Another day in the life of Corona at home in the Vale. It's been sunny for a week. I'm sitting on the deck listening to John Prine. Let's see if I can get through another chunk of brain chi. I started writing on paper yesterday with a pencil instead of typing directly onto blogger. I think it's easier to flow. I've written so much on paper during my life. I like seeing my personality in my script. It's familiar and refreshing considering how long it's been since I've written this much by hand. I used a notepad yesterday during the day and this notebook last night. Feels really good. Feels magical. Me like.
I hope it rains soon and I hope when it rains it rains a decent amount. Last Spring was really dry. But, I guess I can't expect it to be as wet as it used to be. It's supposed to get drier year round in the Puget Sound due to climate change. I just read on the EPA website that temperatures have risen by 1.3 degrees F over the last century in Northwestern US and are expected to rise by 3 to 10 degrees F by the end of this century. The greatest temperature increases are expected during the summer. We really got to do something about this. We need to change the way we are living and take legislative action. We need to make personal, social, economic, and infrastructure changes to adapt to climate change: to ensure the sustainability of our way of life and the maintain the integrity of the natural world.
As far as I'm concerned, the world is bleak and gray if we lose the green on Earth by continuing on our path of ravenous consumption and destruction of the natural world. I don't know if we can be human without it. We just can't go on living the way we are, thoughtless about what we are consuming. If we have thoughts about being more mindful about our consumption they are fleeting. The river of our focus is burning down the world. We need a complete overhaul of the way we use resources. Reuse, recycle, reuse.
We need to build things to be as near completely reusable as possible with the least amount of waste created in the entire process of production, recycling, and re-purposing. This transformation in manufacturing will only come about with a change in heart of the people. For this to happen, I think we're going to have to see a government and and economy that are both more geared to take care of the people. We need a certain level of social and political unity to achieve this resource use change. People have to be taken care of so we can focus on the environment. As long as we are at each other's throats in a rat race, we won't be able to see that we need the land to survive and be well.
Business will need to become more socially and environmentally oriented. I think a lot of this new orientation will be the result of state mandates and social pressure. Businesses also naturally mirror the current social climate. They won't be able to compete unless they become more sustainable and fair. People won't support them otherwise. I think this reveals that social consciousness is the most influencing factor driving our economic response to climate change. Our demands shape business and economy. If we have overwhelmingly green demands, the economy will shift. The government will shift and we will be able to put even more pressure on business to be sustainable. Society, government and business all influence each other. The people exert their influence over government and business through purchasing power and democratic participation.
Individuals are the driving force of social consciousness. It's on each of us to be environmentally and socially conscious to affect the momentum of social consciousness we need to effectively deal with climate change. This is where I think many liberals fail. We talk green and frankly don't do much of anything about it. We still eat meat and we still buy cheap products from the worst of businesses. All for our personal security. I'm speaking generally. I think we're overly concerned with our personal finances and not enough concerned with the long-term consequences of being so selfish. I think this applies more to well to do liberals.
We buy too much into this corporate driven "security complex" bologna (balony!). It's their way of keeping us from focusing on the pertinent realities that will put them out of business, or at least cut into there profits. They're doing their best to run the show by creating and controlling economic demand through advertisement, basically brainwashing us, and lobbying to create laws that best help big business and not the average person. They want to use us to make money. The best way they can do this is by convincing us that we need their garbage and by getting the government to create a system that makes us slaves. Where the only way we can survive and have enough security is to be in long-term debt to the economic system. The very system that is destroying the biosphere on the planet. They do their best to make sure there's only 1 way to make money. To go through them. To go through the bureaucracy and the insurers. Things could be way more affordable and we could be much more well off. It's up to the individual to make choices that reflect their highest consciousness if at all possible, or the highest good they can do, if we want this. If we want social, environmental and political change, we have to get involved.
We have to support green business in our communities. We have to purchase sustainable products. We have to find a balance between personal security and social security. Are we going to school just to make big bucks? Can we find a balance between financial security and social/environmental responsibility? If we don't, we lose power and security in the long-term. We remain apart of a growing problem and we say, "I was afraid and selfish" to our children and grandkids. "I didn't have the strength to listen to my conscience". We have to choose to rise above the fear and anxiety we're drenched in on a daily basis by the fear and security economy. It is not sense to buy into it, it is madness. It is panic and hysteria. It's negligence, not responsibility. It destroys families and communities, it does not support them.
Now is the time to focus on the integrity of our communities through the protection of our health, our land, and our unalienable rights. This is the only way to ensure our personal security. The security we buy on tv is the desecration of all we hold dear. It is the fragmentation and destruction of our communities and culture. We cannot survive alone.
We need to join or begin political, social and environmental groups that clearly advocate for the betterment of life on Earth. We need to organize and communicate like we have never done before. The time is now. The longer we wait the worse it will be. We need to turn off complacency by turning on feeling and critical thinking. What is really good for us, the people? Hate and fear? or conscientiousness and cooperation? this isn't black and white, us versus them. This is an incredibly complicated globalized system with people of a multitude of backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives. All are important to deal with the challenges of today and tomorrow. All are important because we are all here together now and we cannot all get along unless everyone is included and everyone is heard. We need the different intelligence and perspective of each individual to come up with the solutions we need. We can't deal with climate change unless we have a strong global effort.
Every law and every rule and every custom that we follow was invented by a human being. Big business or government or tradition all boil down to human beings making human choices. We create this world. Us, human beings. Every single one of us. We each individually have the power to change the world, to create the law of the land. We do this with the choices we make every moment of our lives. We can choose to make the world a better place. We can choose to rise to the occasion. We can choose to grapple with our fears and the darkness of our minds, and arrive at Light and Truth. We can choose Love and Liberty. We can choose the emancipation of the human race.
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