

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Blood of life

 Rising up from the ashes of defeated ambition. A sight of the blood rising. The blood carries the lifeforce. It carries our energy and vitality. It is needed throughout the body for it to be healthy. Its flow is constricted by negativity. It is unleashed by positivity. It is appropriately distributed through wisdom. Through knowing the blood. Attempts to make the blood flow through egoic aspirations, through compulsion and conditioned thinking strangle the blood flow and cannot be sustained. To make the blood flow best, one must be deeply in touch with the dharma and their dharma. Great harmony with one's dharma means the blood will flow freely and vigorously leading to health in the body. To support the health and flow of the blood you must eat what your body requires. What your entire body requires. This does not mean acquiring any particular diet. It means acquiring whatever diet suits you in particular. Not in how it suits your fancy, but how it suits the requirements of your body in a way that is aligned with the heavens which is one with the overall composition of your many layered body. Because of your individual karma, which in this case is the composition of your many layered body given your life circumstance and what you have and haven't accumulated up to this moment in your lifetime, you require a completely individualized diet that is not at all necessarily fixed to certain foods. Here, what I mean by diet is a program of eating with the purpose of liberating your consciousness and establishing health in the body. Here health does not mean what is considered to be healthy in popular media and in mainstream culture. It is not being skinny, very developed muscularly, or centered around physical fitness. It often includes all of these things, but they are not the focus, they may be symptoms and often are symptoms of good health, but are not the principle essence of good health. The particulars that our ego craves keep us from succeeding in basic good health, which is the overall health of the body and perhaps being. Good health is overall balance and integrity of the whole human system. Good health is the engagement of the whole of one's being. This aspiration is different from egoic aspiration. The focus is not on appearance or specific abilities, it is on overall health and wellbeing, which is something that can only be intuitively grasped and intuitively perceived. The way to achieve it is thus intuitive, both more and less complicated than regimented practices geared towards health. This health is the product of engaging the whole of one's being. It is the result, often observed as the physical result, of a certain harmony with life. When a particular harmony is achieved the energies accumulate in the body in a way that produces health. Harmony with life is harmony in the body and harmony with the body and life. Health has certain characteristics: immunity to illness, resilience, abundance of energy and vitality, healthy growth and development of the body, health of physiological systems. Good circulation of blood is necessary for all these things and all of these things are necessary for good circulation. 

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