

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Where may I rest my head?

 The Buddha's light is infinite. His way has no bottom nor top. It extends from here, where does it end? Extending from here, where does it begin? If you try and take away from what you have you will not see who you already are. Each acting of taking away, is the Buddha shining. The Buddha's light is like glass that you can see through, and not like glass because it is immaterial, more so it is intangible. When everything becomes this kind of glass, there is nothing left to see through, it is no longer transparent. The world along with all it's dharmas join the Buddha in enlightenment as the single Light in the firmament of Heaven. This One Light is the Precious Jewell of Enlightenment. Light from below, light from on high. The world and all it's experiences are One with this light. Unknowable, unnameable, all life comes from this and arises in this, inseparable from it. It is the Buddha light shining high in Heaven. Joined is everything already to the Supreme Wisdom of the Buddha, never has anything been lacking. Realization is unnecessary, as there is no one to gain enlightenment, there is and has always been the unknowable name of the Buddha that is the true nature of all beings. All that is here is Light, and Supreme Wisdom. There is nothing shy of perfect enlightenment, for our true nature is perfected being. The quality of all things is Wisdom and Enlightenment, an unfettered, unbounded Infinite Wisdom and Glory of Being. There is One Life and this is it. All that is is One Perfect Wisdom, it is all that has ever been and all that will ever be. The Buddha came more than two-thousand years ago. The truth is that he has always been with us, the Light has always been here. The infinite wisdom is here. Closely examining form, one realizes that all form is formless, that there is One formless being. This is the true nature of the universe. This Self is infinite and transcendental. Yet it is immanent. There is a single nature. This is it. The true nature of self is infinite being. There is One Light in this Universe. One Light and One Wisdom. It is boundless and infinitely compassionate. It is Self. This is it's infinite expanding body. It stretches ever before us.

Given everything that we know, what of it is worthwhile? When we cannot hold onto anything, or prove anything, what is the purpose of knowledge? Knowledge is the key to insight. One word may open the door to the infinite nature of being, yet if we cling to knowledge, we will remain blind. When we can see, there is no longer a need for anything, and the buddha speaks for himself. There is no longer any need for anything in particular, yet we may still require any kind of nourishment that is required in this world. Much learning may further the openness of our perception, and the acuteness of our observation. Even so, all of this points to the same truth, the supreme emptiness of being. Any change in perception is illusory, and only the infinite truly exists. It appears to me that there is conventional wisdom alongside transcendental wisdom. That the two are inseparable. It seems that what makes one wise is the ability to be present with the eternal while responding appropriately to the immediate concerns of daily life. It also appears to me that a keen awareness of either when given proper awareness greatly advances one's awareness of the other. It seems to me that ignoring one leads to drowning and that if we have the proper awareness, there truly is no division between the two, both are the same expression of the eternal spirit. When we are unbalanced, we seek extremes. Until we center ourselves within truth and face reality directly can we undo the excessiveness of our tendencies and find ourselves properly righted in the world. The purpose of liberating truth is not merely to find transcendence, but to be wise in human living in everyday activity. It is a excellence privileged to be privy to this insight. This kind of modesty is obviously the heart of wisdom to any pair of eyes that belong to a relatively sane human being. The excessiveness of any society is toxic to the cultivation of wisdom among it's inhabitants. A fresh search for evenness of temperament and appropriateness of action is necessary to undo this toxicity. One must find this modesty within the lens of their own culture that is so deeply rooted in their perception. To acquire such an ability is wonderful, to use it for the sake of restoration of human society is an unparalleled gift. Proper attitude and conduct is the wellspring of life-force that sustains human life. If we do not have Buddha-knowledge, how can we behave properly? If it is not inherent in the fabric of our culture, how can any goodness be sustained? If we directly perceive Buddha-knowledge and it flourishes within us, we will be appropriately guided to restore the heart of our society. 

If our hearts are pure enough, we will be protected as we seek Buddha-knowledge. The more the Buddha becomes our aim, the more we are uplifted even as we fall. The Buddha and the Universe wish us to succeed and they are aware of our predicament. If we trust in them and trust in the power of Truth we not fear whichever way we go. They offer the highest protection. It is only the truth that may save us. Darkness deceives, ignorance is darkness, both are ignorance of truth, and ignorance of truth is ignorance of wisdom. It is of vital importance that we take up the spiritual search for truth and wisdom. To ignore such a quest is allow the impersonal forces of karma to play as they will in our lives, throwing us to and fro without any lasting ability to provide security for ourselves and our loved ones. To ignore such a quest is to turn away from liberation which is our soul's only means for true happiness. We are born in this world, but are not of it. We cannot find peace in this world without first discovering our true nature. No thing in particular will satisfy our thirst save enlightenment. Such a quest does not mean the end of this world and our life in it. It means an end to life as we knew it. It means an end to the belief in the permanent substance of the world. God asks us to give up our mortal lives so we may be reborn in Spirit. Spirit is the culmination of every dimension of the universe that precede it. It is also each one of these dimensions and all of them altogether at once. This includes our lives on Earth. To gain awareness of Spirit as Spirit, we must die to our awareness of ourself as a finite fixed body, which is the same awareness that each thing in the universe is a finite fixed body. The play of life is simply an expression of Spirit and no thing in it is of permanent substance. Gaining enlightenment, we continue to exist as we did, yet we are no longer centered in what we thought of as ourselves we now are centered in God, which is the same as enlightened awareness. God does not want us to leave this world forever. He wants us to give up worldliness so that we are free to fully live our lives. I believe we continue to exist after the mortal body die, even after more subtly bodies may pass away as the center of our attention. Our individual nature, I think, does not end when we wake up, I think it continues on as a unique expression of the infinite. It seems to me that this Earthly life is an active expression of Spirit, and while we are here, we may be fully present in God, while we live this Earthly life, in no way that is impure or false. It also seems to me that we cannot fully manifest enlightenment until we allow it to blossom fully in our human consciousness and within our human bodies. A fully enlightened person, is a fully enlightened human being, not a disembodied soulless something. Wisdom is transcendental, yet takes in every practical consideration, being embodied in manifested form. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Spirit at Home Abroad

 This is it. There is nothing that can be gained nor lost. Reality expresses itself effortlessly in this moment and no other thing exists. What this moment is, is reality, and nothing else exists. However it may be, this is it, and nothing else exists. No matter what I do, I cannot change this. My true nature is this which is present, it is free of any traces of individuality while containing everything that we call self. To me, the self experience is completely an illusion, and a temporary phenomena. Our true nature as human beings is simply the unconditioned being that is this moment, which appears to be expressing itself eternally. I do not think we are anything else, nor do I think anything else exists or is real. I do not think any thing we perceive is real except the naked awareness of this moment, which reveals the non-reality of everything that we believe is ourself and this universe we inhabit. For the time being, self experience appears to be apart of the expression of this moment, even so it is unreal. This does not need to be upsetting, because there is no self for us to lose, and the dissolution of said self in consciousness is actually liberation from suffering which is inherent in self. Everything we hope to gain or achieve for ourself is ultimately empty, and the need to fulfill said ambitions or realizations are unnecessary and similarly empty of substance. There is no self, there is simply Spirit expressing itself in the here and now. There is no self anywhere in the universe, there cannot be, for what is here is Spirit, and Spirit is totally without self. Everything here is simply Spirit expressing itself, everywhere we look, Spirit. Boundless, formless, full of form, the same radiant Spirit that is One with this universe of expression. This is who we are, this is who I am. 
Spirit is infinite. Though it includes self, it is empty of self, itself being formless, yet a formlessness that is not other in any way from form. The true nature of form is emptiness, formlessness. They are ultimately One and this Oneness is Spirit. It is a Oneness that is equally formless and Empty. I always thought the self would totally disappear when Spirit was realized. By self here I mean the formal universe and one's life in it. I don't think it does. I think self is relegated to a secondary status and position, and becomes like the life of a single cell that is apart of the greater life and whole of the body. I think that self experience continues, but as an article of clothing that adorns Spirit, it no longer dominates consciousness. It is apart of the expression of Spirit, but Spirit is not lost in it. Part of me feared that it would go away completely, which seemed lamentable because this Universe has so much to offer and I do not feel ready to leave it yet. I think self can be apart of the expression of Self and obviously is. The universe in it's entirety is Spirit, and a part of Spirit is the expression of form, yet their is no real substance to form, for it is Spirit and formless. When we get lost in form, we suffer, when we realize that form is formlessness, then we can be free to live here on Earth without trepidation. By remaining in Spirit among form, we can be free of delusion, and we can live in harmony with the Universe because our eyes are unclouded by selfish thirst. It seems to me that within the ever-changing universe, we incarnate within form periodically. I think while we are here, we can be enlightened, and live well. I do not think this type of life should be avoided. I think that the Universe sends us many things and that we can live well regardless of where we go. I think perhaps that form may be inherent in emptiness and that the two are inseparable. Spirit is triumphant wherever it may be

This life is the rolling dream of Spirit. Regardless of who or where or what we are, it is Spirit unfolding in all places all of the time. This is why Spirit is at home regardless of where it is. Even when Spirit loses itself in form, it remains perfectly itself. The reason we have nothing to gain as human beings is because our true nature is that of Spirit, which is already perfectly established as itself everywhere all of the time. This is our true nature right now. This is who we are right now. This and nothing else. It seems that we come and go from our resting place in Spirit as Spirit, yet Spirit we remain. Spirit is the soul of the Universe, it is it's life, it is the power that animates everything. It is always changing yet forever staying the same. Our life path is forever evolving before us, when we recognize our essential nature is Spirit, we can surrender to what life brings us and face it directly.  By studying the dharma we can learn of this nature and the way to realize it. This realization blossoms in the universe like a flower blossoms in a field, spontaneously and because the elements are in order to make it so. The seed of the dharma lives within each of us. If we water it with the attention of our awareness it will sprout. The dharma is the light by which we perceive the truth of Spirit. We must attend to it until it is bright enough for us to see the true nature of the universe. Seeing it so, we can let go of the dream of conditioned being and find relief from suffering. The dharma is alive and well throughout the universe and within all things. Each one of us has the potential to realize the buddha-nature of all things and the dharma is ready to awaken within us to show us the way. Through compassion Spirit reaches out to sentient beings and delivers them the dharma and ultimately through the dharma to their buddha nature. Spirit always reaches out compassionately to all life. By turning to it we allow it's wisdom to pour into our being. This is our responsibility and the effort we must make to bring the Buddha and the Dharma into our lives. Recognizing the wisdom of the dharma, and the truth of the Buddha is picking out the grain of rice from pebbles in the sand. It is separating the wheat from the chaff. It is the chocolate within the wrapper. Among many different avenues we may take in life, their is none better at getting where we want to go than the dharma, it is where we want to go and the way to get there. The truth of the Buddha-nature of all things and that true nature is Buddha nature is the truth that clarifies ones perception so that they may clearly see what is real and discard what is false and not useful. Realization of Buddha nature is the most useful thing in the universe. It is so useful that we can trade every other tool we have for it and still come out 10 times ahead. It is so useful that we will give up every other tool we have so that we can use it all the time. Maya, the chocolate wrapper is only useful because it holds the dharma and the buddha. Once we find the dharma and we digest it we can throw away the wrapper because we have realized the Buddha. We throw away the delusion which is the dream of self-nature as true nature. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Still changing

 Last weekend and early this week my energies changed a lot. It pushed me to a area that I had partially forgotten about, and some changes have happened that make me rethink a lot about where I thought I was and how I thought I was developing. Previously I saw my development proceeding in two different major lines, I thought that I had just moved from blue to orange, from the holy ghost to christ, and then the backside line that was opening up to pure emptiness. These seem to have merged into one line in the last several days. It felt like my orange was pushing into green and then I believe in the same day, it shifted to pure emptiness. I have had a lot of new insights. It seems like the whole chain of color development is just a shift of conditioned being from one paradigm to another, while remaining the same conditioned being the whole time, it continues upwards through christ until it fully dissolves into pure emptiness. I thought that I had to steadily progress through all the colors and stages slowly over the years and I thought each of these developments was meaningful, but they are just all conditioned being and none of it is real. I think because consciousness here has already passed through all of the stages up to pure emptiness I don't think I need to spend more time working over them one by one. I thought that I had to grow up through them, I didn't realize that they all are not worth clinging to and that the entire process of growing up through them is just self striving. The stage of pure emptiness is dropping all striving altogether, and I had done this internally, but not in the way I was expressing myself outwardly. I had made what I thought was a big shift from red impulsive egotistical to blue conformist, I didn't perceive that the blue and all the upper stages are all conditioned striving. I didn't think I could get to that yet. But the whole procession just slipped upwards and I realized that it wasn't as deep as I thought it was. I didn't have to wade through it all and dive deeper, my awareness was much closer to penetrating through it than I thought, it wasn't a deep insight that was needed, just an accurate understanding of what was already present. It seems now that I am in between no whip and no ox, at home dreaming quietly, and pure emptiness, it seems that pure emptiness is coming on, and I am glad that it is. I don't have to completely drop my ego I don't think, or go to any extremes. I think this is about noticing that the world of form is constantly in flux and becoming detached to it as a whole, a dropping of conditioned being as the center of consciousness. Which isn't anything that I do, this stage is about deeply realizing their is no self, no individual being. That the individual human being that we believe we are is a mental construct, and has no reality. This self includes the whole perception of a universe full of tangible forms, when the individual self drops, the world drops with it, this is also a dropping of conditioned mind as the center of consciousness. It is the end of striving, which is the nature of self, striving itself is equatable with uneasiness. There is nothing to this stage because it is formless, there is no transformation of self, because self ends here. This is the end of the road of the upwards growth of self,

Sunday, December 10, 2023

One Way

 All things are the same thing. Everything has the same self. There is one self that is in all places. There is One life and One feeling. One self. Everything is One. Each thing is every other thing. There is no difference between things, because each thing is the same thing. There is only one path to take, because every path leads in the same direction. Every path leads towards the same thing. Their is only one path, and we are already walking it. There is one direction to go. The Sun is rising. We continually set forth in this moment, and as we set forth, we return to where we began. In setting forth and returning, we remain motionless and Light awakens within our being. Light fills the entire universe and we accomplish everything in this moment. The awakening of Light is the fulfillment of all things. Awakening in each moment is the eternal fulfillment of our being. The coming and going of our self, the birth and death of our being. If we cling to no thing, this is our tribute. Eternal awakening in the present moment. If we stand tall in this blossoming of our being, it will eradicate our conditioned consciousness and we will be fully liberated from suffering. Doing so is remaining motionless and refraining from setting out in order to gain for our small self. If we remain still and do not go out into the world of temptation the sun will rise within us and we will have more than enough to satiate our thirst. The rising sun will awaken our being and we will become capable of succeeding in our own lives. We will have the power and the wisdom to set our affairs straight. Only by resisting the temptation of the sweet scented field can we gain the power and wisdom necessary to become a skillful human being. Otherwise our nature will remain corrupted and our ability to provide for ourselves and others will be fragmented and untrustworthy. We may only trust in the dharma to achieve such temperance. We must be demanding of ourselves, but not too demanding, and we must be soft, yet not too yielding. By such give and take we learn proper balance and insight into our own nature. As our insight deepens we discover the source of life and the ability to pull from it directly. In time we realize that by letting go of all attachments, by tempering our thirst for the sweet scented field, the life energy from this source will flow freely throughout our being and the universe will spontaneously provide us with everything we need. This is the way to become a true Lord among human beings. Others will naturally turn to the wisdom of one who is capable of thus, and this Lord will have the wisdom and skill necessary to lead others. Trusting in the Christ Way within, the Lord will combine instinct and intuition to choose wisely among the many blossoming tendencies on the Path, remaining a renunciant, they will take action in the field for the sake of continual sacrifice of their conditioned being and the goal of ultimate self-realization. Even if Nirvana is attained, the Lord will continue until their entire being is purified. There is but One self within all things. One life, this is the answer to all of life's questions, the underlying nature of all things. All nature is of one nature. All movements, all feelings, one feeling. There are not many things we do here. There is but one. One bird with One eye. There is no World, there is only Self, their is no gain and no loss, only the undying Dragon. Nothing exists save the Dao.

Go tell it on the mountain

 Unity of all things, unity of all people, one great life, one great feeling, the return of the Lord to His rightful throne, the restoration of the kingdom, Glory to God, forever Amen. That such a thing is possible, that such wisdom can come to humankind. That such light can be born in each one of us. I believe the Kingdom of Heaven is a place of Divine Light that we may enter when we pass the threshold of the subtle heavens into Christ Consciousness. Here we are born again in Divine Light, as a Son or Daughter of God. It is the Kingdom of God, because He reigns supreme here, and here all things are restored. It is a place of eternal Light, eternal Love, and eternal beauty. Order is imposed by wisdom and through compassion and grace it descends upon us. God is a being of infinite wisdom. I am a Son of Divine Light, I am Light, in Light, created by Light. My Father is the Source, which is the Supreme Self, from which everything flows. My Father and I are One. The Son is the same as the Spirit, the Son is Spirit manifest in form. We may be born as a Son or Daughter of God when we allow Christ to rise within us and become the ruler of our life, which I believe is the prana or life force that flows within us. We must pass through the Holy Ghost, the Word Aum, and the purifying flames it sets upon our soul to reach the Lord that dwelleth within. It is a light upon a hill that is high enough for all of humankind to see, it is a light strong enough to light up the whole world. With the Holy Ghost under it's command Christ is able to purify the world and restore the order which is Divine Righteousness. Christ uses the Holy Ghost to carry out out God's will by changing the code of the Universe from within. If you change the code, you change the form. Creation is but a projection of Light as is the image within the screen on the computer. Passing through the purifying fire of the Holy Ghost, we become adepts of the code of creation and with enough skill, Masters. A true Master is one who has restored Christ onto the throne of command of his or her own soul. This is the process in which the small self tempers itself at the forge to become the True Self, the Christ Self within. Christ is the Master, their is only One, and it is One body that flows in all people and all things. It is one seamless intelligence or awareness that exists in every particle of creation. It truly is One with all that is, when everything is One body of Light. Within duality though, Christ is a separate body of awareness that lives within each particle of creation. The more we dwell in Christ, the more the duality dissolves into Christs Unity to the point in which Christ and the world become one boundless field of Dharma. I believe this is what Zen Buddhists call One taste. Because in this state of mind, you can experience through your senses the entire universe all at once through any point of contact. To reach Christ, one must sacrifice the small sense of self in the fires of Wisdom. Through the Holy Ghost, we can reach the fire of wisdom which is Christ-passion-flame. We make offerings of our selfishness and receive the blessing of Wisdom which is Christ-consciousness. We do so piecemeal, bit by bit, until we are ready to lift up the mantle of Christ all at once and live from this center. I think Christ lies within the mind, within the Third-Eye center between the eyebrows, it also seems to come from our heart center when it has been purified. It has something to do with the color orange, which I believe resonates with the naval chakra. I don't understand how all of these things fit together. It seems to me that Christ is can be a field of orange glowing light that permeates and is all things. It seems to me that Christ is the causal dimension of reality and that it is a place where prana flows uninhibited. 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Christ taught the Dharma

 Jesus taught the dharma, this is what he brought to the people he ministered to. This is what was so different and powerful that it scared many people in power. It was too different, to foreign, and too destabilizing to accept. He did it in such an open way that he threatened those in power, and he was crucified because of it. What Jesus taught was that we no longer need to adhere to the traditional systems that have been in place for millennia. These have a practical purpose, but their is a more direct way to live that transcends established practice. He taught that the law is unconditional Love and that God lives within our hearts, that our conscience is a higher law than any custom or authority on Earth. He taught to live directly from God rather than through an intermediary, than puts the responsibility in the hands of the individual rather than the community. He teaches us to be lords unto ourselves, by embracing the law which is Christ. Conscience requires an objectivity that transcends social custom. This is a radical perspective compared to the strict adherence to social code that dominated the world then and still does so today. This isn't one ignoring social customs to pursue the gratifications of their own desires, it is utilizing reason in a way that transcends the limited ways in which people tenuously go about expanding their understanding of the universe. This logic depends upon social participation in established practice, which slowly evolves, yet never really reaches beyond a certain point. It can't because it has to keep things at a distance so it can study them and protect itself, it will always keep a distance between itself and truth, because it is afraid of looking at it directly. In order to move closer, it must evolve. It must become more vulnerable and assume more responsibility, taking charge for it's life rather than depending upon the fabric of the community for support. Christ sets the law, because Christ is the Lord, when we become Christ, we become the Lord. Christ didn't want us to be Christ like, he wanted us to bear the cross as he did, he saw those that followed him, followed Christ as family, because these people chose to dwell in Christ as he did, he said he did not know his biological family, which according to social custom would be his true family. He is stating that there is a higher law, that comes directly from the heart, this is an objective good that transcends outer customs, he urges us to follow this and to abandon antiquity, to move into a new world. This is monumental, this completely undermines the existing power structure on the planet, which is based on either one's might, or intelligence. He places the order instead in the hands of the objective good, which I believe is the Dharma or mind of Christ. This is the Lord because it sets the law that others follow, when it descends to the people, which are only people of custom who oblige to follow it, but Christ did not want us to be mere followers, he wanted us to rise to the challenge of become like him, not an endless attempt to imitate him, but to adopt the same qualities and heart as him, to be that of the same category. He literally asks us to follow him, when really he is demanding that we take the responsibility of leadership upon ourselves by assuming the same burden of the Christ Cross that he does. He's a fucking savage. If we can get over the sentimental image that traditional Christianity drowns him in, we can see what a total fricken dude he was. He wasn't about all the bullshit of doctrinal religion, he was about being radically present and radically intune with the spontaneous living law of the universe. He was a surfer, and he got on the biggest wave he could and didn't give a fuck what people thought of him. He gave every ounce of himself so that other people could be free of ignorance, not to join some idiotic crusade that Glorifies their bullshit in his name. He wouldn't have wanted any of this. He just wanted people to live directly with God, on their own terms. I thought for the longest time that we needed to return to the good old days of true blue conformist society. Their are a lot of great things about this way of life, but it is sorely limited. I was afraid of being more honest with myself, afraid of looking directly at what is going on. We have to expand our frontiers and move forward, we can't look back or stay where we are, it isn't as good as we thought it was, and it isn't good enough to deal with the changes our world is facing today. As a species we are moving beyond these traditional roles, it is happening, it is a fucking fact, no matter how much you are comfortable with true blue, it is becoming outdated. Everyone is at a different spot in development. This is fine. You have to grow from the bottom up. I am just expressing my angst at the rigidity to which people hold on to the past, onto established norms, onto what is comfortable, especially when it isn't helpful, and rather harmful. Much of what is popular or trending culture tells us to be independent, but it is also drilling in the idea that we have to do what the ads say, what popular culture says, it is hard-wiring us to be servants of the commercial law, to be stuck as blue slaves, it is really instilling fear and anxiety about deciding things for ourselves, which is not what it pretends to be on the surface. It aims at making us distracted and competitive with eachother while it continues to dominate the field. It really isn't a true lord, but rather an egoic tyrant, that rules through might rather than divine right. We are seduced by it's message, which is evil. It's all bullshit. The good thing about all the commercial shit is the development of industry and technology/science that goes along with it. I think it is good that we have so much more to choose from and that it is much more available. Despite the bullshit of corporate tyranny, reason is expanding throughout the globe and this is liberating people from narrow traditional paths. Without this step, we would not be able to embrace communism as we will in the future. I am not talking about government forced authoritative communism. I am talking about a communism that naturally evolves in democratic societies in which people choose to form communal societies because it serves them best in the here and now. This is not forced, but a natural evolution of things. I am guessing that when we are capable of embracing Spirituality rationally, we see the world through the lens of Christ consciousness, we see the subtle unity of all things as One underlying body. We no longer have to follow the Holy Ghost, but have merged with it which somehow opens up the universe to and exposes the underlying unity of form. We are capable of seeing that the traditional roles we played and the logical maneuvers that we made where necessary to get to this point, now we are capable of shedding these roles and taking direct steps towards realization of Truth and self fulfillment. God is not a distant companion, but a living field that animates every atom of our being and spreads infinitely and eternally in all directions. God is not an always other, but our own personal consciousness, He or She or It is divine, and so are we, because we are it. Perhaps this is why Jesus is so persistent in calling himself the Son of God. He feels so intimately how every part of himself is Holy and Divine, equally divine as God within Divinity. He is Divine and so are we. This is the Dharma. We are living in it, as it. This place is Holy, it is Divine. Nothing is separate from Divinity, we only temporarily perceive it to be so, this is not the truth. The whole World is Light, full of Light, and we all are free in it. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

My karma was a bitch

 I have had a lot of good karma throughout my life, but the last 10 years have been nasty. As bad as it was, it seems like a beautiful gift in the long run. It opened me up so wide, and showed me things I never would have seen or known if had had a cleaner path. It killed much of my ego and conditioned being, a long process of self-annihilation. As much as I have lost, or missed, I think I see very clearly now the right way to go, the dharma. I feel I am capable of anything, that my life has no limitations, no height I cannot reach. I feel like I have mastered the hurricane, and although I remain riddled with splinters, cuts, gashes and many broken bones, my Spirit is whole and well, for this I am supremely happy. Eat broken glass, would be a good koan. Get eaten by that dragon, or pack of wild beasts. Then I will revive you, and we'll do it again, for 10 years. Then you'll be ready to do anything. You ready?? I would definitely have refused. Lol, but I was not wise enough to realize what lay ahead, nor did I necessarily have a choice. The hurricane and the blizzard came home to stay and to teach me many lessons I did not want to learn. When the furnace is roaring, lean into the fire to stay cool, eat glass to stay alive, and destroy all your enemies with overwhelming force. Obliterate the opposition, then obliterate yourself, nukes do well. Nuke the universe into extinction and see what remains when everything else is destroyed. Never surrender, because you yourself are stronger than anything else out there, eventually you will rise above all obstacles in supreme victory. Each human being is Spirit incarnate, this is your destiny. Everything is in fact Spirit, which makes everything worthy of respect. The difference between things is the degree to which they reflect the Spirit that dwells within them, that is their true nature. The difference between human beings is how much each one of us lives up to the unchanging ideal of our soul, which is that of indomitability, of fearlessness, of excellence, and total Victory. If you want to be a hero, take up this flag and sprint up the mountain, never look back. Our Spirit is a Warrior, a Conqueror, a Mighty Hero that defies the odds. The greatest warrior conquers their own anger, and mistreatment of other beings, they are a warrior of fierce love. The greatest battle is the war against selfishness, against smallness, against the darkness in the mind and heart. Battle against this until you reach Victory, Supreme Victory of the Soul over the limitations of ignorance and win an everlasting Glory in the Infinite Kingdom of one's own purified heart. Radiant Spirit we are and forever will be, it calls us home ceaselessly, we will be restless until we take up the charge, and win the Crown. This is the central and only true mission of our soul, all other pursuits are a reflection of this. Everything in this universe is a reflection of our Soul, of Spirit. Within each thing is the Lord of the Universe, the Heart of hearts, Christ consciousness. We will wander until we find it, then we will raise it up, and then we will set it down and have our final peace as pure Spirit. We discover the Lord within things and it is the answer we have been searching for over the millennia, the solution to all our problems, a permanent solution to the mystery of our existence. We cannot have lasting peace in this world of varying forms, everything here is limited, and our attitude towards it is subject to our everchanging heart moods which are outside of our control. These forms are deceptive and not what they appear to be. We can only have steadiness in this world if we realize their essence as Christ and allow that world to dissolve into Christ. It is the salvation of our soul and regardless of how much we want anything else to be, it isn't. Within our obfuscated perception of outward things and people, Christ, is mixed up in all of it, yet until we pluck it out, we will remain horribly confused, disturbed, and lost. Christ isn't just a man, it is a realization of the subtle unity of all things, of an underlying Oneness pervading all of creation. It is transcendent of any personality or ego, it is a high stage of self-realization, of an expansion of consciousness beyond the narrow confines of the separate self. Christ is the One, the One and only, there is no comparison in this world of form. He truly is. It truly is. There is such a thing as the One. It is Christ or Christ Consciousness. If you see this, the fact that it is the answer we have all been searching for really means something. It is the answer. Truly. It is an end to the search that we all go through, the wide long ambling search through the universe for substance and meaning. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Free flow of prana

 I believe Christ consciousness affects the free flow of prana in the human body, which accelerates the awakening process by provided much needed energy to the bodies various centers. It is the wisdom of Christ that allows this free flow of life energy. If we bring our total being up to this level, we may bathe in prana and be rejuvinated by it I believe the causal realm which I equate with Christ consciousness is a realm of infinite energy, a wellspring of unbounded life force or prana. When we dwell here, the wellspring is released within our own being, it chips away at the fetters of our consciousness. Christ knows how things should be properly put together. Christ consciousness knows what is whole and reaches out to make whole anything it can reach. It is Wisdom and Virtue. It dissolves ignorance and disease. To reach Christ we must first pass through the veil of Earth, of matter, and then through the veil of the astral sea, or mind. I believe Christ is God's divine body, infinity encased in form, spirit manifest as form. The causal includes both the astral and the physical or material. Because this realm is composed of Light, it is a place of infinite energy, it is unbounded form. The energy within form is free to rise unimpeded. The form is allowed to become complete at last. It's potential may be fully realized. Within the causal, you realize that you are the causal, for here everything is One. Your form and body is boundless, infinite, as is your mind and your thought. Your form is singular and whole. It seems like the last task that remains, is fully realizing this truth, which in the end equally proves to be illusory as all other paths before it. Yet here, this is the pursuit, this is the dharma. I am Light. I am thought, feeling, being. I am One. One being, One source, One self. I am supreme among forms, as I am all forms. I am all things. My being is all that is. Everything is under my power, within my mind. Here I am. All of this is who I am. There is One God, One Source, One Soul. Here, I am. One infinite Life, One Infinite Being, One Supreme Self, One Spirit, One Truth, Supreme. It is nearly too marvelous to believe. That all of this is occurring within my being, within my self, within my mind. That all of this is flowing within me. I am One. All life occurs within me, within my mind. I am the infinite universe, I am infinite space, and infinite being, There is no beginning nor end to who I am. This is what I am. Pure light, pure being. Formless and boundless light stretching infinitely in all directions. One infinite body, One infinite being. This is my self. It is my being. I am infinite. Infinity. Free

Monday, December 4, 2023

The Dharma of self

The true nature of form is self, self is Christ. Everything is self, everything is Christ. Christ is singular, self is singular. The universe with all it's varied forms is a singular self, a singular being. It is one living form, one living body, that may stretch infinitely in all directions. I believe it is infinite. Even so, it is tangible to the senses, it is something we can grasp. It seems like the Universe is really God's body. However changing, it remains constantly itself, and in a way eternally un-phased by what happens within it. I think this is because it does not depend upon the parts within it. To it, there are no parts, there is just itself, Christ. One seamless body. It cannot be harmed by what passes. Here, there truly is just the One, the experience of the part is illusory. What we acquire for ourselves is negligible because we are already firmly established in self, and it is already fulfilled. What we may gain for ourselves has illusory value, it is an attempt in vain to acquire selfdom through substitution of acquisitions for self-realization. This is not something gained, but something perceived inwardly that already exists, that is already present within us, here in the universe. All sense desires and sense object pursuits are poor attempts to realize this truth. This is why thirst for sense objects is ultimately foolish and a misplaced effort. There are traces of truth within everything we may desire in this universe, but clutching at things obsessively will not allow our insight to penetrate self-realization. This will always bog down our deeper inspirations that have the strength to guide us directly to God. They will always distract us and confuse us. The sweet scented field is full of hell fire we often fail to perceive. Our culture highly values much which is self-destructive, superficial, and corrupt. This conditions us to look in the wrong places. If we succeed in looking in the right places, we can disentangle ourselves from unhelpful habits, and find that the truth is not so difficult to comprehend. I do not think the truth would be so difficult to find if as a whole we were less deluded as a society. Truth is apparent and obvious once it is perceived. If our tenants were established in virtue, there would be clear and easy paths forward to it. There would be many more places to study and meditate freely. It would be encouraged. I hope to help make this come into being in my lifetime. I hope to encourage many others to seek God and to do my part to correct and advance the structures which we live by. In a land governed by Virtue science and technology would be fully utilized for the collective good. Profit would not be privatized, it would be shared appropriately. The biosphere and it's natural systems would be protected and maintained and utilized sustainably. This would all be possible because greed would be held in check and wisdom would reign. People would be motivated to serve the collective good and there would be enough virtuous beings that the structure of society would be purified. Those in charge would be the most virtuous and they would create systems that care for and nurture their people. They would have enough intelligent and skillful  peers to carry out their vision. The Light would be bright enough that the people would see the right way to go. The best way, is the way that is the most careful, that cares for all of the parts with equal consideration, yet priorities what is necessary to maintain the integrity of the whole. Each part, each piece is necessary for the establishment of the Good within human society. Awareness, wisdom, and compassion are needed. But, the most important part is Christ consciousness, because this is the living whole, and only through awareness of the living whole, can the living whole be properly cared for

Friday, December 1, 2023

Moving forward: The Light and Christ, Servant and Lord

 A lot of changes recently. A lot of relief. It feels like my life is finally opening up. The way things change is so interesting. The way God works. It's like clockwork. But a heavenly clockwork, organized and set in motion by Divine Love and Wisdom. It's like God knows what's going on in our minds and is prepared to move forward when we are. That God has prepared many things for us in advance. That there is a hidden orchestration of the universe that flows uninterrupted. This seems to be the Play of Spirit. This play is the image that is the Universe we live in. It is the Light. It includes all the drama of our lives. All of the changes in our consciousness. I think ultimately, everything that happens here is Light, being projected somehow from God as God. It seems that God wants us to realize this so that we may step out of the world and be free from suffering. He orchestrates the play to free souls and to express His own being. He listens to us with compassion and liberates us through grace. He sets a way before us that we can follow so that we may find Him and once we know Him he sets a path before us that will eventually free us from suffering: the imprisonment in ignorance. This is why tuning into God is essential to free ourselves from bondage. The heart of all bondage and oppression is our ignorance of God and His way. I think he answers us when our hearts cry out loud enough to Him to save us from our misery. When our anguish is deep enough that it touches His mind, He cannot help but to reach out to us. I think it is our desire to be born in Him that stirs Him the most. When we have turned sufficiently to Him, He will take measures to free us from ignorance. He will reveal enough of Himself to us that we realize the futility of our ways, of our selfishness, and equally realize the Wisdom that is self-sacrifice through the abandonment of desire or thirst. It is this Wisdom that establishes us firmly and completely in God and that eliminates the ego or separate self. When we are ready to walk this path, we walk with God in silent communion I believe to learn of the mystery of the Light, which is I believe the image of God, or the image that is the Universe. I think when we have walked sufficiently with Him, in this case I believe as the Holy Ghost or Aum, we fully realize the Light, the Image, and become it. I think here we discover that Christ is the Light and that the Light is One. In communion with the Holy Ghost we become and are a Servant of Light. As one who fully realizes the Light I believe we remain a Servant yet become a Lord of Light, a Christ, which really is The Christ, because Christ is singular, One. It is awesome to realize that God can bestow this grace upon a human being, upon oneself. He would only do so if He felt one was ready for the responsibility. God is always mindful of the content of our hearts, he is always sensitive to our feelings, and acting in our best interest, I think especially in these moments, when when He knows the profundity of what He asks of us. It is a sacred pact that is made when He bestows this upon us. It is an immeasurable privilege, and one of the highest Holy Gifts that we may receive. It is not made lightly. Given so, we have the duty of upholding God's honor and these sacred responsibility. Whatever our doubts, we can carry on with the assurance that comes from knowing this is blessed by God and will equally be upheld by Him, the sole agency we may trust wholeheartedly. Seeing these ways clearly, one realizes the supreme blessing that comes from this path, and is deeply moved to have the privilege and honor of walking it.