

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Journal Entry #4 Positivity into plans

So basically my plans will only work if they are based in positivity. To me, this includes spontaneity and intuitive orientation. I am tired of spending what feels like half the time in the dark. Half the time struggling for consciousness and room to breathe. It has been difficult to get on top of my life (my energy) because it has been so complex, subtle and overwhelming. Like having a rowboat in 100ft waves...
Maybe my expectations are too high. It's hard to be positive when your body wants to close its eyes and shutdown. But, I think I can be better about staying in a positive groove. I think/feel like I need to be more positive to be happy and to reach my goals. The key is not to hold on to tight to this and become blinded, ignoring my need for rest, yin energy cultivation. I know it's not all about yang. I just want to keep my head above water more by taking better care of myself now and by anticipating my future needs/direction. I think I want to build towards something. To strategize and carry out actions towards the fulfillment of a plan. The key is figuring out what my goals are and realistically prioritizing them.

So it has to be spontaneous
It has to be intuitive
It has to be based in the here and now
I'm not sure what I'm looking
I'm looking for light now
Presence is required now to plan effectively
Vision is required
Clear and steady inner vision
Vision grounded in who I am
Grounded in the Way
The Perfect Plan in harmony with Heaven
And Earth
This is what I strive for
Heavenly guidence
Strew over a rough plain
That is my life
It can be rough on the outside.
It needs to be perfect on the inside

1. Be positive
2. Cultivate positivity in the here and now
3. Discover what you need to focus on in the long term

I want to build energy everyday and to better at managing my energy. I want to remain in positive energy 25-30% more. Perhaps even more than this. I don't want to sink as low as I have been. I don't want to work in an environment where I sink this low. I think I am done with this. The key is to remain in my own authentic positive energy. This is clearly the best way to get what I want and the best way to take care of myself. For I will be in a much more level-headed space and I will choose to do things that are more frequently better for my wellbeing.

How to do this?:
I have to be mindful of myself slipping. I have to employ self-restraint, being mindful of what I engage in with my energy. Everytime I engage with the world I open myself up to receive energy. If I engage in negative ways I will receive negative energy. The key is to engage in positive ways in which I maintain and enhance my position. It has been easy for me to slip into what feels like great negativity. It is uncomfortable, unpleasant, and unhealthy. Most importantly, it is not where I want to be. I want to be in a much more positive place. This is much of my suffering. Not being where I want to be, and feeling like I am not doing what I want/need to be doing to get there. Frustration and anger and resentment. A loss of control, overwhelmed and impulsive. Reactionary, ruled by instinct and perhaps conditioning. Not being me. No fun. So the number 1 principle is to make positive choices that keep me in a positive place and open me up to the fulfillment of my life more than I currently am. Gain positive energy, gain positive power. I think this means gaining self confidence and self-esteem. These seem and are hugely important in achieving your goals and having a fulfilling life. If you don't feel like you can do it, how are you gonna be able to do it. You won't even see a path to your dream. You'll see darkness, frustration and paths towards suffering and despair. Grosss..Omg. It's crazy that so much of us live this way when underneath we are such positive beings. We literally have unlimited energy pouring out of our hearts at all times. Wtf. Wow. Anyway, this is about me! But really, it is! It's my turn to get things going. I just got to break this down and then it will be easier. I don't have to go so Braveheart on everything, this is fucking exhausting. Use your head Will! I guess I was wrong, I do need to go Braveheart! Think Think Think!!! I got this boyy!!

Systematically devastate the tyranny of the opposition. Yea. Step out of the quagmire onto dry land and do your thinking. Sweet. It's not so hard when your not carrying so much weight. THE ESSENTIALS!! This is it! Pick good things to do and water them seed plants! Seedums!! I just want to avoid a lot of the conflict I've been getting into. It feels unnecessary. Thank God, it's been awhile. I don't need to solve all the problems now. The key is to take care of myself first. I feel like now is the time to heavily focus on myself. This doesn't mean total abandonment of my family and friends and the world. It just means doing a better job of staying positively within my own influence. Not ignorance, but being in a better space to listen to my feelings, to know the way and the dharma. Yes. This is it. Sounds great. I feel like it's the time to do this. I feel really good about this. Just everyday, doing better about being focused, tuning into the flow. It will tell me what to do, it has plans for me. I can see them in my mind! Genius!! Lol. I get so high on this stuff. So sick boys!! Chasing after the sparkly colors in my mind. Weird being guided/moved by inner-vision. Impossible to describe. Just honing in and honing in on the sense of knowing exactly what is right for me to do right now. Such a heavenly experience. So cool. So sweet. Love being psychic. For real though. I'm all about it. Its amazing. Another topic, another post!
So, what shall I focus on now.
1.Spend more time in the evening meditating. Tuning into the bodily energies in a more conscious/active way.
2. Probably exercise more and regularly. Get the bodies energies going. This goes for numero uno tambien
(I think I have been frustrated with planning just because I wanted to see what was coming next in my life. More like, this seeing was being born and it was getting a little hung up on the way out, causing frustration)
3. Eat more consciously
4. Be more conscious in general
Question? - Do I have any plans for the long term? Like career direction stuff? Money? Money? Money? I gotta pee.
5. Be more intentional in general. Use my powers of intention

All right my dudes. Tired now, Enough for tonight! See you later!

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