

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Logic#3 more stuff

 Logic. What exactly is logic? It is something that organizes everything. It the law or code. It seems that everything has an ideal component. This is what holds it together. This is the law that binds it. Logic is the law or code that is the basic structure of the ideal and because matter comes from the ideal, from mental, it too is composed of logic. Everything is composed of the same basic code, or same basic logic. What exactly is this basic code, the essence of logic? If the code displays mind or light. Then what is the fundamental image, the root of logic? Logic is ideal. It is unbroken and unblemished. It is perfectly composed. It is perfect order and perfect harmony. It is an existing plane that by it's nature is perfectly formed and nothing can alter this. It is an existing plane..or dimension of reality. Although we possess imperfect logic. Logic itself is without err. It is not an ideal we cannot reach. It is a living ideal that has a real place in the universe. Perfection is not unobtainable. It is a real thing, with a real location. We often just struggle to imagine it. Logic is a perfectly ordered universe, that is invisible to us because we dwell deeply in chaos, which as I have stated is merely an aspect of logic and order. Thus, chaos must also be perfect. Such must be the sublime design of God. The universe is perfect as it is, we just incorrectly believe it to be otherwise. This makes the imperfect Earth an aspect of Logic or Ideal. We may be relatively flawed according to our perceptions while we are definitively absolutely flawless. Logic is in a relative way a tool we use to create order in a relative imperfect universe, whereas in essence Logic is the existing natural state of the universe. An already existing Order. Logic remains the law by which forms are organized. What does it mean to be organized? What does it mean to be organized according the the unseen law of Logic? Organization is Order. Well orderedness is everything working together smoothly, well. Nothing is out of place. Everything has a specific purpose and everything is carrying out its specific purpose. If this is true, then everything in the universe has a specific purpose because everything is composed of and organized by Logic. Logic is the existing Order as it is now. It is the existing Law that governs creation. The Law is dictated by God, The supreme ruler of the Universe. It is His order that is Logic. Logic is an existing framework of commands that bind the universe together. One that is changing, yet whose glue remains the same. Logic is the programming through which the orders of God are implemented. It is mental, it is ideal. I am wondering if Logic is the image of God and is a mental image. I am wondering if this image is constantly changing in outward appearance, meaning that the programs (forms) are constantly changing. Then cultivating Logic as an individual is processing the Image of God which is the apparent Universe. Logic is restricted to the image itself, to organizing powers, and does not extend to that which directs the changing of the Image. That which does this I imagine may be a Spiritual Sun in the center of the Image of God that is a body which possesses the power of command. The Image of God, is the mental dimension of reality that contains the physical universe. I am not sure if this Image of God is in fact an image of the entire universe, or simply the full extent of the mental or astral universe which contains the physical. I do think some kind of Spiritual Sun resides within the heart of the Astral Universe, and this is the key to moving beyond the mental spheres..because Command is of a higher order than Logic. It is very difficult for me to image what the dimension of Command looks like, or in essence is...I think the Image of God as I see it is a solar disc that is the mental universe that spins around a center point which is the Spiritual Sun. I think the heart of the Sun may be two fold. It is the Hub from which logic emanates and orders the universe and in another light it is the center of Command which dictates the order that is the binding law of creation, which changes the composition of the astral or mental universe. Logic is the essence of the Law (really is the law), and simultaneously is the entirety of the Solar Disc, or mental sphere...somehow...

Through creation the will or Will of God descends and is known to those who are listening. I think everything may have a purpose and logic is knowing what the purpose of things are and using things and organizing things according to their design. God's Will is the manifestation of fully realized Logic, this it is the Highest Logic and perfected Logic. God's Will is manifest through complete awareness of the entire terrain of being, therefore it is the highest way. Choosing to follow God is choosing to bind oneself to the most intelligent force in the universe. A force of unparalleled intelligence. A force of unerring judgment. This makes the path of worship of devotion of developing a sincere relationship with God through prayer the most practical, most sensible path that anyone can take. God works in mysterious ways because he moves based on an awareness that extends far far beyond our imagination. It is unfathomable to most of us. This logic may seem strange and difficult to adhere to, yet it remains Logic, and is the most logical logic. Cultivating our relationship with God will bring us into the bosom of this awareness, into the protection it offers. God will protect our Soul eternally and our mind and body for a time. The protection of the Soul is only something He can offer. The soul is the primary body that we should protect because both our mind and body depend upon it for wellbeing. It is our true self and highest personal nature. It is as a soul that we commune with God, that we learn of Him, and follow Him. Without soulful being we cannot breathe, without servitude to God, we cannot sustain the breath of our soul. Our way will collapse and we will fall into darkness. Our true self wishes to fulfill the highest good on Earth, a way that is known through strict obedience to God. We cannot know this through any other way, we cannot achieve it through any other way. Through knowing Him, we may master Logic and gain the power to fully unlock the potential of our Soul. Without mastering Logic, we will err and destroy ourselves. Logic is both learning how to use things appropriately and the tempering of selfish impulse. It is impulse that drives the inappropriate behavior which causes harm and destruction. Which is ultimately self-destructive. It has it's place as a domain to master in itself, but there comes a time when it is necessary to master it with temperance and Logic. Impulse seeks to sustain the individual ego will, whereas the Highest Logic of God devotion is a drive to sustain the Soul. Ignorance leads to innapropriate behavior when we believe that it is better to serve our ego than to foster that which nourishes the life of our Soul. It is the learning of our minds of the Highest Logic of God that can give us the understanding and the prudence to take the steps necessary to temper our Will and to turn it towards the Light. The education of our mind gives way to a change of Heart. It is a kind of Soulful Intellect that is at the heart of traditional religions. 

I do not think we need to become saints overnight. I don't think we really need to temper our impulses. I think there comes a time when it is appropriate to work on this and when it is right to do. Each moment speaks to us differently. By listening we can discern what it is asking and we can figure out what we are capable of giving. Eventually I think we learn to give everything we have. To give it away forever. Because we don't really need it. I don't think it is desirable to hold onto anything. I don't think anything is desirable because nothing is what it appears to be, nothing gives what we may think it does when we come at it from the perspective of desiring it. Things are as they are, yet clinging to nothing brings lasting peace. Everything is temporary and nothing here I don't think is really real, the way we see it. What we are is not something we need to acquire, it is something we already possess. We cannot gain it. Nothing here will help us to do so. Peace is not even worth striving for. Nothing we can imagine when our imagination is a field of ego objects. I don't believe in anything that happens in this world. I don't believe it can affect me in any way. Because I am not anything that is here, because nothing that is here is real. There are many things to do in this world as we grow and evolve, but which of them is worth clinging to? Where is there substance among any of this? Nothing here has substance, therefore I cannot grab a hold of anything. This is impossible. There is no I, there is no anything. Reality stands alone. It has never been anywhere, it is never going anywhere. So how can we find it when we look for it? If nothing exists, then how can we come across anything at all, here in this wide expanse? 
This does not mean we should abandon skillfulness. It means our searching will come to no end, because there is nothing to find. There is nothing here but a vast sea of openness that extends from today to tomorrow. An endless opening. 

It seems to me that the purpose of our creature will is to strive for infinity, and perhaps when we finally break through to it, we realize we no longer need it, that it is a construct divinely crafted for this single purpose. Something else may follow. It seems to me now to be a processing of the Divine Light or Divine Image that is the Image of the Kosmos that is the Kosmos. It seems exactly the same as a computer downloading an image with a green download bar approaching completion. That there is a certain amout of data to process, and when it is processed this process is complete and of no further use. I am not entirely sure because it appears that I am somewhat away along this processing path. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Contemplating Logic #2

 Over the last couple of weeks, I have been getting myself into trouble without meaning to, without even being harsh in spirit. When it happens, I am like, oh dang! I didn't want that to happen! It feels like I slip up, but not how I often have before. Before it feels like my spirit becomes dominated by desire and I act selfishly. This is just a mistake of sums. Or a lack of foresight. We can still cause problems even if we are not coming form a bad place, because our actions have consequences that affect others. It makes me kind of sad that I am kind of fully realizing this now. I have understood this for a while, but I feel like I was in a selfish fog that kept it from fully penetrating into my conscience. I still don't see it as clearly as I could because of the same selfish fog. It is just that now I don't feel like the fog is dominating my outlook, whereas before it dominated my outlook while I was unaware that it did. I feel like we behave selfishly until we are strong enough to let go of it. I feel like in the past part of me has been free of selfishness, while part of me has not been. And I feel that there was nothing I could do about this but allow myself to be as I was so that I could grow up. It makes me sad that I have had to struggle so much to become a more mature person. I feel like living in this society has made it more difficult to do so, also just chance that caused a lot of trouble for me. I feel upset that I have been so selfish and what appears now to be so foolish. I wish I could have been a better person. I don't think I would be here though if I didn't make the choices I did. I wonder how much of what I am experiencing is because of my immaturity, or because I have reached a place of clarity and evolution that is not very common. I have done what I have done largely because I felt it was important to clearly see what is right to do, and to sincerely be at the level of your own development. I felt and feel that you grow from where you are, not from where you wish you were and the best way to get there is to start by being honest about what is really going on inside of you. If we have all of these hang ups that don't let us face who and where we really are, then it makes it much more difficult to work on growing up and becoming the person we really want to be. I don't think this is easy at all. But, I think it can be a lot easier if we make it a habit to be sincere and honest with ourselves. To take the time to figure all of this out. We always have this moment to make the effort to realize this and we will always have this moment to realize this. We can always turn to this moment to make an honest effort to improve our lives. To put us and the people around us in a better position. I think we do this by acknowledging our shortcomings, our capabilities, and being honest about what we can do to in this moment to either be less selfish, or more intelligent in the way we proceed to do something. I think more intelligent behavior coincides with less selfish behavior because selfish behavior is narrow and short sighted. It makes more sense for their to be good order in the world around us, because we depend on it for survival and well being. If the world is compromised, we are compromised. If we have the capacity to do more, then it is in our interest to do so. It is being more thorough and taking care of more of the details which are the details that can turn against us and weigh us down. Building ourselves here is building up community. It is acknowledging the value of the shared space between us. As well as acknowledging the reality of many possibly competing interests. And realizing that it is in our best interest to become civilized, restrain violence or intense aggression. We are more likely to survive if as a group we limit violent behavior and have social agreements which are social protections and pathways that we can depend upon because there is a heightened surety that they are well established and lead to things of value. We choose to participate in such systems because of their benefits over other behaviors. I think doing so is not for mere survival though. I think this is the logic that our organism has for participating, where what is considered civil mentality and civil society has an identity in it's own right that transcends survival and selfishness. They whom are civil are not just organisms who exceed at survival tactics, they are people who are individuals in a shared community that wish to participate for the sake of participating, because it is meaningful to do so. It feels good. It is good. Just as it is good to survive and good to what you want. Each in their own right. I think logic and civility are a higher agency that includes both survival and ego. Both survival and ego drives can undermine logic and society, whereas logic can enhance both ego and survival. I think it has more power to than these drives by themselves. It is a broader scope, broader and with more depth, like a reversed triangle pointing downwards with divided by two horizontal lines which split the triangle from top to bottom into three equally long sections. The triangle that is made by the bottom most section alone is survival, the triangle made by the bottom two sections is ego and the triangle made by all of the sections together is logic and sincere social participation. Each section represents and increase in depth and scope. Logic represents something new, new but old. Because here one has just arrived to something that has existed forever. It is of an order that composes the world, the world does not compose it. It is the law that is the fabric of flesh and of desire. The law by which all things work. By which all things are set. It is a mental field driven by logic. Logic is an evenness which I do not understand. It is a fountain head from which the world is set up. All chaos is but an appearance that holds the unperturbed evenness of logic. Logic is unbroken. It is perfect, ideal. I did not think such a thing as this could exist. Perfect lines, perfect shapes. It's really incredible when you think about it. Earth as we see it, is a reflection of a higher order. It's hard to imagine something drawing something perfectly. Perfection picking up the pencil and setting to drawing an image. And succeeding perfectly. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Contemplating Logic #1

 Unrelenting strength becomes mercy. It becomes compassion. It becomes the intellect. The warrior becomes the scholar and the priest. He puts down his sword and sharpens his mind. He picks up prayer and the word of God. He finds his path leading skyward. Off the ground, away from the Earth. He is lifted up and supported by the organizational powers of his mind. He is not disturbed, he is ready to proceed. Though how he proceeds may be with caution or by altogether stopping, and taking time to do what is necessary to proceed. Where he proceeds is where he is taken by the expansion of his intellect, which itself is the organ by which man perceives his environment and understands it. It is the development of thinking. Thinking intelligently. An overall intelligence. Which leads to the better organization of one's being and eventually a healthy prioritization of duties. One realizes that all human action is driven by one's degree of awareness of a pre-existing fundamental order. That although we have individual direction, all roads are fundamentally headed in the same direction, which is towards deeper realization of this fundamental order. Behavior and position are superficial. The intelligence of our behavior shows how far along we are, not what we are doing, but how we are doing it. The Earth is superimposed on this more subtle field, which is equally as real. It is a field of mind. Of mentality. It is not to be taken lightly because everything that happens here has direct consequences on the Earth plane. The center of this mental plane is the Sun. It is character development that moves us permanently closer to the Sun. Temporary gains may take us nearer, but they will not last unless we mature personally. Selfishness is rape that will eventually be reversed on us. This is why selfishness is a violation and sin. It violates the natural order of things. This mental field is influenced by selfish motive, but it itself is free from it in it's essence. The natural order of things is set by God, the Sun. His Law is the ways that everything works. To worship Him is to cultivate awareness of the natural law. The natural law is fundamentally unchanging. I believe it is eternal. There are fundamental constructs of consciousness that pervade all forms and fundamental ways that they interact with each other. This is established. This dominion is established and is unmovable. All action apparently against it is fully driven by it and fully apart of it. This is why the selfish motive must eventually submit to that which supreme of it in every sense. 

Making sense

 From the inside to the outside, around, around, again we go. Following the solar circle code. 

In the emptiness that is this moment, so much and so little seem to have changed. More of my heart has emerged, amid skies of many colors. Desire and possibility mingle with expectation and frustration as the moon tides of my soul wax and wane. The many points of my orientation attempt to speak with one voice and often fall flat. While the One remains abundant and untouched arisen in it's own field. I dance like a sparrow caught in a storm. What a time to go hunting. The lightening illuminates my skull as it flashes in the darkness. The power of the moment threatens to split me apart. Yet I remain crumbled together as I am. A stone giant looking for the furnace of restoration. May I exit a man? 
The disk revolves in a great heavenly expanse. Light being born in Light.  Here I am, waiting for the light to coalesce into a being that I may inhabit. Looking out with half formed eyes from within the manufacturing plant which is God's mind. Breathing into the progress of mind and intellect which is the formation of my being. What shall be created here? Not according to my will, but another's. Only mine when it is a worthy enough reflection of His great intelligence. Sufficient enough to momentarily direct the course that illumination takes. Fragmented like the Hawaiian islands, rooted in solid Earth, hidden by an ocean of the unknown. Am I an island, or a pinnacle of Earth? Waves of light passing before my eyes, changing the World. Currents of light, a dance of deepening expanding consciousness. Changing reality in Midnight Whispers which call upon the powers of the shaping winds. Doth any stone resist the flowing waters? Where doth it stand? Robed by the flowing waters, shaped by starlight, containing the consuming fire, the red jewels of a red eyed beast lighting up the breast of a man. Encircled by winged serpents whose scales emit a golden light. Whose voice is thunder and whose movement is a lightening strike cracking the stone of the Earth. I am Merlin, says he. Merlin is who I am. I am Thunder and Lightening, Heavy rain and Black Cloud. I am thick rock and deep Earth. I am rocks and caverns and glittering caves that hold the starlight of the heavens. Above all I am all of this. I stretch from horizon to horizon. I am the boundless universe. I am boundless Being. I am transcendent and all that is. No where will you find me not. I am all things. I am supremely intelligent. I am a sparrow darting through the storm, Lightning reaching the Earth. Thunder in the clouds. The groaning Earth and crumbling stone. Mountain and Valley. I am the craftiness in all things. I am awake. I am Sky, Soul, and Being. I am untamed and unformed. The Great Unknown the is the terror of Night and Darkness. In this Darkness will you find the Great Serpent coiled around the Red Stone, The Crystal Gem of Mastery. The Dragon's Stone, Dragon's Fire, Dragon's Breath. I am the Great Serpent. I am the Black Eagle towering high in the skies of Lightning Darkness. Unchallenged and unparalleled.