. Ultimately, they are more One than they are different and understanding them as apart of one movement or one overarching movement is the key to ending the paralysis of the body and being. The first step is to identify the principle drives in my life, the competing forces. This is a list of drives that come to mind. I am going to write what comes to mind, then reduce list if necessary.
1. I want to be successful.
2. I want to have things
3. I want to be myself or express myself.
4. I want to be Good
5. I want to be present now
6. I want to procreate
7. I want to survive
8. I want to have space to be myself
9. I want order in my life
10. I want to have order in my life
11. I want to know more and be more, I want to grow and flourish
12. I want to flow
13. I want to be free from pain and suffering
14. I want to communicate effectively
15. I want to be healthy
16. I want the world to be a better place. I want all life to be treated well.
17. I want to find a partner
( this is becoming more of a list of desires)
18. I want to release all of my energy. I want all of my energy to flow without hindrance.
19. I want to be perfectly balanced. Perfectly composed. Master myself,
20. I think I want to be egoless. I want to move in perfect harmony with the world. I want to live in equanimity.
21. I want to completely transcend the limitations of my physical body. Transcend any limitation.
22. I want to be able to completely let go of myself.
Test time: 640-721 pm April 10, 2020
So basically at 710 I got tired of writing and turned up the volume even more. I had already turned it up twice. I covered my closed eyes with my hands and just let go of trying to write. I noticed a small barely visible psychedelic/third eye image just off center (down to the left) in the darkness of my mind. I often have vague images like this in my mind's eye, but nothing ever really comes of them. Not recently anyway. I fell into the familiar pattern of letting go of my conscious focus/attention to ,for lack of better words, let my inner energies flow. The image became more clear. Also vague blue/white light barely flashed on and off across mostly the left of my visual field. This flashing light took on more definition and it appeared that when the light flashed across my visual field, it revealed a quickly changing map or page with old handwriting. I was going in and out of focusing more on the sound and my innerverse and more into my physical surroundings (family, tv, baking). At this time with the increase in definition of my mind's image, I felt myself go deeper than I have gone before in similar circumstances (awake, evening, around other people). I turned my attention to the sound and felt it's intensity. The whole time it had been slightly oppressive in its intensity. When I turned my attention to it this time, I was able to relax more, hear it more clearly, it moved through me more. The vague lights became twinkling points of sharp light. I was in astral space...I was moving relatively fast. The original psychedelic image became a moving object in front of me, streaming light. I was chasing after it. It felt/looked more like an entity than the little horseshoe it originally was. As I turned to the left it turned more sharply. When I relaxed it came more into focus. Pressure started to build in my mind as in some way I neared it. It was to great and I groaned and tore off the headphones. The horse trippy image is still with me now and has been as I have been writing. It is seven forty. I have had bright mind lights stay with me before, though I thought they were results from imbalances in my brain, (not astral objects). What is this thing? I will probably write more about this experience and the writing experience I had prior to this trip with the 90 hz later....
Peace out! It's a new world!!
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