The functioning of the organs contributes to the circulation of blood. Exercising the body stimulates the organs and stimulates blood flow. This can be what we see as strenuous physical exercise. It can also be through what I will call extensive stretching techniques. Stretching also stimulates blood flow and exercises the organs. Essentially massaging them and the rest of the body into a more active state contributing to the overall homeostasis of the system as well as probably a heightened metabolism. And of course blood flow. Extensive stretching cultivates intuitive understanding of the body and how it wants to operate. When stretching becomes intuitive, energy is focused more intentionally, stretching is focused more intentionally (likely spontaneously) on creating homeostasis and health in the body and being. Recently it has become more apparent that the stimulus of the organs is important for overall health and vitality of the body, as well as for the sustainment of healthy states of consciousness and energies. As well as to awaken consciousness. The organs and the body flow are vital to awakening. The flow of blood is key to the awakening of health and vitality in the body. The ideal is steady and vigorous flow of blood evenly throughout the entire body. Lack of proper blood flow is equal to poorly functioning physiology. Proper bloodflow throughout the entire body is necessary for health. Poor circulation in any part of the body affects the functioning of the entire body. Each part of the physiology is essential for health. Health can only also be attained when one is at harmony with their environment, with the Earth, and with their self. These are apart of the physiology of the human being. The true physiology of the human being is a cosmic one. Our body does not end with the tips of our hairs coming out of our skin. Health is truly the product of the human beings proper alignment with the kosmos. In physical and energetic composition. Health is the product of wholesome willpower which creates evenness and fairness in the form of life which possesses it. Health is the radiance of life blossoming through living beings.
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