If we are the whole and not our egos, then what's the point in trying to better ourselves?
Well, we are the whole being an ego, the ego strives, it's just what it does. So we don't really need to stop ourselves from striving in some ultimate morality clause. Perhaps as long as we have ideas that we can better ourself we will strive to do so. I guess we can get better at doing things, but we can't become more complete than we already are I think. We can just feel more complete than we already are.
Even our basest actions are the whole moving. Our most selfish actions, the darkest point of consciousness, all the whole moving. It's all that's happening, the whole moving. We look outside of ourselves at world full of people and we say, "That person is less conscious than me.", or "That person is more conscious than me." We think of others as separate beings with separate consciousness's. With different consciousness's. They are separate, they aren't greater or smaller. It is just the whole moving. We get caught up in personalities and assume they belong to these completely autonomous individuals and this is just not how it works. We are so caught up in the idea of me mine, you, yours, that, this. Everything is distinguished from everything else. Everything is separate with it's own autonomy. It's this thing and that thing. That person who is different from this person. People in a room at a party are different people. That we treat as different people, new people to get to know. When we are really just the same. It's all the whole. There is no separate self. Do you know what this means? That you as Chris, or Sharon, or Mike, or Leslie are not who you think you are. Your separate self is everything attached to your name. It's what makes you feel different from other people. You are not different because you and they are not separate. They are you and you are them. Your name, your ideas about yourself and what makes you you are contrived. This is who I am. Nope. You do not belong to yourself. You cannot hold onto yourself. You never have been yourself. Who you think you are doesn't exist. It is made up in your head. It's a part of this dream that permeates human consciousness. It just isn't real. It seems that everything we think about ourselves is an illusion. I am this way, I am not this way. It just seems off. all this thought about how I am this separate individual leading this separate life just seems contrived.
Yet nearly every one of us is dreaming the particular dream. When we are in it, or when we slip into it, we are convinced it is real. Which is very easy to do considering the dream floats around inhabiting every body you run into. Which I find to be very strange and often uncomfortable. I am not who you think I am. It slips over the eyes and we're lost in a smooth blanket of shadowy darkness. Yet this is the nature of here. Of this. Even when the dream is pleasant, it is still a dream. The insecurity of the ego lurks underneath and adjacent to the pretty lights. There is simply the whole.
Yet I don't think the way is to avoid this dream like the plague. It is the whole. It feels right to embrace it and just live it wholeheartedly. To go through with it even though it doesn't make sense. Which sounds crazy, but I don't think there's another way. I think we get over it, by going through it. We create distance from it by embracing it vicariously.
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