

Friday, March 19, 2021


 Friday dizzle, frizzleness. Water lapping in the lake. Mountain rising. Snow sprinkling. Grey overhead lightened by sunlight in patches. Wind disturbing rhododendrons. Dry skin on the back of these hands. Scrapes on a couple fingers. Visual awareness. Computer on a desk. Writing journal behind computer. Vaccination record beside computer. Clicking sounds as letters typed appear on the computer screen. Physiological functions. Slight pain and pressure in the center of the chest. Eyes close, energy whirls and flows in the brain as the front of the brain becomes more active. The eyes flutter as in r.e.m. sleep. Still conscious. Minds seems clouded, dull, humid, contained storm, fuzzy like humid weather under grey skies in the summer. Functioning of certain mental faculties apparently compromised, doorways to the personality closed, mixed feelings here, pain, sadness, upset, hurt, terror, fear, anxiety, fiery aggravated pressure, thoughts of how to balance energies with warming weather, fears, concerns, tiredness, brain shutting off, consciousness diminishing. Struggle to maintain stable consciousness. Fear of blindness, fear of world, fear of future. forgetting oneself, tiredness, quietness of activity, looking for direction, looking for inspiration, looking for energy, light riding slowly, wind alerts senses, senses alert feelings, feelings alert self, light and warmth fill body, as does desire, and muscular tension anticipating activity. attention skips, vision is lost, food, food food. Peace!!!

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