

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

One state

One state

     As I see it now, every state of consciousness and every form is unity consciousness. Oneness and boundlessness. Every state and every form is actually oneness. It seems like we suffer because we lose sight of the whole in identification with particulars and heart belief that they these particulars are separate from other things. This seems to me now to be the primary delusion of humanity. That I am this and this is not that, which I am not. When in reality it appears now that my identity is boundless and all inclusive of all forms. And when I believe that I am this and I turn off to something else I become lost and suffer. I see this in others and I wish they could see the world unbounded and know that they are complete as they are. That their striving for something is the cause of their suffering. That in order to be free from suffering one sees that their is nothing to attain. That their is no difference in anything, for their is only one state of being, undivided all inclusive being.This state of reality is found when one sees that as they are now, they are whole and all.
     It doesn't matter if your ignorant, or negative, or mean, or dogmatic, or in great pain and confusion. The actual state of anything and everything that arises in your consciousness is unity consciousness. Boundless and all including here and now. In this state, all people are one, all life is one undivided being. This doesn't belong to anyone, it either belongs to everyone or nothing. It doesn't belong to any religion, or any idea. Nothing is superior in this state. For everything is one thing in this state. How could anyone or anything or any idea be superior if their's no competition? Its an empty field or a field that is the player. Everything and everyone are one point of infinite awareness. Their is no one way to get here because you are here now. What you feel now is this. What you feel is not this, is this for this is everything, including everything that you think isn't it.
     We live in a world where most people are identified with themselves. We strongly believe that I am this and this is right, I am not this and this is wrong. Most of us don't recognize that we are in fact one with everything and that their is nothing outside of ourselves. We constantly strive for something more and continue to suffer. When you see that as you are, you are one and all and all is one and you, a part of you stops striving. It is the not seeing this that is suffering, the identification with part that is painful and terrible personally. The whole is what the part struggles to become and deeply moves to express. It is the realization of this oneness and singular state of reality that eases suffering in life. With this realization often the grip on attaining things for the individual person relaxes. Part of the individual has become the one. You begin to see the world outside of the perspective of a limited individual.
     Time instead of going forward, begins to be the reality of the present moment. You realize that goodness is alive in this moment and can't be found anywhere else. It can only be found here. Happiness can only be found in this very moment. You can't find it by avoiding life in the here and now, by living in the past, the future or in you mind. Real vital life is found here and now. The heart is here and now. You are here and now. This is a very different direction than aspiration.  Life begins to revolve more around satisfying the demands of this moment. From the aliveness of this moment. Ideas take on an living feel and essence in contrast to ungrounded idealism and speculation. You see through the limited nature of dualistic ideas and seek to integrate them into a living awareness of a whole. To bring and open them up to living consciousness. You begin to see how so much of what humans experience is partial truth and how rare living truth is. And you see clearly what it takes for life to grow and how so many people are not being nurtured appropriately. How this lack of nurturing is the cause of our social breakdown and so many other problems. How acting from this awareness applied correctly can remedy the ills of the world, bringing about personal, social and environmental balance.
     We need leaders acting from this consciousness. So many people will follow those with the strength and vision to uphold this awareness. People are aching for salvation. People are aching for something real to life from. People are ready to follow something true. We have suffered so much that we are beginning to intuit what we actually need to thrive. In a deep way. In a holistic way. Many feel our organism telling us that we must live in balance with our ecosystems, with each other and with ourselves. We feel the threat of our times and life seeks a solution in greater integration of living systems. We know that we cannot continue to live the way we are living now, the way we have lived for countless generations. Life demands unity. Tribalism and religious dogma no longer suffice for many of us. We are awakening to the biological need to integrate as one species. We cannot keep fighting each other and abusing the ecosystems. If we do, we face devastating social collapse. The madness of the planet is reaching an extremely dangerous level. We must face this, we must evolve.
     Not everyone will evolve, and not everyone needs to. Just the people who can and are called to. We don't need everyone or everything to change. We need to change the systems that we live in, so the hierarchy of power upholds the integrity of life, not the integrity of personal gain. We need the wisest and most capable human beings to be our leaders. And we need the most dangerous individuals kept in check by a system that is aware of the threat of recklessness and carelessness. A system that responds to these individuals not by just imprisoning them, but by healing them with mindfulness and love. We need a system that is capable of doing this. A system that is capable of change. Capable of adapting to the unstoppable flow of life. A system that doesn't need to continue to produce more goods, but can be stable. A system that responds to the needs of life. Built and in every facet of its existence living awareness of the necessities of life and of life itself. The system needs to be awake and organic. We need to recognize that the system is not a collection of ideas and laws, but a collection of compromising individuals. We shouldn't agree with any system or part of a system that is incapable of upholding the integrity of its body, the people and the universe they live in. The system is the people. It is the planet. It is the awareness of the universe. When we don't uphold the integrity of the system, the system doesn't uphold the integrity of ourselves.
     The system is composed of people. It is people. The system is an extension of our beliefs, culture, thought and being. It is the governing tool created from social compromise. The parts of it that work are the parts that effectively satisfy real needs and desires of the compromising individuals, the society. The parts that don't work, the dead parts, poorly satisfy or don't satisfy real needs and desires of the society. In democracies, the power is supposed to reside in the people. If the people become corrupt in spirit, then the government becomes corrupt. And if the government is corrupt, the the laws don't serve the needs and desires of the people and the people suffer because their needs and desires are not being met. In order to have a good system, we need to have good people.
     What makes a good person? Good people can effectively provide the necessary elements of life. They can only do this by being aware of the necessary elements of life. The necessary elements of life are the elements that provide wellness. A good person must be able to create wellness. As long as the individual is ignorant of the necessary elements that provide wellness, the individual cannot do good and life breaks down. As long as individuals live dogmatically and in dualism, they won't be able to be truly good. Thus, it's necessary for the individual to be awake to the reality of reality in order to properly address the demands of reality and create balance in life. This is why Jesus tells us to take the smote out of our eye before we begin to teach others. This smote is the identification with the part, the turning away from the present in fear and the ignorance of the Good that is unity consciousness. You need an awake system to respond effectively to life and you need good people to maintain the integrity of that system. Good people are people that create wellness by providing the necessary elements of life. People must be fully present to know what these elements are. Ergo, you need people awakened to unity consciousness, the full spectrum of life, the one state of reality, to have a fully functioning social system. A system capable of avoiding the pitfalls inherent to governments composed of dogmatic and dualistic thinking and behaving individuals.
     Life is not black and white. Governments are neither wholly good(awake, fully functioning) nor wholly evil(ignorant, non-functioning). Likewise, we don't have to be fully awake all of the time to progress towards world peace. Its a thing accomplished in countless small steps. Goodness exists on a spectrum from smallest circle of service to boundless area of service. In fact their's no difference between the worst act and the best because the worst act is not separate from the best. We perceive them as being distinct because of our ignorance of unity consciousness, our perception limited to dualistic, part-identity, and dogmatic thinking. Strangely, we don't need to bring all of our awareness to unity consciousness to be aware of it because unity consciousness includes ignorance and limited thinking. Unity consciousness does not arise when an individual is perfected or a society is perfected, it is what is going on here and now. Unity consciousness includes our barbarism, tribalism, ignorance and suffering. It takes individual awareness of the Whole to individually do Good, as individual ignorance creates chaos and suffering, but we can still move towards the Good without directly seeing it ourselves and governments can still be relatively stable and increase their good without operating entirely from unity consciousness.
     I would call this movement towards the Good, the relative, subjective good. Like fixing a tire, or satisfying your ego. Within each motivation of action lies the intuition of Unity Consciousness, which is the Good. Everything evolves from particle-awareness to Whole-Awareness. Every action evolves from smallest service to greatest service. Thus, each of us is called to perform different goods, which exist in different places on this spectrum. And the degree to which our action is good to ourselves, is relative to the degree to which it creates wellness in our own life. The degree to which an action is Good however, is the degree to which an action sustains the integrity of all life, the Whole. To make progress towards the Whole, we need not be Good, but we need to elect to act as good as we can. To serve life as much as personally possible in the here and now. The trick is realizing that the greatest good you can do is relative to the moment, to circumstance. Life is spontaneous and ever-changing, if you stick to one pattern, one set of rules, you'll get left behind.
     So do good and eventually you will do Good. Eventually you will wake up to undivided consciousness. You will see the Light and the Truth and know God as yourself. You will see through dualistic, dogmatic thinking and desire something more. You will feel the call of unity as many of us do now. You will seek inclusion, spiritual awakening, and take personal responsibility for life on Earth. You will cherish your body and the bodies of others as well as the feelings of yourself and those around you. You will learn that your feelings are the gateway to the divine and a guidance system that replaces dogmas of the past. You will learn to trust yourself, love yourself, and open up in ways you never imagined. You will know a truth stronger than the Earth. You will see that you are all and all is one.