The more I wake up, the more it looks like what we call the ego, what is resistance to life, is the whole caught up in madness. A fiery and hostile, "No!!". "I will have it my way". Madness. Caught up in madness. Meanwhile the whole flows by and all around while madness resists. Madness is a state of the whole in a particular area. It is the whole being mad. Seeing and accepting the reality of the whole tends towards health in the body and equanimity in the mind. Regardless if we see the reality of the whole or not, the reality remains the same. The interdependence of form in a seamless movement. Movement that can move to madness in a particular area. Madness ripples through form like the effect of a stone cast into water, infecting all in it's immediate area and weakening the further out it spreads. Such is the effect of all states of consciousness and energies present. Formfields stretching to the infinite among an infinite field of interrelating and interaffecting formfields. The will of the whole tends towards balance and fulfillment of form, yet it is imperfect and uneven, at least in our human consciousness, and in the apparent reality of life on Earth. At least as the whole is here, there is madness and suffering, and human consciousness feels compelled by compassion to ease this.
The idea at the root of this madness is that "I AM ME AND NOT YOU" "I AM ME AND NOT THIS". This, you is my enemy because I do not understand it and I am afraid of it and I imagine that it is hostile towards me. Everything italicized is also imagined and misunderstood. At this point what I, you, me, and it are are not understood, they are poorly understood. What they are doesn't require that we denote them as thus. They do not need naming, identity does not need naming, what is, is here. I will resist what is "outside" of me because it can destroy me. What is identified as I or what is mine can pass away, but everything that is imagined as external to the internal is just as internal as the internal, and the internal is a part of the same field that is deemed external. That which cause forms to change and pass away is inseparable from what is deemed I. It is inseparable from what we call positive and life giving. The reality is we cannot resist the whole forever, we don't even resist it for a moment, because we are never a separate self with a separate will. We are always the whole. We are the whole being born into egoic consciousness which has a partial, yet expanding, understanding of the nature of reality. It is as whole as anything else because is is not separate from anything else. You cannot say that the ego is alone and of itself. It is not. It cannot be viewed as an isolated event or an isolated thing. It is a part of the whole universe being born and the whole universe is a part of it. It is it. The ego is the universe. It is the universe as a whole being egoic in a particular location. The universe is egoic. It is an unavoidable reality and a reality that we don't need to avoid. We try to avoid because we are afraid of it's power over us, we are afraid of the reality of it. Which is the reality of prison and suffering. Life with the ego is suffering. Yet suffering is not evil. It is merely suffering. One of many aspects of reality. Unpleasant, but not evil. Often undesirable, but not morally wrong.
Egoic resistance of the whole is illusory and subjective resistance. Resistance that we feel personally and experience subjectively, yet an impossible resistance. For we are not separate from the whole and the resistance we carry out is not our own. Resistance is an idea, it is not a reality. It is an idea that defines a subjective experience that does not exist outside of our imagination. The experience is largely rooted in the...
We are not the ego, we are not the part, not just the part, we are the whole. It is the movement of the whole that moves, not the movement that the ego imagines it makes and it imagines the world makes. The movement of the whole is full of egos though without an ego itself. It is egoless. What happens to us is in a way egoless. The separate selves we imagine we have, roaming the world on a daily basis, composing this world do not exist. There is just the whole with many different personalities, but all the whole. All one movement that has nothing to do with you or me, it is just one movement, one being, moving being now as it is. This is all there is. All else is imaginary. We want both the whole and the part, we wish to bind the whole with the will of the part for the sake of the part when it is the whole that binds the part for the sake of the whole. The whole creates the part and is the part, the part being the whole. The part cannot be the whole all by itself for only itself. It can only be the whole as it is the whole expressing itself in the part as the part. For the sake of the part and for the sake of all that is. The whole expresses itself through each part so it can express itself as a whole. It is the sum of all these parts that makes the whole. The whole being each and every one of these parts in the here and now. This is it. We are the whole being the part that is one with all that is. There are many selves that make up the one self. The great self. Each self being the Great self being a little self. Everything is God. Everything is Atman. Everything is liberated consciousness. We are surrounded by God in all things and in all way. Radiant light in all that surrounds us, radiant light in all that is us. Light, pure light, all there is is radiant light. We get lost in particulars and we forget the whole, we forget the truth. That all is radiant light. All is radiant light.
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