

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Logic#12 Devotion, God, and Religion

I think increasing understanding of the nature of the universe will lead to an increased sense of purpose and direction. It will also clean up my innerspace. Cleaning up the innerspace will sharpen insight which will fine tune the sense of purpose. Hopefully all in all awakening to a deeper more fulfilling being and radiance. A general fitting organization. It feels like everything is reworking in the background. I feel confident that as things get aligned with God (Upwards facing star) things will smooth out. What a blessing to know the truth about God and to be ready to have Him in one’s life. To be able to trust something so completely and to have something so trustworthy. What a gift He is in this turbulent world. It surprises me how ignorant man can be to the reality of His supremacy over all that is. Not as a tyrant, but as an even-handed force of cause and effect and unchanging spiritual law. It is this force and law that we can depend on, as well as the root of both which is He himself, the source of all things and the Highest Law. The intricacies of karma and universal design are born from God and are woven of His substance, this is why placing Him above all else is the most sensible thing we can do. All law, all wisdom high and low, is born of the Highest Order which is God’s immutable substance and being. Devotion clearly becomes a practical matter when such is clearly perceived. He traverses down through all dimensions of being and sets the entirety of the universe into motion all according to His perfect infinitely intelligent will. God’s will truly is perfect, Perfection does exist in it’s full expression as Him. It is a reality that is the hidden Reality that is this reality.

 Through devotion we transfer our allegiance from selfish pursuits to a Higher spiritual aim. It requires a change of heart, it is personal, which is why devotion suffices. We are personally enslaved to our own desires, we believe in ourselves, why not believe in something that we can trust not to continually throw us in the dump? We must change this basic belief if we are to grow beyond it, beyond belief. To do so is not a step backward, but a step forward. It is much more logical to follow God. It is insanity to follow the pre-rational whims of selfish-thirst. It is a lack of logic and reason that leads us to believe in the wisdom of self-serving ends. When we awaken to the greater body of the universe that exists beyond the veils of Earth bound ignorance it is easy to accept the spiritual hierarchy in which God is supreme and center. It is clearly visible that God’s order flows from a spiritual center outwards throughout the universe. Here, it is natural to orient oneself towards this in a devotional manner. It is through devotion that we learn of Him and His way, of the true nature of the universe, and make our way towards it’s center. I believe this is the path of Angels, or servants of God. We are caught in His current because we are finally open to His will, released sufficiently from bonds of Earthly and spiritual ignorance. Here, we recognize a path of servitude and self sacrifice or selflessness lies before us. It is through this shedding that we become light enough to behold Him.

God does not belong to any particular religion or to any kind of religion. The true religion of God is one that is not bound to outward forms, that exists within established religions yet is frequently obscured and misinterpreted, misused by them. God is an ideal perfect force that cannot be marred by those who do not clearly understand aspects of His being. He is transcendent, this is why He is God. These religions are groups of people and individuals misunderstanding, not God Himself erring. His intelligence is transrational, transconceptional, transcendent of doctrine, tradition or tenant. Religion does it’s best when tradition, doctrine, and tenant correspond to real needs of the people it serves. When it is flexible and transforms as people change. When it doesn’t meet people where they are or how they are, it becomes stagnant and decays. When it does, it thrives and the people in it thrive. I think that perhaps it is best if it is understood as an outward form that is a tool for humans to employ, but not to become enslaved to or overly dependent on. When we feel we cannot bear the weight of our conscience we often become dependent on things that do not serve us, and we over-emphasize the value of these things in a way that distorts their true value. This ends up distorting our original aim, our purer intentions and creates established practices that do not accurately represent spiritual truths. If we are afraid to fully examine the reality of our human condition, we choose to support lesser truths and to live in ignorance. God does not dwell in the half-light. He can be seen from the half-light while He shines aloft fully radiant and free. If we wish to communicate His nature effectively, we must see how it is the religion of the heart and not the outward religion of convention that leads to His Infinite Kingdom. When you recognize how naturally the heart is a devotee of the many forms of life, it becomes easy to acquire the habit of devoting oneself to God.

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